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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. IIRC, that was exactly what Damage 3.0 was going to be before it got canned for the (useless and unneeded) proposed exmius "invulnerability"

    at least that is what i got from the dev stream a few weeks ago (not sure on the number)

  2. the problem is see is that you are hogging all the kills ...so of course you wont get as much affinity in your secondary IF YOU ARNT USING IT...you ONLY get xp in your other weapons based on shared xp from other players...as you said, you used melee the whole time....that is why you didnt get any where near the levels you did in the 2nd round.....maybe you should be spinning so much :P

  3. 14 hours ago, Chroia said:

    As has been pointed out throughout this thread, there's already one attached to her 3.
    It was added to Ring of Fire first last time Ember got touched.

    It's... not very good for damage.

    yeah that is true...but i see it ONLY as a visual..it doesnt do anything imo....

  4. 28 minutes ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

    its because its on a planet. meaning they cant cut the life support..... 

    based on that...the only ones that would make sense are infested (i miss the one that used to be on earth all those years ago...)

    @OP, support

  5. Just now, CherryPauper said:

    Imo it's better the way it is now. Even if it did no damage, it scales pretty well in terms of its stun time and Firequake. I can do sorties solo pretty comfortable as Ember even if my 4 can't kill them.

    thats true..its utility is good once the damage is useless heh

  6. oh sweet jesus...RNG is on a warpath lately haahah


    19 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    Meanwhile my first kavat was all gold. I miss him. Rip karat he was only 2 weeks old when he died. Cause of death was malnutrition caused by me getting distracted. 

    should i assume you have the incubator upgrade segment now?

  7. 20 hours ago, Virotoxic said:

    I say adding a fetch mod to pets would allow for some buffs to lesser sentinels too


    28 minutes ago, KazeUindo said:

    I am down for that, but then your pet would be "fetching" instead of fighting/distracting. I'm still leaning towards some sort of pick up mechanic they could have with a mod. 

    Chesa for kubrows has the 'fetch' mod and its complete garbage.

  8. 10 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

    The damage is not significant enough to kill you at max health, but it can take a decent chunk out of it if the frame is not tanky. 

    depends on how you have your javlok moded...Ive got mine modded for gas + high crit dmg at 50% crit...lets just say if im not careful i oneshot myself...because at minimum im doing ~2500 and with a 4.4x crit dmg....it hurts..a lot....i really think the javlok's self damage should only do a max of 100-150 damage, because its not fun when either an npc or a player gets in your way right as it fires and boom, you go straight to revive screen lol

  9. 28 minutes ago, Sin1989 said:

              Suggested Tweaks

    - For linked enemies still giving aura buffs to nearby enemies : Completely neutralize any aura buffs that an enemy may have while they are linked to - Ancient / Eximus units should have their auras completely disabled for the duration of the ability.  Alternatively (which I prefer), Have the linked enemies grant their auras to you and the rest of your team instead - like how Nyx's Mind Control makes those temporarily-allied units grant their Aura buff to squadmates who are in range.  Either option would fix the issue imo, but forcing a linked enemy to grant its Aura to you and your team would just be icing on the cake, not to mention incredibly satisfying.

    how it should have been from the start... .as for the larva one, the whole point is to get the enemies in range and clustered up...make it so ONLY nidus can kill them, let the teammates do damage so in the end it still helps nidus get his stacks...though it would be nice if weaker enemies were killed then the larva would try and pull more enemies in to replace the dead ones during the duration.

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