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Ember 9.8: Feedback Thread


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Okay, let me be more specific. "A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool." Since these changes I am not enjoying this game, and have actually stopped playing, therefore it is failing its most basic of functions. We clear? Okay. That's my opinion and feedback.


I honestly lost all interest in this argument the second you said they ruined Rhino.

But go ahead and answer Kinethia, since he seems to know what's up.

Edited by Holynight6
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How are they different types?? And you don't like 50% damage buff? What is wrong with you...

Okay, I have to stop taking you seriously now... Rhino is on the undisputed god-tier, he is viable in all situations.



CC was at the forefront before and now it's just a byproduct.




At once?






Where any other frame can use one and have the same amount of effectiveness?


Outside of Nova i dont think that anyone can pump out the same amount of continuous damage.



Do you main an ember right now? Explain why you would pick ember over anything other than volt in her current iteration, please...


You for a looking for some DPS answer you are not going to get it.

I play with frames because they offer different play styles not because how much damage they can do.

Currently i am leveling Volt again and he is using the Supra, i am loading him with energy so he becomes walking turret. I mostly drop shields and use Shock to stop people from moving to unload. Needless to say, i cannot play her like that.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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How are they different types?? And you don't like 50% damage buff? What is wrong with you...

Okay, I have to stop taking you seriously now... Rhino is on the undisputed god-tier, he is viable in all situations.

At once? Where any other frame can use one and have the same amount of effectiveness? Do you main an ember right now? Explain why you would pick ember over anything other than volt in her current iteration, please...


Mak Gohae is a person who cried about ammo mutation mods being "overpowered". I seriously recommend you to ignore his posts.

Edited by 3XT3RM1NATUS
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I honestly lost all interest in this argument the second you said they ruined Rhino.

But go ahead and answer Kinethia, since he seems to know what's up.


Every post on this thread is going to be biased, including mine, yours, and Mak's. The more people open up and actually explain what they feel is right or wrong, the more the devs have to build on, which is a good thing. It's impossible to make everyone happy, but quite frankly not even trying to appeal to as many people as possible would be a bit of a waste. We cannot know for sure until we try.



EDIT: Or, at the very least, actually understand what they want and why they want it.

Edited by Kinethia
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They are, the fact that people are actually using Sniper Rifles regularly proves that.


Umm... yeah, whenever I talked to anyone about how much I love those mods, they just kinda looked at me funny. They always said they weren't wasting the mod slot and just always brought at least four ammo boxes with them. I'm kinda obsessive about never using consumables, but most of the people I play with are not.


EDIT: I always honestly try to find enjoyment in anything anyone else loves. It's one of my greatest passions in life. Please help. Story? If I can be enjoying Ember more, right now, I want to. Please?



EDIT II: I love cars because I have a cousin who's a mechanic who would always take me aside to talk about them at family reunions, he chose me to talk to because I enjoyed listening to him talk with those stars of joy in his eyes, and he liked having a receptive audience. I love horses because my sister talked regularly about everything she loves about them, whether I wanted her to or not. I want to feel as you do. Please?

Edited by Kinethia
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Paraphrasing from in-game popups: Ember superheats the air and offers surprising crowd control ability.  


Lol. yeah right.


Ember sets herself on fire, while all the other tenno rush past and kill things, shaking their heads at their crispy cousin and her poor magic tricks. XD

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Also, 17 pages. No dev in sight. Sad..

Well.. I know if they respond to any of these suggestions straight in this thread, it's like wagging a meat above a shark tank..

The reaction will be..bothersome, I think. But at least it shows us that they care, right?


*laughs* Keepin' it classy, Reshiram.

As someone who's had a bit of experience on the other side of the feedback fence, Issues like this need time to discuss and address. I know people well enough to be pretty confident that at least one person at DE has probably had a debate with another over one or more of these threads. But they can't tell us anything if they don't even know what to tell. Saying "We're looking at it." is going to be interpreted as "We're going to change it.", so they're naturally reluctant to commit. Please give them more time to talk to each other and do more feedback reading first, okay?


EDIT: Rushed decisions are not what we want here. Especially since people in general are more likely to choose the 'leave things as they are' option if they feel under pressure and unsure.

Edited by Kinethia
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All of Ember's relevant attacks radiate from her. "Not being able to run straight into combat anymore" is a serious problem.


