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Madurai Void Radiance - punishment for using Void Strike?


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Void Strike is a staple for Eidolon hunts.  But to use it you MUST also turn on Void Radiance because of the focus tree design.   Now, if you are lucky and know in advance about how undesirable void radiance is you would only turn it on but not level it at all.  You only really want the void strike and NEVER want the radiance (on eidolon hunts anyway).   But most people end up putting some focus into it before they realize how painful and build damaging it is (sucks out your operator power for an unwanted blinding effect).  Now we are screwed, because we cannot reverse it.   Void strike is going to cost energy and blind us when we don't want it to from now on.  And there is NO WAY TO FIX IT.   It feels like a punishment for using void strike.  Eidolon hunts are already blinding enough.

This can easily be fixed by letting us use void strike without forcing us to use void radiance (maybe swap tree positions), ...OR, allow us to back out the focus we put into void radiance so we can at least minimize its harmful effect.

Thank you

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Or just give the players ability to downgrade a skill in the focus tree. The refunded focus will still remain on the focus school (ex: if you downgrade from madurai then the focus points remains on madurai school, you can't use it on other schools). This will help optimizing focus skill builds coz I've seen people royally mess up their focus trees.

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Focus skills should simply not cost more Energy as they are ranked up. No such thing is done for warframe abilities, and with good reason, because higher Energy costs are a downgrade. This is made even worse on the Focus tree, where the majority of nodes are inconsequential or simply not all that desirable: Void Radiance is one such effect, and the node doesn't even really justify its added Energy cost even if it were to offer its max-rank bonus at its minimum-rank cost. There's likely a bigger point to be made about how slapping extra Energy costs onto Focus nodes is itself a bad idea, but even if one were to concede to that, that still shouldn't be reason to raise Energy costs when ranking up Focus nodes, as the net result is that nodes like Void Radiance encourage the player to not rank them up.

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While I get the idea behind increasing an ability's cost when its strength is increased, this whole system fails on a couple of points. First of all, players can't choose their power level and thus can't choose their cost. Once a node has been upgraded, it cannot be de-upgraded. Mind you, de-upgrading wouldn't help, either, because of the other reason: That's simply not good design in a system this grindy. Most of the Void Mode abilities are nowhere near good enough to justify the extra cost, especially given the only way to improve Operator energy is Zenurik. Besides, Void Blast abilities don't increase the cost of Void Blast, now do they?

From where I'm standing, DE have a couple of options. Option 1, start Void Mode abilities at max cost, then reduce their cost per rank, up to 0 extra cost at max rank. Option 2, just scrap the extra Void Mode cost altogether. Operator gameplay is already clunky enough as it is, thanks to Void Energy serving as a bottleneck for nearly anything interesting Operators can do. Loading it down even more is counter-productive.

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