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Log in Dailies: Rerevisited.


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11 minutes ago, yarl5000 said:

Group 1 would be just based on total days logged in, would let you show off just how long you have been logging in but no impact on game apart from fashion

Group 2: Set to a 30 day cycle and on day 30 you get to pick an item, but you can't pick like two weapons in a row [so you could do Zenistar > Prime Vigor > Azima] but with items locked behind mastery/quests

Ahhh i see what you're getting at ... but all roads lead to content (get it muahaha) sadly a lot of fashion is locked behind Tennogen and related things where they cost flat currency and not platinum ... running out of content fairly fast otherwise.

What they should do is allocate the 30day rewards as currency ... save up 3 30 day rewards and get weapon of your choosing.

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2 minutes ago, Errodin said:

Ahhh i see what you're getting at ... but all roads lead to content (get it muahaha) sadly a lot of fashion is locked behind Tennogen and related things where they cost flat currency and not platinum ... running out of content fairly fast otherwise.

What they should do is allocate the 30day rewards as currency ... save up 5 30 day rewards and get weapon of your choosing.

Token based systems is a stable in MMO games. I'm not sure how I see it in Warframe. But I think it would be possible. We have the foundation for it to work (Syndicates, Darvo, Baro, etc) would require several minor reworks I am sure. But could help in the long run. But I don't think it should be exclusive to log in rewards.

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6 minutes ago, JaredWolf said:

So essentially, add time gated prestige from log ins, remove all resources, and keep the milestone system but every 30 days instead?

No keep the resources they are the rewards during the 30 days you are logging in for the nice rewards.  I wouldn't call the cosmetic items prestige more of a dedication reward.  You were dedicated to log in X times.


4 minutes ago, Errodin said:

Ahhh i see what you're getting at ... but all roads lead to content (get it muahaha) sadly a lot of fashion is locked behind Tennogen and related things where they cost flat currency and not platinum ... running out of content fairly fast otherwise.

What they should do is allocate the 30day rewards as currency ... save up 3 30 day rewards and get weapon of your choosing.

Yeah that is the problem.  Easish solution would to make one armor set and one syndana that change over time or each time they come around get a new one that is fancier than the last one [more gold]


1 minute ago, JaredWolf said:

Token based systems is a stable in MMO games. I'm not sure how I see it in Warframe. But I think it would be possible. We have the foundation for it to work (Syndicates, Darvo, Baro, etc) would require several minor reworks I am sure. But could help in the long run. But I don't think it should be exclusive to log in rewards.

Apparently DE isn't a big fan of tokens for things

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1 minute ago, yarl5000 said:

No keep the resources they are the rewards during the 30 days you are logging in for the nice rewards.  I wouldn't call the cosmetic items prestige more of a dedication reward.  You were dedicated to log in X times.


Yeah that is the problem.  Easish solution would to make one armor set and one syndana that change over time or each time they come around get a new one that is fancier than the last one [more gold]


Apparently DE isn't a big fan of tokens for things

I can see the "fancier" version of an armor/accessories cosmetics. Similar to my example in Runescape with the capes. You get a basic cape that is still cool looking. Later it gets a cool gold trim, and then even more later you get some cool VFX on it too. Also like the Gold Trim on armors and such.

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Just now, Errodin said:

Indeed it is a fickle subject. Sadly DE is gonna take heat in whatever they decide. There will be tantrums, there will be tears of joy ... we'll just have to sit back and see.

For sure. They're treading water right now with this. But with the current culture of the internet being Outrage culture. It makes it feel even more worse than it is.

I personally think they could just leave the log ins as they are. Maybe adjust quantities.

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12 minutes ago, JaredWolf said:

I can see the "fancier" version of an armor/accessories cosmetics. Similar to my example in Runescape with the capes. You get a basic cape that is still cool looking. Later it gets a cool gold trim, and then even more later you get some cool VFX on it too. Also like the Gold Trim on armors and such.

Yeah and all it would let you know is that the player has logged in a long time which is cool and great for them.

10 minutes ago, Errodin said:

Indeed it is a fickle subject. Sadly DE is gonna take heat in whatever they decide. There will be tantrums, there will be tears of joy ... we'll just have to sit back and see.

