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Peacemakers are a bad ability- because I can’t use them on half the games relevant content?


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59 minutes ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

Nope. CL Ash (especially against hvys)can still kill regardless of level instantly. Mesa is exceptional at killing trash and that's about it. Her PMs scale horribly.  In fact that same trash can instantly drop her. 

WHAT. The audacity lmao!

CL anything can kill single targets quicker than Mesa and any other Warfrane. But Mesa destroys crowds much quicker (unless a ramped up Saryn is present).

Her Regulators scaling horribly? I mean, unless you mod for Impact and negative fire rate, that's absolutely never the case, friend

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29 minutes ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

Her Regulators scaling horribly? I mean, unless you mod for Impact and negative fire rate, that's absolutely never the case, friend

They do. When compared to Equinox, Ash, Inaros, Octavia, Saryn. Or any other armor stripping frame or CL frame that requires vary little or no LoS. She absolutely scales horribly. You need a ton of investment to even get into the same neighborhood as the other CL / Armor stripping frames.

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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5 minutes ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

I will take Mag to hydron and outkill and out damage ANY competent Mesa player with vary little investment....does Mag need a nerf?

Hydron... of course. Limit her LoS. Go to the Void or any other open area defense. Mag at least can't aimbot her way through missions -_-

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On 2019-06-13 at 1:03 AM, Pizzarugi said:

Yes. I hate having my game trivialized by people who think they're cool by mashing 4 and turning my game into a walking simulator. Couldn't you tell? 😛

Also, it sure would be nice of you to respond properly. Nothing you said refuted what I said about "muh enemy scaling" not making the press-4-to-win abuse go away.

Did you ever thought playing solo and solve your problem ?

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)LordSinners said:

Did you ever thought playing solo and solve your problem ?

1. No u. Seriously though, this is a co-op shooter where you're supposed to play as a team. Press-4-to-win frames like Mesa takes that concept and throws it right out the window by doing what an entire team should be capable of when playing together. If there's anyone who should be playing solo, its the people who abuse these frames, because they clearly do not need any assistance to delete entire rooms. We all know why they don't, and I'll explain it later.

2. As I explained in point 1, I like Warframe because its a co-op. I like having other people to play with, to carry them or to carry me if they're better, and help the less experienced players get through missions if they're having trouble. Just because matchmaking is at the whim of random people, it doesn't mean DE shouldn't do something about players who'd rather turn the game into a walking simulator by mashing 1 button until its time to extract.

3. Enemy spawns in solo is hot garbage. The game is set to where teammate count directly factors in how many enemies are thrown at you on a regular basis, and those who play solo get the least amount of them compared to a full team. This is more clearly evidenced by playing rounds of survival alone and struggling to keep up on life support drops. Press-4-to-win abusers know this as well, because it directly impacts the amount of resources you can get from enemies. They rely on teammates to bump up enemy spawns, they need spawn-slaves to keep the numbers high. Unless DE gives players a way to increase enemy spawns in solo to give them more of a challenge or an easier time where kills are important, this is just a typical response to handwave away criticism aimed at broken frame powers.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

Mesa IS aimbot

No, Pre U17.5 Mesa was a aimbot. But you prob weren't around for that . That was broke AF. 

Current Mesa requires LoS and you to move your cursor towards the enemies. Also a ramp up timer, and center mass for max dam output. As well in many cases her SS active. Even then her SS doesn't protect against explosives or status or melee. And unless you wanna get one shot by melee enemies her SG as well, even then her SG only lasso up to 3 enemies.  You can't press her 4 and just nuke. She requires multiple button press good attention good investment cursor movement effort

In fact, go do a Sortie or ESO or 10 rds of Arb without using her 2,3 see how far that gets you. Better yet go clear any high level planet by only using her 4. You'll burn through your revives painfully fast. 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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21 hours ago, Pizzarugi said:

1. No u. Seriously though, this is a co-op shooter where you're supposed to play as a team.

This is not quite correct fellow Tenno.  Warframe is a 3rd person shooter WITH co-op elements that allow for team play.  There are very few if any mission types that must be played as a team.  Everything in the game can be successfully solo'd.  Which kinda makes the "Supposed to play as a team" statement kinda suspect or an opinion at Best.  😀 

Edited by DatDarkOne
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On 2019-06-11 at 8:27 PM, Pixues said:

There is a difference in being good at clearing trash mobs.

