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Revenant Rework Idea


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Hi everyone! I am a huge fan of Revenants lore but am disappointed in how he was portrayed ability wise. This is my first time posting a rework for him, so If you have any suggestions, feel free to share! I am also not to keen on how much percentage to have on abilities and stuff, so suggestions for those would be nice too. Thank you!


Revenant Rework:


Context: Revenant is supposed to be an Eidolon Warframe, if not a Sentient based warframe. In my opinion, DE completely missed the mark on what a sentient based warframe should be like. From what we see in game, sentients don’t have this ability to bind people to their will, if anything that is infested, NOT sentients.


  For the purpose of this rework, I’m trying to reinforce the nature of it being a sentient/Eidolon based warframe, and will be using the powers they have in the game as inspiration for Revenants abilities.

   From my perspective Sentients are supposed to alter themselves to better themselves in combat, using energy. So, my rework is based on that. Also, when anything says "Based", It is saying that at lvl 30 with no mods   *blank*


Passive: Add 2 sentient energy to Revenants sentient energy pool every 4 seconds. If normal energy is required, but Revenant has enough sentient energy to make up for it, he will use that instead of normal energy

   - Sentient Energy Maximum is 100/100. (Cannot Increase)

1st Ability: (25 energy) Sentient Spar: Revenant lets out a scream, shooting pure Sentient energy up above him. The sentient Energy will target nearby Enemies and deal damage. For each Magnetic Proc, gain 10 Sentient energy. (Base 200 per Spar and Magnetic proc 75% for each Spar). (Affected by Strength and Range) (Base range is 20m) (6 spars in total)(Cannot go through walls)


2nd Ability: (50 sentient energy) Modification: Revenant Adjusts his presets, (choose 1 from 4) (Affected by strength and duration)(Can not have more than 1 up at a time) (Duration is 15 seconds base)


30%+ range and attack speed for Melee

40%+ base damage and crit damage for Primary fire

50%+ Armor Increase and Shield Regen Speed

10%+ All above


3rd Ability: Danse Macabre (Only change is that it drains sentient energy as well; 5 per second)


4th Ability: (100 Sentient Energy and 100 energy) Energy Spike: Revenant Leeches shields and Armor from nearby enemies, gathering them up and adding 25% of it to his base armor and shields. (drains 20 energy per second) (Duration is 60 seconds base) (Think of it like Chroma’s elemental ward for fire.)


(Second Press) Choose one of 4: (Removes the effect of the first press of Energy spike) (First press of Energy spike must be active to use) (Pressing Energy Spike Again cancels the effect) (Duration is 30 seconds base)(Mods do not effect % effects)


+40% to all revenants Ability damage (Does not affect percentage increase on ability 2)


2nd ability picks another buff to add (randomly), and increases the duration of the buffs by 15 seconds


Sentient Energy added from each ability is increased by 5 energy.


Danse Macabre’s Energy drain is decreased 25% cannot be affected and does 30% more damage (cannot be affected by mods)



So this is my rework idea for Revenant! Sot of an overhaul of his abilities, but I am seriously not happy with the way they took him. Thank you!

Edited by Skorklim
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Yeah his lore was kinda vague to begin with. I think its better to think of revenant as a corrupted frame and not fully a sentient frame. Like i could see he was some type of mind control frame but the exposure to the eidolons and sentient energy changed the frame and it frame adapted to these energies  and used them to its own ends the same a sentient would. 

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5 hours ago, Ramflax said:

Yeah his lore was kinda vague to begin with. I think its better to think of revenant as a corrupted frame and not fully a sentient frame. Like i could see he was some type of mind control frame but the exposure to the eidolons and sentient energy changed the frame and it frame adapted to these energies  and used them to its own ends the same a sentient would. 

Hmmm, thats a perspective I did not take into account. Yeah, maybe he used to be a control mind warframe like nyx, but the sentient energies corrupted him...I like it!

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Revenant is underrated... he does not need a rework. Believe it or not. Just because he is not OP does not say that he is bad. Wity the right build you can go ez vs any level of enemies and win. He is just not so interesting or OP in one aspect to be played by the majority. Still no reason for a rework... why does this community even want reworks for frames that are fine...

Edited by DerGreif2
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3 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

Revenant is underrated... he does not need a rework. Believe it or not. Just because he is not OP does not say that he is bad. Wity the right build you can go ez vs any level of enemies and win. He is just not so interesting or OP in one aspect to be played by the majority. Still no reason for a rework... why does this community even want reworks for frames that are fine...

Oh course a grindhardsquad fan would say that.

Believe it or not Revenant is actually an incredibly poorly designed frame both mechanically and thematically. There’s major contradictions within his kit, an over reliance on Thralls (NEVER FORM SYNERGIES AROUND THE WORST ABILTY), and an overall lack of focus of what exactly Revenant is supposed to do and be.

Edited by (XB1)GearsMatrix301
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10 hours ago, peterc3 said:

This isn't a rework. This is an entirely new frame.

