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Nekros suggestion


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Maybe.... This is make him OP. But, playing the nekros, I feel these things need to fix or change or just upgrade.


Soul punch-It's okay. No problem to use.


Terrify- Actually, when casting 'Terrify' enemy within range will run away from the nekros. But this is not a problem. Problem is it's mechanism. If not a survival or defense type of games. There will be always less than effect number and also in survival or defense mission you cannot identifies who affected this skill. Because they run into the other enemys and it's really crowded.

Nowadays system cast immediately, but I wonder how about change this ability to aura type like revenant's 'Mesmer skin'. If nekros casting this ability, it will show to duration time just like before, but change thing is also showing the remain number like 20 with ability range line on the UI(Like aura). During the ability time, enemy who come in to this line will affect terrify and player's UI will count each enemy and decrease it's stack number. For example, 20/ 25 secs -> 5 enemy contact after 5secs -> 15/20secs, and enemy's terrify time 20secs.

 If enemy affected terrify they will tint the nekros player's energy color for who is affected, and this will only show it's caster, not to other players.Terrify energy cost 75 without modding, it's not a less amount. But not always 20 enemy within range. So change to casting type to aura type. 

 And this is just synergy idea 'Abandonment'. Mechanism is enemy who affected 'Terrify' with tint energy color and target still within range of 'terrify' aura. If player casting soul punch to him/her/things, it will effect fixed target location like harrow, and give 40% take more damage to target. Also unlike armor debuff, it can be cast to some of immune to boss type like captin vor or lech krill. But cannot fix the location, only take more damage. Actually all of 4 ability of nekros can't say good to boss type.


Desecrate- Not only for farming, give another purpose which player can be benefit on while activating this ability.

 Since player treat him 'farmer' not a 'war'frame. Also if player ability dispelled by stalker or nullifier crewman series, this makes player just recasting again. Not more or less reason.

How about giving 'Maximum HP buff' to 'Desecrate'? If 'Desecrate' active to corpses and loss 30 energy or HP, it will refund to increase 30 of Maximum HP with 130 limit. For example, if player activating 'Desecrate' and using 50 HP with 'Despoil' argument mod. It will make HP 740/740 -> 690/790 and total increase will 610/870. This will end when deactivation of 'Desecrate' ability. Player will prefer to avoid deactivation of his ability, because keep stack this bonus. The amount of increasing of maximum HP will effect ability duration mods. 

 This will make why nekros player keep activating his 3rd ability and also make him in combat situation. For more suitable in combat, not only supporter or farming warframe.


Shadow of The Dead -

Still bugged when recall the shadows... like below... They are still not followed well...6FBBB9885A9F030E828C8C24F0B50F2AFC4B77D5  So hope to be change like hydroid 4th ability. Player can choose charge this ability or not. First activation always charge and need to long casting time. But after casting, uncharge activation will give only refill the shadow's health, charging will give recall all the shadows no matter how they close or far away from the caster. Also charging give the bonus to 'remove all status effect of shadow's affected', 'Refill to maximum 7 shadows'. Radiation sortie or radiation type status effect make nekros player cannot to use his 4th ability because some of splash type attack from shadows can easily destroy his allies and defense target. So that's why I mention about 'Remove status effect of shadows' when casting charge ability.

 His 'Shadow of The Dead' is main ability, and why nekros player need to kill enemy by himself for first activation. Need to fix this bug. And hope to be additional UI for how many corpse ready to summon like 'summoned/ready for summon'; '0/0 -> 0/14' '7/0' '6/10'. Also change some shadows attack color followed nekros energy color, can't identified between enemy 'Sapping Osprey' orbs and 'Mutalist' series 'Tar, Toxin clouds'.

Is there any idea for when no corpse ready to summon during the boss fight or combat? Especially, after revive. How about summon the 4 minor dijinn with 'Self destruct' and 'Fatal attraction'? for suicide unit and light fire support before collecting the corpes. 


