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What if the alerts changed to be daily?


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22 minutes ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

Once again I said "flawed", I'm not asking for the old alerts to return, I'm stating that NW is an awful system that's even worse than alerts ever were which is why it needs to be replaced.

Why replacing something, if both the alert system and nightwave can co-exist at the same time?

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1 minute ago, BombtailsTheFox said:

Why replacing something, if both the alert system and nightwave can co-exist at the same time?

Because the stuff it offers I don't intend to miss and NW happens to be an awful system which I explained earlier why it's the case.

Hell I'd they could make an hybrid out of the 2 where you get alerts that give you creds that you can use in Nora's reward shop to exchange for whatever goods she offers. Without having to do any of those BS challenges.And stuff not being time limited.

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The old alerts system was much better if you could log into Warframe whenever, the new system is much much better for those who can only log in here or there. 

For those who can still log in whenever we still have occasional Invasion Alerts for Catalyst/Reactors, that IMHO is more than enough. 


It's kinda like the Void keys, there where some edge cases where they where preferable but for everyone else the Relics are just a better system. 


The issue IMHO that people perceive with Nightwave is that it is forcing them to pick/choose/prioritize what they select. For me that isn't an issue because I pretty much got everything from the old Alert system so the only thing I care about are the newest alt Helmets. However I can see how that would be a bad feeling for someone who still wants a bunch of the alt helmets but also needs Nitain and Potatoes. So it put them in a place where they have to choose between a cosmetic they really want or a resource they might immediately need. Or perhaps a cosmetic they can nolonger afford because they chose the resource they needed last week. 

Even then it's still IMHO a better system because you have a better chance of getting what you want/need by playing the game at your pace and when it is convenient for you over being a slave to alarms and alerts that force you to play on their schedule.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

That couldn't be more wrong than it is. NW is the worst thing that has happened to WF. It's tedious, stressful, unrewarding and hindering.

In order to get everything you have to play 10+ weeks of it with it being time limited on top of that. Difficulty is not a problem here since it doesn't exist, it's the tedious nature of it which feels like you have to work or do homework instead of enjoying the game, most of the times being hindered by it instead of doing something that you would actually want to do, therefore killing one of the best aspects of the game which is playing the game at your own pace.

After being done with the first season I was glad to stop, hell I even stopped playing WF because of it despite the fact that I love the game and want to play more.Despite getting all the rewards I didn't feel like all the stress and tedious grind was worth it, too much asked for too little reward.And with season 2 looking the same as the 1st I certainly will have to go through the same torture like first time.

So yeah I'll take the old alert system, no matter how flawed over this BS that's killing the game for me and many more.

Battle Passes should stay in BR games which don't have much to offer anyway due to their simplistic nature. We don't need any of that cancer.

Unrewarding? This season gives you a stencil (25p), a skin (40p - 50p), an operator suit (90p - 110p), a shoulder armor (40p), an arcane (100p) and other things. That's 300p worth of things already and the tasks aren't that hard, most of them are things you do in normal gameplay like playing index for credits so it's like you're complaining for the sake of complaining. Alerts are less rewarding by a large margin when you're forced to be ready to open warframe 24/7 to get things and there's almost no good things whatsoever. Missed one weapon or cosmetic blueprint? Well, wait for an unknown time until it appears again that may take month or longer and no guarantee that it will appear when you're available unless you can open warframe in the middle of the class/work/meeting/sleep because you only have an hour or less to do it.

So no, I find nightwave to be less stressful and most can be done in casual shenanigans without worrying about missing it because I can't be online at certain time

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8 hours ago, 844448 said:

Unrewarding? This season gives you a stencil (25p), a skin (40p - 50p), an operator suit (90p - 110p), a shoulder armor (40p), an arcane (100p) and other things. That's 300p worth of things already and the tasks aren't that hard, most of them are things you do in normal gameplay like playing index for credits so it's like you're complaining for the sake of complaining. Alerts are less rewarding by a large margin when you're forced to be ready to open warframe 24/7 to get things and there's almost no good things whatsoever. Missed one weapon or cosmetic blueprint? Well, wait for an unknown time until it appears again that may take month or longer and no guarantee that it will appear when you're available unless you can open warframe in the middle of the class/work/meeting/sleep because you only have an hour or less to do it.

So no, I find nightwave to be less stressful and most can be done in casual shenanigans without worrying about missing it because I can't be online at certain time

Yes unrewarding, the time spent on it is not equal the worth of it. If we compare events and operations to this you get stuff of the same value or more in much shorter time, and NW feels like that, a really long stretched out operation/event with tedious tasks.

So yeah we can agree to disagree.

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22 hours ago, PurrrningBoop said:

A little flaw, what if I can play only on saturdays?


There's nothing wrong with Night Wave...  the problem is whats INSIDE of night wave... 

The fact that you can knock out the entire week's challenges in one day is good.... then I can have the rest f the week to do with whatever I want.

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