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Nightwave concept is shafting new and casual players


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

To be fair DE could totally add in random alerts that reward a small amount of wolf credits. This makes the new store valuable and its rotating stock would not be a bad thing but something players look forward to each week. Also, gaining tiers isn't mandatory now for new players and they can focus on story quests and the star chart. Since wolf credit expire DE doesn't have to worry about players stockpiling them either. It would be a win-win for everyone.

Sorry to blow a hole in that but that would allow for stock piling catalyst and reactors like mad.

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1 minute ago, hazerddex said:

Sorry to blow a hole in that but that would allow for stock piling catalyst and reactors like mad.

DE could easily make the store have a quantity available. Limit 1 per week. And since the stock rotates they may not be available every week.

EDIT: To be fair, no one can even afford them the first week since everyone is capped at 50 credits. So really it's no different than not having them available.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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What a thing. I strongly agree with this topic.

I was touched by Nightwave's directing and using the radio, but I can not agree with deadlines and tasks. Because it is administrative and undermines freedom. When I realize that it is not my voluntary adventure and is managed, there is a crisis that motivation to the game is lost.

Fortunately for me, warframe is a wonderfully artistic work, so I will not retire because of Nightwave's specifications, but I feel that the troublesome task has increased. It is too regret to ignore, it is too harsh to digest in the period. For me.

With the alert system, even if I could not join, I could continue to play forward positively "I will get a chance someday." It is very regrettable that Nightwave completely replaced it.

It was only recently that I started warframe, and there are many past rewards that I can not obtain forever. But I have no dissatisfaction with that. Because, at that time, my free adventure had not yet begun.

Thanks Warframe and DE. Then the older brothers of the community.

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I don't like this nightwave thing at all. This whole game is a giant chore. I just don't feel like it's been fun for a long time. I dislike fighting the terralysts ( i know i spelled it wrong) and I don't have what it takes to fight the hydro, or can contribute to other players fighting it because of my connection issues sometimes so I'm never going to do those challenges. I could explain it, it's just worth the time, no one cares really.   I wish getting things was more of an organic and fun experience and less of a checklist of chores that make my real job feel like a relaxing experience.  Games for me a what I do in my spare time for fun, not something I want to log into to complete a huge list of tasks on a totally unfair timetable.


In fact, after tonight I probably won't log in again until this gets straightened out. I just don't want to go here to this, go there do that, grind this, grind that, (connection issues too) it's not fun and I'll never have the time to get all the stuff because I have other responsibilities in life.

Edited by ShimmerDoll
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Which, if you can do any semblance of basic mathematics, is substantially longer than a 20 minute alert. That isn't an efficient use of my limited game time, that's a 20 minute Alert run made NINE TIMES LONGER for the same item. That's the further possible thing from efficient.

If you never actually "play" the game it takes around 3 hours, if you are playing and doing stuff most of these will be finished "automagically" and those that arent you could probably finish off in under an hour.
But if you are on call 24/7 and have an app that alerts you when a certain thing is up on alert and you can drop everything just to get that corrosive projection or whatever (seriously does someone really think this was better?) then yes you probably wont like Nightwave.
I cant remember when I actually did an alert last (except gift of the lotus ones but guess what they are still here), maybe an oxium one.

What if there was only one weekly bounty where you needed to kill 10000 enemies, I bet alot of people would still complain about it being to grindy (the ..I just want to sit in trading chat and make plat kind of of people) and takes to much time (ignoring the fact that it will be completed by just playing the game).




In fact, after tonight I probably won't log in again until this gets straightened out. I just don't want to go here to this, go there do that, grind this, grind that, (connection issues too) it's not fun and I'll never have the time to get all the stuff because I have other responsibilities in life.

This whole game is a giant chore. I just don't feel like it's been fun for a long time.


Sounds like you were already tired of warframe, 


I just don't want to go here to this, go there do that, grind this, grind that,

If you dont like this I am seriously curious why you even play (or maybe played) warframe.

Edited by (XB1)Dic3man
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5 hours ago, ShimmerDoll said:

I don't like this nightwave thing at all. This whole game is a giant chore. I just don't feel like it's been fun for a long time. I dislike fighting the terralysts ( i know i spelled it wrong) and I don't have what it takes to fight the hydro, or can contribute to other players fighting it because of my connection issues sometimes so I'm never going to do those challenges. I could explain it, it's just worth the time, no one cares really.   I wish getting things was more of an organic and fun experience and less of a checklist of chores that make my real job feel like a relaxing experience.  Games for me a what I do in my spare time for fun, not something I want to log into to complete a huge list of tasks on a totally unfair timetable.