 Just personal Idea, and maybe not ready to explain or complete, but hope to be fix some and add some more thing for nekros. I heard some bad rating of nekros from other players... not suitable for combat and don't know why to play... but I like him :) hope to be take the more 'war'frame role  in combat.

 Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

P.S. Sorry for not good at english;


Addition. In the past, I already wondering about why I summon 1 shadow pay 100 energy? During the write this post, I forgot to write about this.

 Sometime nekros need to summon at least 1 shadow for his survive. But it need to pay 100 energy for summon 1 shadow with same ability activation time needed. How about calculating energy consumption by each shadow's summon cost. I mean 7 shadows will need to more pay than 1 shadow, they are not same. For example, 7 need to pay 100 energy with full animation for casting, but summon 1 shadow with 1/7 energy with shorter animation than full summon. 

 Already mention about charge system in the main post. How about add charging circle will show 1/7 parts for how many shadow will summon? Ex) 1/7 charge will summon 1 shadow, 7/7 charge will summon 7(If it's not a first summon, it will work for call all the shadow near the nekros no matter how they far or close, and full health restore with remove all status effect, refill empty number of shadow. Uncharging will health restore to all shadows.

 One more thing, After casting the shadows of the dead and they are gone. Why we cannot call them again? I mean If player summon 7 and killed nothing. There are no remain 7 dead enemy in summon pool. If player make mistake or enemy kill them all. Why nekros player cannot call this 7 shadows again? It will helpful when player get in hard situation and really helpful during the boss fight without enemy normal unit reinforcement during the mission. It can be just keep update nekros player pool with save. Not only consumption. Then nekros player try to kill enemy at least 7 and keep update his pool. It will always help when he revived himself or cannot killed anymore because of enemy's high spec or hard situation.


During the 'Arbitration' and 'Sanctuary'. If host player died out or quit from the game. Nekros player lose all his shadows which already summon or stock in summon pool. This wasn't important in game. Just kill again, and resummon after host migration. But not same situation during 'Arbitration' and 'Sanctuary'. During 'Arbitration' nekros player usually using his shadows for way to endure the damage for survive. But, after host migration which host dead or choose sudden out will cause 'Disarm' the nekros player... He need to kill enemy for summon shadows, but in arbitration nekros need to kill 'Arbitration drone' first, in usual situation. Also there is only one life for one game.

 What about 'Sanctuary'? In elite sanctuary, seems similar situation happened. Nekros can't resist high level enemy around. It's different with next phase and host migration. Just next phase can be re summon already(But sometime, shadows not recalled... it's UI showing 7 already summoned, but no one summon around nekros.) or summon new shadows. But after host migration, player must kill the enemy which already enemies surrounding player...

I usually playing nekros during the sanctuary with real life friends or solo. Other player will say don't choose the nekros during the 'Sanctuary' or 'some kind of boss fight' but I like to play this warframe and try to play all the game. But hope to hear about 'Nekros not only for farming frame, can be play all game in 'Warframe''.


Only 3 shadows recall by recasting 'Shadow of the dead'. Even 7 summoned on the UI. But only gain 18%(each shadow give 6%, so 3 followed.) next to the UI sheild/health bar. Other 4 shadows just stay far from the excavator. Easily find them almost center of map with 4 blue dots.DF0DD4CAFD932FE6870015B0B0B1348526EC52DC

Edited by Hidronic
Add P.S./ Move more suggestion already right in reply to main post. Continuous update.
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2 hours ago, Hidronic said:

Soul punch-It's okay.

It's pretty bad, actually.

2 hours ago, Hidronic said:

Terrify [...] how about change this ability to aura type

Eh, I could see that.

Though personally, I'd like it to have the Augment slowdown innately
and instead make the Augment increase the Armor reduction / add further debuffs.

2 hours ago, Hidronic said:

Desecrate- Not only for farming, give another purpose which player can be benefit on while activating this ability.

Health, Energy, Ammo. It does enough already.

2 hours ago, Hidronic said:

Shadow of The Dead

When we went from a proper undead army to a maximum of 7 Shadows,
the strength of individual Shadows wasn't increased (enough) to make up for it, remedy that.

