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Goodbye, Warframe. I will miss you.


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i find this post very confusing you talk like life strike has been removed and it hasn't it has just been changed from channeling which used your energy to the heavy attacks which now use your combo counter which really is not that hard to build up. It does not at all reduce the options for frames that need healing in anyway as you can still use a heavy strike even with out a combo counter and the heavy strikes do a fair amount of damage, given the amount of time we have actually had this update in our hands this sounds more like a knee jerk reaction then anything 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

You admit you don't play often. Return and now everything is ruined, in your opinion. Then declare you're quitting........ Why can't people bow out gracefully? The vlogs are pointless. Just leave already. No one cares about your life, just like no one cares about mine or any other's lives. 

Honestly, could you sound like any more of a bad person? Like, we get it. you're a nihilist.

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3 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

I don't like DE's change for the sake of changes approach, never did, but at the same time I'm not gonna freak out over life strike being less useful now or how melee is no longer vastly superior to absolutely everything else in the game, thanks to stupidly easy red crits. Plenty of other ways to gain survivability, other ways to kill stuff. But to each their own. Warframe is constantly changing, always has been. I don't always agree with their changes, but yeah, I guess in this case I do. Oh well. Bye.

For me, that approach is why games end up flushing away good will with it's player base. When you slash core systems, and replace them with clunky, inferior systems, it is bound to cause issues. In this case, I simply no longer enjoy the game after the change. I think when you stop enjoying a game, you should stop playing it. Games are by their nature suppose to be fun and enjoyable. Playing a game you aren't enjoying is asking for trouble. I've been in this position one too many times,I know when it's time to admit defeat, cut my losses, and spend my time and money on more enjoyable things. This wasn't ever "warframe bad", this is "I don't enjoy the game, here's a few reasons, goodbye, and I wish you all the best'. Even in my replies, despite some being more then slightly hostile, I've tried to be civil. Which considering how I feel towards these changes, is harder then it seems. But being civil is the best approach here. I didn't actually imagine it'd even get more then a few views.  And not all have been insulting, so that's a positive at least. 

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2 minutes ago, Gildarts_bb said:

i find this post very confusing you talk like life strike has been removed and it hasn't it has just been changed from channeling which used your energy to the heavy attacks which now use your combo counter which really is not that hard to build up. It does not at all reduce the options for frames that need healing in anyway as you can still use a heavy strike even with out a combo counter and the heavy strikes do a fair amount of damage, given the amount of time we have actually had this update in our hands this sounds more like a knee jerk reaction then anything 

So : Life strike used channeling, and as a result energy. This means with "rage" , you could have a potential good amount of healing to balance out the damage you take. In survival on frames that aren't like inaros, trinity, or other healing / tanky frames, the attrition in survival infested going more then 40 minutes gets absurd. The toxin will tear you apart without being able to heal. I play mostly solo, so I don't have a second person with a frame that can heal. So life strike being changed to a system that consumes all of my combo, which my build relies on, actively hampers the gameplay itself for me. And limits what frames I can use. With BC and BR you could substain combos over thousands of kills, meaning your hits do absurd damage, but when channel life strike was a thing, it also meant that heals were good too. So you could effectively heal off the damage. The new system hurts even using life strike because strong attacks is a clunky system at best in my experience. That's my issue with it, it actively hampers what frames I can use, what builds I can use, and just over all removed a lot of the enjoyment because of the changes to combo and channel. I hope this clears up what I mean. 

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Neiasaurus:

For me, that approach is why games end up flushing away good will with it's player base. When you slash core systems, and replace them with clunky, inferior systems, it is bound to cause issues. In this case, I simply no longer enjoy the game after the change. I think when you stop enjoying a game, you should stop playing it. Games are by their nature suppose to be fun and enjoyable. Playing a game you aren't enjoying is asking for trouble. I've been in this position one too many times,I know when it's time to admit defeat, cut my losses, and spend my time and money on more enjoyable things. This wasn't ever "warframe bad", this is "I don't enjoy the game, here's a few reasons, goodbye, and I wish you all the best'. Even in my replies, despite some being more then slightly hostile, I've tried to be civil. Which considering how I feel towards these changes, is harder then it seems. But being civil is the best approach here. I didn't actually imagine it'd even get more then a few views.  And not all have been insulting, so that's a positive at least. 

That's nice and all - just don't be too surprised when it rubs some people the wrong way. Devs talked about the blood rush / body count combo being massively overpowered, game-breaking and needing a fix for over a year now, it had been a long time coming, and once you start hitting for billions and billions of damage with absolutely no skill or effort involved, a tiny voice inside you should at least voice a little suspicion, asking if this is really working the way it should. 

