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So what are Nidus mutations?


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Basically, they buff up your 1's damage significantly and are expended instead of energy to use his 3rd and 4th ability. If you have more than 15 when you die, those are consumed and you get a moment of invincibility with 50% of your health back.

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8 minutes ago, Anshdrop5 said:

So recently I bought Nidus and it has this counter that grows every time I do my first ability.

So what exactly are they?

that's his Mutation Stack system, and it's the key to Nidus becoming one of the strongest Warframes in every aspect:

each time you use your first ability and it hits an enemy, you start building up stacks, you need to hit 5 enemies for a full Stack. as you build them up, your 1 gets a lot stronger and you get the ability to use his other powers. it works as follows.

- with at least 1 stack, you can use his 3rd ability, Symbiotic Link. aim and cast at an enemy to immobilize them and make them take most of the damage you should be taking, or cast it on an ally to buff them.

- with at least 3 stacks, you can use his 4th, Ravenous; this creates an infested "garden" that heals you and any allies that stand upon it, and it produces friendly Maggots that seek out and attack enemies. if you use your first ability on an enemy being attacked by Maggots, the Maggots explode and give you extra towards your stacks. enemies are completely immobilized whilst being attacked by Maggots, so it works as both CC and healing.

- at 15 Stacks, you get his Passive, Undying; if you take damage that should kill you, you will instead forfeit 15 stacks and go invincible for a few seconds, before regaining half your health. Ideally, the lowest number suitable for stack usage at high levels is 18, because then you can heal with your ultimate and still have a safety net if you take lethal damage, but obviously, the more stacks the better.

Nidus can have up to 100 stacks, at which point you can basically "die" 6 times in a row and be fine, whilst also using all your abilities with abandon. pair with Rage or Hunter Adrenaline for near infinite energy and go nuts with your 1 whenever possible, once Nidus gets his stacks, he basically cannot be stopped. even nullifiers can only decay his stacks over time, as opposed to wiping them out entirely. Nidus is by far one of the strongest frames overall, capable of Damage, CC and healing with his Ult. A good Nidus player can carry a team easily.

the only downside to Nidus is the micro-management of keeping your stacks, but once you get them, you will feel like godlike, I know I do as my Nidus.

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Nidus is a warframe where you use 2 than 1, 1, and 1 again till the 2 pops, and you do this over and over again till your able to use your 4 and 3. 

It is a great solo warframe, but when it comes to team play, it does not play well with others like nova and a few others.

you will really enjoy it.

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Il y a 23 heures, Firedtm a dit :

Nidus is a warframe where you use 2 than 1, 1, and 1 again till the 2 pops, and you do this over and over again till your able to use your 4 and 3. 

It is a great solo warframe, but when it comes to team play, it does not play well with others like nova and a few others.

you will really enjoy it.

Or not...

His 3 is great to boost an ally and his 4 heals everybody.

With CC, group healing ability and a power dedicaced to boost an ally i dont see him like a egocentric warframe.

It's more a jack-of-all-trades.

Sure it's not a pure support frame but he has teamwork potential.

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