I'd like a charge function to gradually de-summon the weakest (lowest-summoning-priority) Shadows
so that you can fill your Shadow ranks with new / stronger units right away and don't have to wait until the old ones expire.

Also, remove the silly anti-synergy between Nekros and Oberon already.
Bonedaddy can heal his Shadows on his own just fine, stop making them be an unnecessary burden on Broberon's Energy.

Or Hek, make Shadows immune to damage (and procs, if that is indeed such a big problem).
Having Health take a "double whammy" with it both being a natural duration limit thanks to the constant decay
as well as being reduced by enemy attacks, that doesn't seem necessary.
(Also, unkillable zombie ghost army is just way cooler lol.)

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1 hour ago, NinjaZeku said:

Or Hek, make Shadows immune to damage (and procs, if that is indeed such a big problem).
Having Health take a "double whammy" with it both being a natural duration limit thanks to the constant decay
as well as being reduced by enemy attacks, that doesn't seem necessary.
(Also, unkillable zombie ghost army is just way cooler lol.)

or it could be a deactivable and activable ability(if its activated then drain the energy in every seconds) just like ember, banshee, mesa...etc. After you killed the enemy, it will reanimate the dead body(the ballistica prime passive), just like in the nekros prime trailer. It could have max body limit and body duration.

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1 hour ago, NinjaZeku said:

It's pretty bad, actually.

Eh, I could see that.

Though personally, I'd like it to have the Augment slowdown innately
and instead make the Augment increase the Armor reduction / add further debuffs.

Health, Energy, Ammo. It does enough already.

When we went from a proper undead army to a maximum of 7 Shadows,
the strength of individual Shadows wasn't increased (enough) to make up for it, remedy that.

I'd like a charge function to gradually de-summon the weakest (lowest-summoning-priority) Shadows
so that you can fill your Shadow ranks with new / stronger units right away and don't have to wait until the old ones expire.

Also, remove the silly anti-synergy between Nekros and Oberon already.
Bonedaddy can heal his Shadows on his own just fine, stop making them be an unnecessary burden on Broberon's Energy.

Or Hek, make Shadows immune to damage (and procs, if that is indeed such a big problem).
Having Health take a "double whammy" with it both being a natural duration limit thanks to the constant decay
as well as being reduced by enemy attacks, that doesn't seem necessary.
(Also, unkillable zombie ghost army is just way cooler lol.)

 Soul punch knock back ability pretty good for disable of enemy's action. During the combat, it will prevent toxic ancient breathe or disabled enemy's most dangerous dealer for a short moment.  And also throw away some grineer who used turret or napalm, can separate between normal infested to ancient series, some kind of drone from other corpus units. That's why I said it's okay.

'Terrify', I know augment mod really good. But still there are some problem of energy cost with effect. without mod, every casting will cost 75 energy, and it's not less, it's high consumption. Also if player want to decrease enemy's armor value with this ability. It will need multiple cast without other enemy... In my opinion it will better to change aura type, and it will help to control the energy consumption with single cast. Also add 'Abandonment' synergy will help to player just pay for 25 extra energy, then more easily erase them. Augment mod is good. But still need some change for it's energy cost, not functioning in boss fight. That's the problem.

'Desecrate' Health, ammo, energy supply, that's good. But what about during the boss fight like Jackal, Tyl regor. Nekros don't have any defensive ability except 'Terrify' which high cost with not worked well with robotic and kuva guardian or 'Shadow of The Dead' with 'Shield of Shadows' augment mod. But 4th ability need to keep activating with pay for 100 energy without mod, every time and also need to kill 7 for summon. The problem is nekros not so much though, also all of his mod and build need to prepare which 'Health conversion' need to get 3 health orb for activating, it means kill 3 enemy. Also 'Shield of Shadows' need to kill 7, by himself(Shadows kill also count, but need to kill 1 more for summon.). That's why I write about at least giving the health buff by 'Desecrate'. It can be collect by allies kill and remain corpes also helpful.

