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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 1 hour ago, Kiyomaru-EN- said:

    Maybe like having it limited to 10 "revives" or something like that.

    i would rather it not be limited to x revives per mission....having an increasing timer is far better, especially if you get mobbed by high levels or (in a lot of cases) it gets destroyed while still loading in to a pug. There was one time where i was doing a pug inter, loaded in and saw that my sentinel had lost BOTH of its regen in the time it took to load in.

  2. Just now, AEP8FlyBoy said:

    Because they've been spending all these months working on the War Within.
    It wouldn't be very hard to lock that setting down just while the quest is being re-run.

    But it's mostly the War Within. > _ > 

    heheh...true, very true...but warframe is also still in development (permanently from what it seems lol) so they may go back and 'fix' it up once they can

  3. 15 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

    2. Why are Operator dialogues allowed during the quest that is meant to reveal them? I know that there is a setting in the audio options for it, but it should be turned off by default for future runs of the quest in my opinion. This is the real lore breaker actually.

    because its a REPLAY.....hard to really disable things that are part of the system after being unlocked....why do you think its taken this long to get at least Second dream as a replay.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    Ash is a very versatile frame, good for teamplay or soloplay. He's also one of the most sucessful Melee frames.

    His first ability, Shuriken, deals slash damage and inflicts a nasty Bleed (except on Ospreys). The Augment Seeking Shuriken strips enemy armor, while not reliable for horde armor stripping it comes really handy on Bosses, specially on Armor Sortie Boss. It's also a decent damage ability in Conclave, though the trackign is weaker and requires you to aim.

    His second ability, Smoke Screen, provides a short stun in radius (affected by power range) and increases melee damage (as long as you don't bump into an enemy). The augment, Smoke Shadow, makes Smoke Screen cloak allies too (Duration affects how long it lasts and Range affects the radius). In Conclave it breaks if you attack, collect an orb or ammo or if you take enough damage (usually near lethal damage, but still), and lasts only 5s, but increases your mobility by 0.4 (and that is a LOT) so it's good for escaping or doing an ambush.

    Teleport is very handy for closing the gap with your enemy and oneshoting key targets (unless they are under the influence of an ancient healer aura). You can also use it on Bleeding allies for a quick rescue by using teleport>smoke screen>revive your ally. The Augment Fatal Teleport makes the execution automatic and bypasses the Ancient Healer problem I mentioned while increasing Finisher damage by 200%, which makes it likely to kill anything while refunding 50% of the cost (good for builds that don't feature efficiency). It also works with Covert Lethality, so a dagger-wielding Ash can go around oneshoting everything.

    Blade Storm is one of the best killing abilities while having cool animations (though the camera angle can be problematic if you have Berserker or Fury). The animation speed is affected by melee attack speed mods and Blade Storm contributes and is affected by the Combo Counter and Body Count/Drifting Contact. The Augment Rising Storm makes it even better by granting 100% Combo Counter duration (if you have both Body Count and Drifting Contact using an augmented Blade Storm gives you a whooping 50s combo counter). Don't use it when there are Ancient Disruptors, Oxium Ospreys or Napalms as they are near impervious to Blade Storm and will leave you locked in an attack loop until the ability runs out of attacks. Careful use or not use at all on Radiation Sorties.

    In Conclave is a rather "meh" ability, mostly because it has short range and average damage (and because Conclave Finisher damage doesn't ignore shields) and the fact that it can be missed (if you are out of range or don't aim right you waste energy). Goodish to kill frames like Inaros or Valkyr tho.



    Well you have 4 options here:

    Full Duration: to boost Smoke Screen at the cost of Range and Efficiency

    BladeSpam: Full efficiency and low duration to maximise Blade Storm. I've seen people stacking PowStr with Blind Rage and Transient Fortitude for some f^cking reason even though a good melee with Body Count/Drifiting Contact and default duration are way better since you can cast Smoke Screen and BS already does a lot of damage from the melee coutner

    Balanced: just add a bit of every positive mod and some stats.

    My Build:

    Steel Charge (aura), Handspring (Exilus)

    (P) Continuity, Rage, Vitality, Steel Fiber/Redirection, Armored Agility/Enemy sense (depends if it's a run&kill mission or a stealth) Quick Thinking, (P) Flow, Misc (Augments, Sure Footed, Pain Threshold, Stretch, etcetera)

    wow this was very informative....havent played my ash prime in a few months as BS was sadly the only thing he was good at until he got his fatal Teleport augment, which as you said is great with a DC dagger...particularly a dark dagger with the syndicate augment.

