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Coming Soon: Livestream #14!


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Q: which is harder for you guys? modeling a new concept? or remodeling/overhauling old ones? (new concepts such as new warframes, new tilesets new systems. old concepts like mod system, tweaking warframes, tweaking weapons)

Q: fighting the new j2000 golem was fun and can only assume was a great deal of work for you guys. honestly after getting the nekros, sufficient amount of mutagen samples, and all the new mods, running derelect missions would seem pointless coz of the "grindy" way of farming the keys. will you be improving/changing the reward system of derelect missions? like rare-er mods? higher exp? or we can only assume you are going to change the mechanics of acquiring keys?

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Question #1:  Will you guys change the grind heaviness of having to go to the orikin derelicts to fight the new golem boss for nekros blueprints?


Question #2: Will you change the drop locations for certain resources (I.e. Mutagen Sample) as well as revert the droptables back to what they were pre-update 10?

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Will there ever be a mod that lets sentinels regenerate health over time? 


Will there ever be different type of void keys? Because buying 1 pack that has a chance to get the 1 or 2 types of missions you're after for 75 plat is pretty brutal. 


Also those missions even when you do get the one you want are totally inflated with end mission loot you most likely don't need anymore. 

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Can you please give some sort of indication about where weapons are supposed to be balance wise? It's hard to give feedback on weapon balance when we don't know what balance is. Just labeling weapons with a tier would be enough. That way we wouldn't waste our precious Forma on weapons that aren't supposed to be good.

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Dear DE,


The game has undergone much power inflation over the course of these 9 months that I have played. What will be done to address power creep? What will be done to fix this glaring underlying issue that has reared its head? Many of the newer weapons that have been released outclass the older content, throwing the game's difficulty curve off balance. There is a fine line between challenge and fun, boredom and frustration. You guys had a great mix of that early on, because numbers weren't just tacked on, everything was a sidegrade.


Going to tiers has shown that you guys have either given up, or have committed to a semi-half-baked idea of balance here. I'm quite concerned for the game's future, so I really want to know what you guys will do to address this. The no-nerf mentality that has taken a foothold will lead to power  number inflation. Please, DE, make the weapons do more different things that others don't do instead of just doing more damage.

Edited by Vaskadar
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Will the multithreaded rendering be under further development to improve game smoothness on newest CPUs ? I mean I've tested this functionality on Core i7 and it does nothing...if on or off, the game still uses only one core whereas my cpu is four-core eight-threaded cpu.

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Was there recently a change to the look of the dojos? I started my own clan and I had 3 Tenno in it. I left it to join a bigger community, but their dojo looked completely different from mine. Obviously it had a lot more rooms, but the art style/tile set looked completely different. Mine had a high ceiling with white/crystal bushes and trees with gold trim and reflective water. But my new clan had a really low ceiling, no decorations or gold trimming, just some faint symbols on the silver walls. Even the doors looked different. Was this in a recent update that I somehow missed? Is it just a few clan's that look this way? Is it just me? Or can you somehow mod the dojo?

yes they changed the dojo tilesets.  The old ones are the organic ones with plants and some decorations already in place.  The new tileset is designed around a grid layout allowing for better linking of halls and avoiding as many dead ends, but comes with the more open and less organic/orokin in style.  You cant build the old style rooms anymore either.

Edited by Loswaith
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1. Will there be more uses for the Nano Spores sometime in the future? Many of us expected the new Infested weapons to fill out that role, but instead of doing so their recipes require Salvage. This seems like an odd design choice, since at the moment Salvage is used in ~80 blueprints, while the Nano Spores are used only in around ~20.



2. With the addition of new prime weapons & Mag Prime, void reward tables have reached the point where the players are more likely to receive excessive amounts of duplicate prime parts than the ones they are hoping to obtain. This makes trying to obtain prime items a boring, luck based grind, rather than a prestige reward you can work towards obtaining - are there any plans to revamp the way the void reward system works?

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Q1 Since the Nekros's alternative helmet is statless, will the older alt helms become statless too? Will the helmets still be available as rewards after that? Will the Syandanas be included as rewards or plat only like sentinel parts?


Q2 Will the Prime versions of weapons/frames ever be changed so that they become stat boosting skins rather than an entirely new weapon/frame?

Q3 Armor 2.0, when? >.<


Q4 With more and more Prime parts in the void, it's become a tedious task to get what we want. Resulting in multiple stacks of the same prime parts. Will there be a way to solve that problem? Token based reward selection maybe?


PS: Nekros's 3rd ability, not useless to me and most of my friends since it helps out in higher level defence where there are no health orbs. However, the fact that it comes from dead bodies that only stay for at most 3-5 seconds or just instantly vaporizes, it's kinda bad to use. To me, Nekros is a support where offence is the best defence.

Edited by TheArchAngel
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- It's apparent that the Warhammer 40k universe has had some impact on the weapon design (Bolter, tyranid weapons), why on earth is Dakka a melee weapon? (name it Choppa, bring Dakka as a massive shoulder mounted machine gun, you know you want to)


- With the new Conclave point system, do you see it becoming a problem? Like written above, MMORPG's have this problem, "Gear score over 1000+ only". It's more of an issue when the vote-kick system is introduced.


