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Dojo Remaster Contest [Winners Announced!]


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Clan name = Midnight Brigade

Clan tier = Ghost

Clan platform = PC

Your Clan role = Founding Warlord

The Dojo was designed and constructed by me and my Clan members

Design, Architecture : Xevoza - Founding Warlord

Design, Architecture : DesDC - Warlord

Design, Architecture : Ironian - Senior Member

Please find our video below:
 Midnight Brigade Dojo Showcase

Here are the HI-RES photos:
Midnight Brigade Dojo Photos

Edited by Xevoza
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Hi guys, here you have some screenshots of my clan dojo, hope you like it. I also attached a video of a mini tour.

The clan was founded four years ago. We have always been a small but an active clan. We're from many countries of América.

  • Clan name : Nefilims
  • Clan tier: Shadow
  • Clan platform: PC
  • Clan role: Founding Warlord
  • IGN: Colowlit

If you want to skip the screenshot spam, you can just see the video tour.














Tenno Lab


Infested Lab


Corpus Lab


Grinner Lab


Excalibur Prime







Golemsito (yeah, in spanish)







AT AT (inside, outside)







Outside the dojo
























Hope you liked my dojo, we would be proud if anyone of you can access whenever you want.
Best regards

Edited by Colowlit
The post was incomplete
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Thanks to all my Clanmates who sponsored ressources:)
I have a few screenshots of our dojo and i hope i can make a video and upload it here too. Here it is:


  • Clan name:     - Elite Ronin
  • Clan tier:         - Shadow
  • Clan platform: - Ps4
  • Clan role:        - Warlord






Good luck to everyone

Edited by (PS4)Schimmelpunk77
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  • Reaping Revenants
  • Shadow Clan
  • Playstation PSN: JustAguy91
  • Warlord (Architect) 

Shoutout to my Clan Leader (damagedeath) and father for all the hard work he put into the Dojo. The dojo wouldn't look anywhere near as good with out him, thank you for all your hard work Joe!

  • IMG%5D
  • The Bar
  • IMG%5D
  • The Grotto (Trade Room)
  • IMG%5D
  • The Bar (Other Angel)IMG%5D
  • Command CenterIMG%5D
  • Trophy Room
  • IMG%5D
  • Polar Survival Simulator
  • IMG%5D
  • Command Center (other view)
  • IMG%5D
  • Chinese Garden


Edited by (PS4)JustAguy91
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Clan: Silver Corp

Tier: Ghost 

Platform: PC 

Role: Founding Warlord 


Orokin Style (Main Trade Hub)


Temple of Ascention (For clan ascention)


Resource Processing and Storage (Storage for all "borrowed" Grineer, Corpus and Orokin parts)

Hall of Contemplation (A quiet place to relaxe and meditate. Plus food area upstairs.)

The Grotto (Connecting Garden)


Starting Area


Space Traffic Control



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  • Clan name: Abyss Reapers
  • Clan tier: Shadow
  • Clan platform: PC
  • My Clan role: Chief Architect


The Abyss Reapers consider themselves friendly guardians of the void and keepers of lost souls. as such the dojo was designed to reflect that (just ignore the robot in the basement) 

the dojo was designed almost purely by me over the course of a year, with additions and changes made as new dojo features became available (thx DE) with funding from the clan leadership.


Edited by ProfRandus
expansion and spell checking
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  • Clan name: GasichiShadow
  • Clan tier: Ghost
  • Clan platform: PC
  • My Clan role: Founding


Good day, Tenno!

Your attention is not entirely typical overview of the clan dojo. I propose to dive into the history of detection on the star map of the house of the clan GasichiShadow and learn a little about the skeletons in its walls. I hope you enjoy the format and the story itself.

P.S. Unfortunately, it is currently available only in Russian. If the community approves the idea, I will be grateful for the help in the translation.


Доброго времени суток, Тенно!

Вашему вниманию представляется не совсем типичный обзор кланового додзё. Предлагаю погрузиться в историю обнаружения на звездной карте дома клана GasichiShadow и узнать немного о скелетах в его стенах. Надеюсь вам понравиться формат и сама история.

P.S. К сожалению пока доступно только на русском языке. Если сообщество одобрит идею, то буду благодарен за помощь в переводе.

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15 минут назад, Hapyxa сказал:
  • Clan name: GasichiShadow
  • Clan tier: Ghost
  • Clan platform: PC
  • My Clan role: Founding


Good day, Tenno!

Your attention is not entirely typical overview of the clan dojo. I propose to dive into the history of detection on the star map of the house of the clan GasichiShadow and learn a little about the skeletons in its walls. I hope you enjoy the format and the story itself.

P.S. Unfortunately, it is currently available only in Russian. If the community approves the idea, I will be grateful for the help in the translation.


Доброго времени суток, Тенно!

Вашему вниманию представляется не совсем типичный обзор кланового додзё. Предлагаю погрузиться в историю обнаружения на звездной карте дома клана GasichiShadow и узнать немного о скелетах в его стенах. Надеюсь вам понравиться формат и сама история.

P.S. К сожалению пока доступно только на русском языке. Если сообщество одобрит идею, то буду благодарен за помощь в переводе.

Имхо, очень креативная идея, к тому же с теориями лора, это не так уж часто встретишь 😃

Картинки сами по себе есть в разрешении получше? Перевести довольно-таки несложно, могу помочь, если предоставите текст в ворде.

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54 минуты назад, ThousandLights сказал:

Имхо, очень креативная идея, к тому же с теориями лора, это не так уж часто встретишь 😃

Картинки сами по себе есть в разрешении получше? Перевести довольно-таки несложно, могу помочь, если предоставите текст в ворде.

