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Balancing Soma


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Personally, I'd rather keep it powerful.  As such though, we need some way of justifying its power.  I suggest the following:


1. Mastery-lock it at 7.

2. Increase resource cost dramatically (this is the best non-event/non-clan primary, it can afford to cost a ton).  I'm talking something like 20 morphics, 8k Salvage, 400 Plastids, and 2 Orokin Cells.

3. Buff the Supra's damage to make it more ammo efficient and higher DPS than the Soma so you have a tradeoff between them: raw short-ranged DPS on Supra, ranged DPS on Soma.




I agree.

Edited by CrashDaxter
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I think it's too late to change it to mastery rank 5 by now, it's also too strong for its cost. The materials aren't hard to obtain from defense missions. The weapon is too good for its cost (highest reload speed, accuracy(included with projectile speed), and fire rate of all machine guns). The developers need either need to nerf this weapon by reducing the fire rate or crit rate (by little), buff other weapons (including the old ones), or change how armor will function.

Or a mix of all three. I may not have the popular viewpoint here, but I damn well know the game will be a *@##$ to balance if you buff everything instead of slightly debuffing one thing.

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Personally, I'd rather keep it powerful.  As such though, we need some way of justifying its power.  I suggest the following:


1. Mastery-lock it at 7.

2. Increase resource cost dramatically (this is the best non-event/non-clan primary, it can afford to cost a ton).  I'm talking something like 20 morphics, 8k Salvage, 400 Plastids, and 2 Orokin Cells.

3. Buff the Supra's damage to make it more ammo efficient and higher DPS than the Soma so you have a tradeoff between them: raw short-ranged DPS on Supra, ranged DPS on Soma.



I agree, I would rather Soma and the other 2 future Tenno class weapon be the market place high tier weapons. Give them massive resource cost and mastery rank so people have an option outside the Void and clans for an end game weapon.

Edited by LazyKnight
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FREAKING LEAVE IT! it looks cool and it is good, unlike the Hind. if anything is should require higher mastery to craft as someone said. also i am being drawn back by my lack of split chamber. and i think this is a good start to have a weapon ON PAR with side arms.


PS: i forgot to mention something...





















Edited by OvAeons
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Whine whine whine cry cry cry....




Don't like it for whatever reason? Don't use it.


It is just that simple.


If you think a weapon is "too powerful", then don't freaking use it. I don't understand why this is so hard. There's no competition in Warframe (except for lolpvp), we're just ninjas having some fun. If the Soma isn't fun for you, then don't use it.


I, however, love the gun. Finally a gun full of dakka that actually does damage without the need for travel time projectiles or other weird crap like that. It is exactly what I wanted -- something that is hitscan that actually does damage and has some decent accuracy.


EDIT: And I FINALLY get to use those Point Strike and Vital Sense mods on something other than sniper rifles and lolgrakata.

Edited by Xylia
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Whine whine whine cry cry cry....




Don't like it for whatever reason? Don't use it.


It is just that simple.


If you think a weapon is "too powerful", then don't freaking use it. I don't understand why this is so hard. There's no competition in Warframe (except for lolpvp), we're just ninjas having some fun. If the Soma isn't fun for you, then don't use it.


I, however, love the gun. Finally a gun full of dakka that actually does damage without the need for travel time projectiles or other weird crap like that. It is exactly what I wanted -- something that is hitscan that actually does damage and has some decent accuracy.


EDIT: And I FINALLY get to use those Point Strike and Vital Sense mods on something other than sniper rifles and lolgrakata.

I agree. Leave it be. I just can't understand people who want nerfs in a pve game. No matter how hard I try, I just can't wrap my head around this sort of reasoning. I mean, if Alad V is complaining that a weapon is too good, I'd understand. But we have excaliburs and rhinos roaring for nerfs on their own weapons.

