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Gauss and other speed frames


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Just now, WhiteMarker said:



And next you will tell us all about Rhino as a healer.

She has a power that allows her to go faster right ?And she was almost as fast as volt with it .The only reason it is nerfed is so players will use gauss.

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They changed the running animations of the legs when power strength is applied to speed buffs. Legs don't move stupid sonic fast but the actual speed is still there. Maybe actually read patch notes before claiming nerf?


Goddamn fear mongers and conspiracy tinfoil hat weirdos.

Edited by (PS4)FunyFlyBoy
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Just now, (PS4)FunyFlyBoy said:


They changed the running animations of the legs when power strength is applied to speed buffs. Legs don't move stupid sonic fast but the actual speed is still there. Maybe actually eead patch notes before claiming nerf?

I have been playing this game for over 4k hours i think i know when my frame is slower. At first i thought my build was wrong , but it isnt .They are just nerfed .


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Just now, JohnWick said:

I have been playing this game for over 4k hours i think i know when my frame is slower. At first i thought my build was wrong , but it isnt .They are just nerfed .


Imagine playing the game for over 4k hours and thinking your feelings override the actual state of the game.

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3 minutes ago, JohnWick said:

I have been playing this game for over 4k hours i think i know when my frame is slower. At first i thought my build was wrong , but it isnt .They are just nerfed .


Whatever you say. They explicit explain they changed movement animations which will affect perception of speed once the brain registers the change but whatever, you wear that tinfoil hat tight.

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Just now, peterc3 said:

Imagine playing the game for over 4k hours and thinking your feelings override the actual state of the game.

the fact that this isnt the first thread about this suggests that maybe there is some truth in it .Did you actually give it a test yourself before running your mouth ? I know i did . 

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1 minute ago, JohnWick said:

the fact that this isnt the first thread about this suggests that maybe there is some truth in it .Did you actually give it a test yourself before running your mouth ? I know i did . 

It seems to be the same for Volt, even though his legs move more slowly. Saryn's speed with the Molt buff is exactly the same as before the patch. 

Unless DE themselves confirm that there was a change to their abilities it is either your eyes playing tricks on you or a bug.

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Just now, (PS4)FunyFlyBoy said:

Because multiple people having the same knee jerk reaction proves it being real against all other facts. Next youll tell me scientist are indeed wrong, the world is flat because of tbe increasing number of people believing such lately.

Did you actually went ingame and played with volt before speaking ?I am sure you didnt , but i can you really like white kinghting for DE .You know they have screwed up in the past , perhaps this isnt just visual .Did you think about that for a moment , or you are just too much of a just to go around the forums and just run your mouth . 

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5 minutes ago, JohnWick said:

the fact that this isnt the first thread about this suggests that maybe there is some truth in it .Did you actually give it a test yourself before running your mouth ? I know i did . 

Then by all means, share the test and the testing methodology. Lacking any sort of hard proof, your feelings are 110% irrelevant.

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Just now, Genitive said:

It seems to be the same for Volt, even though his legs move more slowly. Saryn's speed with the Molt buff is exactly the same as before the patch. 

Unless DE themselves confirm that there was a change to their abilities it is either your eyes playing tricks on you or a bug.

If it is a bug , which i hope it is , making a thread about it rises awareness .

Edited by JohnWick
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As said in all the other threads, it's a matter of perception. Speed animation seems out of sync with actual movement speed, so you perceive it as slower than it is. You're still going just as fast as before, there's just a disconnect because we're used to the fast animation as well. 

Jumping to a conclusion that something is nerfed because your brain can't figure out how to process what it's seeing is honestly sad. And it's a bigger leap to say it's to sell the new frame. That's next level conspiracy bs right there.

I want the old animation back. That way there's no disconnect. 

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43 minutes ago, JohnWick said:

She has a power that allows her to go faster right ?And she was almost as fast as volt with it .The only reason it is nerfed is so players will use gauss.

Maybe you want to provide some proof for that claim?

Unless you can prove that a nerf took place, you are just making things up and spreading rumors, which isn't really allowed.

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