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- paying 50 plat for Nekros auxiliary feels unfair
- natural talent should be an exilus mod
- [some notes about Nekros gameplay from noticeably unexperienced player] (no hard feelings man)
- [some notes about why exilus slot feels unuseful from the man who likely haven't discovered Lua Principle mods yet]
- foundry should have a queue for bp's you craft many times (like forma)
- some frustration about waiting for the prime part to craft just to sacrifice it for syndicate rank up
- some frustration about waiting for the things to craft in general as a reason for foundry to have a queue for everything you'd want

Edited by Zanoza-chan
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13 minutes ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

most frames dont need this mod

No frame need it. I agree it could be an exilus mod.

As for the foundry, crafting items, one at a time, is what makes a few people return to the game daily.

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please paragraph next time, walls of text are hard on the eyes. anyway..

16 minutes ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

why do i have to pay 50 plat for the aux attatchment for nekros,

no idea, though I honestly don't see many Nekros users talk fondly of his Auxiliary nowadays. maybe it's because we have a lot more, better looks for Nekros (Prime, graxx, Deluxe Skin etc.)

16 minutes ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

the natural talent mod....why is this mod not an exilus mod?

a lot of people have asked for that, DE aren't budging though. reading on it seems like you have a few issues with Nekros, most of which can be solved with Shield of Shadows augment. initial casts take a while but replenishing shadows is quick and as long as you keep them up at max you've got 55% damage reduction from all sources, which is pretty good when you also factor in that enemies are less likely to shoot at you as they'll focus on the Shadows more. Nekros becomes semi-tanky real quick. i don't use Equilibrium for the health as Nekros prime has no Aura Polarity, so Rejuvenation, Despoil Desecrate health orbs and 55% damage reduction on top of 4 HP/s passive regen and another 15HP/s with my operator setup means I don't go down easy as Nekros.

16 minutes ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

why can i not build multiple of the same item in a que if i have the materials and credits to do so,

also another thing people have asked for in the past that DE has never delivered on, though it would be nice. usually if their mind hasn't been changed by now though, it never will be. 

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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- The game is free but not the cosmetics because DE have to earn money somewhere.

-Natural talent on Nekros is a wasted slot,  and you can fit some augments (natural talent is good on Limbo or Volt build for tridolon).

-The exilus slots are most used for min-maxing builds and for augments like Mesa's Waltz.

-The time gates for crafting are here for earn money from who doesn't want to wait and to slow down your game progression.

Edited by (PS4)cleefsentence
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actually i find the thing that make people return most is the daily rewards i mean the loggin weapons are bad ass lol but on a serious not people are still gonna play regardless of them having to come back and sort out the foundary all the time plus your just assuming i mean the long ass builds ^^ there are items that take minutes to build but you have to keep coming back for em even if they dont allow que biulds on the longer items doing it for the short builds just makes sense :) though i do respect your opinion, like i said this is something that really angers me ^^

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and most of you are just being meh because aaah those scary things called opinions....and if you make a point about de making money then why make people pay for one and not the other was the point i was making its called reading.....sigh, i also said that its things ive come across while playing so yeah....its called reading

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We Pay for both valkyr and nekros bonds.

Valkyr Prime gets her bonds for free and nekros Prime doesnt have bonds. So normal bonds 50p, prime bonds for free.

 This might be coz you cant Really sell cosmetics for a Prime that eventually will be (or Now actually is)  vaulted

Edit: Normal valkyr bonds are different from the chordalla Prime that valkyr p has

Edited by Eisdschungel
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15 minutes ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

actually i find the thing that make people return most is the daily rewards i mean the loggin weapons are bad ass lol but on a serious not people are still gonna play regardless of them having to come back and sort out the foundary all the time plus your just assuming i mean the long ass builds ^^ there are items that take minutes to build but you have to keep coming back for em even if they dont allow que biulds on the longer items doing it for the short builds just makes sense 🙂 though i do respect your opinion, like i said this is something that really angers me ^^

Daily rewards must be the biggest reason, yes. But foundry and a few other systems also encourage people to login daily (sorties, symaris target, mastery rank tests).

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they are allowed to have opinions so stop acting so childish but when the opinion involves A- insulting me and moaning about having to read uuuh plz. B- people trying to be a smart ass, you for instance, this was a thread about what ive come across in game and all you do is as you so bluntly put it, threw stones at me for my opinion, so go walk off a tall pier until your hat floats.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

but when the opinion involves A- insulting me and moaning about having to read uuuh plz.

Trying to make sense out of word-vomit is annoying as f**k. Have you ever heard of a little thing called paragraphing?

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

 A- insulting me and moaning about having to read uuuh plz

Hardly an insult.

It's hard to take people seriously when they can't even paragraph properly.

All people would see is a wall of text and move on to other thread without second thought.

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb Pr1A:

Trying to make sense out of word-vomit is annoying as f**k. Have you ever heard of a little thing called paragraphing?

Not really helpful in this situation


But @(PS4)LeoLexus12 putting paragraphs between different ideas makes it easier to read and helps People with understanding what you want to say

Edited by Eisdschungel
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Now that your text is actually readable:


1 hour ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

first of all why do i have to pay 50 plat for the aux attatchment for nekros, when its really plain and its literally just extra danglies and valkyr gets her extra attachment for free when there are more tassles on hers, its nothing game breaking but its just a little unfair....poor nekros.

Good point.

1 hour ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

secondly, the natural talent mod....why is this mod not an exilus mod? it takes up space better mods could use and is literally very selective, most frames dont need this mod and its just seems like it should be an exilus because of this reason.

One could ask the same question about many other mods. Especially Augments, IMO all of them should be Exilus mods.

1 hour ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

The only person this mod seems to fit that ive used is nekros and he needs other mods more but the casting speed of shadows of the dead can be a major let down, the only way to make him function at all is to run despoil with equilibrium and his only damaging ability soul punch is just bad, he needs way to many mods to actually work and because of mods like natural talent not being an exilus mod, he has even less space for mods he needs more, theres barely any reason to use an exilus adaptor so might be best to give us some reasons to use them in the first place other than to set my bullet jumps on fire and the other elemental mods.


I agree that Nekros could use a rework, he's a bit of a one-trick-pony right now. I don't agree with your claim about Equilibrium and Nekros needing many mods to work, though. Also, most frames in this game have at least one garbage ability that no one ever uses so Nekros isn't in a particularly bad place.

1 hour ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

Lastly why can i not build multiple of the same item in a que if i have the materials and credits to do so, it would still take 24 hours for me to make each individual forma but instead i have to set 1 of my 14 forma blueprints going and then pick up that 1 forma just to then set another forma bp going, its repetative its annoying, just to be clear im not hating on the time it takes to build its obvious why the time is there, just having to go back and restart a duplicate build. 

If I had to hazard a guess, they want people to log in. The mobile app helps a lot when it comes to crafting.

1 hour ago, (PS4)LeoLexus12 said:

also my points are not up for debate

Why make a post in the General Discussion -section if you don't want discussion?

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