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Region Chat Moderation (PS4)


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I don't mean to be that kid in class that reminds the teacher to give us homework, but I think at some point we have to be adults. I am pretty familiar with the player mods that frequent the PS4 region chat, and I am concerned that I haven't seen anyone besides the bot really kicking anyone. Not that they do a bad job, they are/were pretty chill, I'm sure they have all been busy, or moved on to a different game for a time, which is understandable. The downside to that is that if new mods aren't being added much, the turnover rate of them stays stagnant, and then there is no one left to really keep things in check.  

Region chat is a big task to moderate, which is why there are kickbots. However there is a lot that gets through as many people know, or have contributed to themselves. Personally, I frequent region chat when I get bored, or while I am waiting for a fissure to open, or when something needs extra time to finish building. I try to answer players questions, or discuss upcoming content with others. There are many times in region where things get pretty dark, and the last thing I want new players to see when trying to ask a question, is something that should have quickly been a kick had any mod been present. Solicitation is common, even as I looked up from typing this, the discussion was on reproductive anatomy. Beyond this, there is the frequent harassment of anyone female, and the whole "girl gamers don't exist" thing is basically a mainstay of the chat culture now (I just looked up again and all of these were within 10 lines of text). I have seen things as tasteless as mocking mass shootings to telling people to kill themselves. Things that should not be what anyone has to read around and get accustom to as just being normal. 

I don't want to be seen coming on here and posting trying to be all goodie-goodie and white-knighting the whole thing. This is a game made for adults after all, and content is allowed to be that. However, just because it's adult, does not make it morally, or socially acceptable. I just want to see that some level of attention is payed into what is going on in chats, and how it impacts the community around it. I shouldn't have to try talking around a count (the name I give the times when chat starts counting sequential numbers up from 1 until it gets bored and stops two hours later) just to answer questions or to have a conversation. All I want is a chat more saturated with mods, there is no impact for having many, but there is definitely an impact of having none. 

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I mean, on XBox they want mods banned left and right because they do too much, and seems like they abuse their power. But in PS4 they are too soft? Damn lmao

Not that I disagree with OP, I don't even know the reality of any region chat so I'll have to believe. I just find it all funny since there'll never be a good enough moderation. 

Best luck anyhow!

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

I mean, on XBox they want mods banned left and right because they do too much, and seems like they abuse their power. But in PS4 they are too soft? Damn lmao

Not that I disagree with OP, I don't even know the reality of any region chat so I'll have to believe. I just find it all funny since there'll never be a good enough moderation. 

Best luck anyhow!

Yeah on PS4 it's the opposite where they are practically non-existent and it's wild west 24/7. Like the ones we get are pretty chill and I've never seen them being rude or do anything unjustified, but they aren't on much anymore. 

Edited by (PS4)Trythatagin726
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18 hours ago, (PS4)Trythatagin726 said:

I don't mean to be that kid in class that reminds the teacher to give us homework, but I think at some point we have to be adults. I am pretty familiar with the player mods that frequent the PS4 region chat, and I am concerned that I haven't seen anyone besides the bot really kicking anyone. Not that they do a bad job, they are/were pretty chill, I'm sure they have all been busy, or moved on to a different game for a time, which is understandable. The downside to that is that if new mods aren't being added much, the turnover rate of them stays stagnant, and then there is no one left to really keep things in check.  

Region chat is a big task to moderate, which is why there are kickbots. However there is a lot that gets through as many people know, or have contributed to themselves. Personally, I frequent region chat when I get bored, or while I am waiting for a fissure to open, or when something needs extra time to finish building. I try to answer players questions, or discuss upcoming content with others. There are many times in region where things get pretty dark, and the last thing I want new players to see when trying to ask a question, is something that should have quickly been a kick had any mod been present. Solicitation is common, even as I looked up from typing this, the discussion was on reproductive anatomy. Beyond this, there is the frequent harassment of anyone female, and the whole "girl gamers don't exist" thing is basically a mainstay of the chat culture now (I just looked up again and all of these were within 10 lines of text). I have seen things as tasteless as mocking mass shootings to telling people to kill themselves. Things that should not be what anyone has to read around and get accustom to as just being normal. 

I don't want to be seen coming on here and posting trying to be all goodie-goodie and white-knighting the whole thing. This is a game made for adults after all, and content is allowed to be that. However, just because it's adult, does not make it morally, or socially acceptable. I just want to see that some level of attention is payed into what is going on in chats, and how it impacts the community around it. I shouldn't have to try talking around a count (the name I give the times when chat starts counting sequential numbers up from 1 until it gets bored and stops two hours later) just to answer questions or to have a conversation. All I want is a chat more saturated with mods, there is no impact for having many, but there is definitely an impact of having none. 

Personally I agree with the sentiment. The bot is easily bypassed, and region can be really really bad at times. 

Over the last couple of weeks, I've sometimes found a really well behaved region chat and suspected that someone had hit them over the head with a ban hammer just before I logged in. 

That's how bad it is, that a lack of racism, bigoted, sexist and, generally offensive messages is a rarity and not the norm. 

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Considering how insanely strict and embarrassingly sensitive certain chat mods can be on Xbox, I kinda envy the Wild West that PS4's region chat is. Considering that region chat only exists for fun really, I don't see how it's that big of a deal that it's a little crazy. If you don't like it, just use the Ignore feature on people who go out of their way to be obnoxious, or mute the channel entirely. That being said, it would be nice if there was a little more moderation just to snag the hardline racism and stuff that teenagers think is cool.

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