'Shadow of The Dead', I already wrote about delete function with soul punch.... I try to found it, but don't know where it is... anyway old suggestion contain using shadows remain health & Shield amount will calculate for damage when they delete by soul punch.

 Problem of Oberon... it seems like oberon must casting healing ability before the nekros summon his shadows or nekros player resummon them from out of oberon's ability range... I have no idea without chat for announce of when using his ability.

 And I write about not immunity, just clear the status effect like heat, toxic, radiation, already mention about radiation sortie can destroy the game when shadows get radiation debuff and fire it's allies or defense target.

P.S. About 'Shadow of The Dead' category... I'm not sure about right understanding what you mean... If wrong sorry.

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Addition. In the past, I already wondering about why I summon 1 shadow pay 100 energy? During the write this post, I forgot to write about this.

 Sometime nekros need to summon at least 1 shadow for his survive. But it need to pay 100 energy for summon 1 shadow with same ability activation time needed. How about calculating energy consumption by each shadow's summon cost. I mean 7 shadows will need to more pay than 1 shadow, they are not same. For example, 7 need to pay 100 energy with full animation for casting, but summon 1 shadow with 1/7 energy with shorter animation than full summon. 

 Already mention about charge system in the main post. How about add charging circle will show 1/7 parts for how many shadow will summon? Ex) 1/7 charge will summon 1 shadow, 7/7 charge will summon 7(If it's not a first summon, it will work for call all the shadow near the nekros no matter how they far or close, and full health restore with remove all status effect, refill empty number of shadow. Uncharging will health restore to all shadows.

 One more thing, After casting the shadows of the dead and they are gone. Why we cannot call them again? I mean If player summon 7 and killed nothing. There are no remain 7 dead enemy in summon pool. If player make mistake or enemy kill them all. Why nekros player cannot call this 7 shadows again? It will helpful when player get in hard situation and really helpful during the boss fight without enemy normal unit reinforcement during the mission. It can be just keep update nekros player pool with save. Not only consumption. Then nekros player try to kill enemy at least 7 and keep update his pool. It will always help when he revived himself or cannot killed anymore because of enemy's high spec or hard situation.

Edited by Hidronic
Mistype and add last sentence.
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On 2018-11-25 at 10:36 AM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Yeah, soul punch and shadows of the dead need some pretty major overhauls to be good.

Soul Punch, absolutely. Shadows of the Dead, I've actually found to be much more powerful in its current state than it seems. Grineer Shadows at higher levels are nigh invincible if you appropriately manage their health (thanks to their armor scaling and the extremely low damage that Grineer deal relative to their health), even with their health decay. Corpus Shadows are less durable, but they are far better at actually killing enemies on their own. They also pull a ton of aggro, which is really useful in arbitrations, since that means they can soft CC enemies that are affected by drones (and I've even seen them kill drones on their own). 

What Nekros really needs for SotD to be good is a kit that can actually support it properly. This entails two main things: He needs his armor shred to be much more usable, and he needs to be able to heal his army without pressing 4 again and spending 100 energy. I think adding a panic effect to Terrify at the start would be plenty to satisfy the first condition. As for the second one, there's a slew of things that could be done. Health orbs picked up by Nekros heal them for a percentage? Enemies killed while affected by Terrify release heal pulses? Make Soul Punch actually capable of killing things, and heals allies when it does so? The possibilities are endless. 


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4 hours ago, Gurpgork said:

Soul Punch, absolutely. Shadows of the Dead, I've actually found to be much more powerful in its current state than it seems. Grineer Shadows at higher levels are nigh invincible if you appropriately manage their health (thanks to their armor scaling and the extremely low damage that Grineer deal relative to their health), even with their health decay. Corpus Shadows are less durable, but they are far better at actually killing enemies on their own. They also pull a ton of aggro, which is really useful in arbitrations, since that means they can soft CC enemies that are affected by drones (and I've even seen them kill drones on their own). 

