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endgame conntent DE could easily create


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In warframe there are few challenging missions, with exception of Arbitrations, survival is the only real alternative. However survival isn't really rewarding. The only survival type that is worth playing is void. However there are 3 more factions out there, all with interesting and unique enemies that see far to little playtime. 

So how can we fix that? Create new rewards that can only be acquired through infested/corpus/grenier survival.

But what could these rewards be? DE is busy working on a lot of content. Well there is one kind of content that is easy to create: weapon variants 

At the moment we only have prisma and wraith variants, no infested variants, and no variants for most weapons. 

So my proposal is to create a new infested variant, maybe a new grenier and corpus variant of weapons we already have and reward them in long survival (1h, 1.30h 2h 2.30h 3h) to provide an endgame and challenge players. 

Weapon variants are basically just reskinned weapon with changed stats and would not require as much  work as creating something new. 

This could provide a reason to challenge yourself in high lv missions and populate some unplayed areas of the star chart. This way there might be some endgame till we get kuva cliches.

What do you guys think of this solution?

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There are two major problems with this:

1. If the rewards are just weapons, then once players have them then there is no reason at all to continue running the mission. You only need to get a weapon once.

2. Long endless runs are difficult, but they aren't really challenging, nor are they really enjoyable either. Most people who do them do it so they can push their records; it's not really fun on its own to play the exact same mode for hours on end, and the standard procedure for such runs is to just pick a meta strat and abuse game mechanics. There's also the fact that dedicating multiple straight hours to the game is something that many players are realistically unable to do.

The reward for endurance runs shouldn't be much bigger than the pride of saying that you made it that far. Endurance has to exist outside of the game's overall balance and progression, because no matter what, endurance runners will always try to achieve the highest result possible despite balancing.

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb YUNoJump:

There are two major problems with this:

1. If the rewards are just weapons, then once players have them then there is no reason at all to continue running the mission. You only need to get a weapon once.

2. Long endless runs are difficult, but they aren't really challenging, nor are they really enjoyable either. Most people who do them do it so they can push their records; it's not really fun on its own to play the exact same mode for hours on end, and the standard procedure for such runs is to just pick a meta strat and abuse game mechanics. There's also the fact that dedicating multiple straight hours to the game is something that many players are realistically unable to do.

The reward for endurance runs shouldn't be much bigger than the pride of saying that you made it that far. Endurance has to exist outside of the game's overall balance and progression, because no matter what, endurance runners will always try to achieve the highest result possible despite balancing.

I don't propose this for the casuals I believe this could be a easy to create content that can subsidise an endgame for a time, and a way to satisfy players who like to challenge themselves. I for one am unsatisfied because I am not rewarded for the effort I spent in mastering a frame and creating a strong build and taking that to the absolute limits. My idea seeks to create a challenge for players like me, who don't think that pride is enough for a reward.

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22 minutes ago, -AiLuoLi- said:

Rewards in long survival won't happen because this game is full of casuals that never play past rotation A.

and we have vets and other form of players that have superiority complexes and want challenging content to keep themselves entertained when they could just relax just a tiny bit. which then causes them to act mean to the so called "casuals" when they have done nothing wrong but enjoy the game at a easier pace. 

before you can possibly  get any sympathy from me  or anyone else then you have to work for it. explain you side of the story, make suggestions of improving the learning curve of the game and possible methods of challenges that don't scare a good number of us. i don't have any qualms of anyone going past 20 minutes of survival, as i can sometimes end up going past the 20 minutes but i have no reason to go past 20 minutes and no reason why i  should pressure myself any further in a game that can't get their stats balanced right. either the game is too easy to play if your using top tier weapons or the game is a horrible nightmare of micromanaging a life support system when the  almost only thing you can do besides hug each life support like you mean it is by killing everything in sight in a ludicrous fashion. 

fix the need to kill things in a really really fast fashion and you at least fix something about the pacing of warframe.

Edited by maddragonmaster
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then improve the public instances by creating a side setting for pacing that allows you to choose the pacing of instance you want aka how long your going to stay in and endless mission or how long your going to stay in a general mission for who knows what reasons. that way you have less people that just end up leaving because they have to go for some reason or the other.

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb maddragonmaster:

then improve the public instances by creating a side setting for pacing that allows you to choose the pacing of instance you want aka how long your going to stay in and endless mission or how long your going to stay in a general mission for who knows what reasons. that way you have less people that just end up leaving because they have to go for some reason or the other.

thats a nice idear but doesnt have anything to do with what i want: I want new content that is rewarded for hard work, that populates unplayed missions and is easy for DE to create

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Just now, C104 said:

thats a nice idear but doesnt have anything to do with what i want: I want new content that is rewarded for hard work, that populates unplayed missions and is easy for DE to create

nothing is easy. as much as i don't want to stress DE there is no possible easy way for them to create new content. sure there might be a steady path on creating content but it still requires work.  the community is at odds with what works as challenging content and what doesn't work. besides creating rewards for hard work from an easy method is an oxymoron. either you go full in and do it or you don't. and since this community is at odds at what they want in challenges then its kind of hard for DE to find a solution. 

as for my idea of a solution to spice up the game is, well adding a bit more flavor to what we have already. either we have mobs making a beeline in a dead on sprint at us, or we have mobs that just stand there and shoot while making small movements. the only thing that has a little spice i can think of right off the bat is the nox enemy type from the grineer because he can charge at you. 

if they can fix the pacing of how we play the game and spice up the animations of the existing mobs just a little then its fine by me. 

and the reason why i say this is because i have been playing monster hunter world iceborne a bit and well compared to warframe monster hunter in general shows that you can have a short amount of monsters can give a better challenge then a platoon of AI. because at least i can blame myself for any mix ups there. while any death in warframe is chalked up to any random forms of incidents. some mine and others hard to tell.

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1 hour ago, C104 said:

no infested variants

The mutalist weapons would like to talk with you

About your suggestion, does the new weapons give mastery? If yes, 99% of the community will find it a chore (and it is), if not, I see little reason to waste one hour in the same mission for something just slightly better than what i already have (because if the boost is significant we get the same result as mastery.

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1 minute ago, (NSW)Fiftycentis said:

The mutalist weapons would like to talk with you

About your suggestion, does the new weapons give mastery? If yes, 99% of the community will find it a chore (and it is), if not, I see little reason to waste one hour in the same mission for something just slightly better than what i already have (because if the boost is significant we get the same result as mastery.

at least its better then sitting there kuva gambling with rivens. 

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vor 10 Minuten schrieb (NSW)Fiftycentis:

The mutalist weapons would like to talk with you

About your suggestion, does the new weapons give mastery? If yes, 99% of the community will find it a chore (and it is), if not, I see little reason to waste one hour in the same mission for something just slightly better than what i already have (because if the boost is significant we get the same result as mastery.

the mutalist are unique weaposn but there is as example no pox mutalist or hema mutalist

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Gerade eben schrieb maddragonmaster:

so your talking about versions of infested weapons without the infestation?

what no how can that be so hard to understand i just want variants like wraith or vandal, have you not read the post?


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Gerade eben schrieb (XB1)Rust Plague:


It wouldn't be infested then. And the names your looking for would be vandal and wraith not mutalist.

LIKE vandal and mutalist

I fee like talking to a legastemic 3 year old

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