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some titania buffs and some ideas for a rework


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i just have some ideas floating around in my head that id like to have written down so why not put them here?


we all know that the recent titania buffs werent exactly the greatest for her but they were a step in the right direction. the energy pool buff does help with her energy economy and so does the innate vacuum and the changes to her tribute were also a great buff to her energy as well even the decrease in energy to cast tribute has helped but she still has some things that need some attention namely her lantern and her passive. most people play titania to be in her razorwing the entirety of the mission. why would you ever be bullet jumping around as titania when you could simply fly around? the only time people actually do that is when they need to gather energy because they have ran out (have i mentioned that she was originally supposed to have free casts on her 1-3 in razorwing? that was scrapped and then nidus came along....hmmmm) or when they are doing lephantis. i have ran out of energy countless times because of either a ton of parasitics eat my energy like it was an all you can eat god damn buffet (plz DE line of sight and visual link) or guess what? i had to ram my face into a wall or floor to keep my status immunity up (being able to cast it on yourself by not aiming at anything would be nice rather than saying "invalid target" it simply casts on yourself) this would also allow the payer to continue flying through a mission without having to slow down due to the floor or wall being the only surface you can get status immunity from. i think i have made my point on that.


Her 3 even now goes unused due to the fact youd rather have longer status immunity or longer duration on razorwing blitz hence why you will find negative range on most of her builds because lantern offers basically nothing outside of some slight CC but not enough to warrant actual use "irresistible" is most certainly an exaggeration and the augment for it is just as bad. why? using the diwata is either almost always a death sentence or a one way ticket to nothing but staggers (even if you don't take what i called "velocity damage" anymore it still feels horrible and more often than not being meleed to death which you have no defense against other than NOT USING THE WEAPON).


I suggest an entirely new ability but before that i need to explain why i would also like a new passive. as i stated before no one uses her passive because no one stays outside of razorwing for longer than five seconds to maybe a minute depending on how they get their energy. i suggest her razorflies be her passive. like say every 10 seconds she spawns a razorfly while outside of razorwing she has a maximum of 6 and when she enters razorwing whatever amount she has is doubled and the maximum is brought up to 12 and when she exits razorwing the maximum returns to 6 and any extras above said maximum immediately despawn or return to titanias body.


Now onto the idea i have for her new 3rd ability (as i said before lantern sucks) id say something similar to khora's now before you scream at me for saying titania should be more like khora take a look at rhino atlas and garuda. namely their 1st abilities. very similar but all act very differently 2 require a target to function all of them have different uses one has an instant guarenteed kill as long as said target is below 35% of their max hp one has a combo that requires you to hit either 1 or 3 enemies in rapid succession and the other is more or less just for movement. but baseline very similar even banshee's and inaro's 1s are very similar they do different things in the end yes but both are CC oriented (one very much so more effective than the other in a majority of situations imo) my point is that a multitude of frames have an ability or an entire kit that is very similar to another's so why not give this to titania?



I dont want an exact copy obviously have it act a bit differently rather than switching between modes have each entity (player objective enemy etc etc) have their own mode attached to them similar to tribute. anyway i would love to see her razorflies be more like allies than just some dumb bot going around on its own. (trust me youll understand if youve ever played gaige in borderlands 2 deathtrap could occasionally be annoying) and razorflies feel like that all of the time. being able to command them to attack or in later levels distract enemies would be amazing since they well...have a higher threat level than a player or the lantern and if cast on an ally they would grant said ally 30-50% (not affected by strength or maybe a cap of 75%) evasion chance and a pet or defense objective damage reduction or also evasion chance and the idea for a different augment would be to give them either natural hp regen or lifesteal from titania doing direct damage via razorwing or weapons in general would make them so much more survivable as they are now they are nothing more than a slight distraction for all of 5 seconds. the passive would remedy this and the augment would allow them to last longer.


i hope this helps...

Edited by Hotashi
fixing grammatical errors and fixing the structure
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5 минут назад, Aeon94 сказал:

Please you paragraphs , it's so hard to read it in this format.

Would not help. No capital letters, sentences 2 miles long. You might as well randomly split the text.

That being said, I managed to sort of grind through the wall, and some things I don't agree with.

1) Lantern is good. It's her second best ability. Unless you are doing max power strength build for very niche things like bosses, you don't need to go negative range with Narrow Minded. Even neutral range Lantern is good.

It's strong points are high duration with decent base range (unlike spellbind which is pretty much single target) and the ability to hang up several lanterns. Also it makes enemy movement very predictable, so free headshots. You can plug multiple choke points for game modes that don't require killing (mobile defense, interception, excavation). Or you can put lanterns along the hostage path during rescue so the hostage would not die while lagging behind. I admit it's not very consistent, and the affected area is poorly indicated, but it's good at turning hordes into potatoes.

2) Healing won't help razorflies, they already have some. They suffer from the prebuff Titania syndrome - they live until they get oneshot. It would. however, be nice to be able to spawn and despawn them at will. Also it would suck for them to be around outside of razorwing because they make enemy movements erratic. They already suck in razorwing when meeting a Nox.