What Nekros really needs for SotD to be good is a kit that can actually support it properly. This entails two main things: He needs his armor shred to be much more usable, and he needs to be able to heal his army without pressing 4 again and spending 100 energy. I think adding a panic effect to Terrify at the start would be plenty to satisfy the first condition. As for the second one, there's a slew of things that could be done. Health orbs picked up by Nekros heal them for a percentage? Enemies killed while affected by Terrify release heal pulses? Make Soul Punch actually capable of killing things, and heals allies when it does so? The possibilities are endless. 


So far the only thing I’m getting from your post is “shadows are good because they can survive a long time if managed right” which isn’t that much of a benefit.

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The strongest the enemies are the strongest Nekros is. SotD allow you to survive easily and Desecrate/profanation to, so you can focus on dealing with the enemies the way you want. A panic moment ? Terrify and you have a good breathing room. The 1 is not so good but can help sometime.

I think Nekros is a pretty well build frame, i used to play him only for the loot at the beginning and really hated him but since i understand him i've become a fan and use it a lot in almost every kind of mission.

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Il y a 15 heures, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

So far the only thing I’m getting from your post is “shadows are good because they can survive a long time if managed right” which isn’t that much of a benefit.

They take aggro for you, deal damages and give health on death. Do you want them to bring coffee too ?

Edited by (PS4)Herrwann69
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Just now, (PS4)Herrwann69 said:

The strongest the enemies are the strongest Nekros is. SotD allow you to survive easily and Desecrate/profanation to, so you can focus on dealing with the enemies the way you want. A panic moment ? Terrify and you have a good breathing room. The 1 is not so good but can help sometime.

I think Nekros is a pretty well build frame, i used to play him only for the loot at the beginning and really hated him but since i understand him i've become a fan and use it a lot in almost every kind of mission.

I almost play nekros, even not for farming. Just play with this warframe(Nekros 44.9% Nekros Prime 24.7% from my profile information). I watched many player underrated his power and specs. I also don't agree those opinion like you which 'pretty well build frame'. But I wrote this post for many player still treat this frame as 'farming' frame, not a 'war'frame. That's why think about nekros and what's the problem make him treat like that. Nowadays nekros need to kill more than 7 enemy at starting the game for SotD, but what about join the game in the middle of battle field or during the boss fight without ready? SotD are good as you mention below.

Just now, (PS4)Herrwann69 said:

They take the aggro for you, deal damage and give health on death. Do you want them to bring coffee too ?

But still it need to prepare to use, it's not simple. Even the nidus can collect his mutation stack by using 1'st ability to enemy or boss. How about nekros? He can? I said no he can't. take the aggro, deal extra damage and give health are good. After that, if there are no remain shadows in your summon pool in the high level or situation which radiation sortie with high powered dealer warframe cleanse all enemy with your shadows and nekros... after revive... what should he do? Most player treat him as farming frame because those situation make him powerless with only 'Desecrate' role in the game. When you revived or loss every shadow. Unlike other warframes nekros need to play 'never down and always wait for reviving by allies' if  he want to keep his pool. Also his status with health, shield, armor not suitable for endure enemy's attack during the combat, for kill to make shadows. As main post already mention about what I want to add and fix some.

I know you quote about (XB1)GearsMatrix301, but want to say about his SotD not always useful, it still need to fix or change, update like other warframe treated reworked.

And thanks to read my post and reply on it :)

Have a nice day. (Actually I forgot to said this other's quotes...)   

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Desicreate, it gives loot, heath orbs, energy orbs, and ammo. However, the ability itself is hard to use without despoil. Given that the ability already gives health back way more then energy. I'd rather it just cost heath automatically and have the augment give an alternative buff. Even if it's a small amont of damage or armor.

Most of his other abilities can receive any form of buff or tweak with something to senergize them in my opinion. 

Soul collecting is kinda his theme. I'm sure something revolving around that concept would be of benefit.

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Hi, fellow Nekros main here, wanna drop in a few ideas too.