Yeah and 2 major groups are out there.  Low login people who want the fancier stuff sooner than 2 years, and the Mid login people who don't want to get screwed out of things they are close to getting [looking forward to my Zenistar tonight]

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1 minute ago, yarl5000 said:

Yeah and all it would let you know is that the player has logged in a long time which is cool and great for them.

Yeah and 2 major groups are out there.  Low login people who want the fancier stuff sooner than 2 years, and the Mid login people who don't want to get screwed out of things they are close to getting [looking forward to my Zenistar tonight]

Hey man. Where is my group. People who try to spam close log ins to get it off my screen. LOL.

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12 hours ago, Errodin said:

Well it is a difficult thing but it's also not "consecutive" days either now is it? 

And tbh, players should be grateful for that feature, I've played plenty of games with login rewards that reset if you miss a single day AND have stuff tucked behind a high number of consecutive days.

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30 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

And tbh, players should be grateful for that feature, I've played plenty of games with login rewards that reset if you miss a single day AND have stuff tucked behind a high number of consecutive days.

Which games are these? If they're old games that haven't had the system updated I don't think they matter.
But all the games I've played, the progress doesn't reset.

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2 minutes ago, JaredWolf said:

Which games are these? If they're old games that haven't had the system updated I don't think they matter.
But all the games I've played, the progress doesn't reset. 

It might have changed since I last played them (only really bother with warframe these days due to time restrictions due to work) so there's no point saying names but out of the games I've played very few if any have had a system which doesn't reset if you miss a day like warframe.

Whether it's an old game or a new game does matter imo because not all of us expect things to be given to us without effort, the ones who think like that often come from older games (and are older too) where you actually had to work for what you wanted rather than the instant gratification after paying a few quid out that many 'younger' players expect in current games. 

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47 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

And tbh, players should be grateful for that feature, I've played plenty of games with login rewards that reset if you miss a single day AND have stuff tucked behind a high number of consecutive days.

I've played those games too, but i dont remember if any exist anymore either. 

It's honestly a generous feature but i might've said in this post or another, those days do eventually reset if you spend enough time away. Ive been playing for 5 years, on and off but only have 273 days logged up since i started back up in the PoE update.

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15 hours ago, JaredWolf said:

Greetings Tenno,

So I've been having some thoughts, and after seeing a lot of people ('veterans') complain about the mock-up of the daily login system, before we even got real solid information. I waited for DE to release more information. They finally have. Have the complaints of the veterans' and sympathetic new players' been heard? No, quite the opposite actually. This new system doesn't just mess with veterans; it also messes with everyone in the game. Before starting I'd like to state this is all my opinion, and can be 100% incorrect. So please comment below and tell me about what you disagree with.  (Tip, there is a lot to read here. And I write as if I am speaking, so it might help to read it with a lot of pauses, and not straight through like an essay)

We need to cover some bases before continuing about the log in system. First and foremost, what the veterans' have been saying. Why are they complaining? Because they clicked [Play] for 900+ days to get all their rewards. And with the new changes, it seems someone who just started playing, at 100 days can now get what veterans' had to wait 300 days, or 500 days, etc. That is a bit of a slap in the face. What else is there to be heard? Prestige. This fancy word people like to use a lot in the MMO Genre. So lets take a look into that; and a few other definitions.

  • Prestige: "reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes. Distinction or reputation attaching to a person or thing and thus possessing a cachet for others or for the public"  (Urban Dictionary this, I think you'll get a laugh, I know I did).
    Cachet: "a sign or expression of approval, especially from a person who has a great deal of prestige."
  • Veteran: "a person of long experience usually in some occupation or skill".
  • Reward: "something given or received in return or recompense for service, merit, hardship, etc.".
    Merit: "something that deserves or justifies a reward or commendation; a commendable quality, act, etc."

I've put in bold the words that I feel should carry more weight. Prestige makes you stand out, based on possessing a cachet. (Cosmetics rings a bell, doesn't it?) And you get prestige by earning it through merit, success, and achievement. Lastly, a veteran is simply someone who has a lot of experience; usually dictated by time spent to gain said experience.

