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They Haven't Given Up! (+ Mandatory Rework Idea)


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Hi Friends 🙂

The new universal syndicate medallion that allows people to gain conclave standing from PvE content is the best thing to ever happen to conclave. Please bear with me while I explain, and I think by the end of this post you will agree with me. 

At first I was flabbergasted! Giving conclave standing for PvE? This can only mean one thing: The developers have caved and now will give all the conclave rewards to people who have absolutely no interest in conclave. But then I slept on it, and realized that the amount of time it would take to farm those medallions to rank up in the conclave syndicate and get any of the skins would be absolutely huge! Therefore, I think this is actually an attempt to entice people to begin playing conclave.

Picture this: You're a diehard PvEer, always hated conclave and maybe even posted on these forums about how much you hate it and want it removed (we've seen enough of those...) Now you get some medallions, and decide to take another look at those conclave skins. You decide to put your medallions towards conclave, but quickly realize that this grind is going to be unbearable. So what do you do? Do you give up on the reward you wanted and accept that you wasted your medallions!?  No way! cognitive dissonance kicks in because you're human. Now you will get that skin, even if it's the last thing you do. But, the grind for the medallions is so painful, you decide to instead try your hand at just playing conclave again, even though you're sure that you'll hate it.

Now, this obviously won't work for everyone. But, I think that this sequence of events is likely enough that DE is hoping it will infuse conclave with a sudden new popularity, even if the new players join only begrudgingly. The question now is how we get those players to stay. Some will get frustrated and give up the grind, some will stay until they get their desired reward and then leave, some will slowly fall in love (like so many of us have) and then continue playing conclave even after getting every reward. In order to ensure that we shift this toward the fall-in-love side for more players, I have a suggestion that might make it better for new players. If you're tired of reading rework ideas on this forum, you may stop reading now.


Any suggested rework will have to be small in scale, a quick and easy change so that DE don't spend huge amounts of resources on something they don't know will pan out. My suggestion is going to focus just on the annihilation game-mode, because as far as I can tell it's the only one that sees sporadic popularity at the moment. 

My suggestion is as follows:

1. Make Oro automatically awarded to the player who makes the kill, not a floating object another player can pick up. 

    - This will prevent frustration when a new player finally makes a kill, since they might not get rewarded for it. 

2. Make the Oro gained from killing an opponent based on the amount of Oro that player has obtained. 

    - We can fiddle with the numbers here to find a sweet spot (Perhaps something like a third of the total Oro owned by the killed player.) [ Example: You kill a player with 21 oro, so you get 7 oro instead of just 1 ]

3. Make the Oro cap in a match 100 instead of 25 to balance out the increased Oro gain as a result of point 2.

4. Increase standing gain for people who are not doing well. (Not too much, but enough so that they don't feel like they're wasting their time)

Okay, that's the suggestion, now let's talk about why it sucks.


My suggestion is bad because:

1. The best player is not as likely to win the match as in the current system. 

2. Matches can end more abruptly.

3. Luck plays a bigger role in deciding the winner. (This is probably the worst flaw) 

4+. Other things that will be detailed in posts below by other dedicated conclavers who are smarter than me 🙂


And why is it good?

1. Sniper & Bow users no longer end up with twice as many kills as Oro.

2. New players are less likely to be farmed over and over again. Consider a match with 3 players, two highly skilled and one new player. This is essentially a 2 player match with a spectator who sometimes gets lucky. In the current system, if one of the highly skilled players desperately wants to win, they can ignore the other skilled player (who is difficult to kill) and just hunt the new player (easy target) over and over again (It's even worse if both skilled players try to employ this tactic.) The above suggestion invalidates this tactic, a tactic which has probably caused a fair number of new players to give up on conclave entirely. Being essentially teamed up against by several players all of whom are better than you is not fun when you are new to PvP.

3. Depending on the spaghettification of the game's code, this is hopefully a small change which therefore has some possibility of being implemented.

4. It's not Grineer vs Corpus or battleroyale, thankfully. Conclave is mechanically already huge amounts of fun and doesn't need to be changed, what needs changing is just the new-conclaver experience. 

5. And finally, thematically, I think this fits better with the way the tenno fight. We aren't supposed to barrel in and try to murder everyone as fast as possible. We're supposed to pick our targets, strategically move in, make some well-placed shots and then get out of there! 


