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Everything posted by MerlintheAgeless

  1. Invuln during capture has never been a thing. However, if you have your melee out in quick melee mode, you can still auto-block incoming projectiles where you're looking while capturing a target.
  2. Title. The Health bar is only visible when directly looking at it. The health bar should show up on the UI below the minimap just like every other defense target in the game.
  3. I hopped on this morning and saw I had the Torid as an option for DA this week. I ran some SP Circuit with a friend, and when we went to start EDA my Torid option was now the Hind.
  4. it was -50% *base range* so the correct numbers are Unaugmented: 19m * 280% Range = 53.2m Augmented on Release: 53.2m (same as base range) Nerfed Augmented: 19m * 0.5 * 280% Range = 26.6m New Augmented: 14m * 2.8% Range = 39.2m
  5. that nerf is fine, what we want back is the ability to stop Baruuk from gaining Combo on Desert wind so he can use the Glad set from his melee. Otherwise we have to completely change our build to Wrathful Advace setups to crit again (that'd take 4 Forma personally), and that's bad for balance, having multiple ways to achieve the same goal is healthy for a game like this.
  6. Exists in Netracells too. Literally every time I had that tile, it had this issue.
  7. Combo Duration now has a minimum of 0.1 seconds. This completely breaks a lot of Baruuk setups and severely nerfs his damage. This change was not listed in the Patch Notes, so I'm hopeful this is a bug, because Baruuk absolutely did not need a nerf.
  8. Intended, unfortunately. They tried to remove that last update, but it didn't work. They got it this time.
  9. Fixed being able to Heavy Attack mid-air. Now mid-air Heavy Attacks will perform a Heavy Ground Slam as intended. I was in the Patch notes (under TOP FIXES), it just doesn't specifically mention Exodia Contagion. Unfortunately, this is working as intended.
  10. Edit: Wait, Nourish is a percent boost not a multiplier...are they changing something? or did they just write it weird?
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