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Hotfix 10.1.3


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While I have not checked it yet, if there is truly no limitation on this AFK "fix", please let there be one and allows Sentinels to function fully when you are Solo, or Invite Only with nobody else in the party. THANKS!


I guess it is not the end of the world, as it will only cost 1 revive if Shade un-Ghosts me, but still...

Right, since you can't just press Esc while in solo mode...

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First of all for all those complaining "cry cry, this is bad update" this isn't a full on update, its a hotfix. Get that through your head.


Seriously? How about kicking the AFK player out of the match entirely after they go AFK for over a minute?

well thats kinda harsh. what if they had to use the little tenno's room? that i can understand but if they just stand there for over 10 minutes then i get mad. thats usually a standard time range from 10-20 minutes before the game should kick them. preferably 10 since warframe is a fast track sort of game.

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Thanks DE , but what is Referral Program ?

The referral program is an awesome program that allows you to get your friends to play Warframe, and by getting your friends to get warframe and using your referral link, you get extra Warframe, weapon slots, mods, and when anyone of your friends your referred to warframe buy plat, you get a percentage of that plat, for free.


I really wish this was added back in Update 7, I would've had a few extra warframe and weapon slots, as well as some free plat.

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I'd like to say thank you first before anything else for really pushing the fixes we've asked for.


Hotfix 10.1.3

  • Sentinels are now aware of lazy Tenno masters and will take a break if they go AFK for over a minute


I get the feeling those that afk are going to buy one of these...:


and place it on the space bar.



well thats kinda harsh. what if they had to use the little tenno's room? that i can understand but if they just stand there for over 10 minutes then i get mad. thats usually a standard time range from 10-20 minutes before the game should kick them. preferably 10 since warframe is a fast track sort of game.


For a public game I agree. However if it's a private or invite only match with friends/clan mates I disagree. Sometimes there is slack to cut for friends who have extenuating circumstances they need to deal with. (Kids, work called in, Wife/Husband agro, etc.)

Edited by KuzmaVolkov
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woot!!! all I have to do is go afk for a min and I can start farming my bot easy easy ... I mean ... shh don't tell the admin's lol farming bot item drops.. lol so stupid. 


Figure it glitches and your bot auto dies...   (bottle full of stupid... Big BOTTLE OF stupid...)



PS:: so god forbid I need to go afk during a defense mission (rest room/stove on fire/pet runs amuk).. and it will poof kill my bot... I got another one ... that's what type of junk this patch is... It's punishing the players for doing other things while in game...


You know what would be great, instead of patches like this, patches that fix the existing issues, and not just say they fixed the issues... I swear there are more bugs now than when I started playing .. so lets hip and hora for the great patch..




Edited by Darkblue006
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woot!!! all I have to do is go afk for a min and I can start farming my bot easy easy ... I mean ... shh don't tell the admin's lol farming bot item drops.. lol morons. 


Figure it glitches and your bot auto dies... F it glitches then F it always kills your bot, F admins would do something like this...





lol F= figures... lol bet I still get slapped for this one...  bottle full of stupid... Big BOTTLE OF Moron stupid...


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First of all for all those complaining "cry cry, this is bad update" this isn't a full on update, its a hotfix. Get that through your head.


Seriously? How about kicking the AFK player out of the match entirely after they go AFK for over a minute?


So.. you've never had a work-mate call you while in game? Or had to take a toiletbreak before? D:


edits: you evil filter:|

Edited by Deviousity
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nice, now add a feature to pet a sentinel

That would be cool. An option to self destruct them (by choice) would be cool too, for sticky situations.


I wouldn't mind a emoticon to kick them too  :D


Seriously? putting sentinels in afk mode after a minute?


What about the ignis fix?

What's wrong with the ignis? I just started using it so I have no idea.

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The referral program is an awesome program that allows you to get your friends to play Warframe, and by getting your friends to get warframe and using your referral link, you get extra Warframe, weapon slots, mods, and when anyone of your friends your referred to warframe buy plat, you get a percentage of that plat, for free.


I really wish this was added back in Update 7, I would've had a few extra warframe and weapon slots, as well as some free plat.

Thank you for explain me , i anderstand now ^^


Please don't tell me you're one of those people who feels the need to put weird S#&$ in every single one of their posts.