Making a frame entirely sticking to Eidolons/Sentients cannot exist in canon. Revenant existed as a frame before the Eidolon energy altered him.

Yes, It is a new frame, that is because I think his current form does not make sense for what it should be. Why can't it exist in canon? And revenant did exist as a frame before the Eidolon energy altered him, but then it altered him..So he isnt the same frame he once was...Therefore he would have more eidolon/sentient based abilities due to him being altered. I don't think it would just be a little tiny change, no, I think it would be a HUGE change, example of this being Ballas.

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6 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

Revenant is underrated... he does not need a rework. Believe it or not. Just because he is not OP does not say that he is bad. Wity the right build you can go ez vs any level of enemies and win. He is just not so interesting or OP in one aspect to be played by the majority. Still no reason for a rework... why does this community even want reworks for frames that are fine...

I agree! I love having to stop moving to enthrall something, just for it to die to me or enemies really quickly! You see, the reason why Nyx's Mind control works, is because its an ability that she can cast mid air, with good range, and Allies can't accidently attack it. Mesmer Skin requires you to stop moving and be forced to stand for a good 10 seconds to get any good amount of thralls for free. The thralls don't do any extra damage as far as I can see, and its honestly a waste of time getting them. Reave, is just stupid. Reave's special perk, is that you get more damage and energy...KILLING YOUR OWN THRALLS. That is super counterproductive! Just create a bunch of them, to kill them all? No, that seriously is not helpful. Danse Macabre, is the ONLY ability that does GOOD damage, lets you move around while doing it, doesn't force you to use 1 ability first before getting any benefits, and is actually good.

In conclusion, having a whole warframe's abilities being good based on a single ability that doesn't do squat, is stupid, annoying and it makes no sense. Anyone I see play revenant, is pretty much only using its Danse Macabre. In a meta where AOE damage and survivability is KEY to doing well in missions, having to stop moving to build up thralls, just to get any benefits from them, when you can easily just kill them instead, is not a good kit.

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Enthrall is one handed, you can cast while you are doing parkour and attacking. Additionally it is not a "make the enemies kill each other" ability, it is a cc and setup for damage with reave and the resulting pillars.

Mesmer skin is top teir as a tanking ability, immunizing you to anything including self damage. Also stunning anything that actually hits you. This is warframe, if you are getting hit more than 10 times a minute you are doing it wrong.

Reave can one shot any level enemy with enthrall. Its drain effects are useless due to mes-skin admittedly but used right just reave and enthrall can be used to kill high level targets faster than danse.

Danse is a room cleaner with 100m range. You can sit on top of a elevated position and his the entirety of some maps.

Revenant could use minor changes like a lot of frames, but hardly a full replacement. He is in a good position compared to older frames like vauban and wukong.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

Enthrall is one handed, you can cast while you are doing parkour and attacking. Additionally it is not a "make the enemies kill each other" ability, it is a cc and setup for damage with reave and the resulting pillars.

Mesmer skin is top teir as a tanking ability, immunizing you to anything including self damage. Also stunning anything that actually hits you. This is warframe, if you are getting hit more than 10 times a minute you are doing it wrong.

Reave can one shot any level enemy with enthrall. Its drain effects are useless due to mes-skin admittedly but used right just reave and enthrall can be used to kill high level targets faster than danse.

Danse is a room cleaner with 100m range. You can sit on top of a elevated position and his the entirety of some maps.

Revenant could use minor changes like a lot of frames, but hardly a full replacement. He is in a good position compared to older frames like vauban and wukong.


Enthrall is one handed, you can cast while you are doing parkour and attacking. Additionally it is not a "make the enemies kill each other" ability, it is a cc and setup for damage with reave and the resulting pillars.      - See the problem with tihs, is that in a meta where AOE damage is key, unless your doing a solo mission, your thrall will most likely die before you can get use out of him (happens to me all the time) Again, bringing up nyx, her mind controls cannot be killed by Tenno until the mind control is done. Second, they way the thralls spread is very inefficent, It should spread like Saryns Plague, But because it doesn't, again, the enemy will die without it being useful. The problem with the ability is not what it does, its how it does it, and how it allows setup. It has good effects if you set it up, but the setup is exetremly hard to do with AOE damage being outputted every second.


Mesmer skin is top teir as a tanking ability, immunizing you to anything including self damage . Also stunning anything that actually hits you. This is warframe , if you are getting hit more than 10 times a minute you are doing it wrong.    -     Okay, I agree, the immunity is quite nice, but I want to focus on this "if you are getting hit more than 10 times a minute you are doing it wrong" First of all, unless you are doing a low level mission, you are going to be hit because of revenants melee type kit, where he needs to be up and personal with his enemies. Bombards, Heavy gunners, and Corpus lasers Easily go through 10 hits. A good example of a Immune buff, Is nezhas, because it has a damage meter instead of a count. For example, if you get hit with toxin, revenants Mesmer skin will go out very quickly. However, Nezhas wont because toxin doesnt do much damage.