  1. Soul Punch, makes it automatically reanimate enemies killed by this ability as Nekros' shadow minions, and make it synergize with his Shadows of the Dead.
  2. Terrify, I agree, it should be an aura-type ability, and make the armor strip permanent.
  3. Desecrate, it's already good the way it is.
  4. Shadows of the Dead, there are many ways to go with this one:
    • If the health decay must stay, at least make them be able to pickup health orbs too, but not healing as much as 25health/orb like players, maybe half or a quarter of that. It'll synergize well with Desecrate, and there's no need to periodically press 4 to spend 100 energy to restore their health only for it to go down in few seconds later again. Beside, the Desecrate sometimes produces way more health/energy orbs than needed.
    • Alternatively, replace health decay with duration-based, so there'll be no health decay at all, but will drop dead once duration expires.
    • Increase the maximum limit from 7 to 10 or 12 if possible.
    • Synergize with Soul Punch, as mentioned earlier.
    • So, it synergized with Soul Punch & Desecrate, how to make it synergize with Terrify too? Well, make the shadow minions prioritize in attacking the enemies affected by Terrify, and if the affected enemies are killed by the shadows, they'll be automatically turned into shadows, IF there's still slot available for them.
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On 2018-11-25 at 12:36 PM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Yeah, soul punch and shadows of the dead need some pretty major overhauls to be good. Actually I just had an idea for soul punch.

it deals more damage the lower the targets health is.

What the heck are you talking about with shadows of the dead?  You slap that syndicate mod on them and get to about 180% strength and you get a 78% damage reduction, some times if im lucky enough to kill a brood mother or moa that generates additional units  i can get 11 shadows which i hit the 90% damage reduction cap.


On 2018-11-26 at 11:11 AM, Hidronic said:

After casting the shadows of the dead and they are gone. Why we cannot call them again?

You can just recast Shadows of the Dead to reset the timer on them.

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45 minutes ago, Dabnician said:

What the heck are you talking about with shadows of the dead?  You slap that syndicate mod on them and get to about 180% strength and you get a 78% damage reduction, some times if im lucky enough to kill a brood mother or moa that generates additional units  i can get 11 shadows which i hit the 90% damage reduction cap.


You can just recast Shadows of the Dead to reset the timer on them.

Yeah, but what do they offer outside that augment?

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16 hours ago, Dabnician said:

What the heck are you talking about with shadows of the dead?  You slap that syndicate mod on them and get to about 180% strength and you get a 78% damage reduction, some times if im lucky enough to kill a brood mother or moa that generates additional units  i can get 11 shadows which i hit the 90% damage reduction cap.


'Shield of shadows' agument really good. But, this mean nekros must equip this mod for play. Also I wrote about situational problem... Can't recall by bug which already write above. Usually this bug happen, so I don't use 'Shield of shadows' mod. Instead using 'Health conversion' or 'Rolling guard' mod. 


Just showing on the map... blue dots are shadows, but as you can see they are stick in there. Can't recall... This is sortie Mobile defence mission and playing solo...

Anyway, 'Shield of shadows', 'Health conversion' are need to prepare which kill enemy and summon 100 cost of energy, kill and gather 3 health orbs. The most problem is always need to kill whenever host player migration or not regen during the boss fight. It can't say perfect or easy to use. Nowadays nekros play style seems like forced to focused on 4th ability for both attack and survive. But, it can't say better than or equal to other warframes. Still he is treated farming frame. Even he is 'War'frame.

16 hours ago, Dabnician said:

You can just recast Shadows of the Dead to reset the timer on them.

 Yeah, it can but during the game with high level. Sometime low leveled shadows easily erased by enemy's firepower or Nullifier bubble(Not only low level...). Can't say always fully 14 stack with shadows summon pool, and also it recommended always keep them alive(Whenever player need to moving faraway in 'Orb Vallis' or 'Plain of eidolon' for bounty mission). Even the chroma lose his vex armor buff. It can easily way by recast and taking damage. But nekros always need to kill and gather the 7 victims for summon. During the type for explain why I consider about dead shadows pooled back to the summon pool when there is no new one added. I just want to not type about he can to do, just want to give him more option for choose or give some benefit for play like any other warframe.