A couple of extra points I would like to make:

Suggesting large-scale reworks and rebalances I think will have to wait until conclave has more of a following. It is difficult for developers to justify spending time on a mode that the vast majority of players avoid. Thankfully, the new medallion I think shows that DE is interested in making conclave more of a central part of what warframe is.

In recent years, dedicated warframe players have blown through new content extremely fast, and then complained about "content drought" until the next new thing comes. This cycle repeats over and over. The developers will never be able to keep up with this insatiable appetite. The problem lies in the fact that PvE content simply isn't engaging when you've done it several times over. No matter how seemingly smart you make the AI, every player will eventually see them as completely predictable. Until someone figures out true artificial intelligence, the only game-mode that will keep players engaged through the "content-droughts" is PvP, where you opponent truly adapts to your strategies and you will always have a challenge. In short, investment in conclave is in DE's interest since it will take off some of the immense pressure from feeling the need to constantly put out new and engaging PvE content. 

With this impending push for conclave popularity (that I hope I'm not wrong about!) it might serve to reintroduce things like catalysts and forma into the conclave rewards, as this will also help to keep the new players interested.


Okay, that's all. Dear conclave friends, please leave your comments below. All of the above is up for discussion, but the main point I wanted to make is that the new syndicate medallion does not necessarily spell the end of conclave.


Edited by Sevek7
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2 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

Hi Friends 🙂

The new universal syndicate medallion that allows people to gain conclave standing from PvE content is the best thing to ever happen to conclave. Please bear with me while I explain, and I think by the end of this post you will agree with me. 

At first I was flabbergasted! Giving conclave standing for PvE? This can only mean one thing: The developers have caved and now will give all the conclave rewards to people who have absolutely no interest in conclave. But then I slept on it, and realized that the amount of time it would take to farm those medallions to rank up in the conclave syndicate and get any of the skins would be absolutely huge! Therefore, I think this is actually an attempt to entice people to begin playing conclave.

Picture this: You're a diehard PvEer, always hated conclave and maybe even posted on these forums about how much you hate it and want it removed (we've seen enough of those...) Now you get some medallions, and decide to take another look at those conclave skins. You decide to put your medallions towards conclave, but quickly realize that this grind is going to be unbearable. So what do you do? Do you give up on the reward you wanted and accept that you wasted your medallions!?  No way! cognitive dissonance kicks in because you're human. Now you will get that skin, even if it's the last thing you do. But, the grind for the medallions is so painful, you decide to instead try your hand at just playing conclave again, even though you're sure that you'll hate it.

Now, this obviously won't work for everyone. But, I think that this sequence of events is likely enough that DE is hoping it will infuse conclave with a sudden new popularity, even if the new players join only begrudgingly. The question now is how we get those players to stay. Some will get frustrated and give up the grind, some will stay until they get their desired reward and then leave, some will slowly fall in love (like so many of us have) and then continue playing conclave even after getting every reward. In order to ensure that we shift this toward the fall-in-love side for more players, I have a suggestion that might make it better for new players. If you're tired of reading rework ideas on this forum, you may stop reading now.


Any suggested rework will have to be small in scale, a quick and easy change so that DE don't spend huge amounts of resources on something they don't know will pan out. My suggestion is going to focus just on the annihilation game-mode, because as far as I can tell it's the only one that sees sporadic popularity at the moment. 

My suggestion is as follows:

1. Make Oro automatically awarded to the player who makes the kill, not a floating object another player can pick up. 

    - This will prevent frustration when a new player finally makes a kill, since they might not get rewarded for it. 

2. Make the Oro gained from killing an opponent based on the amount of Oro that player has obtained. 

    - We can fiddle with the numbers here to find a sweet spot (Perhaps something like a third of the total Oro owned by the killed player.) [ Example: You kill a player with 21 oro, so you get 7 oro instead of just 1 ]

3. Make the Oro cap in a match 100 instead of 25 to balance out the increased Oro gain as a result of point 2.

4. Increase standing gain for people who are not doing well. (Not too much, but enough so that they don't feel like they're wasting their time)

Okay, that's the suggestion, now let's talk about why it sucks.


My suggestion is bad because:

1. The best player is not as likely to win the match as in the current system. 

2. Matches can end more abruptly.

3. Luck plays a bigger role in deciding the winner. (This is probably the worst flaw) 

4+. Other things that will be detailed in posts below by other dedicated conclavers who are smarter than me 🙂


And why is it good?

