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Predator Animals (Plains of Eidolon & Orb Vallis)


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My Fellow Tenno,

As a veteran Player of Warframe, I have enjoyed the game and its many updates over the years of playing. There are now locations that offer an "open world" experience on Earth and Venus. which has its own ecosystems and wild life. Although, these locations offer a variety of animals, the Players are not hunted by predator or territorial animals, such as the Feral Kubrows on Grineer forest tilesets. It seems to be an missed opportunity when Players explore caves, thick foliage, rocks surrounded by deep waters, or wandering at night, where danger may lurk. 


My Suggestion:

Enable Players to be hunted and attacked by animals on land, underground or near large bodies of water.



What are your thoughts, Tenno? 

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1 hour ago, Yuri_Doujinshi said:

I wouldn't mind if it was added, but I can't really see it changing the dynamic of the open world environment at all. Just another thing to kill.

It can provide a challenge when a Player is being hunted without notice, especially at night.


Thank you for your response, Tenno!

Edited by xV3NOMx
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10 hours ago, (PS4)corpusbonds said:

I’d like it. Never made sense when I was innocently fishing in a cave and an angry stover didn’t come behind me and rip into my warframe lol.

 Biz always said they’re grumpy as hell. Plus, we have the Indoctrinate Kubrodon or whatever.. that just kill to kill.

It seem like an left out feature that all Players could enjoy for immersion and a challenge.

[ I would like to see my companions (Kavat, Kubrow or Helminth Charger) combat other animals of the wild too.] 


Thank you for your response, Tenno!

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On 2019-07-26 at 5:12 PM, xV3NOMx said:

My Fellow Tenno,

As a veteran Player of Warframe, I have enjoyed the game and its many updates over the years of playing. There are now locations that offer an "open world" experience on Earth and Venus. which has its own ecosystems and wild life. Although, these locations offer a variety of animals, the Players are not hunted by predator or territorial animals, such as the Feral Kubrows on Grineer forest tilesets. It seems to be an missed opportunity when Players explore caves, thick foliage, rocks surrounded by deep waters, or wandering at night, where danger may lurk. 


My Suggestion:

Enable Players to be hunted and attacked by animals on land, underground or near large bodies of water.



What are your thoughts, Tenno? 

I agree. I was very surprised and disappointed when I discovered that animals only exist during Conservation hunts, and that predators didn't come out at night in the Plains or anything. 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

I agree. I was very surprised and disappointed when I discovered that animals only exist during Conservation hunts, and that predators didn't come out at night in the Plains or anything. 

I do hope for the Developers to make this change.


Thank you for your response, Tenno!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 2019-08-02 at 3:35 PM, xV3NOMx said:

After the recent Nightwave "Conservation" challenge, my idea/suggestion would make it more enjoyable to do.

There are instances during the game, when the enemies should be attacked by the same creature you are trying to save.

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I agree and support this, 

The plains at least have the prey animals roaming about. 

The vallis animals only come out when doing conversations actively. 

There should be a "random encounter" (gets FF flashbacks) for animals, 

Maybe have a trigger for spawns? Kill a lot of enemies with slash and the condrocs or soargoar have chance of appearing in the sky. 

Fish a lot and margoo or horasques can appear. 

Mine a lot and bolarolas or Kuaka might appear, 

Stay in caves for some time and stovers or kubrodons might appear, 

Burst a lot of the mushroom spores and pobbers may appear. 


Irrespective of there being triggers, I would like to see random animal encounters. 

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20 hours ago, TheRealShade said:

And make it so we can either capture them for floofs or kill them for mats. And please for the love of everything, add Incarnadine masking kits for Kubrows.

It would be awesome if Players can create rugs, fur coats, boots, bone jewelry and other things from the enemies and wild-life.


Thank you for your response, Tenno!

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17 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

I agree and support this, 

The plains at least have the prey animals roaming about. 

The vallis animals only come out when doing conversations actively. 

There should be a "random encounter" (gets FF flashbacks) for animals, 

Maybe have a trigger for spawns? Kill a lot of enemies with slash and the condrocs or soargoar have chance of appearing in the sky. 

Fish a lot and margoo or horasques can appear. 

Mine a lot and bolarolas or Kuaka might appear, 

Stay in caves for some time and stovers or kubrodons might appear, 

Burst a lot of the mushroom spores and pobbers may appear. 

Irrespective of there being triggers, I would like to see random animal encounters. 

It would be a nice feature if you can use captured fish to feed or bait other animals too.


Thank you for your response, Tenno!