 Maybe I never tried to using the power modding with nekros. So I'm not sure how strong his shadows when using the strength focused build. But even that is good to use. That means he is more forced to build focused on strength with 'Shadow of the dead'. 

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18 hours ago, WenDMegs said:

Hi, fellow Nekros main here, wanna drop in a few ideas too.

  1. Soul Punch, makes it automatically reanimate enemies killed by this ability as Nekros' shadow minions, and make it synergize with his Shadows of the Dead.
  2. Terrify, I agree, it should be an aura-type ability, and make the armor strip permanent.
  3. Desecrate, it's already good the way it is.
  4. Shadows of the Dead, there are many ways to go with this one:
    • If the health decay must stay, at least make them be able to pickup health orbs too, but not healing as much as 25health/orb like players, maybe half or a quarter of that. It'll synergize well with Desecrate, and there's no need to periodically press 4 to spend 100 energy to restore their health only for it to go down in few seconds later again. Beside, the Desecrate sometimes produces way more health/energy orbs than needed.
    • Alternatively, replace health decay with duration-based, so there'll be no health decay at all, but will drop dead once duration expires.
    • Increase the maximum limit from 7 to 10 or 12 if possible.
    • Synergize with Soul Punch, as mentioned earlier.
    • So, it synergized with Soul Punch & Desecrate, how to make it synergize with Terrify too? Well, make the shadow minions prioritize in attacking the enemies affected by Terrify, and if the affected enemies are killed by the shadows, they'll be automatically turned into shadows, IF there's still slot available for them.

1. It seems like 'Revenant' ability just version of nekros. But it's nice idea for nekros with his main ability of 'Shadow of the dead'.

- How about synergy will occur the way like damage boost? Actually nekros already can be summoned when enemy died by nekros. It seems like better to give 'Mark of consume' which during the 'Shadows' summoned and using the 'Soul punch' to enemy, it will mark the target enemy and effect like 'Hunter command' mod. Marked enemy will be 1st priority target by shadows and they will taken more damage by damage source from shadows. It will be more easily way to get damage boost and join in 'Shadows'. Just my opinion.

2. Yeah, hope to be change it's mechanism. Nowadays UI and system don't know how many enemy effected, where are they, who is affected, Boss cannot get the armor reduction bonus. It's only way to use for taking time or stop the grineer drone in spy mission. Hope to be change aura type, actually even enemy can't see or far away from the caster, in real situation... They just stop and attack again until they feel the 'terror' again.

3.Good for farm and supply. But even the hydroid using 'Pilfering Swarm' mod or Atals 'Ore Gaze' both are have damage with stun and petrify with increase 50% damage boost. What about 'Desecrate'? Hydroid get 100% drop chance, Atlas gain 30% drop chance which can be increased by strength mod, also can scan perform. 'Desecrate' have 54% with fixed number and 'Despoil' only change the cost of energy transfer to health. Drop the health orb chance? It's good for survival but... recommended using the 'Vacuum' or 'Fetch' in the middle of the fight. 'Health conversion' also need them... It's better to gain some other role like small buff or addition role for aid combat & survival.

4. Isn't it too much focused on 'Shadow of the dead'? From your suggestion, nekros must using or spamming his 4th ability whenever he can. Because lots of the things focused this one ability. If change like that, it will need to decrease shadows status and reduce the energy cost for use, change the number 4th ability to 2~3 ability like 'Excalibur' treated... Just my opinion, it's too heavy with one ability have. Better to change 'Shadow of the dead' minor version and change 2~3 ability for this which spamming doctrine. This will be better to treated. 

 Glad to sharing other opinion about nekros. Have a nice day :)

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So in multiple player the npc position is dependant on the host, you are most likely lagged out between the host you can pop out into operator mode to refresh your location and some times its all the way across the map.

Single player wise my shadows almost never keep up with me. EVER, they usually stay in the area i spawn them in and move very little unless im slowly crawling to my destination. I almost always spawn them at the location i need them at.