1. Sniper & Bow users no longer end up with twice as many kills as Oro.

2. New players are less likely to be farmed over and over again. Consider a match with 3 players, two highly skilled and one new player. This is essentially a 2 player match with a spectator who sometimes gets lucky. In the current system, if one of the highly skilled players desperately wants to win, they can ignore the other skilled player (who is difficult to kill) and just hunt the new player (easy target) over and over again (It's even worse if both skilled players try to employ this tactic.) The above suggestion invalidates this tactic, a tactic which has probably caused a fair number of new players to give up on conclave entirely. Being essentially teamed up against by several players all of whom are better than you is not fun when you are new to PvP.

3. Depending on the spaghettification of the game's code, this is hopefully a small change which therefore has some possibility of being implemented.

4. It's not Grineer vs Corpus or battleroyale, thankfully. Conclave is mechanically already huge amounts of fun and doesn't need to be changed, what needs changing is just the new-conclaver experience. 

5. And finally, thematically, I think this fits better with the way the tenno fight. We aren't supposed to barrel in and try to murder everyone as fast as possible. We're supposed to pick our targets, strategically move in, make some well-placed shots and then get out of there! 


A couple of extra points I would like to make:

Suggesting large-scale reworks and rebalances I think will have to wait until conclave has more of a following. It is difficult for developers to justify spending time on a mode that the vast majority of players avoid. Thankfully, the new medallion I think shows that DE is interested in making conclave more of a central part of what warframe is.

In recent years, dedicated warframe players have blown through new content extremely fast, and then complained about "content drought" until the next new thing comes. This cycle repeats over and over. The developers will never be able to keep up with this insatiable appetite. The problem lies in the fact that PvE content simply isn't engaging when you've done it several times over. No matter how seemingly smart you make the AI, every player will eventually see them as completely predictable. Until someone figures out true artificial intelligence, the only game-mode that will keep players engaged through the "content-droughts" is PvP, where you opponent truly adapts to your strategies and you will always have a challenge. In short, investment in conclave is in DE's interest since it will take off some of the immense pressure from feeling the need to constantly put out new and engaging PvE content. 

With this impending push for conclave popularity (that I hope I'm not wrong about!) it might serve to reintroduce things like catalysts and forma into the conclave rewards, as this will also help to keep the new players interested.


Okay, that's all. Dear conclave friends, please leave your comments below. All of the above is up for discussion, but the main point I wanted to make is that the new syndicate medallion does not necessarily spell the end of conclave.


This all sounds well and good but Im just gonna do it passively with the universal medalions. I dont want them wasting development time on the conclave either way even if they were not adding the medalions to boot! Now you are free to have hope others will do as your thinking but I aint budging and will take the slow method XD

Edited by (XB1)Zweimander
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How about letting people play with friends (on the same team) and adding a party restrictions system within the matchmaking? I can't get my bro to play conclave at all cause it always puts us vs each other....and we're literally sitting right besides each other in the same room...left a HORRIBLE first impression for him aside from the other issues conclave has since...let's face it...it's far from "fine as is" but still chaotic fun despite that.


However...if we were on the same team man i guarantee he woulda enjoyed it even if his performance wasn't that great. 

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Another  Idea i would Like to talk about:

 Add Actual significant rewards to PvP not saying cosmetics aren´t gud because they are  but as this game is mostly focused by large in PvE Make PvP rewards center around that and i have a idea on some of the rewards:

For exemple the tidous materials like Argon Crystals,Hexenon and Forma  could be bought around 25 to 50k standing each Also make some weapons where you need to play PvP to obtain it (Also make this weapons have special efects wich could be amazing but i am probabally asking to much)  also make all augments to frames available to PvE as well.

Also would be great if they removed the standing system in PvP 

Also another weird request would be ranking system but that won´t happen until maybe Host migrations get fixed and More people start playing Conclave 


Edited by Baskalina
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On 2019-08-30 at 7:43 PM, kapn655321 said:

I agree that was an Excellent move.

