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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 6 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    While I agree that higher level Excavation missions should reward more cryotic per excavator, I disagree that there's no incentive to do higher missions. Specifically, there's incentive to do them on Steel Path so that you can farm Steel Essence while grinding out your cryotic. This obviously doesn't apply to everyone (most players are casual and don't do Steel Path, after all), but the incentive is there.

    That’s true, personally do survival fissures for the Steel Essence farming, but excavation exists too. Variety is key
    Steel Path also gives higher spawn rates, but of course it barely spawns the carriers. 

  2. Now that you mention it… 

    I only see blue and yellow, almost never red.

    Chipper should also sell tauforged, maybe because DE loves timegates it can be a rotation.

    Week 1. Crimson Shard

    Week 2. Amber Shard

    Week 3. Azure Shard

    Week 4. Tauforged Crimson 

    Week 8. Tauforged Amber

    Week 12. Tauforged Azure
    Basically after every shard rotation, a tauforged running the same rotation every 4 weeks. 
    Because we all love timegates 

    Edit: I swear it’s in a rotation though, doesn’t it come with Nira? 

    • Like 1
  3. Top three snags of excavation that make you wonder why it exists:

    1. Power Cell Carriers (as you mentioned)

    2. Health doesn’t scale right in higher missions, you simply can’t sneeze during these missions because if you do, the excavator goes poof. 
    3. It’s always going to be 100 cryotic, this takes away from even bothering to do higher levels. Cryotic should definitely scale with enemy amount if we’re going to have to suffer through excavators that die in one hit.

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Slayer-. said:

    Whenever I do Disruption missions I turn off Transmissions Volume in options so I don't hear them dribbling on with crap while trying to listen for the Demo unit.



    PS My music is now off again, too distracting.

    Was referring to before that “faithful day” when I could actually hear anything in Warframe. The demo unit idea is quite smart ngl, I should try that when cross save happens. It’s under sound effects right? 

    Currently have everything off except for Ordis because of an audio glitch. It’s been a year or two now :’)

  5. 7 hours ago, (PSN)FirmBizkit said:

    I’ve read about profit taker, that’s beyond me still and the other areas still pale in comparison to Index.

    Even if they added just another credits focused activity it would be nice. I really hate Index

    Railjack is decent but can take a while doing solo - especially if the A.I. crew bugs out

    It seems you just don't like credit farming, I got some suggestions
    If all else fails, just do that infested survival on... Europa...? I think its Europa
    I suggest sorties too, they give a shockingly good amount of credits
    If you don't want to do ANY (or can't, understandable) just sell spare mods for credits

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Skoomaseller said:

    asphyxiation/water torture/waterboarding (Sea Snares)

    vehicular manslaughter (Merulina)

    dismemberment/mutilation (Aquablades)

    death by barotrauma/drowning/waterboarding (Riptide)

    the cutest girls commit the cutest war crimes 💕

    My God you had this all figured out

    I take it back, I prefer to die by bubbles then whatever this… anime girl on a skateboard is doing 

    • Like 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, Genitive said:

    It's true that chat filter is oversensitive and not capable of understanding context, but sometimes we do get the good stuff. Like that one poster from a few weeks ago who was upset they had been banned for hate speech, because they thought it was fun.

    That dude? The one on the forums in general right?  Honestly thought they were trolling, should’ve been common sense not to slur. 

    • Like 2
  8. 11 minutes ago, Genitive said:

    Or maybe people complaining about DE removing free speech after they have been banned for posting stupid S#&$ or had their forum thread locked.

    Honestly, I can see the ones being banned from posting anything in region chat. Anything you say is bannable, including breakfast. Forums threads are usually locked for very obvious reasons though.  

  9. On 2023-11-30 at 10:25 AM, [DE]CoreyOnline said:

    Hi Tenno, last Friday we shared information about major changes coming to TennoGen in light of Cross Platform Save, and why the development of Cross Platform Save forced a TennoGen slowdown in 2023. You can read that full post here:



    Makes sense, if I was a Tennogen creator I would want to know the scoop of how it’s Cross Save Tennogen works 

    Technical difficulties are to be expected

  10. 2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Congrats! You've gone through all the stages now!

    Murderer, Mass Murderer (maybe even Serial Killer if you have a certain type), Conqueror and now finaly into godhood.

    A life hack tip. If interpol comes after you and want to put you on trial at the Hague for genocide just tell them that you kill for the sake of killing and that the creed, culture, nativity or race of your victims do not matter, they are all equally respected and treated by you. Also I'd suggest hiding any shotgun, cluster bomb, flamethrower, chemical- and biological weapon (send Saryn on a well deserved vacation) and maybe make sure Vauban isnt playing with his flechette orb aswell.

    Better yet if they come looking for you, just demonstrate how you don’t judge who you’re killing, and show them an example of how you kill them all equally.

    • Like 2
  11. 16 hours ago, --N-- said:

    If you want Tennogen to work on both PC and consoles, you have to buy it twice. once on any console for platinum (and it'll work on all consoles), once for PC for real money.

    Your Switch platinum isn't worthless. You can still buy stuff other than Tennogen on Switch and it'll carry over to other platforms.

    True, deluxe skins, bundles, forma etc. are all available on switch. 
    It’s nice having two wallets because I can use one as my “piggy bank” while the other will be my immediate platinum funds. 

  12. Don’t know, but at find it funny how we had a rather large thread in the feedback about how melee sucks, and the top suggestions were an exilus and an arcane slot for melee. Don’t think it’s a coincidence, say what you want, but I believe the devs actually listened to us. 
    I am curious how this will affect exalted weapons though. I hope I can attach a melee arcane and exilus to the talons. 
    I do hope it even works for exalted in general. 

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