Reave can one shot any level enemy with enthrall. Its drain effects are useless due to mes-skin admittedly but used right just reave and enthrall can be used to kill high level targets faster than danse.     -     "But used just right" In a game where you need fast pace, it is very inefficent to have to set up this, instead you could just shoot the damn thing.


Danse is a room cleaner with 100m range. You can sit on top of a elevated position and his the entirety of some maps. - THIS IS WHY HIS KIT IS BAD! Danse has ZERO synergy WITH ANY Ability, and it would be MORE efficent to JUST use Danse! Their is NO reason to use anything else BUT danse! Of course you could say this about mesa, but she has a downside to her ability with restricted movement, and range after shots. The problem with Revenants Macabre is that it is the only good part of his kit that is viable in the meta! This is why he needs a rework.

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On 2019-02-22 at 6:21 AM, DerGreif2 said:

Revenant is underrated... he does not need a rework. Believe it or not. Just because he is not OP does not say that he is bad. Wity the right build you can go ez vs any level of enemies and win. He is just not so interesting or OP in one aspect to be played by the majority. Still no reason for a rework... why does this community even want reworks for frames that are fine...

Something doesn't have to actually not function for there to be a problem.  Similarly people can enjoy something that is considered poor.  Revanent can function in any content just fine.  So can every other frame.  performance isn't the point of discussion and it's really not hard to read the countless posts/threads or watch videos on why people have issues with Rev.

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39 minutes ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

Something doesn't have to actually not function for there to be a problem.  Similarly people can enjoy something that is considered poor.  Revanent can function in any content just fine.  So can every other frame.  performance isn't the point of discussion and it's really not hard to read the countless posts/threads or watch videos on why people have issues with Rev.


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On 2019-02-22 at 7:46 AM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Oh course a grindhardsquad fan would say that.

Believe it or not Revenant is actually an incredibly poorly designed frame both mechanically and thematically.

I get that you hate Revenant's kit with a passion, what I don't get is why you're so obsessed with destroying him and having DE design a new frame with the same name.

Like, I absolutely can't stand playing Trinity or Mag, but I'm not going around to as many threads as I could find demanding that DE scrub them from the game and replace them with something entirely different. I just... don't play them and let people who want to continue doing so. 

Not enjoying something is one thing but I really can't figure out this "nobody should be allowed to!" mindset you have about him.

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1 minute ago, Elementalos said:

I get that you hate Revenant's kit with a passion, what I don't get is why you're so obsessed with destroying him and having DE design a new frame with the same name.

Like, I absolutely can't stand playing Trinity or Mag, but I'm not going around to as many threads as I could find demanding that DE scrub them from the game and replace them with something entirely different. I just... don't play them and let people who want to continue doing so. 

Not enjoying something is one thing but I really can't figure out this "nobody should be allowed to!" mindset you have about him.

1. Trinity and Mag have synergy with their kit, and their lore makes sense with their kit. Revenant has none of those.

2. People do enjoy Revenant, and so do I. What gave away the "nobody should be allowed to!" mindset we all here apparently have?

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12 minutes ago, Elementalos said:

I get that you hate Revenant's kit with a passion, what I don't get is why you're so obsessed with destroying him and having DE design a new frame with the same name.

Like, I absolutely can't stand playing Trinity or Mag, but I'm not going around to as many threads as I could find demanding that DE scrub them from the game and replace them with something entirely different. I just... don't play them and let people who want to continue doing so. 

Not enjoying something is one thing but I really can't figure out this "nobody should be allowed to!" mindset you have about him.

To be fair. The OP wants a completely new frame design. The rework ideas I made in my own thread actually kept a lot of things about Revenant the same, just made them function in different ways.

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I like revenant both thematically and cosmetically, but his abilities are executed pretty poorly. For one his first is almost completely useless, when I first saw his abilities I wanted to build an army (obviously with limitations), but with his thralls dying so easily that’s nearly impossible. His second isn’t much better either, sure it is more useful in the form of survivability, but the combo with enthrall is unnecessary, BECAUSE of thrall’s flaws. His third is cool, but complete trash, I would the health and shield drain to be affected by ability strength to add more impact and usefulness in higher tier content, or at least give actual damage numbers so we can do more damage than 15 health it feels like. His fourth is just to good compared to the rest of the kit, this ability may be more tolerated if his other abilities were more useful so that players don’t feel forced to only use that ability if they are using this frame. And finally his passive, HE HAS WAY TO MICH SHIELD FOR IT TO EVER ACTIVATE, if had less shield it could work better, but with his shield numbers on top of his invulnerability during mesmer skin, his passive just never gets a chance to shine. So either they rework him to fix these changes, or they do it threw other means such augments, but that solution would be more limited on what it could do. So hopefully DE finds this post somehow so that they can fix these issues or revenant will forever be a controversy. 

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