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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 5 hours ago, BlueTunicLink said:

    The toxic ancients aura does the oneshotting. 

    that was my other thought also...except for the fact that this also happened on the venus DSS and that one only has ancient disruptors. There is also the fact when i did die on the mars DSS the only things around me where chargers, leapers and runners as it was only about 1:45 into the mission...its just odd considering that this is happening quite suddenly..as I've never had it happen before even when i was around toxics....and even then it was only after they hit 50+

  2. On 3/12/2017 at 6:13 AM, WhiteGemini said:

    been a while since i used it but when did primary fire get self damage, Javlok is a complete pos now as is every self damage weapon :(

    i noticed that also...particularly today....


    On another note..is anyone else that normally fights infested (even starting at low levels) getting one shotted out of no where? was literally just in a DSS on mars (not that high level...i play it all the dang time) and at first it was my gas built javlok...but it isnt as 2 revives later i was using my rad=viral euphona prime and died instantly for no reason what so ever.....its been VERY consistent all day today no matter the frame OR weapon, so i can only assume its something to do with the infested. I first noticed it when i was using my Seeking shuriken Ash build, Hema, euphona prime and RDD....and it was so consistent that today was the first time i ran out of revives EVER since the revive update in a mission *used my 5th life to get to extraction....at a mere 20 minutes on ceres DSS*

  3. 2 minutes ago, Momo93 said:

    Harpak is quite far from it, it shoots small bolts in a burst fashion and it's secondary mode is a harpoon which can pull in enemies. The whole weapon is just so underwhelming. Almost all stats are trash on it and the secondary mode barely pulls in anything and doesn't even work on most enemies because they just ignore it.

    ah, ok...and that was why i couldnt remember it..it was true master fodder lol

  4. the main reason excal's passive works with the Dual Zoren, Dual Kamas, Dual Kamas Prime, Dual Cleavers, and Twin Basolk is because they all use the twin sword stances as they do not have a stance of their own (would be nice if they did imo)

    personally, i would go as far as making his passive affect ALL melee weapons due to him being the "sword" master...in this case all his powers ARE melee based (his blind is CC but make melee really great)

    that being said one weapon type that SHOULD be added to his passive is thrown weapons...because the original excalibur, Haden Tenno used the glaive as his main weapon.

  5. 32 minutes ago, AbbadonAlpha said:

    I think that would be nice to get a timer on it, that would increase Status greatly, but i also think it would be freaking OP ( Just imagine peacemakers and that added status chance.. ) . I think we should stick to the idea of a single shot, but make it more powerful or have more utility ( Like knockdown, aoe effect, punchtrough, armor removal.. )

    EDIT: I really like your idea, but it seems to strong for a simple first ability.

    personally, i wouldnt make it affect PM...if it did then it would be reduced by 50% or more due to her high rate of fire and already high damage....but at least if it WAS changed to a timer it would be used.

  6. personally..i think it should do what it currently does, but as a timer based buff so it works for more than one shot....maybe with a build up over the duration of the ability..starting at 10% damage and status increase (with the augment) and ending at 100% with say, 5 seconds remaining (base, with higher duration making the 100% buff last longer...maybe up to 10 seconds max?). Have it at a base of 15 or 20 seconds at max rank. And apply it to primary and secondary weapons so its at least useful...or even just secondary weapons to fit her theme more.

    I always forget she even HAS a one as i NEVER use it, even after using a forma.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Bibliothekar said:

    Maybe I'm a bit slow, but I still don't get why a radiation weapon should be good for Saryn.

    shouldnt derail the thread BUT...its not the status but the aoe explosions...which would pop all of saryns spores rather easily...while still being a good all around weapon.

  8. After having used it quite a bit today (now that Ive had time lol) 2 things NEED to be changed...

    A) Get rid of the Damage Fall off on the Alt Fire. Why? Because it has a SHORT range anyways...there is NO need for damage fall off at such a low range..

    B) Make the Alt Fire toggle...I grea tired of using the Alt fire due to always needing to press my middle mouse wheel...other guns that have an alta fire are a toggle...so why no this one? how hard would it be to change this...

    oh and one more thing

    C) Having to mod for EITHER Crit OR status for One gun that has two entirely different fire modes AND stats is ridiculous....we should be able to mod for both if you guys plan on going down this route with Alt Fire weapons as it will add more variety to combat.

    ie. Kill a guy really close with the shotgun blast, then switch to the long range crit aspect to take out some one that is out of range of the shotgun blast (which is pathetically short). BUT because I modded for status over crit, its a very lack luster shot compared to the close range shotgun blast.

  9. 12 hours ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Btw, good thing i stumbled across this again. Gas IS great, in a appropiate context.

    What makes Gas unique is the fact that it does not only scale from basedamage, like most status types do, but rather takes all damage modifications AND multipliers into consideration. That's but medicore for primary and secondary weapons but pretty much unbeatable for melee. All those combo multipliers, stealth, even finishers(? i think)...it scales off ALL OF THEM, releasing a short ranged aoe.

    Keep in mind tho that it's best fit on weapons with a elemental status base... Try the lacera and do a 99% status gas build. Paired with frames that hoard enemys together? (mag, vauban, nidus) - Best weapon.

    dont get used to it...I heard that people have been..."complaining" about how OP it is...something about the x8 multiplier stacking like 3 times when invisible (through all sources) so it was getting up to something like x512, which is why its superior on a crit/status melee weapon, or even any melee weapon.

    it'll likely get nerfed (FIXED) to x8 (which is FAR too low imo, should be x32 at minimum so its still somewhat viable)...personally i think Gas should do much higher damage compared to other elements as its just an AOE toxin....which sucks on anything that cant hit hard....particularly on primary and secondary weapons (lanka not withstanding as its the only one i know of that can actually give Gas a great time)

  10. 11 minutes ago, Kuestenjung said:

    If it doesn´t show at the reward screen how many times you have the items then your game is broken, which I highly doubt.

    its probably because i never have the prime parts in the first place heheh...I'll keep an eye out next time.

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