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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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*Sigh* Why couldn't we just have one, one frame which filled a minion-master type of role?  I am a necromancer, I want to summon things and have them do my bidding! 


Soul Punch:

Soul Punch has an awesome name, but I'm betting that it'll be a fairly standard low-damage ability (with a small debuff on top of it).  In other words, absolutely no one will use it past level 8. 


Terror Totem:

Terror Totem has a decent effect, but totems don't really fit into a necromancer theme very well (it's more of a shaman type of thing).  Not to mention that other abilities do something similar already (*cough* Bastille *cough*).  I would have preferred a more minion-oriented ability. 


Search the Dead:

This is the single worst idea for an ability that I've ever seen.  Not only does it have no use in battle, but it will either provide so much extra loot that it'll be mandatory for farming, or it will produce so little that no one will ever use it.  I don't want a farming class, DE, I want something which has interesting and unique battle tactics. 


Clone the Dead:

This ability had potential, but I'm fairly certain this will end up being the single most underpowered ultimate in the game.  The user gets to summon 5 enemy clones for 100 energy.  Hooray?  Nyx can make all enemies tear each other to pieces for 75 energy.  Even if the Necro summons 5 ancients or heavy units (which will almost never happen), this ability still won't be as useful as an AoE instant-death ability (which, for the record, I am not suggesting it should be turned into).  This game's AI isn't all that great, so the Necro's summons aren't going to last long.  I would also like to state my disappointment with simply cloning enemy units.  Why can't the necromancer create some unholy monstrosity instead?  Or even turn himself into said monstrosity?  Is a new model and mesh too much to ask for here? 

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You heard it right Tenno, new abilities for Necro are in the works! We discussed our current plans and are interested in your thoughts and discussion.


Please post all discussion about Necro abilities here so we can easily keep track.




SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.






This one is ok IF that 5% armor debuff is raised with the skill's level (5-10-15-20% on max lvl)




Probably his best skill since it's an area denial CC, but i would like it to be like Overheat, a self-buff to carry around, and not a static object planted on the ground




This is a big NO NO. Change this completely, think about something totally different, Life Drain or some sort of party effect buff or AoE de-buff




It's too similar to Chaos... it must have some more benefits... maybe minions are stronger or more aggressive than their standard versions or... i dont know... you choose

Edited by Phoenix86
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I just got done reading through all 22 current pages, and the current #3 has an overwhelmingly bad reception. Hopefully DE sees this. It is a good idea, but not for a Warframe power. It makes much more sense as a Warframe mod especially given that we already have Master Thief which functions extremely similarly.

Hopefully this thread is for more than just show. There are a lot of great ideas in this thread to replace what is apparently considered a very bad idea for a Warframe skill. The original idea, Life Drain, sounds good. Lots of players have recommended AoE corpse explosions, myself included.

Edited by GottFaust
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Not sure if anyone here is really digging search the dead. Doesnt seem like the best ability, especially for necro.

I would have put life drain or something suitably grim reaper.

EDIT: even poofing in a cloud of black smoke to instantly appear somewhere else would be cooler. I like travel abilities.

Life drains gonna be hard to balance, if you chuck anything too insane in like "any damage done to enemies heals the player for X" will make well of life useless on trinity.

Maybe heal per enemy killed would be better?

Edited by Jaon
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What to call the powers

1st - Life Rend - Sounds much more menacing than 'soul punch' which sounds generic at best.

2nd - Terrorize - Well, this is obvious, and the effects are obvious too.

3rd - Exhume - E.G. Dig Out, like robbing graves. Exhume should also make the corpses explode violently.

4th - Revenant - Revenants in folklore are animated corpses that come back from the dead to terrorize the living.

3rd alternate - Barrier of the dead - Uses the matter left over from the dead to create a barrier that slows enemies down and drains their health.

Edited by Vaskadar
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Since people have been posting badass pictures off necrotic beasts, it'd be a shame to let them go to waste, no?


Also, merely copying dead enemies might be classic necro stuff, but is a bit bland in my opinion. So why not combine both of these? Allow the necro to sacrifice all of his undead minions by activating 4 a second time for no cost. The minions would then form a rampaging undead abomination, that while tearing through enemies with ease, could only be maintained for a short time. This would make the necros 4 skill more than a fire and forget skill. Players would have to compare the power and use of the revived minions against that of the abomination. This would also allow the necro to cycle through minions.

