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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Sacarab Armor's swarms will heal allies at 100% range 15 meters away (affected by range mods) which heals allies for the damage done to the enemy(ies) of 200 at 100% strength (affected by strength mods) for 15 seconds (affected by duration mods). afaik that is the only heal for allies, though Devour also has a single target heal for inaros and allies who 'use' the enemy trapped.


  2. the ONLY thing I have seen all this traveling for is that it enforces WHY we need an infinite charge for AW launchers...Ive only seen ONE stream get a set bounty where it was literally all within 500m of the boil.....total...none of this crisscrossing the plains for no good reason....

    As it stands now, i do 4 hemocysts BECAUSE i want it to feel worthwhile doing the crazy 2km runs....especially the 1k (USELESS...as we are ALREADY carrying the toxin in the first place) escort (which we HAVE to be within 30 meters of the drone to get it moving (really DE......)

  3. well, in DS 100 they stated something about melee weapons for operators. but i do agree with you on the lack of any kind of context related to enemies hit by ED....or even HOW LONG they are open to finishers (a simple text desc would have helped...something I've been asking for since they dropped for PC)..that being said i was not confused, as i DID know that it meant switching back to the frame to make use of finishers for melee...as literally nothing else in the game has them.

  4. Hey DE can you look at the Hemocyst spawnings? I can defeat the first 3 easily enough...but the fourth ramps up like crazy :| iirc, the level is 20,20,30,40....or was it 20x3 then a sudden 40? I normally wouldnt be having an issue...except that its HP for each part shoots up like crazy compared to the previous 3...as does its damage.....op top of the rest of the infested swarms....lets just say its an annoyance.

  5. Now that many of us have access to fighting the hemocyte...this event is MUCH better imo (i spend more time fighting it solo 4 times back to back than in any other part of the mission...which imo is fun).

    Can we PLEASE get the infested zaw parts be reusable BPs...even if you feel the need to increase the rep cost for each to 4k or 5k? (and all zaw parts in general...why they arent is quite ridiculous). Also, thanks for the standing changes...much easier to get to max rank now)

  6. also, take note that duration affects how long the wave goes out to prime enemies...range only affects the explosion radius...so there are times where you may not WANT a large duration (such as in survivals against infested.)

    as for strength mods, Blind rage, Transient Fortitude, Intensify and/or energy conversion which is basically like TF but without the - duration, though you need to pick up an energy orb before casting to get that strength.

    The first two mods are corrupted mods and the last mod is one from Cephalone Semaris.

  7. 3 minutes ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    What you want to do is the equivalent of adding an Operation Plague Star Sigil that grants xp for killing and mission completion.

    I for one am down for it...i only ran 3 bounties...and promptly got sick of it....i REALLY want the zaw rewards....but the SAME bounty set OVER and over for 80 odd runs (at around 10-15 minutes per run, depending on if archwing is used or not for the first 2 parts) is atrocious to say the least. This boil actually provided a good means of having infested in an open area and not just boring grineer over and over.

  8. 18 hours ago, Ventura_Highway said:

    The X key starts a reload if there is no context specific action available.

    Perhaps triggering these bursts could be put there instead.


    16 hours ago, Fractalisomega said:

    perhaps a dual button command.....

    Right click and Reload buttons for example....

    hmm, either of those could work for sure. I know many of us have wanted a way to manually trigger the procs, especially in stealth missions. Regarding the Use key prompting a reload, that is based on the options. Maybe if we dont have any interaction prompts the Use key could work just fine? or even Zoom and Use.

    @Fractalisomega Sorry for going a bit off topic on my 1st post.

  9. if for some reason you still cant find it, you can always select the locked exilius slot and it will prompt you to purchase or install an adapter..i think they are 20p each. BPs are aquiered from Cephelon Semaris at any relay, though that is done via semaris Rep standing (50k each....its honestly better and cheaper to just get it with plat (as it also needs a forma if going the BP route)).

  10. 41 minutes ago, Naizuri said:

    Exit because it's bugged.

    yup it was...the infested wasnt spawning properly..thanks :)

    edit: well, 2 runs and and im already bored....unfortunately. Got the badge and this is all....the zaw(s) dont interest me due to the absurd resource grind that is apart of the other zaws. It wouldnt be so bad if we werent going across the plains TWICE within the same bounty...over and over and over.....but that drone escort is just a waste imo (the general drone escort of having to stay 30 meters or less is what ticks me off) as well as the 3 minute defense (which is FAR too long imo)

  11. 14 hours ago, Fractalisomega said:

    Sounds good to me... but the problem still stands that there is no way to control the release of this "Burst" of damage

    that is true. I would think using the secondary fire could work, except that there are a few weapons with syndicate procs that have secondary fire....and we unfortunately also have to take into account consoles and their type of controllers :| (I say that due to the very limited controls....nothing else)

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