In fact, after tonight I probably won't log in again until this gets straightened out. I just don't want to go here to this, go there do that, grind this, grind that, (connection issues too) it's not fun and I'll never have the time to get all the stuff because I have other responsibilities in life.

This guy gets it.

Warframe has LOST the fun factor.

Everything old has been replaced with new , more grindy-grind mechanisms.


If someone can point out the Fun in Warframe, please do because I lost the taste of It (maybe except Void titleset)


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10 hours ago, hazerddex said:

imagine a 25 minute catalyst at 3 am where you live. that you missed because you were asleep. now imagine that happening 90% of the time.

THis might be a tin-foil hat moment but I SWEAR that the RNG of the old Alerts was weighted to have Catalysts, Reactors, Nitain, Rejuvenation, Shield Disruption, Steel Charge, & Forma Alerts to drop at odd hours.
I work overnight so & the app alerted me & these NEVER popped up during regular play hours. Always while I was at work. I have a Vita so remote play got me through it during my lunch breaks but I know not everyone has/had that luxury.

Honestly, I think the Nightwave system would probably be better if Capturing the Escapees, and Creds were awarded with each milestone cleared. That way players feel like they are progressing/being rewarded vs the "wait for a reward" that I feel had turned many people off.

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14 minutes ago, Coverop said:

This guy gets it.

Warframe has LOST the fun factor.

Everything old has been replaced with new , more grindy-grind mechanisms.


If someone can point out the Fun in Warframe, please do because I lost the taste of It (maybe except Void titleset)


Mate the fun factor's been gone sinxe they were bought by the Chinese company(can't recall the name). From there on the game has gone a different(and worse) direction.

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1 minute ago, Zilchy said:

Mate the fun factor's been gone sinxe they were bought by the Chinese company(can't recall the name). From there on the game has gone a different(and worse) direction.

Then why are we here? Just to suffer?


On side note, I'll move to Destiny 2.

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Even new or casual players can reach a lot of those rewards and they will make a real difference for them, like forma, catalysts and reactors or simply slots (for those free2play guys).

Are new and casual players supposed to reach all the highest stages and reward tables of any activity? Hell no! Why should they be treated and carried through all the content like a newborn babe?

DE just stated in their devstream that rank 30 can be reached by clearing about 60% of the challenges popping up through the ten weeks of event. Seems fair to me. A hard working newb with some time to spare can still make it probably and a casual with some ambition who brings good equipment (like myself 😉) can easily do so, too. Just play the game and most of the challenges will complete while you don't even focus on them, then do the others if you got nothing else important to do in the game at that moment.

Warframe is a game of looting, shooting and grinding and that appeases most people playing it, so a little effort or grind is okay I think. Events will eventually come around another time and next time you might be able to get to rank 30 and grab all the goodies, since you (probably) won't stay a newb forever.

Relax, play and enjoy the game and grab whatever rewards you can, they won't be around for the last time. 🙂

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33 minutes ago, Coverop said:

This guy gets it.

Warframe has LOST the fun factor.

Everything old has been replaced with new , more grindy-grind mechanisms.


If someone can point out the Fun in Warframe, please do because I lost the taste of It (maybe except Void titleset)


This, for me anyway, is the crux of the matter. Where has the fun gone? 

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33 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

Most of my clan already has. I think we're here hoping that things improve while in reality we know they won't.

From a guy with over 1500 hours in Destiny you will probably be back there is no depth at all (the Raids are some of the most fun content there is though if you have 5 friends, no matchmaking).
There is very little theorycrafting builds are ..well there arent any. 
With that said its still a great game (otherwise I wouldnt have put 1500+ hours in it) but very different from warframe.

On a sidenote. The bounties actually take longer in Destiny than in Warframe (and warframe is 10x the grind Destiny is put that in perspective those that think the Noghtwave system is a grind).

Edited by (XB1)Dic3man
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4 minutes ago, (XB1)Dic3man said:

From a guy with over 1500 hours in Destiny you will probably be back there is no depth at all (the Raids are some of the most fun content there is though if you have 5 friends, no matchmaking).
There is very little theorycrafting builds are ..well there arent any. 
With that said its still a great game (otherwise I wouldnt have put 1500+ hours in it) but very different from warframe.

On a sidenote. The bounties actually take longer in Destiny than in Warframe (and warframe is 10x the grind Destiny is put that in perspective those that think the Noghtwave system is a grind).