Might even give the abomination a slightly different look, depending on the enemies used to build it. (Armor plates for grineer, infested body parts for infested, shinier metal plates for corpus)

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You heard it right Tenno, new abilities for Necro are in the works! We discussed our current plans and are interested in your thoughts and discussion.


Please post all discussion about Necro abilities here so we can easily keep track.




SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.

Here is my thoughts and trying to relate the "Necro" class to other games. A game very famous and did the Necro type class was Diablo2. What comes to mind when I hear Necro, I think of D2 necro style. In my mind a necro should not be the one doing the damage personally but using powers to do all his bidding. Many of these skills listed are VERY similar to D2 style of necro. I do have 1 problem with 1 skill.


1) SOUL PUNCH: Is like Bone Spear. A frontal attack that "goes" through enemies behind the initial attacked enemy and deals dmg. Its a good quick attack that will be great as a "1st" means of attack. My question for this is if we stack Stretch mod, will this allow the soul punch to go further in distance to hit more enemies?


2)TERROR TOTEM: This skill is very similar to the "Curses" tree for necro in D2. Its very similar to "Terror" which is a amazing crowd control skill imho. With each warframe having only 4 skills, a crowd control like Terror Totem is needed and def like this being added. My only question is the base duration of enemies running away? I also think that you shouldn't put a physical totem down, but rather a group perk like volts that is placed onto each player around u and then there is a diameter in which the skill reaches (that can then be boosted due to Stretch mod)


3)SEARCH THE DEAD: Seems very pointless, and more of a passive skill like Aura's. What I think should be a skill is something like "Corpse Explosion" that explodes a dead enemy, but does AOE dmg to enemies nearby; or a "Wall" of dead nano bots that is used for a defense, but is a duration skill or can be destroyed by enemies. Again, a necro is a very defensive type character that can solo due to "Clone of the Dead" and "Terror Totem" but he needs to have nice inbetween skill & Seach of the Dead tbh isn't that.


4)CLONE THE DEAD: This is basically the summoning tree in D2. Nothing really to discuss but a few questions. What is the base # of nano bots that can be raised. If I kill 30 enemies, can I truly raise 30 bots? Will their be any mod that can be added to the warframe that can give the nano bots more life (that is if the bots are based on life instead of duration)? If the bots are based on duration alive, what is the base duration? Maybe instead of raising nano bots out of the enemies you have killed, why not have a set # of nano bots that get risen from the ground and when you add specific mods to the warframe it allows more to be risen?

Edited by TsMHicks
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Ok, I did this in like, Half an hour so... Yeah




This is My concept for the Golem power replacement for the Necro's Search the Dead. 

I figure its like the necro forms sort of flat digital constructs out of his nanobots to make a skeletal torso around him gthat attacks nearby enemies.

Kinda like a shield but with FISTS.


So there you go DE. Hope you like it. I sure love the Necro.


THIS. So much want, my plat can't exit my account fast enough.

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Terror Totem looks like a viable alternative to Bastille once Bastille gets limited targets.


Why do I get the sinking feeling that the devs are nerfing Bastille just so Terror Totem fulfills the role Bastille used to do?  Power creep has been bad enough with mods and weapons; the last thing I want is for DE to start adding straight upgrades to existing abilities. 



And, seriously DE, either make this a minion master class, a transformation based class (metamorphosis for the win!), or both.  I don't want another AoE caster frame (or even a defensive / support frame).  I won't even bother farming for it.  I'm not kidding about this. 

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Ability 3 could be changed to

BLOOD EXTRACTION (or similar): Necro forces the Blood out of nearby corpses, which coagulates into a small sphere of concentrated life energy (a health orb). Maybe give a chance for an Orb for weaker enemies, heavy enemies should always spawn an orb, and at least 1 orb should be guaranteed.


The orbs should despawn rather quickly (like container-loot in the void), but it would allow Necro some group healing ability, without overshadowing Trinity. The party still has to pick up the orbs, and it shouldn't heal as much as Trinity (100 health requires 4 orbs, some warframes have 800+ Health)

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