Yeah, I tried running serpentine. Helped a little, not enough. Still got mowed down by one grineer heavy before getting in overheat range.



Why? Does it means you don't like people with Snipers, or...what?


From the correspondence I've had with Mak in this thread, I would guess the motivation is not disliking snipers, but wanting them to feel more special and valuable.


To draw out one possible assumption in full from what may (or may not, I'm flying mostly blind here) be Mak's perspective: Sniper rifles are amazing and powerful but highly specialized weapons. If you carry one, it should be a big deal and come at the cost of not being able to just use it for the entire mission. By having that limitation, it will make it feel that much more special when you get into a situation where you say to yourself, "Gonna need to break out the big guns for this guy." That's a feeling I admittedly had with my snipetron vandal a few times. I will still feel that somewhat whenever I'm leveling a weapon and bring along a bigger gun for emergencies, although it's never as tense as when you really feel your resources are limited. Tension is intoxicating. It feels great. *grins*

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I'm not happy about it, but honestly, I could learn to live with the new Overheat damage reduction. %50 damage reduction combined with shields and tactics is enough to keep me alive as long as I pay attention.


The real deal breaker is that Overheat no longer provides immunity to Disruption, Poison or Stagger. This gives her no defense against the very Faction she's supposed to be best equipped to deal with.


On an Infested mission over lvl 60 or so when all the other Frames are falling over dead just from looking at a poison cloud. Ember *was* the only one who could wade through the poison and remain unstaggered long enough to revive you.

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Is anyone else dying from Ember's own fire? I was using Fireblast as usual on an infested defense (solo) and when an Ancient Healer (made sure it wasn't toxic) ran into the circle, it did the usual glitch where it keeps moving at running speed while on fire, then it ran into me, setting me on fire and I went down. I hit revive, killed everything. In a later wave, I had killed everything but decided to put a ring of fire on the pod for safety to go grab some resources. As I was headed away, a lone Charger came in, got set on fire, but didn't die immediately, and touched me. I immediately died from being set on fire.


Ember should not be dying from her own fire. Guess I'll post in the bug section.

Edited by gell
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Look, just give the old Overheat back - work on Ember's other skills, get some iteration of them up to scratch and testing positively with the community under the post damage fix environment, and THEN think about changing up the ONLY THING KEEPING HER ALIVE PAST LVL 60 ENEMIES. Doesn't that make more sense than this process?


I mean, look at us! 18 pages of feedback in 2 days, DE - the opinions will flow. Let's at least do Frame modifications in baby steps, as these are the closest items in-game to the players' hearts.



... Also :



Anyone trying to make sense of Derp Gohae's arguments needs to check out his "Great Tenno Warrior" YouTube projects. It will all make sense, and you will lol before killing the vid 30 seconds in and subsequently ignoring his continued, confused presence in these forums. 

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Hi I'm new to the forums and I just have one thing to say that  ember IMO needs changed and that would be how her legs and backside look.......I dont think they are very proportional with her upper-body at all.......they are both too big....... please try to make them more body proportional to the character

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Serpentine into combat, dont run straight.


Are you acting a forum tough guy or what? It was said countless times: overheat is useless for anything but killing chargers first 5 Xini waves. Distruptors and Toxics will beat the S#&$ out of you since you are no longer immune to energy drain and toxins. Other factions are resistant to fire and use ranged weapons. No matter how you serpentine or run straight into combat to actually deal some damage, Grineer will drop you in seconds with their aimbot. Corpus are easier but they only recieve 0.5 damage from fire.


Now quit your elitism and stop posting BS on forums. Nobody needs your advices, especially when they make no sense.

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Hi I'm new to the forums and I just have one thing to say that  ember IMO needs changed and that would be how her legs and backside look.......I dont think they are very proportional with her upper-body at all.......they are both too big....... please try to make them more body proportional to the character


Eeh..She's already as good and hawt as she is.. :c Don't change that chicken-sized thighs.. <3


Serpentine into combat, dont run straight.

Have you EVER did that? While under heavy fire, naked? I mean Ember without Armor mod + Overheat.

Yeah, "serpentine your way", because you'll die in 5 seconds.

Spend more time in the game, you dunce. Don't just sit in the forum.


Experience beats wise words when talking about these kind of topic.

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