I'm glad you agree 🙂

On 2019-08-30 at 8:50 PM, (XB1)Zweimander said:

This all sounds well and good but Im just gonna do it passively with the universal medalions. I dont want them wasting development time on the conclave either way even if they were not adding the medalions to boot! Now you are free to have hope others will do as your thinking but I aint budging and will take the slow method XD

Fair enough! As with all games, warframe caters to casual players and players who want a challenge. Ultimately, AI is simply not good enough to provide the challenge posed by human opponents. This is doubly true for warframe since players are so immensely powerful in PvE. Providing engaging PvE content is extremely hard when players have a panic button that makes them invincible and allows them to heal back to maximum in safety (panic button = operator) Thus the only way to currently make PvE content somewhat challenging is to have enemies that kill players in a single hit, which means you don't notice the challenge until you're dead, and then the challenge is over. Vazarin's protective dash also negates any challenge in defending objectives, and various other tactics negate many other possible challenges. [Note: a 10 second operator lockout after using transference would actually make a lot of the game far more engaging.]

I outlined in my post why working on PvP will be good for the health of the game since it provides a constantly changing, always engaging mode for players who want a challenge - thus reducing burnout and the complaints of "content drought" - even with relatively little effort from the development team. I fully respect your choice to play the casual version, I enjoy it too! (And some days I just want to play easy stuff too, and will avoid conclave) But I'm sure you've noticed the increase in posts about the game being too easy over the last year or two. The players who made those posts are clearly the intended target for conclave. Without challenging content, veterans of the game will eventually leave and move on to a game where that challenge is present. Therefore, if warframe wants to retain its playerbase, PvP is necessary. [Note: It is of course possible to sustain the total number of players by having the influx of new players equal or exceed the exodus of veterans, which is a valid model in which to run the business, but does lead to the most dedicated players feeling unwanted and discarded - which will eventually backfire.]

This is why I disagree with your statement that working on conclave is "wasting development time." I understand that the time is wasted for you, but the game and playerbase as a whole will reap the benefits. In any case, I understand that for the time being the developers cannot justify spending a very large amount of time on conclave due to its lack of popularity. This is why I specifically suggested a very small change that would hopefully take very little development time, and is specifically targeted to help players who are new to conclave. When popularity grows, we can justify greater resource investment.

On 2019-08-30 at 9:26 PM, (PS4)AhaloAskewed said:

How about letting people play with friends (on the same team) and adding a party restrictions system within the matchmaking? I can't get my bro to play conclave at all cause it always puts us vs each other....and we're literally sitting right besides each other in the same room...left a HORRIBLE first impression for him aside from the other issues conclave has since...let's face it...it's far from "fine as is" but still chaotic fun despite that.


However...if we were on the same team man i guarantee he woulda enjoyed it even if his performance wasn't that great. 

This is a good point, and certainly the developers will need to look into how we can better form teams for team annihilation, capture the cephalon & Lunaro when conclave becomes more popular [Notice I said "when," not "if," this is optimism on my part!] Unfortunately I think that although this change might not require that much in terms of resources, the implementation may require a large amount of careful consideration to prevent exploitative tactics. So, it's a good thing to keep on the horizon, but not necessarily something we should expect in the immediate future. 

On 2019-08-31 at 9:14 PM, Baskalina said:

Another  Idea i would Like to talk about:

 Add Actual significant rewards to PvP not saying cosmetics aren´t gud because they are  but as this game is mostly focused by large in PvE Make PvP rewards center around that and i have a idea on some of the rewards:

For exemple the tidous materials like Argon Crystals,Hexenon and Forma  could be bought around 25 to 50k standing each Also make some weapons where you need to play PvP to obtain it (Also make this weapons have special efects wich could be amazing but i am probabally asking to much)  also make all augments to frames available to PvE as well.

Also would be great if they removed the standing system in PvP 

Also another weird request would be ranking system but that won´t happen until maybe Host migrations get fixed and More people start playing Conclave 


Adding more conclave rewards would certainly be most welcome! You're right that resources like Argon crystals, hexenon and forma would be good additions. However, adding unique weapons to conclave would likely infuriate a large amount of the playerbase, since many of us currently seem to have an aversion to PvP while still insisting that we deserve every reward. I think the best reward to entice people to try conclave would be to add Kuva to the conclave rewards, as this is the closest thing to an "endgame" reward that warframe has (and that other methods of getting kuva in large amounts start to blur the edge between sanity and going off the edge.) However, even this addition would likely be contentious. [PS: Add kuva to the conclave rewards but don't mention it in the patch notes, and then when people get angry, just say it was always there!]

