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2 hours ago, Aldain said:

Lately I keep getting pinged for likes on a comment I made in a thread from 2019 that hasn't even been necro'd and that's confusing me.

I do get those on a regular basis. Take it as a belated compliment.

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Dragon's Dogma 2 is releasing today (might already have) and I'm just hearing news about it being almost needlessly hardware intensive, specifically being punishing on CPUs so badly that Capcom said they're looking into fixing it.

I know I'm probably in the minority here, but -insert stream of expletives here- am I sick of questionable optimization being excused by hardware requirement bloat in gaming, especially by the PC gaming crowd (I know I just made a mortal nemesis typing this out).

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2 hours ago, Aldain said:


Dragon's Dogma 2 is releasing today (might already have) and I'm just hearing news about it being almost needlessly hardware intensive, specifically being punishing on CPUs so badly that Capcom said they're looking into fixing it.

I know I'm probably in the minority here, but -insert stream of expletives here- am I sick of questionable optimization being excused by hardware requirement bloat in gaming, especially by the PC gaming crowd (I know I just made a mortal nemesis typing this out).

I'm just getting it on PS5, I know it's not the case for all of them but Capcom has boned over their PC Ports. Also freaking Anti Cheat, cant stand it. Maybe they'll actually turn this one around, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.

I've been playing Warframe and ToTK on Switch, I can deal with low frame rates in cities as long as it's somewhat consistent in battles in the wild/caves.

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28 minutes ago, TeaHands said:

I'm just getting it on PS5, I know it's not the case for all of them but Capcom has boned over their PC Ports. Also freaking Anti Cheat, cant stand it. Maybe they'll actually turn this one around, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.

I've been playing Warframe and ToTK on Switch, I can deal with low frame rates in cities as long as it's somewhat consistent in battles in the wild/caves.

I don't have the cash to spend on a whole console sadly, my PC is reasonable and capable of running a lot of modern things at mid settings, but hearing the CPU bottleneck issue with DD2 just made me way too leery of even trying, Steam refund policy or no.

I really do wish that more developers would either dial back on the "wow high end hardware" button or actually focus on Optimization efforts, because lately I feel like if anything is going to contribute to a second video game crash it's chasing high quality graphics like a drug addict chases a high.

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36 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I don't have the cash to spend on a whole console sadly, my PC is reasonable and capable of running a lot of modern things at mid settings, but hearing the CPU bottleneck issue with DD2 just made me way too leery of even trying, Steam refund policy or no.

Oh yeah totally fair, it really is a shame that it's releasing in such an unoptimized state. I hope at the very least they Dark Arisen this one and actually polish the freaking game. 

42 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I really do wish that more developers would either dial back on the "wow high end hardware" button or actually focus on Optimization efforts, because lately I feel like if anything is going to contribute to a second video game crash it's chasing high quality graphics like a drug addict chases a high.

Amen, but to be honest, this has been going on for so long at this point, I'm curious if AAA will ever learn. I mean sh*t 2023 GOTY Baldurs Gate 3 ran like absolute d*ck across multiple platforms on release. 2022 GOTY Elden Ring had threads upon threads on how to get the game to run a consistent framerate on PC due to how weirdly optimized it was and its crappy Anti-Cheat. Elden Ring caused me to start saving up for a console lol

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1 hour ago, Aldain said:

I really do wish that more developers would either dial back on the "wow high end hardware" button or actually focus on Optimization efforts, because lately I feel like if anything is going to contribute to a second video game crash it's chasing high quality graphics like a drug addict chases a high.

That has been the age-old struggle, telling developers, that gameplay>graphics. It doesn't help, that Moore's law doesn't seem to hold true any longer. On top of that, the current economical landscape bars a lot of people from upgrading whenever the latest GPU hog gets released.

Just look at Warframe, and DE's insistence on cramming more and more details into the environment. The extra clutter TNW left in Plains and Orb Vallis caused a very palpable drop in performance, and I can observe frame rate dips in real-time every time someone blows up the destructibles in the new tileset. On top of that, the now mandatory "enhanced" graphics engine runs like arse on older machines.

Luckily I can still appreciate old games, despite their less flashy graphics. Got the Witcher games, KotOR 1+2, Jagged Alliance 2 and Morrowind modded to the gills on my off-grid machine. If Warframe gets too artsy for this rig to handle, I'm not without options.

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Hohoholy *%&$ the Dragon's Dogma 2 issues are even worse than I thought.

You know what it's lacking? A New Game button when you already have a save.

For context, the original Dragon's Dogma allowed you to start a new save by erasing your current one, should you feel like you've messed something up like your Pawn or Arisen's design or just didn't like how the playthrough was going.

DD2...lacks that function, the only way that you can start a new file involves deleting the entirety of the saves outside of the game, this includes any cloud saves as well.

But wait, THERE'S MORE! Even if you do that there's a good chance that Capcom's server will still force your old customizations on you, meaning even if you delete the saves and cloud saves...you STILL can't start a new game.

Dragon's Dogma 2 managed to go BACKWARDS from it's predecessor in this regard, the optimization is already *$&#ed that much is obvious and the microtransactions are obnoxious but obtainable in game...but NOT HAVING A NEW GAME BUTTON AFTER THE FIRST TIME STARTING?

Holy *%$& Capcom what are you smoking and for the love of God PLEASE DESTROY IT.

Edit: So apparently Capcom has become aware of the titanic "oopsie" of not having the ability to start a new game when you already have a save and are going to implement it in the future.

...Why this wasn't standard practice is a mystery for the ages.

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9 minutes ago, Yrkul said:

Busy couple of days would be an understatement. I wonder, if I should start stocking up on toilet paper.

Probably should, we had a very mild natural disaster at the start of the year and people went crazy buying toilet paper, makes me so annoyed as it's peak human stupidity.

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28 minutes ago, L3512 said:

Probably should, we had a very mild natural disaster at the start of the year and people went crazy buying toilet paper, makes me so annoyed as it's peak human stupidity.

More a tendency to not keep up with geopolitical development, then panic when taken with their pants down. I lived through the Y2K panic, and saw everything from canned goods to yeast get torn from the shelves, so when my sources told about these odd indicators of things happening in China, I started adding a few non-perishables and extra meds every time I was out buying groceries. As a result, I steered clear of most of the panic shortages, when Corona hit. Luckily, things didn't get nearly as ugly over here as other places in the world.

The problem is not, that people buy additional foods and other essentials. An increased demand is relatively easy to accommodate in modern society. The problem arise, when everybody rushes the stores all at once. Then we see people getting their heads beat in with the last can of beans, or getting shot over baby formula.

Nothing wrong with a bit of prepping. Just don't get carried away. 😆

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Lived through two oil crises as well. Saw my parents put plastic sheets over the windows to help isolate during the winter, and was brought up in a rather austere and frugal household. So I'm used to planning ahead and minimizing waste. Add a broad selection of practical skills and geopolitical awareness, and you can't get a lot more adaptable than that. Only thing I'm missing is the skill to take animals apart. And of course, I'm still dependent on access to certain medications, so no wilderness living in the long run, far away from well stocked pharmacies.

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