- Is there anything planned on fixing the over saturated Void loot pool? As of U10 the old keys got multiple new items, meaning the already full loot table got even worse.


- What's the future of PvP? I'm personally all in for the new 2v2 Conclave and I think it's very well implemented. Having 500 max conclave means people have to think of what mods they bring there, I assume this was the plan too?


- How much focus will be given on PvP, or will it just stay as the current Conclave 2v2 for a long time? Any pvp dangly-bits, pvp scarves, pvp emblems, pvp alt helmets, pvp colours/patterns, pvp avatars? I'd love to see something that shows I've done my fair share of PvP, without having any actual impact on the game. The game needs to stay PvE oriented, but PvP needs some love too.

^ agreeeed

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One topic I am requesteing is a Shooting Range.


If I want to try out a new Weapon, or even a Warframe, there really should be a place to use them.


This to evaluate if it fits my style, or if I like it. The current mentality of Pokemon gotta get em all without knowing squat about them, is just silly.


At the very least, add a 3d model for preview. Or better yet, take the Starcraft 2 route; add a short animation thumbnail showing the basics of the weapon or frame in motion.


Would really mean alot.

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1. Thank You for U10.


2. Can you guys explain how RNG works, where the seed number coming from 

and how everything else evelves around it ?


3. Why different parts for warframes have different drop rates ?

if Mag Prime doesn't have 50 heads, why do I end up with 50 helmets,

0 BP & 0 system?

And what should I do with extra 49, when I already have 8 million credits on my hands ?


4. In the past some events had survival missions envolved and duration of those missions would

effect the reward.

Could you post some data if same rules apply to all or any current survival missions ?


Thank You



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1. New Conclave is a great idea, but what about higher conclave for older players, better gear etc. What about free conclave without any barriers of points?


2. New mods and thats all. Only Glavie mods are useable, rest of new mods - without sentinel mods - noone will use why? Because there is nothing good with they what is worth enought to get out few DPS mods or mods what make our Warframe good enought.

My question is: Did You plan add new space for this "cosmetics" mods for weapon and warframes (i mean 2-3) to give players any option to add this new mods?


3. Im from poland and polish chat still don't have chat moderators. There is alot Spamming and bad language.

Did You olan find and add any Polish moderator on chat, maybe on forum and support too?


4. New Armor 2.0. Can You give us some highlight of this new system, what they change in current elemental damage calculation, about enemy Armor system and Warframes armor, what with alot Rifles what don't get Ignoring Armor and are useless on higher level of mobs?


5. Melee weapons need alot of Love - like many other weapons in game especialy Bullet dmg type rifles. Did You plan focus and in the same add players option to be a good enemy killer with melee weapons on higher levels of mobs, killing high armor mob on lvl 100 and more with melee isnt a good option.

Edited by Dreed
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Thanks for your dedication and this game, I'm having a blast in it.


Q1: What kind of updates to Stealth gameplay do you have in mind?


Q2: At the moment damaging Skills are extremely powerfull in low level content and quickly fade away in high level content. Some new Skills (Energy Vampire) use a %-based System, is it planned to revisit old skills (Slash Dash, Shuriken ...)? a Hybrid of both system (e.g. 200 dmg + 10% of max hp?)


Q3: Melee damage pales compared to ranged combat, anything planned to improve melee choices?

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I unfortunately won't get a chance to see the Livestream at the time (it's starts at 5:00AM here) but I only have two questions:


1. Why hasn't Volt received his much needed buff? When will this buff happen?


2 .We all assumed you would replace J-3 Golem with J-2000 Golem, why is this not the case? I though you were re-doing bosses not making new ones that were intended to be replacements

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I have a single question: Will there be any kind of second-chance events for people who couldn't play during events that gave exclusive weapons, like the Snipetron Vandal or Strun Wraith? Or are these items gone forever now that they've been given out? It wouldn't make sense for these to be permanently unavailable to those who couldn't get them because they'll still need balancing or adjusting in cases of major changes to weapon classes and/or damage and resistance types.

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no͞o nē


Over the last few updates there's been a clear shift of priorities from quality to quantity.


There are more guns, but the new ones are very clearly inferior to the old ones, with a few exceptional exceptions.


( i.e. Vasto, there are guns with higher fire rate, guns with higher crit chance, better accuracy, more mag cap, whatever your playstyle, there's a gun that does it better than the Vasto. It doesn't excel at anything, and it's not general purpose enough to make up for not having a specialty. The Seer would have been a great gun but the Lex is simply better in that niche and easier to acquire. And to put too fine a point on it, you made a flamethrower and a gun that fires spinning saw blades unfun to use)


There are more mods, but they're not useful enough to supplant old ones and only serve to dilute an already frustrating pool.


There are more tile sets, but they're rife with holes, seams, lighting issues, broken doors, elevators and 'critters' that do a better job than Decoy for free and kill frame rate.


Is this going to be a continuing trend and why do the Dev's feel they should be focusing more on quantity that quality?

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