So with all of that said. Do people who reached a time-gated milestone, sound like a veteran? Does that sound like something to be rewarded? That depends on every single situation; it was a trick question. There are people who've, since the start of the log in system, logged in and played hundreds to thousands of hours. But there are also those who simply just logged in at reset, gotten their log in credit, and logged back out. There are plenty of people in-between those two extremes. So that question can't really be answered without a strong bias. Loyalty also gets tied into this. Can reaching the milestone for logging in show personal loyalty? This is not a trick question, the answer is no. Because of what I explained above.

So we're going to continue using this basis. Time spent != mean loyalty. Nor does it mean you're a veteran, or warrant prestige In the terms of log-in.
We're going to drill that in once more.

Prestige is from achievement and merit, which is shown off by standing and possession of something. In which veterans will 'tend' to have.

Lets take a look at one of my favorite, and least favorite examples of Prestige.

Runescape: Cape of Accomplishment. As the name sounds. It is a cape (cosmetic) that you can wear after achieving an accomplishment (obtaining a max skill, or completing every single quest). To get that max skill (level 99) you need to play the game for a pretty long time doing something. In the time it took to get that, it is highly unlikely that you are new, or inexperienced of that particular skill. Taking this even further, when you get another skill maxed out the capes will change graphically. They will look more fancy with a trimming around it. And players get specific emote when wearing the cape. There is another version, for a "master cape of accomplishment" and this simply makes the cape have more visual effects. (All versions provide ingame effects depending on the skill but they're not some game breaking advantage either).

Guild Wars 2: Legendary weapons. At release, these weapons were one of the coolest obtainable weapons you could get. They had visual effects when you equipped it, when you ran you left special footprints, they had unique audio effects, and certain skills effects visually change to reflect that you used that weapon. Having one early on showed that you clearly played the game a lot. You knew where to farm and what events to do etc. But as time went on, there were hundreds if not thousands of people who would convert real life cash into premium and then in-game cash; and simply buy the legendary itself (off the market from someone selling one they made) or the materials needed to make it, and then click a few buttons and make it that way. This was completely legal due to how the way ArenaNet made their premium cash store work. But those items lost prestige instantly as soon as the availability became more public. Due to cash conversion, and ease of availability.

There we have two examples of what makes, in my opinion, a good example of prestige, and bad example of prestige. Now at this point you might have connected the dots a little bit. The second example sounds a lot like what DE is planning with the new log in system. They have thankfully reverted their idea of selling these items, but it doesn't change the fact that they'll be as easily obtainable.

Both examples show the achievement of the player. But one cannot be bought, or fast forwarded to obtain it faster. This is what helps keep prestige effective. It is only natural that something obtainable by any, will eventually be obtained by all. The original people who got the skill capes, or the legendaries, felt cool and prestigious. But if you look at the game now. Its almost as if you get it for making a character after buying the game. This is nearly unavoidable, I certainly cannot think of something, without bouncing ideas off the drawing board, that would fix that. And truth be told, the current, or planned log in system does not give that guarantee either. Eventually everyone will get to the 1000th day log in, and it won't feel special anymore. Log-in Rewards should NOT contain "prestigious" items. In all honesty, Log-in rewards are a catch-up mechanic.

So hopefully this clears up prestige, which is mainly what the veterans want. Something to show their dedication and time investment into the game. But remember, time investment isn't the only part of the formula to prestige.

Going onto the next subject, yes you read that right, there is more to read. All of what I put above, is for the Veterans'. Its time to talk about the new players.

What is it that new players want? Quick answer is "everything under the sun". But they mainly want to play all the content in the game and not be stuck in the "starter" content zone. So this is the reason developers started making catch-up rewards. to keep new players invested into the game, by giving a false sense of accomplishment. You didn't earn those, you were given those. New players will always want the "shinny things" that everyone else has. Which effectively increases, but in the long term removes, prestige. You feel good when someone asks you about your prestigious item. But odds are, it won't last forever; and that's okay.

I know that was really quick for new players. But to be honest, that isn't my target subject to this giant post.

