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Everything posted by isbergen

  1. Siphon is now completely and utterly outclassed by Energy Nexus. It was bad before, now it's just a joke.
  2. Depends on frame. Shield gate is 1.33s at ~300 shields. I believe those lasers are out for longer than that. Also once shield breaks once, the gate time decreases to almost nothing until shields are regenerated. But as stated above Arcane Nullifier solves the issue so it's definitely the magnetic procs destroying shields quickly.
  3. Yes, the boss and also mumur fodder "ignore" invis. They can't directly target you but they will "sense" you and chase you in whatever direction you move. On a boss this is some DE cheese mechanic, but on fodder enemies it's just BS. Just more of DE's "balance" mechanism of taking things away from the player.
  4. Another +1: New Profile after x-save merge is a new PC account: https://forums.warframe.com/profile/8985463-isbergen/ And my old PS account that has 700+ forum posts is in-accessible, even if I log in use PS credentials instead of DE email login. https://forums.warframe.com/profile/5586007-ps4isbergen/
  5. It's not a boss power it's the energy waves and the lasers -- they proc magnetic which strips shield and slows regen. Use Arcane Nullifier. Please. This is Warframe we are talking about. There's already solo sub-5m clears of this boss on Youtube. The only reason it takes that long is because of the crazy damage mitigation on the boss.
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