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Nyx 9.8: Feedback Thread


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OK so I was thinking...why not make Aborb a giant bullet attractor but at the same time, anybody inside of it gets continuous stagger and damage while she is soaking up their consciousness? Then the damage dealt to them is added to her eventual explosion? I would still like things caught in the explosion to get thrown per the physics of an exploding barrel at a minimum.

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These are my thoughts on how to improve Nyx


1. Absorb: Identical to how it is now, just remove the entire animation and loss of player control and allow players to activate the blast with a second press of the key. It is a simple fix really. Put the cast time at about the same as Chaos. This solves all the agro, clunky animation, LOS blocks and damage drop off all in one easy change. A cap on the total damage absorbed before the shield expires might be a good idea as well. With this change to absorb, the player is in complete control of how well the ability performs. Absorb becomes a mobile defensive cool down that can be used to clear a small area of enemies.


2. Psychic Bolts: Completely revamped. Change the ability into a instant cast (Preferably without interrupting current actions such as shooting or hacking even) 30 second buff. Anytime Nyx attacks a target with a primary or secondary weapon, a cluster of psychic bolts (Just like how it is now) is launched against that target (Put a cool psychic looking sphere above Nyx's head for the point of origin for the bolts) Five charges with a 3-5 second internal cool down. Damage per salvo would be scaled accordingly (some number junky can figure out the magic numbers). This changes the move from a direct damage nuke to a DPS increasing buff. Nyx is not about blowing enemies up and the original move has never fit the frame. This leaves the flavor of the move in place while making sense with Nyx's role. Note: The bolts will still need to have a tighter spread and MUST go through objects. Duration, charges and damage can all be moved around accordingly.



Mind control is good and Chaos is great, but if they were to be buffed this is how I would go about it.


3. Mind Control: Targets afflicted by Mind Control gain 25% increased attack speed. (or some combination of damage / attack speed) Also, If cast on a new mob, the old mob is cleared of the effect. (pretty obvious fix, no idea why it isn't that way now)


Mind control is in a good spot right now. My biggest problem with it is more of an AI issue than anything else. Sometimes that MC'd mob just doesn't want to attack anything. The BEST fix would be to rewrite the AI code to make them much more aggressive. Seeing as how that would be rather large undertaking, a simple increase to the afficted mob's DPS would be a good short term solution.


4. Chaos: Targets afficted by chaos take X% more damage from all sources. No target cap, can be recast as many times as desired. On recast, any target that was under the effects of Chaos is cleared of the effect, new targets hit are affected normally.


Chaos is good where it is right now. If it were to be buffed, this is the route I think would be best. The most aggrivating thing about chaos is when a random mob is hidden in a corner still under the effects of Chaos preventing you from recasting it. Note: increasing the DPS of afflicted targets like my proposed MC change would be very bad.




Absorb - remove cast animation, allow the player to move and shoot normaly for the duration and allow the blast to be activated early

Psychic Bolts - changed to a 30 second buff that shoots bolts and what the player shoots at

Mind Control - target deals increased DPS as a place holder until an AI revamp can be accomplished

Chaos - is fine, but if you had to change it make the targets take X% more damage

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Question: Did they ever remove that slight time right after using Absorb that you could be damaged before sending the wave of damage out? I found that if you had enough enemies you basically doomed yourself to die in that half second that they could pound on ya right after your invulnerability goes off. You cannot move during that time, and the animation is still somewhat going so it does tend to make me nervous since all the shields i regenerate during its charge tend to disappear along with most health in a solo run

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I read one post how the person wantedtheir Shade to stop going invisible when they do absorb because they like the stealth gameplay. I will be honest. Never saw Nyx as a stealth frame, but i tried last night and nothing comes close to a Nyx with a Dark Sword, twin gremlins and a DREAD! 


 You made me lol


 Nyx' name comes form the Greek Goddess of "Night"


 She's meant to have shade so she can run into the middle of mobs and Chaos, then freely pick them all off one-by-one.


 Give her a Sniper Rifle and she can pick off high threat value targets, then when the initial wave of enemies come up again Chaos and disrupt the front lines to attack the back lines, then pick 'em off one-by-one.




 Give her a shotgun then run into the middle of a a horde with Shade's cloak. Chaos, then mow down the entire horde. Run to next large group of enemies.


 It would be nice to see her Absorb and Psychic Bolts fixed so she could be played differently though, not just all-mighty Mind Games God Mode atm


 She makes Survival and Defense a laughing joke :)

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I really like Nyx (I soloed it up to level 24), but I would like to see some changes to Psychic Bolts and Absorb.

For Bolts I think their damage is alright if they actually hit things. Part of my problem with that is probably just my aiming, but I can't tell most of the time whether or not they hit an enemy or a wall, so I'm not sure where to adjust my aim. I've thought through a couple ways to buff them and I don't think a straight damage buff would help much. The favorite thing I've thought of is either have them fire in a tighter angle and home in sooner, or maybe have them bounce kind of like the Glaive or boomerang (maybe having a max number of bounces that rises with fusion level?).

Absorb I think mostly needs to penetrate walls, or at least through small boxes and cover. Other than this I think the stun on enemies is a great idea.

If these have already been mentioned, sorry. I just skimmed through the comments.