Thanks for the good discussion so far! Let's keep it going to make conclave better 🙂


Edited by Sevek7
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Update: So, DE have now stated that conclave standing will not be earned from the universal syndicate medallions. However, in the same thread, a later post by [DE] Megan mentioned that they are planning future conclave events. Therefore, I think this proves that DE has noticed that PvP is necessary to the longevity of warframe for all the reasons I mentioned in the first post of this thread. So this is still good news for the playerbase and the health of the game as a whole.

Reading the other replies to the announcement that conclave standing will not be accessible via universal medallions reveals a number of players who were quite upset at this news. Several players appear to be convinced that they deserve the conclave rewards despite the fact that they don't play conclave. I think this is likely a result of the fact that the PvE side of the game gives every reward to every player for relatively little effort. Hopefully, investment in the challenging combat of conclave will help to shake this mindset, leading to a reward structure that is more satisfying. 


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If they truly arent going through with making then universal then I am disapointed in them for caving on them working for conclave. Either way I still wont be playing conclave or the new disruption modes past completion though at this point. It would of been great to play disruption and be rewarded those useful medalions but I suppose I wont be doing either now. DE will see it was a mistake to go back on the initial promise and the player base will care far less about disruption.

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Personally I don’t think that PvP should be included in the universal medallions at all! 

But if they are going this route again I believe that conclave deserves a major overhaul.

slowing down and limiting movement is a major key because not being able to shoot the targets (players) is a major issue. It’s no fun when someone is roll and dodge downing all the time.


• put rolls / bullet jumps on a cooldown. 

•increase movement speed of frames however by .005 or slightly higher to make the TTK a little more balanced and slightly faster.

next i agree with your oro suggestions completely. 

But I do feel like there should be a new PvP player friendly Queue.

• Put a MMR or performance system in place so that you can more easily detect players skill in PvP. 

(Not ranked)  let’s say you play 10 games of conclave they measure your MMR by performance/(kills,deaths,assist.and time spent in match) why time spent? Because generally if the hardcore kids are out they are stomping on others. 

Sort each MMR into different divisions so that way you’ll have a slightly more fair playing field when it comes to PvP. Of course people will smurf and troll to be toxic but you’ll be more likely to run into your skill level with some sort of system to sort players skill.


add new gamemodes including a pvpe gamemode even. (I feel like warframe can take notes from gambit and make an awesome gamemode like that)!

allowing for freshness in the mode.


raise standing cap and standing gained not just by performance but by many other factors as well. Such as time spent.


personally again I feel like that the PvP cosmetics should not be able to be gained through these medallions not because I’m some weird elitist. But because it’s  not fair at all to me or anyone else who’s grinded our the game mode. Arcanes are a eidolon exclusive item.

lor had exclusive shoulders pieces.

things like that. A cosmetics item that dosent affect actual gameplay is being gated by an optional gamemode. (Granted that it’s a flawed gamemode) but if you’d like these so bad nobody’s stopping you from playing. Instead of dismissing the gamemode like the lot. People should offer more suggestions like you to make the gamemode more fun and accessible! Your idea was overall amazing and I support most of it and I hope you see my point as to why I’m against pvp items being earned this way 

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On 2019-09-05 at 4:49 PM, Sevek7 said:

Update: So, DE have now stated that conclave standing will not be earned from the universal syndicate medallions. However, in the same thread, a later post by [DE] Megan mentioned that they are planning future conclave events. Therefore, I think this proves that DE has noticed that PvP is necessary to the longevity of warframe for all the reasons I mentioned in the first post of this thread. So this is still good news for the playerbase and the health of the game as a whole.

Reading the other replies to the announcement that conclave standing will not be accessible via universal medallions reveals a number of players who were quite upset at this news. Several players appear to be convinced that they deserve the conclave rewards despite the fact that they don't play conclave. I think this is likely a result of the fact that the PvE side of the game gives every reward to every player for relatively little effort. Hopefully, investment in the challenging combat of conclave will help to shake this mindset, leading to a reward structure that is more satisfying. 


Thank you!

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On 2019-08-31 at 12:23 AM, Sevek7 said:

The new universal syndicate medallion that allows people to gain conclave standing from PvE content is the best thing to ever happen to conclave.

Make it work the other way around aswell and you can count me in. If you can gain pvp syndicate stuff from pve medallions you should get pve syndicate stuff from pvp medaillons too!

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On 2019-09-07 at 1:26 AM, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Personally I don’t think that PvP should be included in the universal medallions at all! 

