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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 1 minute ago, Spartan336 said:

    4 consecutive grappling hooks. 

    only 4? i think my most recent one was 5....all at the same time :| DE really should only make ONE Ancient have the hook (imo, the disruptor, since it really doesnt have anything special in terms of attacks apart from innate magnetic...which they actually nerfed *Magnetic in general* *YAY*:|)

  2. 51 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    Waybound nodes are changed so you only have to pay the waybound cost once, and the node is available for all schools

    so how it is now....unless you mean something else?

    54 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    Unlocking a node lets you toggle it on (or off) and all nodes default to an on state

    hmmm, so we would have every node active by default? so more or less reversed of what it is now?



    55 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:
    • All Focus gains are doubled from their current values
    • All Focus points are now universal, and all lenses lose their school association
    • Daily Cap is changed to Daily Bonus, and you earn 2x focus until you have earned enough bonus, then it reverts to 1x focus for all remaining gains that day

    I would be fine with this. though based on that last part would that then be x4 times the current value (due to x2 the current value by default)?


    56 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    You can spend platinum or Eidolon Shards to refund the focus points in any school


    56 minutes ago, Almagnus1 said:

    Lenses can be removed with Eidolon Shards or Platinum.

    would be a good use for shards.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    They were given a projectile to counter people who found exploits where the infested can't reach.

    not like it really matters anymore since once you get above a certain elevation (depends on the map the infested stop moving anyways (such a foolish move imo)

  4. So I finally got Gara and so far I like her a lot. However, i find a couple mechanics to be very useless compared to other frame abilities or how the ability works.


    Her 1st ability....i really think that it should be like Ivara's quiver and Vauban's mines. Press to use and Hold to change.

    Her 2nd seems ok, i just wish the range around her was a bit larger and that the interaction with her 4 was a bit different (more on that on her 4). Also Can we get some kind of display showing how much damage per second is being done (See 4th ability interaction)? I also think that the Damage should scale by having damage from her 4th add PERMANENTLY to her 2 for the duration of the mission. This ability is similar to Mesa's shatter shield, in that it has the 90% DR (Mesa has 95%) but instead of blocking grapples it does Damage instead.

    Her 3rd....I've read that its not great in terms of durability, though personally I've only used it against infested and tend to see some good results.....particularly for CC in a cramped space, like a doorway.

    Now to her 4th:

    A) This should REALLY be a Hold mechanic instead of this Tap to start and Tap to stop. This would allow us even great control on the Expansion of the ring. She cant do anything else during the casting anyways, so why go the route of tap to start and tap to stop?

    B) Her Interaction with her 2 should really be at the END of the Ability Duration OR when it is broken with her 1. I also think that at the end of the duration, any damage dealt should be added to her 2. As for resetting the duration of her 2 at the End, enemies cant get thru the wall and the ones that are should have been crystallized, so it is quite pointless to have it being reset at the start of the cast anyways.

    C) We should NOT have to bullet jump and aim glide to get a good TALL coverage....it should be 3-4 Meters tall AND expand down...or it should just Expand up AND down overall.....Personally, i think it should be a dome of glass, then it would be useful for the Plains.

  5. I agree that it should take terrain changes into account.

    also, considering it is similar to Nidus's 1st, i really think we should be able to aim it by holding down 1, instead of just a basic direction and aim. (yes yes, it looks like it as SOME type of expanding cone...but its not really noticeable)

  6. On 11/9/2017 at 8:47 AM, Datam4ss said:

    The Thanatos Scythe is a thing of beauty when it overwrote my Caustacyst. The Sugatra is pure gold.

    i agree with you here...I Love the look of the skin...EXCEPT for the default blue of the wisps (dont get me wrong it is nice...but its constant and thus does not mix well with literally any energy color that isnt white, blue (and its combinations and variations) or black. I like having a red energy color (especially since I can color the whole blade a blood red color from Accents, YAY)

  7. I like her body skin....but dislike her Helmet.

    that being said i REALLY think they should swap the accent and Tertiary colors....because imo any Metal looking areas should ALWAYS be accent....and unless DE decides to let us color helms separately like thy did for attachments and syndanas...it just doesnt look good at all (ie. i use the ember prime helmet due to disliking the vermillion helm...and not being able to "prime" the helmet because i want the body "primed" sucks)

  8. On 11/9/2017 at 4:15 AM, SubExodus said:


    Channeling gives 96% counterattack chance

    Kill this with fire.

    make it innate with timing a block (with no need to channel) heh

    my issue that i have with Parry is that the one faction this would be okay with....doesnt help at all as nearly every unit of said faction does not have frontal finishers/counters.

    as for other peoples' energy per second idea, i guess that could work well (i HATE the current energy loss per enemy hit, as even with a 1 energy per you will still see a lot of energy lost if being horded)....also, have you taken into account the Channeling Efficiency way on the zenurik tree? that is basically a free Reflex Coil, but without the need to lost another mod slot....and no need to slot Energy Flow (that one that gives 40% channel efficiency + electrical damage...i think that is what its called).

    Overall, my whole issue with channeling is that it currently needs a whole other set of mods....for something that is draining our warframe energy pool......why cant power efficiency play at part in this also...or even power duration....particularly since the suggestion of the energy per second?

  9. On 10/23/2017 at 7:36 PM, GrazewoundZero said:

    2. It uses and mutates ammo to both bow and sniper ammo.

    3. Sometimes, it won't mutate ammo at all. I've gone through a number of missions with a useless weapon, forfeiting the "rifle kill" bonus.  

    you DO know that it has an innate ammo mutation on it right? That being said it will only work when the bow is in use.


    On 10/23/2017 at 7:36 PM, GrazewoundZero said:

    1. An alarming, sniper rifle ... wait, it's a bow ... no, a sniper rifle, ... self-harm weapon.

    it does make a bit of sense..it IS firing an explosive arrow after all.

  10. 12 hours ago, DreamsmithJane said:

    That doesn't sound like something Dethcube can do.

    It would carry the usual sentinel utility mods, and be somewhat fragile, but never really die, I expect. Its unique precept would have to be the undying thing: temporary disabled state, can only be killed by void damage, rushes enemies, with higher ranks making it reconstitute itself faster. The homing energy bolts would have to be a unique weapon (like Helios' Deconstructor). Yeah, I think it would be fun.

    boom...new sentinel :D

  11. maybe instead of a flat damage then it would be a percentage? Past like level 20-30 the effect is only good for the status proc and the effect..the damage is a flat 1000...before mitigations...I would love to be able to store up damage over time, while still being able to make use of the effects/status...hmm, i wonder how that would work with your idea.

    Maybe a charge up period from kills while its on its cooldown (i think its like 45 seconds or something) could charge up the damage more..something like around 1% enemy hp is stored, with a number above it while it on CD?

  12. is it really so hard to leave squad? that IS what they added it for.....it will put you into a solo instance and then you can go back to cetus from there....all DE needs to do is make it part of the normal menu options instead of hiding it under the player icon and loadout status

  13. 50 minutes ago, TonyWong said:

    In devstream 100, you guys mentioned that you'd like to remove the artificial cap and help the more casual players keep up with the hardcore grinders...

    Here's my 2 cents:

    Frame everything in terms of bonuses, even if you have to adjust the base rate of acquisition.

    need more detail...what do you mean? As it stands, what they are doing is making it so we get more focus at the start and as we get closer to the 250k soft cap, we will go back to normal levels. once we go over that 250k cap, we will get much less...so theoretically a hardcore player could get 500k+ focus in a day, where as casuals would be able to get near the 250k soft cap...if not hit it.

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