Don't worry , it was one day but it's already over was spend time for make it so had to serves a few x)




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How about the ever elusive chat box fix that keeps getting swept under the rug is it really that hard for you guys to address an issue that many have brought up and either through arrogance or ignorance its goes unfixed. Either move the chat box or make it lockable so it can be moved once to your desired location . 

Edited by Deathwalker1
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How about the ever elusive chat box fix that keeps getting swept under the rug is it really that hard for you guys to address an issue that many have brought up and either through arrogance or ignorance its goes unfixed. Either move the chat box or make it lockable so it can be moved once to your desired location . 

I agree. maybe make it so there is a way to drag your stuff on your screen around so it fits your preferences. even maybe a way to edit the layout of of arsenal screen as well.

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Weird_Stealth, on 25 Sept 2013 - 5:48 PM, said:snapback.png

The referral program is an awesome program that allows you to get your friends to play Warframe, and by getting your friends to get warframe and using your referral link, you get extra Warframe, weapon slots, mods, and when anyone of your friends your referred to warframe buy plat, you get a percentage of that plat, for free.


I really wish this was added back in Update 7, I would've had a few extra warframe and weapon slots, as well as some free plat.

Thank you for explain me , i anderstand now ^^


Mutilar, on 25 Sept 2013 - 5:42 PM, said:snapback.png

Please don't tell me you're one of those people who feels the need to put weird S#&$ in every single one of their posts.

Don't worry , it was one day but it's already over was spend time for make it so had to serves a few x)




I tested said program when it came out and it did not work, so I did not use said program that does not work... had a friend make an account and it never gave me any points... they did all the required stuff and no points... no use doing under those conditions esp when it amounts too a total of 5 dollars and 1 mod that might be good... ps: the rest are crap... no offense but they are...


Edit::multi quote is still ... iffie.. had too manually past the quot of a quote..

Edited by Darkblue006
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Preliminary play opinion: I've played a few matches since the new hotfix and it seems like the AFK detection is a little off. It seems to only care about your current position and not about your actual activity. A couple of defense missions and survivals I had hopped up on a crate either near the defense objective or where the mobs were currently funneling into the room and sat there for a couple minutes shooting enemies because it was a good place to sit and shoot from and in spite of the fact that I was actively using my powers and engaging enemies the sentinel stopped doing anything. This continued until I jumped down from the place I was sniping from and ran around for a few seconds. 


I'm all for keeping AFK farming from happening but I feel like it needs to either have a better method of detection other than "This guy hasn't moved any appreciable amount for over 1 minute" because in certain game modes it is something that can happen in normal play. That's what it seems like this "AFK Detection" is doing rather than actually checking to see if people are AFK and it's slightly annoying for it to catch you when all you're doing is taking a post and engaging enemies from the same relative position. I'm not sure if that's actually what is happening but that's what it seems like from what I've been able to play since this hotfix when I sit in one small area for a few minutes fighting and my sentinel stops doing anything.


This whole thing comes back to a bigger problem. People aren't happy with the current drop rates and the current amount of grind associated with getting certain resources. They found a method to "exploit" the system in order to make this grind a little more manageable in their eyes and were using it. This AFK detection will work for the short term albeit having a few kinks that are having it detect players that aren't actually AFK as such but really it's showing that at least according to the players taking advantage of these exploits that DE possibly hasn't found a good place with their drop rates and people are still unhappy about the level of grind required to get certain materials and items and that's what DE should be trying to fix. The AFK detection will deal with the exploit for now somewhat but if they don't deal with the reason that people were using the exploit to begin with then the problem won't go away. There's going to be some new method to get these drops easier that people are going to take advantage of because the "legitimate" way of doing it is way too unreliable. 


Just to be clear I'm talking about the people that farm for a certain material for hours and either get nothing to show for it or get very little. There are always going to be players who hear about a new exploit and jump right on doing it just to get whatever the exploit is allowing you to easily farm. 


Regarding the referral system I really wish that either it had existed sooner or maybe that use of the beta keys that closed beta testers were given for buying Founder status and used to activate accounts counted as referrals. Reason being is that I've already referred friends to this game before this system happened. Both with my beta keys when the game was closed beta and by just word of mouth once the game went into open beta and I now have pretty much no one that I could get to join this game without spamming a referral link because I have already talked pretty much all of my friends that would be interested in playing the game into joining before this system was in place. 


Don't get me wrong though, I still love the idea but I'm a little disappointed that it's only coming out now when myself and many other players have been referring people to play this game for a while and won't have anything to show for it.

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