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Which DE should I contact?



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vor 13 Stunden schrieb (PS4)salem9080:

Hmmm ? What are u talking about. . i didn't understand really .


A player joins Index (and probably way more) missions with the intention of going afk and leeching off of others. Those players can and should be reported

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17 hours ago, (PS4)OverlordMikey said:

A player (who shall remain nameless at this time) has been jumping into Index matches and doing nothing but hiding. Which DE or person should I inform about this? They popped into my brother and I's public group twice already!

FYI, you must never post nicknames of players in forums, it's called "naming and shaming" and is not allowed here.

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I still haven't reported them since all I have is not so great screenshots (two showing them not with 0 for a score and one of them dunking in a corner during the match). I wish I had thought to save a video of them at the time. That said - the second time around we were with another person so maybe they reported them.

I wish people wouldn't pull this kinda stuff - I mean if yer not good at the Index fine - I'd happily pull yer weight - we're all good at different things after all and sometimes you need the credits despite that, but ask first ya know - or something. I don't know - maybe even play as a support frame like Trinity and just heal the party from time to time or something. Anything but quietly hiding in a corner and saying nothing.:( It just isn't cool to treat other people like that.


18 hours ago, Ksaero said:

FYI, you must never post nicknames of players in forums, it's called "naming and shaming" and is not allowed here.

Of course - I know. Saying "at this time" is just a quirk of my character. I wouldn't dream of naming and shaming.

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On 2019-02-14 at 9:52 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

Report with evidence in ticket, for sure.

I totally agree with this, its a really sad mindset to go into a game and afk or do as little as possible, now this might be a little devils advocate and I am certain we have all heard of this in other games, but in some terms the player in question (lazy toad) has not broken or used the game in a manner of cheating or exploiting in a form of cheating, If you also think about it how can we draw a line on activity or performance and then base a ban etc based off this, Now i will use this example, league of legends have auto detection (developer tool) on player activity etc and is made very clear to the community that afk etc will not be tolerated and is managed accordingly (developer warning to player) to which no one can state they didnt know, I have to admit with my time within the game  I never knew this was a thing to which we can report or even have a ban etc, Now Like I said I dont agree with this players morales once again but he is not technically cheating etc but I truly believe if this is going to become a thing within the game that a development tool should be implemented that tracks a players activity and then this tool sends an email/message to the player of an in game warning that the activity efforts go against DE's code and further violations will resort to bans etc, I believe allowing players to take screenshots of a player not moving is hardly a great system of banning/warning people as it leaves open a potential unfair trial system, I believe the only true way to solve this and best in everyones case is a development tool very similar to League of Legends

Please note: all the above is on the basis of being constructive to a game I love, (we all remember the days of call of duty and the tactical flare, wasn't cheating but wasn't right either, we as a community never changed that, the developer took it out and managed it ongoing)

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