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Exodia Triumph and Melee 3.0


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Exodia Triumph - increase channeling damage from 1,5x to 2,5x

My plan was, once I manage to build 10 arcanes to reach those stats --> go slash and status melee on Inaros (for CC resistance) --> profit. I don't care much about how un/viable it will be. Berserking around with high attack speed and leaving glowy traces makes my warframe look quite apocalyptic.

What will it that arcane be reworked into once channeling is gone? I keep waiting for the rework because I don't want to waste my time and resources just to see it reworked into some trash.

But I'm kinda impatient by now. Feeling gated out of my build by something that's not RNG, skill, formas or potatoes.

Any advice or info?


Edited by Uthael
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All current channeling related items (mods, special weapon effects etc) are going to be reworked to be relevant to the new system. How exactly for individual stuff is still yet to be displayed.

Not really sure what advice to give. A lot of people are also kind of hanging on more info for this rework for a better idea how to proceed with their build goals.

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6 hours ago, Uthael said:

Exodia Triumph - increase channeling damage from 1,5x to 2,5x

My plan was, once I manage to build 10 arcanes to reach those stats --> go slash and status melee on Inaros (for CC resistance) --> profit. I don't care much about how un/viable it will be. Berserking around with high attack speed and leaving glowy traces makes my warframe look quite apocalyptic.

What will it that arcane be reworked into once channeling is gone? I keep waiting for the rework because I don't want to waste my time and resources just to see it reworked into some trash.

But I'm kinda impatient by now. Feeling gated out of my build by something that's not RNG, skill, formas or potatoes.

Any advice or info?


You can either build it now and enjoy it for awhile with the knowledge that all things end eventually or you can leave it alone and pursue other avenues of play and weapon building. That's it. The Dev blog detailing the changes to all things melee won't drop until probably right before Melee 3.0 does, and there's a pretty good chance that'll land closer to Fortuna's launch, or even alongside it, than before.

FWIW, if you've already got the mats together to do it, have at it. You've wanted to do the build for awhile, right? The fact that it might change in a week or month or a year shouldn't stop you, not anymore than the knowledge that you could die a dozen different ways at the hands of just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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I don't have the mats yet. Saw no point in grinding them.

But I will. Thanks, man.

'Tis only a game. Now I won't have to be mad. Even if it ruins it as I'm building the 10th arcane.


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1. To my knowledge, there has been NO definitive statement of what is happening to channeling. A workshop is not a definitive statement, and WF is known for doing about half of what they say they are going to do. Get really tired of the "done deal melee 3.0" misinformation being spread. If there has been a definitive statement that is not just spitballing, please correct my error, would like to know about it.

Why would they spend the time and resources to do away with channeling given all the massive changes that would require? What is the ROI? Why not just tweak channeling and buff some of the mods? Much easier and better solution than some global complete rework that seems like a waste of $$.

2. I have been using Exodia for months now, both Triumph and Valor (and especially exodia hunt on polearms and hammers). As a player who specializes in melee, correctly built, fast zaw staves with zenurik channeling cost reduction are among the most powerful, if not the most powerful, melee weapons in the game against high level mobs over lvl 100 currently. Perma channeling with obscene damage while lifestriking is possible while maintaining energy to cast powers.

3. Now, of course MS whips are still king up to X level and trash clearing depending on what frame powers are in the mix. After that point, zaws, especially fast Twirling Spire polearms with hunt (and the exodia staves), take over in a big way, allowing fast killing with extreme CC at the same time, something most MS weapons don't do well.


Edited by Buttaface
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  • 4 weeks later...

A bit necro post but i'm kinda in the same situation waiting to see how it'll be before crafting 10 of them eventually. And since it's the only post containing Exodia Triumph in the title, i'd like to ask a question on it to those who have tested it for a while now : Did you test this max rank to see if a hit that kills with a proc still counts as a proc ? Only have a rank 1 / 10 and in ESO it seemed to proc the effect a lot less while chaining slide attacks (= OS most mobs) vs attacking normally in-between slide attacks.

I'll cc @Buttaface since (s)he's the only one in the thread that mentioned an usage of it. Just a note though. Channeling as we know it is clearly gone with melee 3.0, they stated it multiple times. It'll morph into a supercharge thing that you'll be able to release once filled, like a big AoE (at least it was their plan). I hope things like Life Strike will still be usable as i rely a bit on it sometimes (mostly high level content obviously, where you can be destroyed in half a second). Even if there's still Healing Return that could work, especially on Saryn.

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22 hours ago, Harestation said:

'll cc @Buttaface since (s)he's the only one in the thread that mentioned an usage of it. Just a note though. Channeling as we know it is clearly gone with melee 3.0, they stated it multiple times. It'll morph into a supercharge thing that you'll be able to release once filled, like a big AoE (at least it was their plan). I hope things like Life Strike will still be usable as i rely a bit on it sometimes (mostly high level content obviously, where you can be destroyed in half a second). Even if there's still Healing Return that could work, especially on Saryn.

Listen to me speculate! It's fun! 

But I believe that some of the channeling mods will turn into heavy attack mods (such as life strike) whereas others might turn into trance mode mods (such as this Exodia, that might increase damage during trance, and yes I'm calling it trance for reasons, it has no official name)

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 2018-10-01 at 3:25 AM, Harestation said:

A bit necro post but i'm kinda in the same situation waiting to see how it'll be before crafting 10 of them eventually. And since it's the only post containing Exodia Triumph in the title, i'd like to ask a question on it to those who have tested it for a while now : Did you test this max rank to see if a hit that kills with a proc still counts as a proc ? Only have a rank 1 / 10 and in ESO it seemed to proc the effect a lot less while chaining slide attacks (= OS most mobs) vs attacking normally in-between slide attacks. 

Glad this topic didn't get auto-locked yet. I've finally collected 10 and assembled them into one that's max rank. So, I decided to go and test this. Tested on Level 1 Ancient Healers in the Simulacrum, with a 100% status chance melee, so they're standing still and I have no other chance but to kill them with a proc... Also made sure to hit only 1 of them at a time. Yes. Killing them with a proc can cause the arcane to trigger.


It can only trigger upon applying a status. Damage ticks from poison, for example, won't trigger Exodia Triumph. Even though it says "On status effect" and it keeps ticking.

Conclusion: the faster you keep attacking, the more chances to trigger it. Don't worry about OSing mobs.

I really hope that Melee 3.0 doesn't limit the function of this arcane to slow attacks only. But we'll see.

Edited by Uthael
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