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Galatine Is Seriously Op


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it has nearly triple! the charge time of orthos (another weapon that you can buy the bp in the market)


so, with orthos you hit in the same time for MORE damage with LESS chance to be interrupted. You also hit the same amount of targets and you alsohave similar, if not superior, reach.


mind you, this is the simple orthos i'm talking about, NOT the prime (which is even better)



Actually with full speed mods you can charge three times versus the galatine's 1 [equal mods].

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One-shotting everything? I call that FUN!


Galantine isn't any better that any other heavy weapon (probably worse than Orthos Prime, but I need to see it for myself), it's just numbers are bigger this time.


I trust DE. IMHO This weapon was probably made to research new way of damage output. Remember Gorgon? Let's make alternative: Same gun, lower damage, high crit chance *poof* here's Sommy! And oh, I want laser alternative for that *poof* Supra.


And btw what is wrong with you people? Are you jealous that you spent 3-5 days farming fe. Orthos Prime, and then Galatine appeared, seemingly, outdpsing the weapon you farmed so much for?


I might be a hypocrite, but I own Soma, just because when RNG is cruel, and I know I have to grind that T3 Capture by going E Gate 15 min>Void>E Gate 15 min>Void etc. so I make myself a weapon which takes half of that load off my shoulders.


Galatine, on the other hand, was bought by me only because it is a sword. And I am going to level it regardless of dps or whatever.


And Devs would make much more money if they only made Galatine as Gram skin, with some pros n cons (like manticore)

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LOL this nerf thread is funny apperantly the OP has not used it and only basing off number he has seen.


1: Without mods it SUCKS!


2: Charge time is seriously long compaired to fragor or scindo or orthos. Only heavy to truly need reflex coil.


3: Normal atks only do 35 non armor ignoring DMG. meaning normal swings on a lvl 1 grineer only do like 11 DMG.


4: Only heavy that is basically pure charge atk only. And It's a challenge to get in close without getting staggered and losing it's charge.


Personally it doesn't need nerfed in anyway. What it could use is the ability like the dual ichor to walk around fully charged forever. Not the time limit it has now.

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The Galantine is actually kind of bad, its just most other melee weapons are even worse. People tend to focus a little too much on numbers in this community, and less on how those numbers interact with the game itself.

Wow, a 400 damage swing that requires over a second to charge assuming you don't get staggered during the swing? So basically, I can get right up next to an enemy, wait for a whole second, hope they don't stagger me, and then finally attack them, hitting them for an amount of damage that I could have easily done with my guns from a much farther distance? Since melee weapons other than the Kogake, Kestral, and Glaive tend to become impractical against anything other than light infected (who really like staggering you), I'm having a hard time seeing how this weapon is OP.

I love this weapon, but quite frankly it isn't very good, much less OP.

Edited by Grilleds
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The Galantine is actually kind of bad, its just most other melee weapons are even worse. People tend to focus a little too much on numbers in this community, and less on how those numbers interact with the game itself.

Wow, a 400 damage swing that requires over a second to charge assuming you don't get staggered during the swing? So basically, I can get right up next to an enemy, wait for a whole second, hope they don't stagger me, and then finally attack them, hitting them for an amount of damage that I could have easily done with my guns from a much farther distance? Since melee weapons other than the Kogake, Kestral, and Glaive tend to become impractical against anything other than light infected (who really like staggering you), I'm having a hard time seeing how this weapon is OP.

I love this weapon, but quite frankly it isn't very good, much less OP.


Sure, it can make big damage... big whoop? The time it takes you to get one charge off I can get 2-3 ogris shots off, not be in harms way, not have a chance of being inturrupted AND be able to put those shots in locations not close to eachother.

And I can do similar with a number of other weapons.

It's a cool blade and all... but I'll still take my ethers for the nice mix of damage, CC and mobility (because getting where I need to be is more important that doing more damage with my melee) or even the Kestral for higher end content (so I can throw / jump lock)

Numbers wise, yeah, it's a monster. But if you were to talk about what the weapon actually allowes performance wise? It's nice... and it's actually viable for dishing out actual damage, but it's still sub-par compared to guns.

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What were you guys thinking? Did noone do the testing before releasing that?


1.It's cheap to make- 50k credits and some mats to make the best weap in the game is not too much, especially if you don't have to find the blueprints.


2. It's too fast- It's a giant sword, yet it swings pretty much at the same rate as longswords. Combine it with 35 normal attack damage and it renders normal longswords obsolete. Why would you choose a longsword if you can have Galatine?


3. Charge damage- 400 damage? TWICE as much as anything else? The charge time isn't even long enough to justify that. 



You can one-shot basically anything up to level 60 with fully modded Galatine. Shields or no shields. Except you don't have to sacrifice anything to do that, you have good attack speed, great charge damage, decent charge speed. 



