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Solaris United ARG


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à l’instant, TehnoDoc99 a dit :

Something doesnt add up... How did he knew about our "sharing and caring" actions, if connections were cut of?

His network on discord in a shady-internet (like a "deep weeb"  server) - he still can be connected to ther standard web / and having connection to other networks, and so knowing our "fight" and the corpus activities.

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While the Corpus jammer was up, our agents managed to steal a shipment of Fieldron. We also found a crate of Articulas stored away in there. I’ve added your share to the Cache. Good work, Outworlders.


An all-platform Cache code will be shared once all shipments have been stolen.
Our agents are reporting back today about the final shipment. Stay sharp. :SU_Sigil:



Edited by TokezuWF
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