There were things that added prestige into warframe, no one said there wasn't. Excalibur Prime, Vandal Set, and all the other event based, or founder based items. But Lets be real here. Excalibur Prime is statistically even with Excalibur Umbra (After getting rejected to give everyone Excalibur Prime, they went ahead and did it anyway, but made him look cooler). Naturally this wouldn't be that bad of a problem. Everyone has Excalibur Umbra, he was given out for free. Only the founders still have Excalibur Prime; but his visuals are extremely outdated. The Vandal sets are given out in alerts for all to take, so that is no longer prestigious either. While there isn't really anything to do for the Vandal set there is still something you can do for the founders. Give Excalibur Prime a complete VGU (Visual Gameplay Update). Make him look really cool really stylish, and maybe touch his passive and skillset (maybe not change his 2, but change his 3 or 4) Could make the visuals of his Exalted Blade look more flashier than Normal or Umbra variants. Ask the founders' what they'd like to see done to their Prestigious Excalibur Prime. As for Veterans' who aren't founders, this obviously won't do much for them. So this will bring us to my suggestion to the log-in system--after I talk about log-in systems as a whole.

I mentioned catch-up mechanics before. Log-in system is one such mechanic. It's suppose to help players catch up to the veterans' and existing player base so they don't feel excluded or stuck in quicksand. Does giving them a once semi-exclusive weapon/mod catch them up in warframe? I mean with the Zenistar they certainly can play like a veteran by hiding out of LoS and spam skills and the Zenistar (I kid, I kid). Jokes aside, no it doesn't. So what should a log-in system look like then? Lets take a look at one that I think did it correctly.

  • Guild Wars 2: Log in System.
    Their system for log-in works well because nothing is too advantageous, and nothing is prestigious. But a downside could be, its the same rewards every single month. No "RNG" to what you'll get like in Warframe. Maybe I get credit booster, maybe 10000 credits. Guild wars 2 on the other hand. Offers crafting resources, and other things to help progress your account faster, level up scrolls, Luck (to "increase" drops), cheap cash shop items, like access bank or market anywhere, exp boosters, drop chance boosters, things to transmute gear appearances, etc. After you reach 30 days, which doesn't reset on you if you miss a day, the log in rewards reset. And its the same as last month. This system will help new players catch-up not by having things given to them, but giving them the means to get it sooner. This is the system I suggest Warframe uses for their Log-in System.

With that out of the way we can start the main subject. Warframes' Log-in System.
I suggest that the log in rewards be nothing cosmetic, or usable weapon/frame etc. But instead give chance at resources harder to obtain. And these % chance will change with Mastery Rank.

  • Low Mastery Ranking:
    • you have a higher chance to get things, like Gallium, Tellurium, Neurodes, 90 minute boosters, credits, etc. All things that you'd commonly need to grind at that Mastery Rank.
  • Medium Mastery Ranking:
    • At this point you'll need to be either grinding more quantity of what you've already been getting, or you'll need to start getting new resources. So; you get less % chance to get those resources from before, but you get higher amounts if you do get it. At this point you also get Endo, 2 hour boosters instead of 90, Oxium, Mutagen Samples, Cryotic, Forma blueprints, and 20-50% platinum discount. With a slight chance at Nitain Extract.
  • High Mastery Ranking:
    • At this point you no longer get things like Gallium, Tellurium, and all the more common of rare material. But if you do, once again its a huge quantity. You get more Endo, 3 hour boosters, More Oxium, Mutagen Samples, Full Forma/Reactors/Catalysts, higher chance at Nitain Extract, and a chance at a good chunk of Kuva. You also get 50-75% off platinum instead of 20-50%.

That is just a rough idea. Something I thought of right before making this post, after reading the blog post by Rebecca. So it might not be balance, or coherent. But as writing it, it makes sense on paper. Now if this was to be the new log in system, you're probably asking one main question right now. What happens to the current rewards of the present system? So excluding the normal rewards and looking at whats really important; the milestone rewards. My suggestion is to place the Primed mods on Baro's list at a much lower chance than normal primed mods. And the weapons and cosmetics items, to be not removed from the game. But left with the people who've already received them. This way, you get to keep what you took the time to log in for, whether it was simply click and get, or actual log in and play time. And without being able to get it anymore, it will add prestige to the item. Especially the cosmetic rewards. The new rewards wouldn't have the same problem, and would be rather future proof. Veterans' get their prestige, and new players get their catch-up mechanics. At that point its up to DE to not mess up and give people these items at a later date.