Yes, I have it, yes, I potatoed it. Yes, it's OP and I think it needs a nerf, because there is no reason to use any other melee at the moment.

I HAVE TAKEN THIS TO SOME BOSSEWS AND I HAVE TORN THEM APART FASTER WITH THE DUAL ETHERS. sorry for the caps but I am too lazy to erase it. I think this weapon should have a massive mastery level increase at the least. But the charge time is pretty awful. You don't need to be a nerfsayer for something like this

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Soma requires 1200 rubedo and 7 morphics not to mention that it now is level-locked at 3. Most noobs I know are not gonna have hordes of mats laying around



1200 Rubedo is easily obtained just by spamming Earth missions.

On a good game you can get nearly 150. Even on poor ones, I get like 80.

In Europa, you get even more which I count in 200s. War can drop up to 3 to 4 morphics a session.


It is not that hard really.


In contrast is Plastids, I am still getting like 18 to 80 on a normal mission drop.

The only reason why no one is whining because the survival weekend left vets well stocked with 10k+ Plastids.

Edited by fatpig84
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It just impresses me over and over how many brainiacs try to justify the existence of game breaking crap like this gelatine S#&$.

Try to list as many negative aspects as possible, this sword crushes melee no less than Kunai crushed pistols. Or later again Acrid. Or Rhino after his 3475943875837853 buffs. Or Nova. .... Nova.

It just hurts watching such bad decisions, even if they are clearly done for no other reason than mass feedback.

Edited by his1nightmare
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It just impresses me over and over how many brainiacs try to justify the existence of game breaking crap like this gelatine S#&$.

Try to list as many negative aspects as possible, this sword crushes melee no less than Kunai crushed pistols. Or later again Acrid. Or Rhino after his 3475943875837853 buffs. Or Nova. .... Nova.

It just hurts watching such bad decisions, even if they are clearly done for no other reason than mass feedback.

While I currently have no stance on its balance, I would like to point out that melee in general is crap in this game and completely outclassed by guns.  The Galatine does more damage per hit on average than the Lanka.  Is that a problem?  Maybe.  But comparing it to other melee weapons is a terrible argument.

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why use other melee weapons, ye ask? well, the answer be a simple one: for rushin'. I'm never leaving my dual zorens behind.

This is what confuses me, why the *beep* would anyone want to use anything that would slow you down?  I mean, the whole point of Warframe is to rush from point A to B, and anything that hinders that will kill you.


Unless it's an Assassination Mission or an Exterminate.

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You can one-shot basically anything up to level 60 with fully modded Galatine. Shields or no shields. Except you don't have to sacrifice anything to do that, you have good attack speed, great charge damage, decent charge speed. 

more around level 80 or 90, due to the Crits. 



since it can be useless againts high level armor enemies and if you hate it that much

please dont use it since there's alot of other weapons that you can use beside Soma..Geezz..Stop complaining..

1 - Soma has massive AP damage output, as well as all the other elementals. Soma is good in all situations.

2 - FYI, some of the players in the community have taken it upon themselves to be Beta Testers and provide truthful constructive feedback to improve Warframe. this includes comparing equipment to attempt to keep them all in line with each other, while providing freeform customization. it's a weird concept, i know, but some people truly think that Beta Testing is important and is more than just some early access gimmick.


It also doesn't stagger, nor does it ignore armor, making it on par with the Orthos Prime in charged dps (Orthos Prime is half the damage at twice the charge speed, and the wiki is wrong as so many people have youtube side to side compare the times).

There are plenty of competetive choices over the Galatine. Namely Zorens, 2x ethers, Orthos / Orthos Prime, Fragor, Ichors, and the list goes on.

1 - the quick attacks have 100% stagger(or if not 100%, a very high chance). Charged attacks don't, but they don't need to since you'll kill the enemy with one hit usually.

2 - Serrated Blade damage is Armor Ignoring, i did my research and read information and used Galatine for hours before i even thought about making an opinion on it. did you?

3 - Galatine doesn't quite swing as fast as Orthos Prime, but it blows Orthos Prime out of the water for 'DPS', since each attack is going to deal in the general area of 8,000dmg. Orthos Prime may be able to get off two swings in the time Galatine does one, but the Alpha Damage trumps the faster attack rate. 

yes, there are many other viable options, but Galatine does most melee weapons' overall damage output, in a single hit. 