And the soma isn't as unreasonably powerful as people claim.They're just butthurt that it performs as well as their hard-earned clan weapons (looking at you supra). In this case, DE should buff these those other weapons instead. Or at the least, make it harder to obtain the soma as was suggested by other posters.

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Personally, I'd rather keep it powerful.  As such though, we need some way of justifying its power.  I suggest the following:


1. Mastery-lock it at 7.

2. Increase resource cost dramatically (this is the best non-event/non-clan primary, it can afford to cost a ton).  I'm talking something like 20 morphics, 8k Salvage, 400 Plastids, and 2 Orokin Cells.

3. Buff the Supra's damage to make it more ammo efficient and higher DPS than the Soma so you have a tradeoff between them: raw short-ranged DPS on Supra, ranged DPS on Soma.



This is the only "balance" suggestion I agree with regarding the Soma. It'a a good weapon that is as powerful as it should be. It's one of the few market weapons that could be considered viable for end game so giving it a mastery limit and a higher resource cost is acceptable. Changing its stats on the other hand is unnecessary. In fact, I hope the other 2 Tenno weapon concepts we've seen will also fill the role of high-end Tenno gear.

Once the new armor system comes out various weapons might need to be rebalanced depending on how their damage type will behave and what tier they're supposed to be in, if that is the direction DE decides to go with. But under the current system Soma is just fine the way it is.

Edited by NDroid
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Lol this is funny. People ask for nerfs on this game more than any other game ive ever played. like ever......thats alot of games...


Anyways, if its so friggin powerful stop pulling punches. make it have a rank requirement of 8 or 9, Rank 8 or 9 machine gun. How much you wanna bet people would complain thats way too high?


You cant have it both ways. if you want it to stay as is, higher requirements are needed. if you want it nerfed then it will become a S#&$ty starter weapon that nobody uses making it irrelevant and negate all the hard work DE put into making the weapon in the first place.


I understand it sucks when a better weapon that what you got comes out, hell I just got supra and only managed to forma it once before this came out. and im not to pissed about it, Cause i know there is a chance Supra will become armor ignore in the future. but you guys are missing the point.


The point is, new content has to be better than old content or no one will want it. this game is Upgrading, Not Sidegrading, Not Downgrading. UPGRADING. weapons get better, but this weapon is a bit too easy to get for its ability and it the requirements need to be changed immediately.


Another thought, Name one weapon manufacturer irl that would instead of making better weapons over the years, would prefer to make them all the same with different looks? Name one, go on, do it. Ima fallow this topic to see if you can.

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Lol this is funny. People ask for nerfs on this game more than any other game ive ever played. like ever......thats alot of games...


Anyways, if its so friggin powerful stop pulling punches. make it have a rank requirement of 8 or 9, Rank 8 or 9 machine gun. How much you wanna bet people would complain thats way too high?


You cant have it both ways. if you want it to stay as is, higher requirements are needed. if you want it nerfed then it will become a S#&$ty starter weapon that nobody uses making it irrelevant and negate all the hard work DE put into making the weapon in the first place.


I understand it sucks when a better weapon that what you got comes out, hell I just got supra and only managed to forma it once before this came out. and im not to &!$$ed about it, Cause i know there is a chance Supra will become armor ignore in the future. but you guys are missing the point.


The point is, new content has to be better than old content or no one will want it. this game is Upgrading, Not Sidegrading, Not Downgrading. UPGRADING. weapons get better, but this weapon is a bit too easy to get for its ability and it the requirements need to be changed immediately.


Another thought, Name one weapon manufacturer irl that would instead of making better weapons over the years, would prefer to make them all the same with different looks? Name one, go on, do it. Ima fallow this topic to see if you can.

Are you mad?

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then why are you talking with me right now? Oops, did you try to troll and fail? keep at it tiger, you'll get it one day.

I was asking if you were mad. It seems you thought I was trolling. You gave your own implication to my simple question. Which implies that you either experienced attempts of trolling, or you're excited.

Edited by Mikovsky
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