These changes have been communicated for quite some time, I feel they were long overdue and very necessary. And there's still Healing Return, as well as mods like Adaptation, Quick Thinking and many other ways to keep running 1 hour kuva survivals and other, more challenging things solo without cheesing it by abusing broken red crits and infinite life strike.

That said, if you don't like it, you don't like it. Plenty of other games out there. Unlike real life, you don't have to get used to changes in video games, I guess.

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1 hour ago, Kalec said:

Never understood the need for these kind of threads, especially if one was never active on the forums anyway with this being the very first post.

If you want to leave feedback, great but there is a section for that.

Who cares?

Forum activity has no bearing on ones investment in the game.

If you're about to quit, who cares what section it's in?

Either someone at DE reads it and gives a crap or they don't. It's quite simple really. Balls in their court with posts like these.

99% of what's posted here isn't for you or anyone else anyways. It's all directed at DE.


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1 hour ago, peterc3 said:

There is no difference between your joke and someone else clogging up the screen in the wrong channel. Ironically breaking the rules is the same as actually breaking them.

This is literally insane.

Entitled to your own opinion I suppose. As long as the bot doesn't mute you for saying an innocent joke that. 


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1 minute ago, IIDMOII said:

Who cares?

Forum activity has no bearing on ones investment in the game.

If you're about to quit, who cares what section it's in?

Either someone at DE reads it and gives a crap or they don't. It's quite simple really. Balls in their court with posts like these.

99% of what's posted here isn't for you or anyone else anyways. It's all directed at DE.


Thank you for that. It was actually more for venting then anything. After investing a lot of money problem more then a few hundred bucks, and over 900 hours, I am sad the direction the game is going.

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2 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

That's nice and all - just don't be too surprised when it rubs some people the wrong way. Devs talked about the blood rush / body count combo being massively overpowered, game-breaking and needing a fix for over a year now, it had been a long time coming, and once you start hitting for billions and billions of damage with absolutely no skill or effort involved, a tiny voice inside you should at least voice a little suspicion, asking if this is really working the way it should. 

These changes have been communicated for quite some time, I feel they were long overdue and very necessary. And there's still Healing Return, as well as mods like Adaptation, Quick Thinking and many other ways to keep running 1 hour kuva survivals and other, more challenging things solo without cheesing it by abusing broken red crits and infinite life strike.

That said, if you don't like it, you don't like it. Plenty of other games out there. Unlike real life, you don't have to get used to changes in video games, I guess.

If these changes were necessary why has the game been live for over 6 years?

Communicate how? Through live streams and Twitter posts that the average player will never see?

You want to play the communication card.....well there should have been a pop-up IN-GAME the last 6 years warning us not to invest in melee. Lol

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18 minutes ago, Neiasaurus said:

You're entitled to your opinion. I wish you the best in your time in warframe. 

Snide jokes aside, what exactly is the point of this thread?

If you feel this strongly about the changes, you should head to the proper subforum and provide your feedback in a well reasoned manner there. It may make a difference or it may not, either way it's much better than wasting words on pointless melodrama.


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3 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

That's nice and all - just don't be too surprised when it rubs some people the wrong way. Devs talked about the blood rush / body count combo being massively overpowered, game-breaking and needing a fix for over a year now, it had been a long time coming, and once you start hitting for billions and billions of damage with absolutely no skill or effort involved, a tiny voice inside you should at least voice a little suspicion, asking if this is really working the way it should. 

These changes have been communicated for quite some time, I feel they were long overdue and very necessary. And there's still Healing Return, as well as mods like Adaptation, Quick Thinking and many other ways to keep running 1 hour kuva survivals and other, more challenging things solo without cheesing it by abusing broken red crits and infinite life strike.

That said, if you don't like it, you don't like it. Plenty of other games out there. Unlike real life, you don't have to get used to changes in video games, I guess.

See, as a melee focused player , none of these changes were "necessary", in fact, I'd say more of the changes hurt melee then it helped it. There were a few nice changes like rivens, and some animations, and a few other things like that. But changing core systems that worked perfectly fine, for ones that don't exactly work as well...I just don't like it. As for cheesing, how exactly is it cheesing to use mods in the game? Because that's all it is. There is no cheesing involved. I wasn't glitching the game, I wasn't hacking. I just found a combo of mods that worked really well. I shouldn't be punished for experimenting and finding something that worked well. Entitled to your own opinion, but I don't think calling someone a cheeser for being creative with nothing more then mods is exactly a fair statement to make. 