Galatine is great fun of a melee weapon, and the true Greatsword many of us have wanted that Gram just didn't quite fill. but like Soma, Synapse, and several other weapons, they are clearly in a Tier of their own. but this said Tier doesn't exist. and even if it did, these new items are laughably easy to get compared to a lot of the existing content. which is a horrible business model, a  lot of the existing content is going to get shelved like say, Hek was for a lot of players, a long time ago. and much of this older content, is then just filler for new Tenno, who will more than likely just skip over the old content and get the better, newer content instead. 

why, i must ask, why spend all this time creating great content (weapons in this case) in large amounts early on in Warframes' life, if every couple months we're going to make a few great additions to the content, that totally nullify the point of having all that varied content? it totally wastes the Development time on the older content, players won't use any of it anymore. and if players aren't using most of the content, they certainly aren't paying money for that content they aren't using. 

i must wonder how dissapointed and sad whoever in particular put their blood and tears into making weapons X, Y, and T - only to have a new weapon be created to totally nullify all that work they did creating the previous weapons.

just... such a waste.





It's hard as heck to chase down running grineer and corpus with that charge attack though

if you slide right after starting a Charge Attack, you'll keep sliding while charging. suddenly, you can run while charging any weapon! ;)

now you can chase down airplanes with your sword. 

Edited by taiiat
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Gearb0x wrote:

You're also correct about misused terms and focus in weapon discussions.  "The weapon is OP" gets countered by "X has more DPS" countered by "Power Creep" countered by "Effective Damage/Mod" countered by Voodoo countered by Insults countered by Banhammer.  The effectiveness, usefulness and feel of weapons are rarely discussed in any meaningful manner, when those are the important aspects of a PVE weapon.  "The Burstron feels like crap because of the kick" is a much better topic than "The Burstron's DPS is terrible and should be buffed"



The Galatine feels great. Nothing wrong with that.


A useful thread that needs a read concerning topics of Weapon nerfs and such.



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While I currently have no stance on its balance, I would like to point out that melee in general is crap in this game and completely outclassed by guns.  The Galatine does more damage per hit on average than the Lanka.  Is that a problem?  Maybe.  But comparing it to other melee weapons is a terrible argument.

If it was a terrible argument, then why are all the noobs running around with Gelatine now?

What you say is, while it is OP, it doesn't matter much to the other melee weapons because nobody who goes for damage output uses them anyway.

While this is true, its sheer stats will cause players to start using melee for damage (more often). This, see sentence 1, causes every single person who actually uses the E key near enemies to have this blade.

Does this crush your own experience? No. Does it look as wrong as it sounds? Yes.

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If it was a terrible argument, then why are all the noobs running around with Gelatine now?

What you say is, while it is OP, it doesn't matter much to the other melee weapons because nobody who goes for damage output uses them anyway.

While this is true, its sheer stats will cause players to start using melee for damage (more often). This, see sentence 1, causes every single person who actually uses the E key near enemies to have this blade.

Does this crush your own experience? No. Does it look as wrong as it sounds? Yes.

I'm saying comparing to melee as a way of supporting a claim of "game-breaking" isn't the way to go.  Melee is horribly screwed up at the moment and always has been since I joined in January, though in different ways as time passed.  Will everyone use the Galatine now?  Yes.  The point I'm trying to make though is that is that the Galatine's fault?  Honestly, I'm not sure.


We can all agree the melee pool in general sucks.  They simply don't compare to guns.  The Orthos Prime was about the only thing close to an option you had before, but even it didn't really compare to guns under many circumstances.  Now we have a melee weapon which challenges guns for the ability to put out damage and in doing so, eclipses everything else.


Normally, I'd say to nerf the thing that is so far above the median, but when you consider how low the median actually is in this instance, I'm afraid I'm leaning more towards buff the existing pool.  Even after reasonable buffs are applied, it may still be OP, but I don't feel like we can adequately determine that.  The only comparisons we have are vs guns and vs melee for determining its power.  Comparing with melee doesn't mean a whole lot for overall balance with respect to the game at large as melee in general sucks.  Versus guns then would be the better option in this situation as they are in general more well equipped to handle the content of the game.

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Galantine doesn't replace my Kogake/Glaive/Kestral/Fangprime/Ethers/Fragor because all of these weapons have a different niche.


So your argument about it being the only viable melee is kind of silly. It's a very linear, charge-build only weapon designed to kill things with slow charge attacks in a large AOE.


It does not have the single target crowd control capabilities of a Kogake, nor the upfront continuous attack DPS of a modded fangprime. It can't be built into a crowd control weak attack machine with armor ignoring strikes like the Ether or Fragor, and it sure as hell doesn't bring a ranged element like the Glaive or Kestral.


This weapon is fine. It's the top tier of damage-per-swing heavy weapons and that's fine. Scindo and Gram are just there for the mastery, you're not meant to hang onto them. This weapon still isn't as versatile as the Fragor.

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