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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. More like Excalibur’s radial blind. You can see the enemies cupping their eyes with their hands. Also has the same particle affect, you just need to pass by them. The little noise you hear that when holding it is the indicator that it’s doing it’s job. You can also see who it blinds because of the yellow energy flowing to the enemy. Very quick, but noticeable 

  2. 46 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

    For the love of god, PLEASE don't use dark text (like purple) on a black background, help us who vaule our eye sight Dx

    I got you bro

    “The Whispers update has barely arrived...
    And I can't help but notice this Support package.
    Generally this type of package is sold to us for real money.
    I've been really frustrated with the low amount of cosmetic items we're being offered by Plats these days...
    This makes me think that the platinum farme is no longer of any use, (for Me)
    Cosmetics is something that really gets me excited about this game... And big updates motivate me to play and farm platinum...
    So, does this mean that we will only have the deluxe Sevagoth Skin to buy for Platinum?

    Recently there were Frost and Mag skins and other exclusive cosmetics for real money...
    This makes me think that our ingame purchasing power will reduce more and more.”

    • Like 2
  3. This is why you should always be weary of large plat trades

    If you got negative platinum you either

    A. Bought plat, spent it, then refunded it (charged back)

    B. Found a scammer who gave you a ton of platinum, then charged back just too screw you

    A is on you, while B can be fixed… it’s possible if you remember the username of the person you traded you the platinum in the first place. You can send a ticket to support about it. There should be logs about it. 
    Edit: On closer examination it seems your forums account was made less than 2 weeks ago… curious

  4. 3 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

    Yes, you'll be right in this however, it can be abused to a certain point.

    Take this for example: Someone can load into the mission, use the "Killme" command and then remain dead until the end of the mission, sure you don't get rewards for dying (loss of affinity, loss of stacks/buffs, mission rewards due to afk thing). However, people can still use it to troll, so it makes everyone do the work while you sit back and watch.

    Similar to the "AFK-leechers" method, where I know certain rewards are given to you regardless of if your AFK or not IIRC, so someone can just stay dead, not care at all and then only come back after the mission is done or close to being finished and there is the people who'll die right out, rather then letting a teammate bring them back, making the mission slower.


    But yes, you are correct there isn't a practical way to abuse it, but people will find a way. It's what people do.


    Aight, that’s a good point.

    Though a counter to it could simply be implementing  mission failure for yourself. Much like with Archon Shards. They also wouldn’t be able to get any drops (boss or not) unless they lived through it. If they’re just leeching without taking anything, I would be fine with it. It’s not like they’re doing anything but wasting their time. 

  5. 2 hours ago, MagicalGirlMimi said:

    Citation needed; never heard of this a single time, nor does the wiki say anything about this... plus, I genuinely wanna know more about this if true because I've been wanting this kinda system for some of my other frames for a while, and if they ran some kinda test then I'm curious to the reasons why it didn't work.

    The reason people didn’t like it? When Umbra gains “sentience” while in operator, he just despawns the normal Warframe and spawns a Spector. Doing so gets rid of all of the buffs you worked so hard to get, along with disabling abilities so you have to cast again. 
    Not to mention the AI is worse than an infested crawler. 

    • Like 1
  6. Maybe check the wording…  granted it’s this same outcome but still…

    2 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

    I'd not mind having something like this, but I think the reason we don't have such is cuz it can be easily abused 

    How can you abuse this? Dying in Warframe is frowned upon anyways, people would avoid it unless absolutely necessary (hopefully). 

    • Like 2
  7. 49 minutes ago, (PSN)Hikuro-93 said:

    Supposedly we should be right after the Founders, in some kind of tiers. But last I heard, very well hidden in the twitch stream comments of last Devstream, DE stated that the plan was still to get everyone on board with cross save before the end of the year. 

    So unless something really bad happens to founders (bless them), we can still hope for a fast process for everyone before DE leaves for the holiday.

    I'm hoping later today we get a December 12th release date, which gives us a week, more or less, for full cross save if nothing goes wrong. Fingers crossed, like, 50%.

    Take note of how quickly cross play rolled out after its initial release. It was 3 weeks max

    It’s possible if they keep to it

    • Like 1
  8. 57 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

    he calls the operator/drifter the "void demon", so yes he's referring to us.

    you can do this by holding the door to helminth open with your frame, then walking into the room with drifter/operator.

    as for why he says that, I am not sure.

    perhaps it's because the helminth, who is responsible for warframe upkeep & maintenance, sees us as a metaphorical/perhaps literal demon possessing bodies (we control warframes via transference), or perhaps it has something to do with us making a deal with Wally/MITW, and the helminth is somehow aware of that.