Спасибо за отклик!

Картинки есть в более лучшем качестве, файлообменник ужал PDF файл просто. Текст есть. Осталось как-то связаться).


Edited by Hapyxa
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10 минут назад, Hapyxa сказал:

Спасибо за отклик!

Картинки есть в более лучшем качестве, файлообменник ужал PDF файл просто. Текст есть. Осталось как-то связаться).


Здесь есть личка, туда напишите, через что можно связаться)

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Clan name:     MAITRE DE GUERRE

Clan tier:         Shadow clan

Clan platform: Xbox one

My clan role:   Founder Warlord ( and architect )


>> Link for more screenshots   https://imgur.com/a/4rKZeQM

Dojo décorate on the them: Old temple in ruins ( Ancien temple en ruines )

Thank you to all members for their participation ! ( Merci à tous les membres pour leur participation ! )


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-Void Rebels

-Shadow clan


-Templar of Strata (warlord)

Primed Temple of cephalon Vesta: a temple forged around a cephalon prototype found in the void. She is a series 0 cephalon with a vast archival of Orokin knowledge.

Tower 0 :  the void Rebels exclusive Tower. Most of it was destroyed when we found it, and restoration efforts continue. Tower 0 contains four rooms, the prime Trader room, The Orokin Greenery, the primed grand hall, and the Prime Lounge.

Primed Trader room: built to highlight an ancient orokin artifact used for trading between tenno, and vaulting the resources of a small group of tenno.hidden somewhere under her temple is a Crypt of a Great ancient sleeping tenno. not a warframe, but a Tenno.

Orokin Greenery: a place to grow and display the most beautiful plants found around the solar system.

Primed grand hall: contains 4 Gardens of different varieties, an infant tamed Dragon found in the void, and the Titan a Warframe more powerful than any other and unlike any other, after finding him he surrendered himself to us and allowed us to Shackle him to our walls. Cephalon Vesta's ability to contain him is limited.

titan: power 1 Titanic Blade, the titan removes a part of itself and forms it to the Titanic blade while simultaneously harming himself and Regenerating his lost body part. power 2 Titanic Vigor, any HP or shield damage adds the same amount to max HP/shields(adds to max but does not heal). power 3 titanic crit, dawn the power of Black crits (10x CD+slash proc). power 4 Titanic form, turning himself from a warframe your size to a warframe His size!

Prime Lounge: the Great Meeting Hall of the eight greatest members of my clan. Contains a bar, a full stage and side seating areas for members.

Venusian Valley: after reading the memory of one of our members, cephalon Vesta took that memory and recreated this area.

Prime teralyst: is an eidolon Shard that dropped to Lua during the final phases of the old war, when Lua shifted into the void the eidolon got launched into the void colliding with an orokin Tower. In the eidolons final moments it found a way to merge with the tower, losing a large portion of it sentient being but gaining something more. Its Shields are unaffected by void energy. Cephalon Vesta seems to believe the only thing that can harm it is the Titan

02 Garden: the only reason that you can breathe in the dojo.

Hidden secrets primed Gateway: hidden doors that may be found throughout the dojo, or may not. these are normally marked with a nearby Agkani stone.

Ancient sanctuary: is a place found in the second floor Golden Gardens that is home to the smaller Titan. 

The mancade: thats right it's the man arcade built by men for men! Women welcome. 

Great winged-dragon of ancient legend: one of seven Oriental themed dragons, it's the only one we have made so far but more to come.

Dojo central power core: this bio-organic converter takes in dead plants from the 02 garden and other areas around the third floor and converts it to the energy which is burned in reactor rooms.

Web of the GoldWeavers: a web of nasty vicious spiders that weave and spin the gold that is used in the orokin tower reconstruction project.

Golden Garden: the Highlight Center room of the second floor, and the primary theme for each room to follow. Many many lighting glitches, DE, please fix her

Void Sapphire: the void Rebels primary Diner. A tenno with enough orokin ducats can eat well here.

the amount of content in this dojo will cause load screen time increase and if your screen freezes when entering, that is normal, you will load in just take your time and wait it out !

we had too long of a video as it was or we would have shown more. but the "dark forest" is a hidden area on the third floor.more hidden secret Golden doors, and much much more to come.

Edited by (PS4)IrSchm33
Adding descriptions
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- Clan Name: Western Samurai

- Clan Tier: Ghost Clan

- Platform: PC

- Clan Role: Founding Warlord = Shanghai-Kid

The name of the Dojo is "The Red Scorpion". "The Red Scorpion" is built to be a giant ship in the shape of a scorpion with the Orokin Lab as the "Bridge" of the ship. The Observatory rooms are the "left" and "right" wings of "The Red Scorpion" and represent the scorpion's claws. (there is a screenshot of the map in the link below) There is a series of elevators at the rear of "The Red Scorpion" that lead down to lower levels and represent the scorpion's tail. The Grandest Hall holds the "Ancient Fire" as well as a giant mechanical horse and a robotic Samurai to symbolize the "Western Samurai Clan" representing the belly of the beast. There are transporters leading to every major room in the ship making it easy to navigate. The Trophy room is full of Orokin sculptures and holds all of the clan's event trophies. Every room, even the Reactor rooms have been decorated. The Red Scorpion Dojo is the Mothership of the Western Samurai clan!




There is also a full Tenno storage area of reclaimed supplies from our enemies as well as more Orokin treasures! 


Here is a link to the rest of the screenshots that I have taken.  https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198119013436/screenshots/?p=1&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=grid&privacy=14#scrollTop=0 Hope this works! And thanks DE for the fun!

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