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So... Shedu and Erra Quest


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41 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

When you take into account rng you can't tell the next person what's really a difficult grind or easy one however bro

you can definitely use math to determine if the grind is difficult or not. Also if you get 3 parts in one run, its safe to assume the drop rate is decent. The pennant and quellor drop rates are apparently 5% each. so 1/10. Per run. Symbalists are 16% per, affected by loot abilities, multiple spawns. Its easy to do some reasonable deduction. RNG is not some nebulous system. It's defined by probability.

Edited by Skaleek
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30 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

you can definitely use math to determine if the grind is difficult or not. Also if you get 3 parts in one run, its safe to assume the drop rate is decent. The pennant and quellor drop rates are apparently 5% each. so 1/10. Per run. Symbalists are 16% per, affected by loot abilities, multiple spawns. Its easy to do some reasonable deduction. RNG is not some nebulous system. It's defined by probability.

Rng is a variable that can't be accurately and consistently controlled nor generated which brings it back around to my original statement. 


The grind is different  for everyone bro. Not that that's some horrible thing but stating "this grind is easy because me and my friends got this in x amount of time" isnt accurate 

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Rng is a variable that can't be accurately and consistently controlled nor generated which brings it back around to my original statement. 

No but you can have a certain degree of confidence that you will fall within normal parameters. That's all you can do with RNG. Is there a chance you never get the item? Yes. But that doesnt mean the grind for this item is out of control. It's a feedback thread about how hard this item is to farm. It's not. Compare it to other items in Warframe. It's not even kinda close. This is a feedback thread complaining the grind is too difficult, or there's "too much RNG", which is just not true. Bringing me back around to my original statement.

I hate atrocious grinds and I call out DE on them, but this just isn't one of them. Plain and simple.

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For example I've been play

17 minutes ago, Skaleek said:

No but you can have a certain degree of confidence that you will fall within normal parameters. That's all you can do with RNG. Is there a chance you never get the item? Yes. But that doesnt mean the grind for this item is out of control. It's a feedback thread about how hard this item is to farm. It's not. Compare it to other items in Warframe. It's not even kinda close. This is a feedback thread complaining the grind is too difficult, or there's "too much RNG", which is just not true. Bringing me back around to my original statement.

I hate atrocious grinds and I call out DE on them, but this just isn't one of them. Plain and simple.

Im not speaking on them saying the grind is yo much I simply said you can't tell one person how easy or hard something is to grind due to rng. I didn't disagree that them saying the grind being too much is questionable because it's subjective and factors like rng come into play a variable which we have no control over. And other things like resource boosters etc. I'm just saying you have no true say into what someone thinks is hard to farm because of variables we can't control or guarantee in drops

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

For example I've been play

Im not speaking on them saying the grind is yo much I simply said you can't tell one person how easy or hard something is to grind due to rng. I didn't disagree that them saying the grind being too much is questionable because it's subjective and factors like rng come into play a variable which we have no control over. And other things like resource boosters etc. I'm just saying you have no true say into what someone thinks is hard to farm because of variables we can't control or guarantee in drops

With that ideology, Someone could say Ammo drum is hard to farm because "RNG" and i wouldnt be able to say that's ridiculous.

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Just now, Skaleek said:

With that ideology, Someone could say Ammo drum is hard to farm because "RNG" and i wouldnt be able to say that's ridiculous.

If they can't get ammo drum what's ridiculous to us is a very very sought after delicate treat for them. But rng does play into affect with the personal experience of farm and how trivial something is. Along with drop rate spawns the enemies it drops from or what it drops from etc. 

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Droidyurlookn4 said:

Your lucky break is not stats againstr rng You just got lucky.

Well there buddy. I've now run the sentient outpost ~70 times. I've gotten enough shedu parts to build about 6 full Shedus. The drop rates are solid. There are other, far more precious things in that sentient ship that are much much much harder to farm.

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On 2019-12-19 at 4:28 PM, Skaleek said:

There's about 5-6 symbolists per run, if each part is 4%, thats a 16% chance per symbolist.