    “The demon is awake?” 

    • Like 1
  9. 51 minutes ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    I sometimes wish I was half as confident and argumentative in debates or in general in real life or the game as I am on the forums, I leave the forums and suddenly, all that unlimited power gone.

    Thankfully took classes for that, but you’re right

    On forums you get that strange sense of confidence. It could be because it’s Warframe, a game you know a lot about, or it could be the Social Presence Theory. 

  10. Whispers in the Walls, Wait for Whispers in the Walls

    Only after will they start rolling it out, it won’t even be for you unless you’re a founder

    You’e going to have to wait a while, join us, we have s’mores 

  11. 1 minute ago, Slayer-. said:

    Same I didn't know that.

    I like the randomise idea, maybe make it so you can only click it one time or maybe two and whatever pops is what you need to use.

    That’s a good idea, a simple rest button that you can use once or twice per run. It’s not like you’re going to hate everything in the loadout three times in a row, right? Right? (I can hear the complaints if this gets implemented)

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    Sorry, I had to make this in Big bold and all caps because some people here have the attention span of the "huh!" cat and wouldn't bother reading the thread before arguing with their own conclusions in the comments, no offense to anyone, it's just how it is.



    4 minutes ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    The circuit randomizer, The thing I absolutely despise about the circuit is the randomizer, I can tolerate it in normal version, but on steel path, it's just a chore, nothing less of that.
    it's one thing to cripple you by giving you harder enemies to fight, it's a completely different story when they try again by not giving you the things you want to use RIGHT NOW.

    This is why I stay away from it. I guarantee you someone’s going to say “this is why you get all of the weapons,”  but even if you did get the weapons you don’t like and build them, they’re still weapons you don’t like. 
    Of course the decrees are what’s going to carry you through all of it, INVEST IN THE DECREES


    6 minutes ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    Playing one round of normal circuit to refresh the random drop is not a solution and it's adding to the CHORE: One answer I might get is "just play the normal circuit for one round and leave to get another round of Warframes and weapon that you might use....NO! this isn't helping the situation, this is just adding to the tedious chore.

    Didn’t know you can do that. I wish it was just a randomize button you can click, but it can’t be the same items you used in the run before. I can already see the problems with that though. For one, people can just randomize their favorite 3 warframes, guns, etc..

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

    Good news is Sevagoth Prime will probably come out in next year so you might actually see some changes on him if you stick to the game. I think Sevagoth is indeed in a very usable state but the whole shadow thing just really isn't that attractive especially with the harsh ability limitation, and also the fact that Embrace (which is essentially Pull) and the innate bleed proc on the heavy claws attack are pretty much the only nice things of it IMO. Put Pull over Shadow with Helminth, use Venka Prime and tada you pretty much combine 2 of them in 1 warframe and have no reason to ever switch to the shadow.

    Wait, next year? It’s already been almost 4 years since his release? My beautiful Sevagothgirl is getting primed soon. Yay

  14. 3 minutes ago, (XBOX)Ssshh be quiet said:

    That was my main question, i am a grand master founder but nothing on the account said i was eligible. Just wondering what the message looked like is all. Thank you.

    Lucky goose, able to get it firsthand 

    Just wait for Whisper in the Walls to come out, it’ll happen shortly after if not immediately 

  15. 15 hours ago, (NSW)LeoMK said:

    why couldn't they do a system where the data of platinum spent on tennogen is saved then the artist is paid every month depending on how much skins were sold, so that would allow people who traded plat to get the tennogen skin without having to pay and the artist is still paid for their work as someone has already paid for the plat AND solve the tennogen being platform blocked, i think making us pay something multiple times is kinda greedy and anti consumer, i can see what Tencent has done to you DE

    Tennogen comes from Steam, would this benefit Steam too? I’m thinking it could, as they already do this for console. The only problem with this suggestion is we need the tennogen creators to agree with this. 

  16. Just now, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    to be fair, when you're like 6"8 and STACKED like she is, it's a lot of mass to move around. you're not gonna be that quick, but anything in your way had better GTFO. 

    she still isn't as heavy as Rhino though. my main will always hold the title of being the ultimate destroyer of bathroom scales!


    But then you got Wisp with a dumb truck that can be lugged around without being set to drive.

    It isn’t fair! 

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