I use zenruik focus on nekros so i dont worry about energy, i have negative efficiency so i have to spend 110 to cast my shadows too.

55 minutes ago, Hidronic said:

Sometime low leveled shadows easily erased by enemy's firepower or Nullifier bubble

So pop the bubble drone before they kill and then cast your shadows as soon as you lose one to get your own counter nullifier...

Nullifiers nullify other nullifiers... at least i think they do, ive never had issues with nullifiers because i pop the bubble by killing the drone at the top of the bubble

Nullifiers mean i get my own nullifiers, which seem to shut down the enemy.


As far as bubbles are still an issue you can use a miter with the syndicate mod that kills them



Nullifiers are like ancients, they should be the #1 target the second you see that glowly bubble appear and the drone should be your first point of attack since if its kill they bubble wont return. Your team needs to understand this as well.

Any NPC that can shut you down in ways other then just raw damage is the top prioity, your shadows are really just there to confuse the enemy and act as fodder.

Edit: I had a screen shot, where there was another nekros with 4 nullifiers but they were using puple and i had mine over lapping, that mission was pretty chill at that point.

As far as my shadows i use health conversion too, when ever i top off my energy i waste it by recasting my shadows, and i use the desecrate syndicate mod that makes them cost health too since i use the reg aura.

Edited by Dabnician
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3 minutes ago, Dabnician said:

So in multiple player the npc position is dependant on the host, you are most likely lagged out between the host you can pop out into operator mode to refresh your location and some times its all the way across the map.

Single player wise my shadows almost never keep up with me. EVER, they usually stay in the area i spawn them in and move very little unless im slowly crawling to my destination.

So pop the bubble drone before they kill and then cast your shadows as soon as you lose one to get your own counter nullifier...

Nullifiers nullify other nullifiers... at least i think they do, ive never had issues with nullifiers because i pop the bubble by killing the drone at the top of the bubble

Nullifiers mean i get my own nullifiers, which seem to shut down the enemy.


As far as bubbles are still an issue you can use a miter with the syndicate mod that kills them



 'Neutralizing Justice' best way to against 'Nullifier crewman'. But in 'Fortuna' I never heard about it worked to enemy who has 'Nullifier bubble'. Because they don't have drone like 'Nullifier crewman'... Usually it appear 3 or 4 level. Most corpus unit armed with 'Nullifier bubble'. So usually armed with sniper and high fire rate weapon for destroying the 'Nullifier drone' by sniper rifle or kill them with hit & run tactics with sniper rifle, off the 'Nullifier bubble' by high fire rate secondary weapon use. In 'Fortuna' also use both  way. Not using miter...

 I already mentioned about usually playing nekros. So what must be kill first during the nekros playing(actually 'Nullifier crewman' always high priority killing target during the game.) Also we cannot always using Miter for every corpus fight... There are lots weapon player can be use... If player's must have and use item is 'Miter' with 'Neutralizing Justice' that is also really problem with game balance...

P.S. during the 'Fortuna' with high level with full alarm for farming 'Toroid'. I usually playing solo. If can't kill enemy fast... Easily see the lots of MOA armed with 'Nullifier bubble' and charge in to 'Shadows' and player. It's really close for firing weapon... And I never felt the allied 'Nullifier bubble' can nullifying other enemy's 'Nullifier bubble'. Usually my man lose health cause of contact enemy's bubble and down so fast. It seems like only block the enemy range weapon fire.

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Just now, Dabnician said:

Neutralizing Justice not working on the bubble sound a like a bug tbh, it says field on the mod not crewman.

I gotta go test the nullified theory now.


From wiki page.

Not only from wiki page. Already other people test it and say it's not working. Because 'Neutralizing justice' effect destroying 'Nullifier shield generator' not 'Nullifier bubble' itself. So enemies in the fortuna... They don't have 'Nullifier shield generator'. That's why it's not working on it. If they carrying generator, I'll shot it first whenever I got the chance...

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