I'm glad stuff has been going well for you, but uh. It's not 4% per each part. It's 4% for a part at all, split across the four parts, at least if DE's official drop tables are accurate.

Still, there have certainly been things with much worse drop rates, including plenty of them in railjack itself, and as you talked about it's increasable by using a coordinated looting squad.

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2 hours ago, OvisCaedo said:

I'm glad stuff has been going well for you, but uh. It's not 4% per each part. It's 4% for a part at all, split across the four parts, at least if DE's official drop tables are accurate.

Sorry, you are correct. Its a 4% to drop each part so 1% per part. I still managed to farm quite a few shedu sets and sell them for plat using a team. If i had just farmed one off and gotten lucky, i would say what im saying has no context. But i ran the sentient outpost 100+ times. At that point i have a good enough sample size, imo, to compare to other farms. I managed to farm about 7 shedu sets in my time. That puts me at about 15 runs per full shedu. Not terrible, not great either.

The pennant and quellor on the other hand, took me and my team a long time. 50+ runs. Once again, could be a one off, because once we got the quellor bp we stopped farming. The sentient outpost is special because there are other rare things in there that are more valuable than the shedu and are oppressively hard to obtain.

There's always someone who gets the short end of the stick with an RNG system. I had to do 16 Neo I1 radshares to get the ivara chassis in this prime access.

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On 2019-12-18 at 10:46 PM, Zecthus said:

I'll try to make this quick and clear. Not only the quest itself is locked behind RNG since you only have a 30min timeframe to find where it is before it enters a 3 hours cooldown to move to another node (acording to players), but the shedu components only drops from one of the new sentients and it's a 4% drop. I have to ask if no one at DE saw the problem behind this, because it just feels like they're mocking us right now. I don't mind the grind behind railjack components (weapons and stuff) because it's nothing that I'm not used to do specially since MMORPG basically works like this - and the gameplay itself is not that hard/exaustive, but there's a limit that should not be crossed. This needs to be fixed ASAP! 

But yeah, I know that only complaining isn't gonna do anything, so here's some sugestions I have: 

  • Sentient Ship Spawn 
    • Either lock the spawn to a single node or gives something that marks where it is currently; 
    • Reduce the cooldown to something similar to day/night on PoE, for example: 40min timeframe to farm - 30min coolddown before it goes to another node. This way casual players can actually do the content. 
  • Shedu
    • Either make it drop from all the new sentients or increase the drop change for something between 10~15% (since the Symbilysts don't appear that often). 

I get that with New War we'll probably have more chances to find those sentients, but I see no point to adding the weapon in the game if you're going to make it almost impossible to get and we don't have any idea of when New War is actually coming. 

Or simply sell you prime parts you dont need, then buy the shedu parts you havent been able to get.

I think the shedu system is completely fine, but why? Because you have always a option to get the parts without the RNG

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Its not a problem..if yall know whats going to happen in some new next updates..

before new war..we are going to get a new tileset of sentient where the new sentient will spawn..so you will more likely to get those part like u get the ash parts.

speaking of the sentient ship.. that is just a example or I say a lillte demo of what will we get..

so getting shedu will not be a big problem after we get the sentient tileset.. so I will not suggest to farm shedu right now ..casue that is just waste of time..

use that time to farm other things till we get the tileset..after that we can farm them a little ez way..

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9 minutes ago, ItsJoYWTF said:


Its not a problem..if yall know whats going to happen in some new next updates..

before new war..we are going to get a new tileset of sentient where the new sentient will spawn..so you will more likely to get those part like u get the ash parts.

speaking of the sentient ship.. that is just a example or I say a lillte demo of what will we get..

so getting shedu will not be a big problem after we get the sentient tileset.. so I will not suggest to farm shedu right now ..casue that is just waste of time..

use that time to farm other things till we get the tileset..after that we can farm them a little ez way..

Why would they add it now if players shouldn't farm it? 

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