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Posts posted by JohnKable

  1. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

    I'd love to see someone at DE complete this riven challenge of killing 20 enemies wallclinging without touching the floor and without raising the alarms.

    This by far has to be the most ridiculous riven I've gotten in my time played in this game. Thanks

    - nevermind- sorry

  2. 5 hours ago, WhiteWingCat said:

    Yeah~ I know, but i don't think i going to use Two same thing in one Warframe....Need to keep one to buff my armor.

    well mate, its you choosing armor buff over something very close to the chance you actually want for it. trust me, the arcane is fine how it is. just thik how broken would it be to have double arcane with 30% the chance you are suggesting. 
    Perma invisibility for free.
    Its a plus, it hasnt to be reliable like it isnt the arcane guardian for armor. also at max rank maybe unreliable but when it procs gives 20 seconds and its alot- a much bigger buff than any other arcane. And as it is now, with double trickery and the right build you can almost perma chain invisibility-


  3. you can have 2 maxed on so the chance goes closer to 20% (i think its like 16-17 for atleast one to proc) and yoy have 20 secs to proc it again.
    With the right build and fast finisher weapon you can pretty much chain ivisibility forever. Also works wonders on frames with an invisibility power as a backup to fill the gaps that sometimes occur because of bad luck. 
    I have double set on my ash prime and loki prime and works pretty good. there are worse arcanes to be looked at imho

  4. 33 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

    Based Pablo. Now all we need is a timer.

    you see, it doesnt say DAY it says "morning" so we can assume if it says like "evening" its going to be night in few real time minutes.
    And if its says like "dawn" its going to be day in few minutes.

    Sure, a real timer would still be more accurate but still is a good implementation done right. Also i kinda like it being a bit vague.

  5. Maybe khora blueprints will be awarded by completing the lore fragments? You need 13x4 Right?

    4 like BP, neuro, chassis and system 

    Next level RNG . Keep in mind thai if droptables arent changed you will get an average of 1 fragment every 2 runs.

    and considering  that after few runs other rewards are trash... goodnight Equinox, grind has a new Queen

  6. So im looking for a riven like that:
    Must have

    + Damage 

    + Crit chance

    Other apprecited stats are

    + Crit damage
    + Reload speed
    + Multishot

    If it has a worthless neg is ok, but also ok with no negative. No need for super boosted stats, having low but right stats is ok.
    Preferred 3 positive stats over 2 higher good stats.
    PM me here on the forums or add ingame, possibly with already a price in mind.


    Also looking for a similiar Lanka riven, reload speed aside

  7. Le 5/1/2018 à 23:09, Lanying a dit :

    A fully modded dual cat build is something they didn't show, even when they had two chances. Infact during the last live stream I dont remember seeing her sentinal either. So far we've only seen one image of Khora with two cats

    maybe in her final release she will just have Venari kavat alone as forced companion and not as an extra companion as we expect. (tbh id really like if she could actually have 2 companions all the time and not just call venari for a short amount of time as a power)

    And maybe she is not releasing just because they want to insert a new useless mission type with 0.1% chance to drop her parts in C rotation like they did with Nidus...

  8. just do index when you get a credit booster, even with a 3h booster you can stockpile a pretty nice amount of credits. Also do medium index, it is faster and mindless grind. maybe its not enjoyable but doing it for 2h hours straight when you have a booster on saves double the time of farming when youll actually need credit and dont have a booster.
    Also do sorties everytime you see the 3 missions are pretty quick, youll get good credits and usually a decent reward for the time you spent.
    In all that the only thing i would really change is the index mechanic: it should simply end the match when the score mark is reached

    As for Kuva i agree, i dont like farming for it so i prefer farming for valuable stuff, sell it and then buy good rolled rivens from people that like to do kuva farming. And there's alot of people out there that like kuva farming.

    Overall its not that bad, you should just farm with intelligence. Farm seriously when double credits/resources are available and stockpile for the times of need and spend the rest of the time doing stuff you like.
    And here talking a very casual player, but even as a casual player i have all the relevant mods maxed out, same goes for frames, weps etc. always sitting on atleast a couple millions of credits and always atleast enough endo to max out 3-4 primed mods if needed.

