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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 9 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    Duration can also affect channeled abilities cost so vice versa you can stack lots of duration and lower efficiency and still keep low drain. 

    only as long as its no lower than 100% eff....otherwise it wont matter how much duration you have for channeled abilites...it will drain energy like crazy (looking at a chroma with under 100% eff but over 250% duration as an example)

  2. 10 minutes ago, Kurokoz said:

    If you got literally only what you wanted every time it wouldn't be much of a game..

    except the rng on rivens is horrid...so we would have to get really lucky to get a riven for a weapon we wanted.....then play the rolling game lol

  3. 9 minutes ago, Valor said:

    I want Warframe to end the same way Runescape did.

    with it being split into two games ....and one group that is stuck in the past refusing to move on....just because the combat is different? :P

    OT: Unless something catastrophic happens to DE...warframe wont die or end.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Leorion said:

    Oh man! As you can slightly see to the left, the orb was the one that activated. I thought there was some kind of container inside but even after using my Ogris, and full-ranged Orthus, I wasn't able to get anything so I was super confused. Sucks how it's only a chance of opening up but ah well.


    Thank you all! :D

    Here you go..took 3 missions before i finally got the room :)


  5. 12 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fashion Frame including a Winter Solstice Skin for Titania,

    great to see this back....can you actually ADD the solstice helmet now? it shows in the skin selection image...but not as an actual selection overall...unless it just doesn't exist?

  6. while it would be nice for rare items like nitains....i'm going to have to say no...it is FAR too cluttered as it is now especially when we lose 1/2 the screen or more to loadout gear (warframe, primary, melee, amp, sentinel and its weapon, companion, and then archwing added for missions that have it (even sharkwing))

  7. 1 hour ago, -Mandachordian-Tenno- said:

    i'd propose a different approach, the higher your combo is the faster the waves would fly through the air with a max of 50% increased flight speed maxing at 3x combo counter

    except that the CC only goes up from melee range hits...and ONLY if you have Drifting Contact equipped will it stay.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Lynxvall said:

    Well you see, when your by yourself in a clan that has several members that can't be bothered to play or do events it's sort of hard to get all the bp's multiple times, the whole point of PoE is to do it with friends, but for me, I only have one I can rely on to come on, the others just... can't be bothered 90% of the time. And don't say do puby matches, pubs are the worst, and working on events like plague star in a puby match is just hell on earth.

    except for the trophy, the gold one at that (i got my clan up to silver by myself)....PS was entirely soloable...a Slova made it cake.

  9. So DE...how is THIS a stave and NOT a scythe? Is it NOT possible to be able to use staff OR scythe stances with this? (look at the Dark Split-Sword.....it has options for dual sword OR heavy blade....we havent had ANYTHING like that since)


    and how is THIS a scythe?...looks more like it should be a kama.....


  10. i for one had a ton of fun just killing the infested in an OPEN area..without needing to worry about a defense objective or Life support. I hope we get an area for infested


    i did miss the vomvalysts though.

  11. so i have a question regarding Hok's Specials

    as of this post and 10 hours left Hok is selling an infested Zaw (looks like a rapier i guess):

    will this be a permanent way to eventually get the infested zaws or will it ONLY be during the operation? I hope its the former as this would be a great way for anyone to at least have a chance at getting them...even if it is for plat.

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