3) Using Diwaita is very much okay survivability wise. I once had to facetank Wolf while diwaitaing him because I have shattering impact on it and there were no other means to strip armour. Not to mention facehugging an enemy makes you hard to shoot for other enemies. The problem is, there's no use to Diwaita outside utility. It's DPS pales in comparison to Dex Pixia. Probably the only way to make it do decent damage is through CO and an external status source (like Dex Pixia itself), since there's no blood rush for it, and base status is low. But it would be useless anyway since there's no range. Also no melee stance that could have useful modifiers. So you are poking a single target at a lower rate than Dex Pixia.

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58 minutes ago, lnfine said:

Also it would suck for them to be around outside of razorwing because they make enemy movements erratic. They already suck in razorwing when meeting a Nox.

i dont think it would if your able to command them to seek out specific enemies. which what i would want. maybe while not being given a command they remain on a sort of standby and return to titania and maybe give her some DR? maybe 3-5% per razorfly? nothing insane obviously.

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Here are my thoughts on your ideas and her current kit.

  1. Agreed on casting self status immunty on herself without hugging to walls or ground.
  2. Razorflies passive sounds really nice. Trampoline passive is so useless.
  3. I disagree with Lantern being slight CC , its a nice CC that makes enemies completely ignore you and your allies. Not to mention its effectiveness combined with Spellbind. But it could use base range increase ( same applies to Spelbind as well ) , thats it.
  4. Most of augments suck or outright should be integrated into abilities , Lantern one is no different.
  5. I don't think Tribute wheel will be that useful. It needs more useful buffs. My suggestion ;  Razorflies passive stays but also picking up a Tribute buff instantly spawns a Razorfly on Titania's side up to 6. You can either wait for them to spawn overtime or on demand with Tribute ( also 10 sec wait time is so long , it better be 5 sec ).
  6. Diwata could use lots of buffs.
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4 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

I don't think Tribute wheel will be that useful. It needs more useful buffs. My suggestion ;  Razorflies passive stays but also picking up a Tribute buff instantly spawns a Razorfly on Titania's side up to 6. You can either wait for them to spawn overtime or on demand with Tribute ( also 10 sec wait time is so long , it better be 5 sec ).

you misunderstand i meant that her 3 should be replaced with the "wheel" 
1. i dont want it to be a wheel. i would like it to have different "commands" for separate entities. so allies would have a sort of "defend" command attached to them that would give them the suggested evasion chance and enemies would have the "attack" command attached to them

2. ye 5 seconds sounds better...

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1 час назад, Hotashi сказал:

i dont think it would if your able to command them to seek out specific enemies. which what i would want. maybe while not being given a command they remain on a sort of standby and return to titania and maybe give her some DR? maybe 3-5% per razorfly? nothing insane obviously.

Eeeh. It's actually nice that they draw aggro from multiple enemies, not specific. Razorflies as a source of damage aren't that good, so they should stick to annoying large crowds. It's just I'd like them to stop doing that on demand in case I have to shoot weakspots.

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Honestly I like Titanias Passive just fine as it is. The added speed/distance makes her handle like a controllable Volt. 

The three things I really want to see are 

  1. A way to refresh the Razor Flies without needing to pop in/out of Razorwing. 
  2. For her 2 to get replaced with ..... something else.... it's OK on paper but in a hoard shooter it's not super great. 
  3. For her 1&3 to be compressed into a single charged ability because they are kinda samey and for her to get a 2nd new ability

Would kinda like to see her get some utility maybe some persistent AoE ability or some such, who knows.

Edited by Oreades
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If I were to re-visit Titania, this is what I would do.



·       Increase all ability cast speed time.


1st ability:

·       Increase ability radius from 5m to 8m.

·       Instead of them rag dolling, make them just hover in the air.

·       Killing enemies will drop a health orb. When picked up. It will send out health regeneration giving her and allies 10 health a second for 5 seconds.


Synergy: if you use the 2nd ability on an enemy affected by the 1st ability, they have a 50% chance to drop energy orb.


·       (augment) When adding status damage to enemies, when the affected enemy is killed, it will spread to nearby enemies.


2nd ability:

·       All buffs will have 75% effectiveness.

·       The range of enemies affected should be in a 50m radius.

·       Thorns – the damage reflection should be 1000+ to make it useful. This can be increased by strength mods

·       Full Moon – it should also increase companion’s and butterfly’s movement speed.

·       Holding the ability should give you the option to choose what buff you want.

·       When cycling through buffs, enemies that will give you the buff will glow by her chosen energy colour for 5 seconds.

·       Buffs should be absorbed into her no matter the distance.

Synergy: dust & thorns applies to 4th ability butterflies.


3rd ability:

·       Each enemy affected will increase the range by 2m to a cap of 10m.

·       The enemy affected will stay stationary in the air.

·       You can shoot at affected enemy loading status damage into it depending on what mods you have on your weapons. The butterflies and the explosion will release the damage. Visually loading fire damage will show the butterflies and enemies on fire and will show fire explosion upon deactivation.


4th ability:

·       While using the 4th ability, make the other ability cost half the energy.

·       Get rid of zero gravity. When you stop, she stops instead of it keep on moving, it’s very annoying. (include this in archwing)

·       When it comes to movement, she should move as smoothly as she is on the ground or better.

·       While having the diwata (exalted sword) equipped, you can close the gap on enemies within 35m. This makes it to where you can reach the enemies quicker.

·       (Synergy) If you cast the 1st ability on enemies, it will give the diwata 30% more damage when used on them.

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