Two more things to note before I sign off on this massive post.

A problem with the proposed new system, is you're possibly furthering someones reward (This looks like it would be fixed according to Rebecca's update to the proposed milestone rewards, but is still worth noting). So I recommend that of the day of the update for the log-in revamp. Everyone unlocks their closest milestone (unless they're nowhere close. Like if they're at 456 the next milestone is Zenith. They wouldn't unlock it, but if you're at like 486 then you're pretty close so you'd get it). Not to sure on this part here, but I think it would be fair to people?

Lastly, I feel this change would help all, instead of hurt all. Because players will be able to farm new frames, weapons, riven rolls, etc sooner. And its more oriented towards how useful that resource would be towards your general mastery rank. But all of that can be changed based on balance. But with all this said. I'm not sure if it is best to leave everyones log in days the same. Or if everyone should be reset to zero. Technically this won't cause a problem, as there aren't really any Milestones anymore. (Unless we want milestones to be something like massive quantity of things. Like 10 Forma, or 50k Kuva etc).

To all of those who read this all. Thank you, and I hope to see what you have to say in the comments.

The only problem with the current system, is the entitled little noobs having no patience. That's it.

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3 hours ago, Errodin said:

It's honestly a generous feature but i might've said in this post or another, those days do eventually reset if you spend enough time away. Ive been playing for 5 years, on and off but only have 273 days logged up since i started back up in the PoE update. 

That's likely because roughly a 1000 days (just under) ago with update 18 (according to wiki) they changed the login rewards to the current system, resetting existing players login count to zero (with no compensation or anything from what I've read, I wasn't here then).

Actually if you look at the 'first iteration' of login rewards you'll see that it's likely where some of the idea's for v3 are coming from. 

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21 hours ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

The only problem with the current system, is the entitled little noobs having no patience. That's it.

Did you have to quote the entire post just to say that? LMAO.
I'm not on either side of this entire "drama problem". But trust me. Entitlement is as strong on both sides of the coin. It isn't a problem with Veterans, or "noobs". It is a problem with a vast majority of the current generation (Millennial). 'everyone' wants everything, they want it now, they don't want to work for it. Sorry but clicking play is not Effort. No one will convince me of that. I don't care if you had to quit your job to get your 800th day, or break up with your partner to have more time to log in. Or do some weird international morse code black market trade to get someone to let you log in while you were away from your PC.

That isn't effort, or prestigious. That's a red flag that you have a problem. But yes, kids nowadays have no patience, that is true (on both sides of the coin).

19 hours ago, LSG501 said:

That's likely because roughly a 1000 days (just under) ago with update 18 (according to wiki) they changed the login rewards to the current system, resetting existing players login count to zero (with no compensation or anything from what I've read, I wasn't here then).

Actually if you look at the 'first iteration' of login rewards you'll see that it's likely where some of the idea's for v3 are coming from. 

I honestly don't think any iteration of this log in system has been good. People are taking for granted its even there in the first place. There 'are' still games that don't have a log in system (probably because its subscription fee MMO). But no one complains "waa I'm not being rewarded for logging into your game". But the proposed changes we were just given of this WIP iteration, are by far the worse I've seen. Worse than Black Desert Online.

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4 minutes ago, JaredWolf said:

I honestly don't think any iteration of this log in system has been good. People are taking for granted its even there in the first place. There 'are' still games that don't have a log in system (probably because its subscription fee MMO). But no one complains "waa I'm not being rewarded for logging into your game". But the proposed changes we were just given of this WIP iteration, are by far the worse I've seen. Worse than Black Desert Online. 

While I'm not saying the scaling rewards are any good (they're pretty low value) the scaling rewards is a nice addition and in all honesty the changes being proposed are the 'fairest' option DE can do to not make veterans feel completely screwed over (the focus on 'newbies' at the expense of 'veterans' is becoming far too frequent for many vets) by having wasted in some cases nearly 1000 days to get something a newbie could get in a few days farming...  at least DE saw common sense and removed trading (for now)

I don't mind not having a login reward system, in all honesty the rewards are pretty pointless outside the discount codes and boosters for an MR25 player, but I wouldn't want to see the weapons gained via login rewards given away without any time investment. 