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Just now, (XB1)RanskyNoodles said:

I get that, neither are you. So there's no need for me to call you out for being a chump, or you to call me out. or either of us to do so. 

Henceforth, "Shut the hell up, at forever o'clock, any questions?" -Khonjin House

I'm not here crying about a video game. I'm pointing out how pointless it is to write up a wall of text to say " I don't like it, so I'm going to leave"  and I am the one who needs to grow up??? That's rich. Not surprising though.

It's childish to throw tantums in public. For that is all the majority of posts about the update are at their core. Adults ....wait for it.... walk away. Gasp!! Oh what will you do if there is no one there to validate your tantrum?....

You have no power here.... Just like me. You just fail to see that simple truth and insist on validations to make you feel you belong. Or in you case white knighting for crybabies.... So take your own advice and stop being a usefull idiot child.

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb Neiasaurus:

See, as a melee focused player , none of these changes were "necessary", in fact, I'd say more of the changes hurt melee then it helped it. There were a few nice changes like rivens, and some animations, and a few other things like that. But changing core systems that worked perfectly fine, for ones that don't exactly work as well...I just don't like it. As for cheesing, how exactly is it cheesing to use mods in the game? Because that's all it is. There is no cheesing involved. I wasn't glitching the game, I wasn't hacking. I just found a combo of mods that worked really well. I shouldn't be punished for experimenting and finding something that worked well. Entitled to your own opinion, but I don't think calling someone a cheeser for being creative with nothing more then mods is exactly a fair statement to make. 

No offense, but hitting for literally billions just by mashing one button over and over again isn't fun, it requires absolutely no skill and it makes every other option completely obsolete by comparison. Add to that the ability to keep up infinite energy through mods like hunter adrenaline while you spam a single button for 60 minutes and keep on channeling without ever running out, basically never having to stop using life strike and Warframe basically turns into an animated screensaver. If that's what you consider fun, that's great. Opinons and all that. But I'll respectfully disagree.
And no, using an incredibly obvious and overused, overpowered mod-combo isn't being "creative", it's the exact opposite. So yeah, I'm glad that stuff is gone.

Edited by Berserkerkitten
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1 minute ago, Pr1A said:

Snide jokes aside, what exactly is the point of this thread?

If you feel this strongly about the changes, you should head to the proper subforum and provide your feedback in a well reasoned manner there. It may make a difference or it may not, either way it's much better than wasting words on pointless melodrama.


I wasn't being snide. I just am not going to get sucked into mud flinging. That doesn't help anyone, certainly doesn't make me feel better about this all.


I made it clear what this was for, it was a final goodbye, and a bit of venting. I have 0 expectations I can cause change. I'm not important, and I didn't even expect as many replies as have been. I invested a lot of time and money into warframe, and I'm sad to see it going this direction. That's the point, that's all my point ever was. Change has to be an overwelming thing, and even then most company's will ignore their players. Even if every last person agrees with me, there's more then 50% chance they'd do nothing. Becauase that's just how mmos are these days. I've been through this in Rift and other mmos. It's just the way things are. 

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I really don't want to leave. I loved this game until this recent update, and though this update has quite a bit to like IMO, it hit me specifically with the Lich mechanics and the Zenistar changes. So it's been tough to motivate myself to log in the last few days.

I think that perhaps Ill just take a short break. This change is likely not as bad as it feels at present, and there's always holding out hope that they will make changes, especially to the Zenistar.

At any rate I still think this is a great game and I'm open to returning in the near future. 

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2 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

No offense, but hitting for literally billions just by mashing one button over and over again isn't fun, it requires absolutely no skill and it makes every other option completely obsolete by comparison. Add to that the ability to keep up infinite energy through mods like hunter adrenaline while you spam a single button for 60 minutes and keep on channeling without ever running out, basically never having to stop using life strike and Warframe basically turns into an animated screensaver. If that's what you consider fun, that's great. Opinons and all that. But I'll respectfully disagree.
And no, using an incredibly obvious and overused, overpowered mod-combo isn't being "creative", it's the exact opposite. So yeah, I'm glad that stuff is gone.