Interesting, thanks for the insight :)

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No problem, if you find 5 friends and do a Raid try to go in blind (not watching howtos on youtube :-)

You will probably be scratching your heads after 15 hours still wondering what you should do (the raids are really tough both mechanicwise and enemywise, until you have done them 100x times ofcourse).
It will probably take a month to get raid ready though (depending on how much you play ofc) since there are some weekly softcaps on how to acquire higher level gear.

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39 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

Most of my clan already has. I think we're here hoping that things improve while in reality we know they won't.

Oh man...and you all moved to Destiny 2?
All my friends & their entire Clan jumped from that sinking ship to Warframe ironically.
(They want me to abandon my 1 man clan & join theirs...(Not gonna happen. I put too much into my 1 man clan's research.)

The Enhancement Cores, RNG behind RNG behind RNG, & time gates just killed all the fun for them. Me as well. I spent 1 entire month doing every single milestone and all my drops were for the same slot...I literally had an ENTIRE month of 0 progress due to rng.
Then thanks to enhancement cores I couldn't even use my own loadout...if I did I'd be burning them so I was forced to use whatever random scraps I could pick up until I hit enough a level jump to "justify" using my cores.
Game was a chore.

I know you're unhappy with Warframe so I sincerely hope you find fun in D2 but I don't think you will once the gloss wears off.
Hopefully the break from Warframe is actually what you need. So you might come back & rediscover the fun of Warframe.
But Destiny 2...oof just a warning...you may regret all the time you spend in it.
I regret letting my friends convince me into Forsaken. I wasted too many months on the game.
After literally having bad RNG that prevented me from leveling up for an entire month of dedicated play (I played an average of 4-5hrs a day) my spirit broke. 

I honestly think these "Looter" games are now in a "Damned if you Do, Damned if you Don't" position.
Players both  Want everything available right away & Want things to work towards that take time & effort.

From Destiny to Warframe to Division to even Anthem.
Devs cannot win. Anything players have to work towards, people want the time gate/delay removed. Things immediately available players want to be locked & worked towards.
I think players have turned these games into a Job & now take them so seriously that nothing appeases them.

Destiny's community is miserable, Warframe's Community (by these forums) appear miserable, Division's Community also Miserable, Anthem's Community is disappointed.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Oh man...and you all moved to Destiny 2?
All my friends & their entire Clan jumped from that sinking ship to Warframe ironically.

- wall of text -



The FPP genre is my jam.

Destiny 2 for me is fun because of the Public Events that are quick n fun.

I haven't touched the raids in my ~600h playtime , but I wish that Xur could sell me new goodies.


Honestly, what keeps me in Destiny 2 is the gunplay and Public Events.

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Honestly, what keeps me in Destiny 2 is the gunplay and Public Events.

Gunplay I get because its great but public events... really..? those were fun in Destiny 1 for a month or so now they are something you "need" to do for certain quests/bounties.

But maybe we have digressed a bit from topic..

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18 minutes ago, (XB1)poodlebingo 65 said:

Zero, you don't speak for me. I'm not disappointed with Anthem. Sorry to have to tell you this and I'm having fun!

You know exactly what I meant by my post. No need to be a smart ass. Obviously I don'y speak for every single player. Just like these Nightwave threads (and every other thread on these forums) don't speak for every single player in Warframe.

I play Anthem & enjoy it but if you look at forums, discussions, YouTube, twitch, news, blogs.

Apparently the community is disappointed. Yes, the game is flawed. But like Diablo 3 it'll get to where it needs to be.

(Yes, we shouldn't accept this as the norm for looter games but that's another topic for another day )

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28 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

They moved to various games and play Warframe very casually or not at all. Destiny 2 was the one that grabbed the most people. When one of the oldest clans in Warframe all but gives up you know the game is not as fun as it once was.

Fair enough. Its personal preference in the end.

I've always played multiple games so Warframe hasn't worn me out yet.

Right now, it's Warframe, Kingdom Hearts 3, Anthem, & Spyro Remastered.

FYI, I wasn't trying to crap on D2 or tell you to run from it. I was just sharing my experience.

If you're having fun. More power to you, just be aware that the game may severely burn you once you get deep enough in it.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

You know exactly what I meant by my post. No need to be a smart ass. Obviously I don'y speak for every single player. Just like these Nightwave threads (and every other thread on these forums) don't speak for every single player in Warframe.

I play Anthem & enjoy it but if you look at forums, discussions, YouTube, twitch, news, blogs.

Apparently the community is disappointed. Yes, the game is flawed. But like Diablo 3 it'll get to where it needs to be.

(Yes, we shouldn't accept this as the norm for looter games but that's another topic for another day )

You're the one being smart. Just back up your anecdotal figures with facts. I'm speaking from my experience.

Your aggressive answer does you no favours.

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