I wouldn't mind if they changed the weapon/primed mods to rewards for time played where you can get them after x hours played in game (DE measures this already) as long as they make it equivalent (averaged) hours to what those at 800-1000 days have played (for reference I'm at 820ish and around 2000 hours last time I checked).  Those that were originally here would be able to get their stuff due to their previous hours and new players would still have to put the time in to get to get theirs.   In theory new players would likely get their starter stuff quicker because most new players will play for longer periods than veterans will. 

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On 2018-08-21 at 8:27 PM, JaredWolf said:

Time spent != mean loyalty. Nor does it mean you're a veteran, or warrant prestige In the terms of log-in.

Yeah that's where your logic fell apart. 


Unfortunately the opposite also does not hold true. Time spent can mean loyalty, it can mean that you're a veteran, and can warrant prestige in terms of logins. It's not always true but it's also not always false. 

To say that we must strip any reward for those things because people who may not truly warrant it exist, is to attempt to deny the accomplishments of those who did. 


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2 hours ago, JaredWolf said:

Did you have to quote the entire post just to say that? LMAO.
I'm not on either side of this entire "drama problem". But trust me. Entitlement is as strong on both sides of the coin. It isn't a problem with Veterans, or "noobs". It is a problem with a vast majority of the current generation (Millennial). 'everyone' wants everything, they want it now, they don't want to work for it. Sorry but clicking play is not Effort. No one will convince me of that. I don't care if you had to quit your job to get your 800th day, or break up with your partner to have more time to log in. Or do some weird international morse code black market trade to get someone to let you log in while you were away from your PC.

That isn't effort, or prestigious. That's a red flag that you have a problem. But yes, kids nowadays have no patience, that is true (on both sides of the coin).

No, didn't have to, but I'm using a phone as I don't own a pc. Just made it easy on myself and figured you didn't have to read your own post, cause I would think you already knew what you posted.

I'm not supporting either side of the coin, I don't think it should stay the same because of exclusivity nor am I delusional enough to think logging in requires effort. I think DE should have left it alone, because there's far better things they could spend their time on, than giving little timmy a choice on login reward, so he'll stop crying. As I've made several posts about, rivens are just flat out awful, the idea is good, but the implementation is pure poop, armor is the only thing in the game that makes enemies tough and slash is the only physical damage time worth anything in higher level content. The eidolons are so easy you can complete all in a night solo, even twice, 4-6 times in a team. We got a long list of bandaid solutions, which just seem to get longer. List goes on and on, yet little timmy who have no understanding of warframe mechanics wants his zenistar faster and he wouldn't even understand how to use it anyway or for that matter how to build it, this means wasted development time and no solutions for actual problems.

That's my problem with stupid changes like the login reward. Entitled little timmy and his friends are not actually making warframe better by crying about irrelevant things, has nothing to do with I don't want them to have it, I think it's kinda stupid it's a login reward in the first place. That being said, it is, leave it there and work on some of the problems in warframe.

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Login Weapons and Mods: Give the Weapons and Mods to Baro. It will remove the major debate from the flawed / and possibly still flawed system. Have Baro bring these login rewards every time he arrives. Baro already brings Prime Mods and Unique Weapons. So, why not. However, acquiring these weapons "now" no longer gives weapons slots and blue potato and costs ducats. Vets got their's free with bonus perks for being active.

Login Rewards (Daily): Respectable amounts of Kuva / Endo / Rare Resoucre(s).  (W.I.B) the numbers, based MR or Days Logged In, whatever. But absolutely NO CREDITS. Relics (Any Currently Unvaulted). If are wanna keep Booster, for the love Space Mom, allow the time to only count while in missions, (actively using it) or atleast allow us to decide when to claim it to start the timer.

Login Milestone (Every X Days): Forma (x3), Potato Combo, Adapter (x2), Riven (Rando), Kuva (X,000), Endo (X,000), Vaulted Relic (x3). (W.I.B) the numbers.

Login Unique Milestone (Sigils, Cape, Armour)   Leave them day gated to each of their respected day counts. Every other game has unique items for major events, account anniversaries, game or player milestones. We only got: True Day Zero: (Founders Stuff), Primed Chamber (Unique Event).