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Absorb I think mostly needs to penetrate walls, or at least through small boxes and cover. Other than this I think the stun on enemies is a great idea.


Have you played Nyx lately, by any chance? Because I'm getting the impression that you haven't.

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Have you played Nyx lately, by any chance? Because I'm getting the impression that you haven't.

I never use Absorb, so in that area, no. I didn't feel like loading up the game and testing it out right then, so sorry for the out of dateness. I'll have to try to remember to use Absorb more I guess. I tend to just spam Mind Control and Chaos though. I like making Grineer Heavy units destroy entire groups of normal Grineer. :)

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I never use Absorb, so in that area, no. I didn't feel like loading up the game and testing it out right then, so sorry for the out of dateness. I'll have to try to remember to use Absorb more I guess. I tend to just spam Mind Control and Chaos though. I like making Grineer Heavy units destroy entire groups of normal Grineer. :)


Well, you'll be happy to know then that it goes through walls, ragdolls, knocks back and deals 1500 base damage at max level now.

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Well, you'll be happy to know then that it goes through walls, ragdolls, knocks back and deals 1500 base damage at max level now.

Dont forget to ignore armor, and that the rebounded damage needs to be multiplied!

In all seriousness though, i do think it could use a tiny buff, mostly to keep ya from dying when it ends and doesnt kill everything that is attacking you.

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Dont forget to ignore armor, and that the rebounded damage needs to be multiplied!

In all seriousness though, i do think it could use a tiny buff, mostly to keep ya from dying when it ends and doesnt kill everything that is attacking you.


I wasn't kidding. It really does all the things I mentioned.

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Thats all nice and dandy.... but it does jack if you cannot aggro enough people to you or any at all.


I played Nyx all last night and this morning... same deal, i did notice the breathing room you now get from damage and ragdoll.... GREAT!!!   But aggro the 10s and 20s that keep running past me toward the objective. (In the video for the PS4 Trailer DE shows 5 or 6 guys all aggro'd to nyx and shooting at her. Real World ='s You only agro 6 at most and they just melee you)


True Effect should be aggro effect radiated out to effect all in surrounding area. they stop moving or move into minimum rifle range and begin shooting at you. This will help stagger the effect of the final blast due to the range variance in their distances away from NYX.   Keep all that you fixed already, and, BAM!!! Done.

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Proof? I didn't find anything about it in last patches

I don't know about the exact numbers, but I've been using Absorb a fair amount (Absorb + large group of Grineer = Doomsday) and it definately does more damage than it use to. I don't know if it ragdolls though, as I haven't been doing very much high level stuff (thus everything in range usually dies).

Edited by Yargami
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Yes there was a hotfix that fixed the nyx absorb. But STILL DID NOT FIX AGRO!!!!!

Aggro is fine. Your using it wrong if you have issues making enemies shoot you. The problem is the AI at medium range has a tendency to walk into you and start punching you. Simple Fix would be to have Absorb take in "extra" damage from Melee making it effective against all factions.

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Loving the fixes so far, Nyx is even more fun to play, now. I didn't think that was possible. It'd still be great if Absorb went through walls, and worked with melee and against enemies inside the bubble. Other than that, Psychic Daggers could also still use some work.. Thy might need more damage, or a crit chance, or a stun, or something. They just need more.

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Aggro is fine. Your using it wrong if you have issues making enemies shoot you. The problem is the AI at medium range has a tendency to walk into you and start punching you. Simple Fix would be to have Absorb take in "extra" damage from Melee making it effective against all factions.

number one  dont ever tell me im not using NYX right. I have forma'd it twice and have nearly 100 hours on her.


Second. The agro is better.... but not when they run away out of the small radius that it has for damage.

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number one  dont ever tell me im not using NYX right. I have forma'd it twice and have nearly 100 hours on her.


Second. The agro is better.... but not when they run away out of the small radius that it has for damage.

I can say what I please within reason, you don't have to get offended. What I am saying is that I too have over 100 hours on her (503 hours in game total) and that I have no problems getting enemies to shoot me so that is why I assume you are using it wrong if you are having trouble getting enemies to do so. I also said "You may be using Absorb wrong" though I used more blunt phrasing. I made no implication that you do not know how to use any of Nyx's other abilities. I am sorry my assumption has irritated you.


As per the 2nd point, that is the problem with having a Damage Falloff on the skill, which needs to be removed. It should do consistent damage at all ranges. IF they did that I wouldn't mind it not penetrating. Also if it knocked down enemies hit and granted Nyx 3 seconds of Invulnerability so she can at least FINISH HER ANIMATION... it's infuriating dying when I do not have control of my character.


Again, sorry I angered you that was not my intent. As the saying goes "Assuming makes and &#! out of you and me" so for that I am sorry.

Edited by Estred
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Loving the fixes so far, Nyx is even more fun to play, now. I didn't think that was possible. It'd still be great if Absorb went through walls, and worked with melee and against enemies inside the bubble.


But, it does do those things.



Also if it knocked down enemies hit and granted Nyx 3 seconds of Invulnerability so she can at least FINISH HER ANIMATION... it's infuriating dying when I do not have control of my character.


It does that too. The invulnerability lasts until right after the ragdoll/knock-back blast.

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