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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 2 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    Am happy for you and the others.

    Cross save won't affect me personally too much, but its great to see it for the people that will make use of it, and I have a few friends and know a few people that will benefit as well. Also pleasantly surprised they rolled this out before the end of the year. I saw plenty of skepticism (and I understand why), and it hasn't always been smooth, but very cool to see Christmas come early for many. 


    It's a great early Christmas gift for sure

    2 hours ago, TeaHands said:

    Must have been euphoric experiencing all the new details and animations lol

    Last night I connected my PC account to all my other consoles and it has been fantastic. Being able to play Warframe in any room on my Switch is a game changer. Sure, it feels like I'm playing the GBA version of Warframe, but I was genuinely impressed I could still play pretty comfortably and make out what was going on even with the new Steelpath Whispers Boss.

    Incredible work by DE, I'm genuinely impressed.

    Wow, I thought switch was going to be dead after the cross save rollout, but with your reasoning I can see many Tenno chilling on switch just so they can be wherever

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

    People seem to say possibly 5pm-7pm UK time from what i'm hearing since apparently warframe updates tend to come out around that time?

    I’m so happy you quoted me

    Granted it wasn’t direct, but yes I was that people

    12-2pm EST or 5-7pm UK 

    All mainline updates follow this pattern unless delayed or otherwise stated

  3. 1 minute ago, Mazifet said:

    personally the two biggest things Limbo needs right now are visibility and the removal of his dash portal. the dash portal just proves to be a nuisance for both you and your squad, it has no purpose.

    The amount of times I do a sick backflip exiting the rift, firing a bullet, then quickly entering into the rift, JUST TO GET RUINED BY A SHARTED RIFT PORTAL is disappointing 

    • Like 2
  4. 11 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

    Remove the rift. Replace it with something new that doesn’t give players the ability to disrupt and grief each other. 

    Remove Limbo is what I’m hearing

    This is why I said he needs a rework. Cataclysm is thought to be his “best ability,” but most of the time I never run it. His banish is a lot better with some range, especially when  paired with his third, and it goes good against nullifiers. 
    Removing the portal he leaves behind along with changing cataclysm (because I can tell you, it’s arguably his worst ability) is a step towards the “griefing” that inexperienced Limbo players accidentally do 

    Also completely random, I don’t know how this happened, but whenever I go to forums it just brings me to your homepage. Sorry about that, have no clue how to fix it. (No bookmarking the main page doesn’t work)

  5. 11 hours ago, Olovan said:

    Before someone says "Just cheese it with Limbo" the entire point of the Nightwave changes was that it was removing challenges that were unattainable to the average player or too time consuming.

    Anyone who says “Just cheese it with Limbo” definitely hasn’t used him there. 

    Just an FYI for those who didn’t know, they still move while in stasis. Jerky movement yes, but they still move closer to the goal. If you can’t kill them there’s nothing you can do. Yet more Limbo slander from the devs 

    I recommend anything gloom related, the slow doesn’t just randomly stop working unlike poor Limbo. Another thing would be Vauben. Not sure if this was a bug or not, but he can suck everyone into his vortex so long as he has energy. It’s beautiful 

  6. 15 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    With zero intrinsics (aka being completely new to Duviri), you get three choices per decree. There's only two elemental auras, and one of them is literally the single strongest decree in Duviri. So you have the single strongest decree, a throwaway, and one other decree option. So yea, if you're intentionally choosing the bad option of the three that's on you. Improve yourself, and stop blaming the game.

    I recommend ignoring this dude

    From my tiny railjack quarrel with them, I realize common sense simply goes over their head. Typical #$&(% I guess

    1 hour ago, Dunkelheit said:


    Let's move on from the personal ramblings and I will try again to give you a clear idea about my opinion. But let me at first say that I am talking about SP- Circuit, not the normal version. The normal version should be easily playable for everyone in the game, RNG or not RNG.

    1. The RNG of Duviri Circuit becomes worse, the smaller the number of forma'ed weapons you have. This is why some people like it and some don't. The smaller your pool of Steel Path (SP) ready weapons is, the more unfun RNG becomes. Same goes for Intrinsics... since this is Warframe endgame, I suggest you have max intrinsics before you go in. If you go in before, don't use that as an argument, please.

    2. The decrees in Circuit make weapons so unbelievably OP, it does not matter the situation. You can always make a weapon so good that you can pull your weight in Circuit. Maybe not from wave 1, but surely after wave 10 (which means 20 decrees, hard to believe that a weapon is still bad after 20 decrees and 3 rerolls). Even with your operator you can kill everything extremely easy with the right decrees.

    3. If you get a properly forma'ed weapon (that does not suffer from severe ammo issues like the Zarr e.g.)  in a team, it is GG right from the start. You should easily be able to reach tier 5 from tier 0 and with the right frame, you can easily reach tier 10 (or 20 or 30).

    4. EVEN IF YOU USE NO WEAPON AT ALL, it is possible to support your team in a way that you get to enemy lvl 9999, just by helping your team and not firing a single shot, with a properly equipped and levelled operator. Maybe it is fun for you, maybe it is not, but it is possible.

    5. Circuit SP is absolutely optional. You don't need the rewards or Incarnons they offer to beat the game. If you don't like it, don't play it, but please don't complain and try to destroy the gamemode for others

    6. Last but not least: I hate Kahl missions. Do you see me posting how bad they are and they should be changed/deleted? No, because I guess, some people like Kahl missions.

    Please, let us refrain from personal vendettas and just challenge the points I just made. So maybe I can understand you better. If something is unclear to you, please ask and I will try to find a better wording.



    Reasoning won’t work sir, they’ll ignore it

    Completely agree with your viewpoint though, just making sure you don’t waste time convincing stubborn

  7. On 2023-12-10 at 2:47 PM, iiReapzx said:

    So I'd first like to ask, does anyone actually use Blending Talons for the extra combo count chance? Personally, I just use it for turning Seeking Talons into an instant tap AOE, and I'd reckon that's what the majority of people use it for.

    Eh, you got me there. Forgot the combo part exists


    On 2023-12-10 at 2:47 PM, iiReapzx said:

    I think the whole combo count chance part of this augment mod is, simply put, mid. For one thing, it only works on Garuda's own Talons melee. If it gave you the extra combo count chance for any melee weapon then it would be a bit more useful and worth it. But imo this augment mods best/main use is changing Seeking Talons to an AOE.

    Always thought of it as more of a bonus, less of an actual augment change. It’s rare having augments able to do two different things.


    On 2023-12-10 at 2:47 PM, iiReapzx said:

    For those reasons, I think they should buff the AOE from base 9 meters to base 10 meters. This would give the augment the same range as the explosion from Garuda's 1st ability which would make a lot more sense as the 1st and 4th ability synergize with each other. I don't think adding 1 extra meter would be anything game breaking either, especially since this ability isn't really meant for/capable of killing (at least in higher levels) but rather debuffing enemies. And if it really came down to that, I'd prefer them to just outright remove the combo count chance part of the augment in exchange for more range on the AOE.

    Completely agree, more synergy is great, and adding one more meter or more of a QoL if anything. 


    On 2023-12-10 at 2:47 PM, iiReapzx said:

    What do y'all think? Any Garuda mains out there that would like this change?

    Would enjoy it, last thing I need is to use the augment then period ball, only to not hit the enemies with the fourth.

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