  9. if you think you are a real friend to him, you shouldnt be afraid of telling him you got one at first try: just gift him your extra copy and done.

    Also maiming strike is for scrubs that like to be forced to slideattack all the time just for some damage. I will never do a such silly thing just because other people say its meta, and i can still melt down enemies of any level with ease and in a shorter amount of time

  10. the graphical limits you see arent bound to the engine itself, but are due to the fact that its a FTP game and because of that is supposed to run on the biggest amount of hardware possible.

    And when you keep an eye on potatoes you cant do too much for high-end hardware (because yeah you can scale it, but still you will never see the best looking games running good on potatoes even at min settings)

    Darn ftp games must run decently on laptop integrated graphics.

  11. Title.

    Im looking for one with high atk speed (100% or more bonus), range is also appreciated. Any other stat or downside is ok

    I might consider a lower attack speed bonus only if is 60% or more and if the price is really low 

  12. None of the pets is actually good except huras. Huras can be exploited using power casting only and gaining a nearly perma invisibility on any frame.
    Second spot is for Adarza, but if you really need that 60% crit buff there's something wrong in your setup. Even in endgame content. Its basically just to see bigger numbers and grow your e-penis

    For regular game content any of the 2 cats is ok, they arent that great but they behave much better than kubrows actually dealing some decent damage and surviving much longer. But overall sentinels still have too much utility, and with primed regen they come back to life 3 times that is more than enough survival power for any non-endless mission

  13. On 9/7/2017 at 8:09 AM, SpectreXenon said:

    Simply put. Fallout 4 which i know isnt too big, is 9.79km. Eidolon is 9km+, i say plus because the y mentioned caves and grineer buildings, and i imagine we can explore the orokin towers (we better be able to)...so...this map is far from semi Openworld. How did they mae this in 6-7 months?

    i suspect this map is going to be 3km2 and not 9km2.
    I dont think it will be big as fallout, not even close. Sure without interactive elements density is pretty easy to build a big map but still dont think its going to be THAT big-

    Fallout 4 doesnt have an enourmous map, thats true. But if you played it you know how much stuff its in there. I dont think we are getting close to that. But im still impressed and amazed

  14. 48 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    Tipedo + Harrow is awesome... So many headshots from that thing!

    Tipedo is awesome but needs a good riven to shine.
    Lesion has much better damage and Orthos has bigger range.
    Basically Orthos deals more damage hitting alot of enemies altogether and also you can run while using quick melee.
    To me Orthos has overall better feeling but Lesion pulls off so good damage than can still wreck enemies past lvl 150 really fast. its a matter of what you do, imho orthos is still quicker and more efficient for most of the content

  15. Title says it all.
    Want to buy very good rivens for both weapons.
    Supra one must have +Damage+Multishot+flight speed and negligible negative.
    Atomos must be +Dmage+Multishot and negligible negative.
    Stats may vary a bit but my offer might change alot. Send me PM here and if you already have a price in mind just ask for it

  16. Guys if you are having hard times running warframe, just try going on HD resolution. You should definitely face no troubles at that resolution even with most settings turned on.
    Unless youre playing on an old laptop with low power CPU and using a 10-years-old integrated graphics like HD 3000.
    I play the most on a desktop with GTX960 (2gb version) a really cheap graphic card and it works perfectly on max settings. And the new and cheap GTX 1050 shuld do the job too.
    I mean, with less than that you shouldnt really expect to run games... But as far as i know warframe can run in a decent way even on the latest 2 gen of integrated graphics for intel CPUs

  17. Riven disposition is balanced to my eyes, most used and already strong&balanced weapons geo the weaker disposition.

    but i think the 1/5 and 5/5 shouldnt definitely exist.

    its too unlikely to get a riven with 1/5 disposition that is better than an alteady existing common mod.

    and 5/5 is just stupidly good, some terrible weapons can outdps tier 1 weapons by 3-4 (even 10) times with the right riven.

    also not-relevant stats shouldnt be a thing. Like projectile speed on hitscan weapon. Being it a + or a -

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