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Nightwave Forma -- Reward / Expend -- WTF ??


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So early on there was  a Nightwave Acty that required the player to expend 5 (that is FIVE) Forma in order to acquire X 'points' (maybe 3000 - I don't remember). On the Rewards Table at Day 7 and At Day 27 there is a Reward for 3 Forma after unlocking that 10,000 point bracket.

So we're now roughtly 12 weeks into the Nightwave changeover and again another "Act" item is showing that we must* expend 3 Forma to receive 3000 Points. So what this means is that in  order for players to progress through the Rewards Table they are being FORCED to expend excess Forma.  Granted SOME of said Forma is returned - but using up 8 Forma in order to receive 6 Forma as Rewards seems coounter productive at best and a Ponzi Scheme in reverse at worse.

The using up Forma in order to regain Forma cycle NEEDS TO STOP -- And IMMEDIATELY.  This is not of benefit to players and is showing that DE bleeds players.

Pushing equipment like Vent Kid Pants that requrie 30 Tellurium or requiring the Sibear to have 30k Cryotics -- essentially both semi-rare resources and not easily obtained without effort is one thing, but to use an equally effort induced resource to essentially acquire itself is asinine.  Example -- "Person 1 gives Person 2 $8 if Person 2 gives Person 1 $10 - UNless Person 2 is stupid, naive or doesn't know the value of money, Person 2 wouild say that is a bad deal all around as they'd be losing money.

This is exactly what DE is doing to players by forcing them to expend more Forma than they acquire back -- as mandatory* in order to progress through the Nighwave rewards.

*Mandatory/muist - Now to be fair to DE everyone can completely SKIP the Forma Act every time it shows up and now waste the Forma jsut to gain it back later as a reward. However (again I do not recall the exact points earned from the 5 Forma Act several weeks back (and I do not recall if there was a 3rd Act item to expend another 3 Forma between this week - as of this post - and the 5 Forma Act)).  But let's say there were ONLY 2 Acts - the previous 5 Forma and the current 3 Forma and they both allotted 3000 Points each.  That's spending 5 Forma to receive 6000 Points at a minimum.  Let's change that to face value of each Forma expense -- that's then 3000 per 3 Forma and 5000 per 5 Forma -- 8000 Points. (and if we add in the the mythical 3rd Forma Act at another 3000 Points for another 3 Forma -- the range of spent Forma becomes 6000-11,000 Points at ther cost of 8-11 Forma.  The reward back is a total of 6 Forma. So the playerr ends up spending 2-5 Forma just for Points.

SIDE NOTE: I vaguely recall there being another "Act" inbetween the above 2 where another set of expending 3 Forma to receive X Points occurred but I did not specifically pay attention and could be imagining it.

This isn't dishing out hard cash to play the game -- BUT if DE touts "Ninjas Play Free" - then why are they pushing players to spend a limited resource to gain Points for a new reward system instead of creating a new Act that is acheivement based like most of the other Acts.  DE is in effect by having a "spend Forma for Points" item in the new system, pushing players to "pay" to play.
Forma is not specifically an in-game currency but it floats between a resource and currency as it is spent to open space on equipment and it takes other semi-rare resources to make after being not common to acquire in the first place.

Longer term players find that gaining Forma becomes rather easy, but for newer players - Forma is few and far between and akin to spotting Bigfoot at times.  And if they are not dropping cash or Plat on either purchasing Forma or rushing the Foundry - each Forma takes 24 hours to make after the player manages to acquire a blueprint.

I personally am a mid-level player - lots of playtime over a few years but not full on end-game yet but been playing long enough to know that whoever put the "Spend Forma to get Points to unlock Forma" process in Nightwave is simply bad at math and must think that players are morons NOT to figure this out.

DE either needs to remove Forma from the Rewards Table - period - then replace it with another reward OR just not have those to slots as rewards.  But since it looks like Nightwave is on a 30-day cycle and it would toss DE's schedule to have a 28-day cycle (not like thy have a consistent day/night/cycle oin Earth that makes any sense - so there is at least precedent) they would probably need to replace the reward with something else.

Or DE needs to remove the Act requriement to expend Forma just to achieve a Forma 3 pack twice in the rewards table. Did someone NOT seriously think this through before the system was launched ? [Rhetorical]

Figure it out DE !!

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11 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

That's a pretty big rant for a non-existent problem.

supported by false information on top like

17 minutes ago, uberfu said:

to expend 5 (that is FIVE) Forma

which was 3

17 minutes ago, uberfu said:

So we're now roughtly 12 weeks into the Nightwave

which is end of 6, beginning of 7


I stopped here since I can predict what else is coming

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16 минут назад, uberfu сказал:

So we're now roughtly 12 weeks into the Nightwave

Eh? Calculus 101.

17 минут назад, uberfu сказал:

they are being FORCED to expend excess Forma

So you "EVERYONE", as you put it, have absolutely everything formad to high heaven?


20 минут назад, uberfu сказал:

This isn't dishing out hard cash to play the game -- BUT if DE touts "Ninjas Play Free" - then why are they pushing players to spend a limited resource to gain Points for a new reward system instead of creating a new Act that is acheivement based like most of the other Acts.  DE is in effect by having a "spend Forma for Points" item in the new system, pushing players to "pay" to play. + the rest of  that 8$/10$ nonsence

Just what?

TL.;DR.: A rant using hyperbole and buzzwords.

A lot of things regarding old vs new players was mentioned in tonns of other threads...


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If you really don't want to put 3 formas on your stuff this week, just don't do it

As a LOT of threads already talked about, you need to do about 60-65% of nightwave missions' total to get to rank 30

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Also don't like this challenge coz i have literally nothing to forma, so game just ask me to waste em to get some points, and i don't gonna do it cuz i already at max rank and get everything i want from this season.

But i definitely can see why it's bad, so as guiding challenge, which if you have everything you want is means just "waste some time and resources on mote amp". Those need to go.

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47 minutes ago, uberfu said:

SIDE NOTE: I vaguely recall there being another "Act" inbetween the above 2 where another set of expending 3 Forma to receive X Points occurred but I did not specifically pay attention and could be imagining it.

Yes, you are imagining a lot of things in this thread. Get your facts straight before posting.

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