And wiping the entire map of playable content. 

There is a difference in being good at clearing trash mobs.

And not having to put in any effort in clearing trash mobs.

There is a difference in being good at clearing trash mobs.

And being designed so badly, people can afk while clearing trash mobs.


(old ember). 

Mesa can be nerfed and still be better at killing trash mobs than other warframes. It just doesn't have to be so absurd.

Awful idea, if she gets nerfed at all, she will be awful. She needs to be slightly less map clearing and more single target I think.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

Mesa IS aimbot. You're like that one Mesa player that refuses to acknowledge how broken their frame is. In spite of everyone else saying so lol

It’s not broken, you don’t play high level enough. I refuse to have Mesa in my team for endurance runs because she caps, and caps HARD. Nobody cares about trash clearing. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)FK2P said:

It’s not broken, you don’t play high level enough. I refuse to have Mesa in my team for endurance runs because she caps, and caps HARD. Nobody cares about trash clearing. 

Most of the game is played in the star chart, where enemies are level 60 at best (pluto). Most of the difficulty that even approaches endgame is time gated between 1 hour to an entire day (kuva floods and sorties). Majority of your time spent will be grinding relics, doing invasions, syndicate missions, grinding bosses for frames if you don't have them, grinding in the Plains of Eidolon or Orb Vallis, etc. Endurance runs are a personal goal set by the players, but aren't implemented nor encouraged by DE in any way beyond you farming hardcore for something you really want. The only time they actually encourage endurance runs is to get the John Prodman poster in the Index, which takes an hour of playing to achieve.

Keeping that in mind, just about everything in this game was developed for the star chart, and there's literally nothing in this game right now that merits needing ridiculous frames like Mesa to wipe out rooms with one press of a button and a seizure-inducing swivel of the camera. This also applies to the other press-4-to-win frames as well.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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1 hour ago, Pizzarugi said:

Endurance runs are a personal goal set by the players, but aren't implemented nor encouraged by DE in any way beyond you farming hardcore for something you really want. The only time they actually encourage endurance runs is to get the John Prodman poster in the Index

False. We also have ESO, Arbitrations and Disruption. 

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12 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

lol no.


11 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

He just presented a video where that's all the user did to eliminate their enemies. I don't count Shatter Shield, because you'd have to be suicidal to fight level 165 enemies without it. :clem:

He did alittle more than "just press 4". 

"Oh look epeen simulacrum warrior . 

I can do the same exact thing with Mag faster and effortlessly. Does Mag need a nerf hahahaha lmao. 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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1 minute ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

False. We also have ESO, Arbitrations and Disruption. 

Endless missions =/= endurance runs. They may be capable of allowing endurance runs, but they still follow the same reward system as endless missions having an AABC (or ABCC+ for arbitration) reward rotation and most players tend to bail out after the first C in most cases with the exception of excavation on account of how fast you can chew through the excavators.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:


He did alittle more than "just press 4". 

"Oh look epeen simulacrum warrior max out Mesa" . 

I can do the same exact thing with Mag, effortlessly. Does Mag need a nerf hahahaha lmao. 

last i checked mag has to use both her powers and guns. magnetize doesnt kill without shooting into it. all mesa has to do is press 4 and left click. i dont think you have any idea what you are talking about.

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4 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

last i checked mag has to use both her powers and guns. magnetize doesnt kill without shooting into it. all mesa has to do is press 4 and left click. i dont think you have any idea what you are talking about.

And you need mods, and SS active. I know exactly what I'm talking about. How long did it take u to kill those 165s? Just press 4 eh? Lol Hyperbolic! 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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50 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

are we even playing the same game?


Yeah we are, Mesa plays well and then caps off. The video you sent is fine, she can clear level 160, I can do that with an amprex in the same time. If you read, I said that she can clear mobs well, but nothing else, and as a DPS frame that’s a problem. Too many dps frames are limited to targeting trash mobs. That’s my point. She kills well in the sortie range, sure, but am I going to take her for a 4 hour run- no, am I gonna take her vs the demolysts- no. Am I gonna take her when I need a DPS for a target unkillable by normal guns, nooooo

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