So what you're saying is you're upset....I play melee? Because melee is literally about hitting the melee key over and over...That's what it is. All the creative comes from the fine tuning of mods and builds. But again, being over powered is not the same as cheesing. Cheesing would be in a raid with a mech that a player needs to intercept a thing and it hurts the player, they found a way to use a pet or non-player to intercept it. It's the glitching of mechanics to make something easier usually. Having a strong build is not glitching mechanics, and you shouldn't just go around calling people exploiters over it. You may not have intentionally done that, but you did. Melee is mostly the same, the build still works, the aspect that doesn't work is being able to use weaker frames, or non-tank frames. So this change didn't actually fix anything, it just broke things more, and in my opinion, made even few options and choices. And that, will never be a good thing in my opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion, but I also strong disagree with you. 

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Just now, Neiasaurus said:

I just am not going to get sucked into mud flinging. That doesn't help anyone, certainly doesn't make me feel better about this all.


I made it clear what this was for, it was a final goodbye, and a bit of venting.

I call BS. You wrote a book. If all you wanted was to say good bye, all you need to say is ,"so long and thanks for the fish". Instead you wrote your life story. You succeeded in grabbing attention. Drama and all. 

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1 minute ago, SayikVindal said:

I really don't want to leave. I loved this game until this recent update, and though this update has quite a bit to like IMO, it hit me specifically with the Lich mechanics and the Zenistar changes. So it's been tough to motivate myself to log in the last few days.

I think that perhaps Ill just take a short break. This change is likely not as bad as it feels at present, and there's always holding out hope that they will make changes, especially to the Zenistar.

At any rate I still think this is a great game and I'm open to returning in the near future. 

It's a really hard thing to leave something you're emotionally and in my case financially invested in. But I just feel the changes ruin a lot of what I enjoyed about the game. So until something gives, this will be a good time for me to leave again in favor of games I'll have more fun in. 

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7 minutes ago, Neiasaurus said:

I wasn't being snide. I just am not going to get sucked into mud flinging. That doesn't help anyone, certainly doesn't make me feel better about this all.


I made it clear what this was for, it was a final goodbye, and a bit of venting. I have 0 expectations I can cause change. I'm not important, and I didn't even expect as many replies as have been. I invested a lot of time and money into warframe, and I'm sad to see it going this direction. That's the point, that's all my point ever was. Change has to be an overwelming thing, and even then most company's will ignore their players. Even if every last person agrees with me, there's more then 50% chance they'd do nothing. Becauase that's just how mmos are these days. I've been through this in Rift and other mmos. It's just the way things are. 

Didn't mean that you were being snide, it was supposed to be self-deprecatory.

Still don't really understand these kind of threads, though. Perhaps I just have a fundamentally different attitude when it comes to games changing in a way I don't like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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Just now, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

I call BS. You wrote a book. If all you wanted was to say good bye, all you need to say is ,"so long and thanks for the fish". Instead you wrote your life story. You succeeded in grabbing attention. Drama and all. 

Okay. You're entitled to your opinion, I disagree, and from some of the other replies,I'm not alone in how I feel about all this. I'm not going to be drawn into a mud flinging contest with you, so if you're hoping I'm going to be rude back to you, you're going to be disappointed. 

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Gerade eben schrieb Neiasaurus:

So what you're saying is you're upset....I play melee? Because melee is literally about hitting the melee key over and over...That's what it is. All the creative comes from the fine tuning of mods and builds. But again, being over powered is not the same as cheesing. Cheesing would be in a raid with a mech that a player needs to intercept a thing and it hurts the player, they found a way to use a pet or non-player to intercept it. It's the glitching of mechanics to make something easier usually. Having a strong build is not glitching mechanics, and you shouldn't just go around calling people exploiters over it. You may not have intentionally done that, but you did. Melee is mostly the same, the build still works, the aspect that doesn't work is being able to use weaker frames, or non-tank frames. So this change didn't actually fix anything, it just broke things more, and in my opinion, made even few options and choices. And that, will never be a good thing in my opinion. You're entitled to your own opinion, but I also strong disagree with you. 

I'm not upset at all. The point I'm trying to make is that melee was stupid with the way blood rush, body count and lifestrike worked, because they trivialized everything, required zero effort and absolutely no skill. And I don't see the "fine-tuning" or "creativity" in using the exact same obvious crap literally everybody has exploited for as long as it existed, because it was the single-most efficient choice with no alternative that came even close.

And yes, by my definition, that was cheesy as hell, I hated it and I'm actually using melee a lot more after these changes, because it doesn't feel as cheap anymore. I like it better that way.

We're never gonna see eye to eye on this one, we'll never agree, neither one of us is gonna convince the other and that's fine. I'm not trying to attack you over your personal opinion. But I maintain that these changes were necessary, long overdue, they've been announced ages ago and in my opinion, they're absolutely for the better.

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