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Zaws in Melee 3.0


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With Melee 3.0 beginning to be released, I would like to see Zaws revisited at some point as well. Particularly, and perhaps peculiarly, I'd like the Two-Handed Zaw variants to be reexamined.

Every strike except for Rabvee and Dokrahm becomes a Staff or Polearm when attached to a two-handed hilt. As a result, there are no non-staff-like Two-Handed Zaw Grips, and they all look pretty much the same because they're all variations on "Long Stick with Wrappings." This is actually reasonable, as polearms and staff weapons often resemble each other in this way, while one- or two-handed grips often vary by culture or period...but why are nine of eleven two-handed Zaws Staff or Polearm weapons? It feels awkward, to be honest. One-handed, there's a lot of variance; there's a Dagger, three Machetes, two Rapiers, two Scythes, two Swords, and a Nikana. Two-handed, there's four Staff, five Polearm, one Heavy Blade, and one Hammer. Now, I know there aren't a lot of two-handed weapon types - at least, not bulky ones that easily lend themselves to the Zaw's modular system, but this looks like somebody forgot that Hammers and Heavy Blades existed for a while and nobody cared enough to point it out. It took from U22 to U22.18 to add Strikes that did not become Polearm or Staff weapons when attached to a two-handed grip, which really doesn't help that impression; even the Plague Strikes do. It's not like there weren't Strikes that could have filled that role earlier; the Kronsh would have made a fine Hammer, and Mewan looks perfectly suited to be a Heavy Blade - just look at Hok with that Mewan-Laka he's always cradling. Instead, these are classified as Polearms when attached to a two-handed hilt. Switch them over, and it's four Staff, three Polearm, two Hammer and two Heavy Blade - much more balanced spread.

If they were changed now, though, I feel like there'd be an issue. So I'd like to suggest something a little different - an Intermediate Grip, between the two lengths but way closer to Korb than the Jayap, which would allow them to access different classes as a result, or at least somewhat different stats. Am I going to get into math? No. Why would I? If this suggestion were used, I'm certain none of it would make it in the first place.

Here's my take on what would make sense with this, based on the appearance of the Strikes themselves compared to other weapons I can find. Not all will be different from both of their current options in types available, but I imagine they'd have different stats. Again, I'm not getting into balance. Honestly, this is mostly about adding variety to the damn things and making it so that there are more Hammer and Heavy Blade options that might look like they make sense.

Balla - Rapier or Scythe (Personally, I'm leaning toward Rapier, but I could see it being a sort of short War Scythe (wiki it, they're a thing) and looking good with the Stances of Scythes?)

Cyath, Mewan, Ooltha - Heavy Blades (As they are all clearly swords, and if they had long hilts, would clearly be good for two-handed use.)

Dehtat, Plague Kripath - Polearm or Staff (Either of these with a long hilt is basically just a short spear. Unfortunately, nothing else really makes sense for these.)

Dokrahm - Scythes or Machete (It's a very Scythe-shaped Strike, but it also resembles the Kreska, which is a Machete; it could work.)

Plague Keewar - Scythe or Hammer (While it is also a very Scythe-shaped Strike, it gives a very blunt, sturdy impression that I think suits Hammers.)

Kronsh, Rabvee - Hammer. (Kronsh somewhat resembles a Fijian totokia, an example of a tribal battlehammer, and Rabvee resembles a war hammer.)

Sepfahn - Two-Handed Nikana. (These exist now! I forgot. They're super new.)

This spread does have three Heavy Blades and potentially three Hammers, but with the plethora of Staff or Polearm choices with the longer hilts...somehow, I don't really see that as a problem when considering possible weapon types a shorter long hilt could allow for.

Also, even if this suggestion is binned out of hand aside from this, just give all two-handed Zaws built with one of the two-handed grips currently available the ability to be holstered like a Staff or Polearm in addition to their actual class or something. I'm tired of having my Zaw banging the back of my knees.


A more extensive suggestion would be to request that more weapon types entirely be allowed for - and I do think that would be nice, honestly. I could go for a Sword and Shield, or a Fist Zaw.

Edited by OricSharp
I forgot that Two-Handed Nikanas exist now. Sorry!
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4 hours ago, OricSharp said:

Sepfahn - Heavy Blades

I reckon this should probably be a Two-Handed Nikana? I mean... it's a Katana blade with a longer handle. Works perfectly for that stance.

Otherwise this is a good idea. +1

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51 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

I reckon this should probably be a Two-Handed Nikana? I mean... it's a Katana blade with a longer handle. Works perfectly for that stance.

Otherwise this is a good idea. +1

,,,you know what, I completely friggin' forgot that Two-Handed Nikanas existed now. Fixing the original post.

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Sparring and Fist zaws, yes please, dear christ.

Or else give players the option to put an arcane slot on weapons that don't have them.



Let's be real, though, like so many systems, DE has moved on from this one without fully fleshing it out, and maybe this'll get more attention in like, two years.

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23 hours ago, (PS4)jaggerwanderer said:

I would like it better if we get to choose which weapon type its get to be rather than being it determine by the pieces put together. Mewan strike functioning as a hammer... yes please.

Agreed - more input on what the Zaws become in the hands of the user would have been great. What's the point in building a weapon of your own if you can't use it how you want?


3 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Sparring and Fist zaws, yes please, dear christ.

Or else give players the option to put an arcane slot on weapons that don't have them.



Let's be real, though, like so many systems, DE has moved on from this one without fully fleshing it out, and maybe this'll get more attention in like, two years.

I would definitely appreciate...all of the things you mentioned there. It'd be nice to see at least one Zaw option of every single weapon type, and also to be able to slot Zaw/Kitgun arcanes on non-Zaw/Kitguns.

And yes, it probably won't get any attention for a very long time, because DE likes to chase the shiny new thing instead of polishing the barely-established unfinished stuff launched prior, but I think it's important to push, and demand that polish anyway. Even if it's never actually addressed, they should be reminded that people want the older things polished just as much - or sometimes more - than they might want another Orb fight, or open-world zone, or other gimmicky thing that inevitably doesn't work properly and then gets abandoned the instant it's hotfixed into an 'acceptably functional' state.

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