Edited by IcyJalapeno
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:

I like how that's what you're commenting on, but the actual topic you don't input on.

I'm glad to hear that.😊 Unfortunately it means that you didn't pay much attention to the posts on the page. 😔

You should have looked at the one immediately above what I quoted. ☝️

Just in case you were wondering, I did that particular select-quote-reply on a phone browser. 😉


Anything else? 

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

I'm glad to hear that.😊 Unfortunately it means that you didn't pay much attention to the posts on the page. 😔

You should have looked at the one immediately above what I quoted. ☝️

Just in case you were wondering, I did that particular select-quote-reply on a phone browser. 😉


Anything else? 

Same thing im using, you can just scroll up and press quote 😉

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On 2018-08-23 at 1:10 PM, IcyJalapeno said:

Login Weapons and Mods: Give the Weapons and Mods to Baro. It will remove the major debate from the flawed / and possibly still flawed system. Have Baro bring these login rewards every time he arrives. Baro already brings Prime Mods and Unique Weapons. So, why not. However, acquiring these weapons "now" no longer gives weapons slots and blue potato and costs ducats. Vets got their's free with bonus perks for being active.

Login Rewards (Daily): Respectable amounts of Kuva / Endo / Rare Resoucre(s).  (W.I.B) the numbers, based MR or Days Logged In, whatever. But absolutely NO CREDITS. Relics (Any Currently Unvaulted). If are wanna keep Booster, for the love Space Mom, allow the time to only count while in missions, (actively using it) or atleast allow us to decide when to claim it to start the timer.

Login Milestone (Every X Days): Forma (x3), Potato Combo, Adapter (x2), Riven (Rando), Kuva (X,000), Endo (X,000), Vaulted Relic (x3). (W.I.B) the numbers.

Login Unique Milestone (Sigils, Cape, Armour)   Leave them day gated to each of their respected day counts. Every other game has unique items for major events, account anniversaries, game or player milestones. We only got: True Day Zero: (Founders Stuff), Primed Chamber (Unique Event).

1. I don't think Baro should get the weapons. The mods I still agree with.
2. Depending on the amounts, because remember, its just logging in.
3. Aside from the vaulted relics, I agree, depending on balance.
4. Can also make new flashy special snowflake skins for the owners of these things before the changes, weapons included, to make them feel special.

On 2018-08-23 at 11:53 AM, (PS4)NicolaiBM said:


I agree, there are lots of things even I'd put on a higher priority than log in rewards, or even frame fighter. Many of which you listed. But Little Timmy, and Big Boy Jonny whine and moan too much.

On 2018-08-23 at 10:38 AM, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Yeah that's where your logic fell apart.

Unfortunately the opposite also does not hold true. Time spent can mean loyalty, it can mean that you're a veteran, and can warrant prestige in terms of logins. It's not always true but it's also not always false. 

To say that we must strip any reward for those things because people who may not truly warrant it exist, is to attempt to deny the accomplishments of those who did. 


Yes time spent can mean loyalty, Veteran status, or prestige. But logging in does not.
I suggest rereading the post. I will say, I apologize there is a typo. "In terms of Log-in" there is suppose to be a period before that sentence.

Time as itself does not mean any of those things. I can have a founders pack, doesn't mean I'm a veteran. I can have 990 days logged, doesn't mean I am loyal. I can have both of those things, it doesn't mean I deserve prestige.

That whole sentence you quoted, was referring to time spent, on the foundation of logging in. Not time spent in game (this whole thread is about the log in system after all).
Hopped that cleared anything up. A bit tired right now so my thoughts might be a bit fuzzy (the amount of times I had to reread for typos, was more than I'd like to admit).

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14 minutes ago, JaredWolf said:

Yes time spent can mean loyalty, Veteran status, or prestige. But logging in does not.
I suggest rereading the post. I will say, I apologize there is a typo. "In terms of Log-in" there is suppose to be a period before that sentence.

Again to say that the number of logins isn't an indication of loyalty is true, but it also isn't an indication that the opposite is untrue. 


Just because you can have lots of logins and be a person who does not really play, does not mean that there aren't other people who do log in and play regularly. To say that "because there are people who are undeserving, nobody deserves it", is not a good step to take. 

Edited by (PS4)guzmantt1977
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