But if they are going this route again I believe that conclave deserves a major overhaul.

slowing down and limiting movement is a major key because not being able to shoot the targets (players) is a major issue. It’s no fun when someone is roll and dodge downing all the time.


• put rolls / bullet jumps on a cooldown. 

•increase movement speed of frames however by .005 or slightly higher to make the TTK a little more balanced and slightly faster.

next i agree with your oro suggestions completely. 

But I do feel like there should be a new PvP player friendly Queue.

• Put a MMR or performance system in place so that you can more easily detect players skill in PvP. 

(Not ranked)  let’s say you play 10 games of conclave they measure your MMR by performance/(kills,deaths,assist.and time spent in match) why time spent? Because generally if the hardcore kids are out they are stomping on others. 

Sort each MMR into different divisions so that way you’ll have a slightly more fair playing field when it comes to PvP. Of course people will smurf and troll to be toxic but you’ll be more likely to run into your skill level with some sort of system to sort players skill.


add new gamemodes including a pvpe gamemode even. (I feel like warframe can take notes from gambit and make an awesome gamemode like that)!

allowing for freshness in the mode.


raise standing cap and standing gained not just by performance but by many other factors as well. Such as time spent.


personally again I feel like that the PvP cosmetics should not be able to be gained through these medallions not because I’m some weird elitist. But because it’s  not fair at all to me or anyone else who’s grinded our the game mode. Arcanes are a eidolon exclusive item.

lor had exclusive shoulders pieces.

things like that. A cosmetics item that dosent affect actual gameplay is being gated by an optional gamemode. (Granted that it’s a flawed gamemode) but if you’d like these so bad nobody’s stopping you from playing. Instead of dismissing the gamemode like the lot. People should offer more suggestions like you to make the gamemode more fun and accessible! Your idea was overall amazing and I support most of it and I hope you see my point as to why I’m against pvp items being earned this way 

While you are correct that warframe is extremely fast and therefore it is difficult to aim at players, I hesitate to agree that this is a reason to slow players down. The main problem being that if you modify the movement then conclave simply isn't warframe anymore, it's a different game. Many of us enjoy conclave specifically because it feels more like a frantic flight simulator / shooter hybrid than a regular third-person shooter, which is precisely what makes it unique in comparison to other games.

The performance system I agree with wholeheartedly! Anything that funnels players into the correct skill level is going to be healthy for the game. The only problem is that this would likely take a large amount of resources which DE simply can't justify spending at the moment on a gamemode that is currently not popular. 

New gamemodes within conclave would also be very welcome, but also fall into the category of a large resource drain for something that may not pay out - hence being difficult to justify. 

I agree that standing should be increased when playing poorly, to entice new players to not give up!

Thanks for your support for my idea! I understand your point that PvP items shouldn't be gained through PvE play, and I agree in principle. The reason for my original statement that I was for the universal medallions was simply because the grind for medallions would take so unbearably long. (I think someone calculated the time taken to get all the conclave rewards and it was something like 3000 hours in disruption to get everything from the medallions.) Therefore it seemed to me that the medallions would simply serve to entice people to try conclave once they already had some medallions to begin the standing. Thanks for your response and much love to the conclavers on PS4 🙂


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Am 31.8.2019 um 00:23 schrieb Sevek7:

My suggestion is as follows:

1. Make Oro automatically awarded to the player who makes the kill, not a floating object another player can pick up. 

    - This will prevent frustration when a new player finally makes a kill, since they might not get rewarded for it. 

2. Make the Oro gained from killing an opponent based on the amount of Oro that player has obtained. 

    - We can fiddle with the numbers here to find a sweet spot (Perhaps something like a third of the total Oro owned by the killed player.) [ Example: You kill a player with 21 oro, so you get 7 oro instead of just 1 ]

3. Make the Oro cap in a match 100 instead of 25 to balance out the increased Oro gain as a result of point 2.

4. Increase standing gain for people who are not doing well. (Not too much, but enough so that they don't feel like they're wasting their time)

Okay, that's the suggestion, now let's talk about why it sucks.

Get rid of Oro, only kills count, problem solved. 10 Standing per Kill, 5 on Assist. No bottomfeeder bonus, to discourage AFK.

Fraglimit 25 on recruits, 50 on normal. Should net 500 Standing per match, some of that is converted into Endo.

Killing 3 enemies in a row will mark that player on the minimap and killing him counts as two kills, no selfdamage can prevent you.


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