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13 hours ago, Vethalon said:

I would love that, while I don't think it would have much of an gameplay impact, it would greatly add to the atmosphere.

It would make the experience of exploring the landscapes more immersive and dangerous.


Thank you for your response, Tenno! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do agree that it would be nice to see more wildlife in the open-world areas.  A wider variety of creatures, both predator and prey for both biomes would be lovely - especially for PoE.  Some larger creatures would be interesting to encounter, and could potentially provide more unique and conservation encounters as these species would likely be critically endangered with the corpus and grineer around - for example, some larger herbivorous buffalo type creatures in the plains or even larger aquatic creatures - like that giant shark washed up on the shore in PoE.

One thing I do find myself enjoying about PoE's conservation is the fact that you can encounter wildlife without actually having to initiate a hunt.  Granted it's only for the condrocs and kuakas  - things that were already in place before conservation was added to PoE, but I would love to see this extended for all species in both PoE and in Orb Vallis.


On 2019-08-28 at 3:03 AM, 0_The_F00l said:

I agree and support this, 

The plains at least have the prey animals roaming about. 

The vallis animals only come out when doing conversations actively. 

There should be a "random encounter" (gets FF flashbacks) for animals, 

Maybe have a trigger for spawns? Kill a lot of enemies with slash and the condrocs or soargoar have chance of appearing in the sky. 

Fish a lot and margoo or horasques can appear. 

Mine a lot and bolarolas or Kuaka might appear, 

Stay in caves for some time and stovers or kubrodons might appear, 

Burst a lot of the mushroom spores and pobbers may appear. 


Irrespective of there being triggers, I would like to see random animal encounters. 

Stuff like this would be cool to see as well.  To add to this, what about the possibility of random encounters between different animal species themselves? For example:

  • Condrocs hunting Kuakas in PoE
  • Mergoo circling and squawking overhead when large shark creature is in coastal waters in PoE
  • Verminks or Sawgaws hunting Pobbers in the OV
  • Kubrodon trying to attack a balled up Bolarola in OV
  • Kubrodon brawling with a Stover near a cave entrance in OV
  • Stover attacking Corpus units to defend its territory in OV
  • Kubrodons chasing a Vermink off of its kill in OV
Edited by Lokidus_Prime
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2 hours ago, Lokidus_Prime said:

Stuff like this would be cool to see as well.  To add to this, what about the possibility of random encounters between different animal species themselves? For example:

  • Condrocs hunting Kuakas in PoE
  • Mergoo circling and squawking overhead when large shark creature is in coastal waters in PoE
  • Verminks or Sawgaws hunting Pobbers in the OV
  • Kubrodon trying to attack a balled up Bolarola in OV
  • Kubrodon brawling with a Stover near a cave entrance in OV
  • Stover attacking Corpus units to defend its territory in OV
  • Kubrodons chasing a Vermink off of its kill in OV

That would be nice - just like monster hunter ,

But ... well ... DE and their AI aren't really that reliable or even deserving the term " intelligence" in their name ,

i can expect half the animals to be roadkill and the other half stuck in pathing to get to their respective actions,

If they can actually get it to work it would indeed be welcome.

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7 hours ago, Lokidus_Prime said:

I do agree that it would be nice to see more wildlife in the open-world areas.  A wider variety of creatures, both predator and prey for both biomes would be lovely - especially for PoE.  Some larger creatures would be interesting to encounter, and could potentially provide more unique and conservation encounters as these species would likely be critically endangered with the corpus and grineer around - for example, some larger herbivorous buffalo type creatures in the plains or even larger aquatic creatures - like that giant shark washed up on the shore in PoE.

One thing I do find myself enjoying about PoE's conservation is the fact that you can encounter wildlife without actually having to initiate a hunt.  Granted it's only for the condrocs and kuakas  - things that were already in place before conservation was added to PoE, but I would love to see this extended for all species in both PoE and in Orb Vallis.

Stuff like this would be cool to see as well.  To add to this, what about the possibility of random encounters between different animal species themselves? For example:

  • Condrocs hunting Kuakas in PoE
  • Mergoo circling and squawking overhead when large shark creature is in coastal waters in PoE
  • Verminks or Sawgaws hunting Pobbers in the OV
  • Kubrodon trying to attack a balled up Bolarola in OV
  • Kubrodon brawling with a Stover near a cave entrance in OV
  • Stover attacking Corpus units to defend its territory in OV
  • Kubrodons chasing a Vermink off of its kill in OV

Those are good suggestions.

I also would like to see more variety of animals interacting with one another, and living in dens or nests too.


Thank you for your response, Tenno!

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