  5. 4 hours ago, (PS4)THEROTTINGDOG said:

    I am sad that only the Huras keeps kill count, seeing all of your kubrows is pretty awesome. I feel like some people who don't like Kubrows don't understand precept mod configuration. Nice to know I'm not the only Kubrow lover here, one thing I love doing is using augment cards on Ember or Saryn and casting on my Kubrow sometimes we even cast two different kinds of powers on our kubrows like Frost and Ember so now you have a Kubrow that does 100% extra blast damage.

    dear god.....that is the only thing i can see those augments useful for now hahaha

  6. 3 hours ago, JyuDragon said:

    3. Looter mod not working when Loki is invisible.

    sentinels wont fire while cloaked from any method..that is how they are due to stealth and sentinels not being stealthy lol

  7. i honestly think the one thing that could be changed is how long we have to prepare for his actually threat...3 warnings that take about 20-30 seconds total...PLUS about 5-10 seconds just for him to finally start going on the hunt...more than enough time to be mentally prepared to not freak out...which, even undergeared in terms of weapons is easy...if your in a frame (i think they made it so he ONLY appears once your frame is rank 10+ (and mastery 5)


    maybe 2 warnings like the other death squads from the syndicates. and some way to make him faster at getting going once he spawns.

  8. On 10/30/2016 at 1:26 AM, Cortanis said:

    If you mod Pox for blast and corrosive, you will most definitely stunlock and strip off the armor to the point of the targets not being able to literally do anything besides continually fall down. It's quite funny actually.

    fun as hell against infested until stupid Healers show up and negate all the damage....though i wish their aoe was larger and longer duration

  9. 3 minutes ago, Floppinger said:



    Once you figure out to run away from the spinny thing, Shadow Stalker pretty much can´t kill you anymore.

    It becomes a gear check whether or not he can outlast you.

    well when your leveling gear and have to jump around like a rabbit just to not get hit.....i managed to take Shadow out with explosive despair....after he had adapted to my other weapons.....and i was in Equinox at the time on a griener galleon run...most of the time he isnt that hard, but like you said, you have to be properly geared....geared to fight sentients....

  10. 7 hours ago, Floppinger said:

    DE could also just give Shadow Stalker some sort of throwing knives. Imo regular Stalker with his bow was more of threat than Shadow Stalker is.

    no thanks..its bad enough that if you stop moving he WILL get you faster than you can react

  11. 35 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    Would rather Stalker's finisher to consume all revives with no ties to MR. This would ensure consistency and equal punishment for all.

    When Stalker defeats us, it should look as if he is trying and hoping to cause a death to the Tenno through a traumatic feedback. The finality and threatening message of his taunts feel empty with the way it's currently handled. If Stalker wins, we simply go into bleedout then get revived if we're with a squad or revive immediately while he is still going on with:

    "It is done. You are no more."

    so a true mission failure....makes a ton of sense actually.

  12. 17 hours ago, tbeest said:

    With the system proposed in the latest dev stream you will still have to use a relic every 5 waves. Which means that you might as well abort at 5 waves and go back in. 

    and this is how it should be....why should I have to go into say, a survival planning to go for say, 40-50 minutes, and NOT use multiple relics...compared to what it is currently its far better...as for the key system, while yes it would be nice to have it back in some form, i knew i would NEVER use all the keys i had if it was only used one per run to get multiple parts.

  13. oh, so i was thinking about a possible change to the provocation augment....


    A) As I stated, make it charge at 0.5% to 1.5% per kill...great for getting it chraged from all the fodder enemies


    or B) TIME BASED...just did the DSS on Venus....it took me 15 minutes to get it to 50%...the whole point of survival or any game mode really, is to not get hit....

    if it was made time based ramp up, then i would say up to 90 seconds to get a full charge of 80% (at 200% Power STR). This would be reduced by power strength (as to have a good build for this you have to be running low duration)

    now the timer would passively be counting up as long as Equinox is in her Night form, if she changes forms then it goes back to 0, even if she switched quickly....i say this because getting knocked off the map and force respawned shuts her abilities off as well...which would result in having to build it up again this also applies to getting into bleedout ...though if you have to use a revive then it would also restart at 0. This way, you do get knocked off the map it will still be at full strength.

    If you run out of energy, the timer will not count up....just did a DSS on jupiter and the stupid parasitic units sucked my energy down (from 525) so fast that i couldnt keep it going and had to evacuate (note: these units should NOT be draining energy un less they have LOS, imo)

  14. I've been trying the peaceful provocation pacify...and honestly..it absolutely sucks to build up...25 damage for 1% is utter garbage...should by 25 damage for 5% (yes 5%) especially against something like infested (where this absolutely SHINES) I may not be running 200% STR...but its still 72% max for my current build (will post once i max her again, just forma'd)....The infested become absolute cake to fight (did a 45 min solo apollo...only reason i left was due to synoid sim being on the wrong build.)


    Dar I say it...but having to take damage to slow the enemies down is stupid...should be kill based at 1% or even 0.5% per kill.....as her Day form is damage based increase, you can get to max REALLY REALLY quickly compared to Night form.

  15. Personally..channeled blocking has sucked since they did away with the stamina bar...especially with a certain frame (im looking at you excal) with his auto block "feature" on EB....dont you dare channel or poof, no more energy. even with a weapon built specifically for channeling it still sucks to all ends of space.

    I LOVE blocking, especially against infested (stops those pesky non-stop hookshots if your not using handspring), but that is only one faction where channeling is...decent...as your not dealing with hundreds of bullets flying around.

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