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Veteran, founder, 9 days back and fed up.



I was a founder (still am but dont remember password and have given up so I decided to get an xbox and run wf since pc hardware is outdated)

I supported this game through the gamebreaking bugs and was there for launch.

I left pc warframe in 2015 to join the army.

I thought of this game in afganistan and hoped to play it again when in that mess.

I dont care that the game is completely different than what I left it.

I have come back, disabled, seeking enjoyment. Binging this game hours on end.

I have played 9 days straight now (really binging. Nothing else to do) Spent over $175 at least to recreate what I had on my pc account. Primed mods frames etc etc.

3 of my buddies I made in rehab all got together on xbox and started playing but we've ran into an issue. We all recall mr 9 test and I have a quite popular tutorial on youtube for it. 

Issue... is... that..  unless invisible, the 3rd section of the stealth... is almost impossible.

I've dont it normally. But I have at least 10 clips of me getting spotted through walls. Through ground below me. I've even been detected IMMEDIATELY after a failed attempt respawn. I'm talking nanoseconds here. My frame didnt even stand up and it was over.

I wouldn't be here right now if it were easily done. I've asked multiple vets even the founder of my clan to try it again to see if they can do it.

I had 7 people total attempt it 10 times each.

That's 70 tries with no umbral weapon cheating.


That's a 4% completion rate from 4 mr 9s with past experience and 3 mr 20+s who have played and understood the game in my absence.

This is unfair.

Especially to new players.

This is gamebreaking.

Dont believe me?

Go do the test now.

MR 9. No invisibility. If you can do it.... please teach me how since as I said.... I am getting detected from the most absurd angles. The tracking is like trying to 1v1 a bot in a FPS whilst on the hardest difficulty and they consistently aimbot you.


TLDR; mr 9 test is gamebreaking. It should be able to be completed without cheese or cheating it.

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there's two ways to handle this one

Method one: Get an Ivara and rank it up, you can get the super energy ability (I think you can use gear in this mission so bring some energy storage things if you need'em).

Method Two: Do what I did on limbo. You gotta jump HIGH and be ready to jump down. Watch the enemies from above and then get a feel for their patterns, you can easily nail the bastards. Also get something REALLY high damaging as your melee weapon. If you got a paracesis, that'll do it almost certainly, Gram Prime, or a normal Gram. I did it with a Destraza Prime with some decent modding, but they'll all let you one hit these jokers for one go. The issue is NOISE level a lot of the time.

If you're having a #*!%TON of trouble, then also try getting the knife weapon from Red Veil.


https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank#Rank 9


might have more you can use 🙂


You can do it buddy, it's tough but it's not the hardest mission by far that I had to do.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)shadowclasper said:

there's two ways to handle this one

Method one: Get an Ivara and rank it up, you can get the super energy ability (I think you can use gear in this mission so bring some energy storage things if you need'em).

Method Two: Do what I did on limbo. You gotta jump HIGH and be ready to jump down. Watch the enemies from above and then get a feel for their patterns, you can easily nail the bastards. Also get something REALLY high damaging as your melee weapon. If you got a paracesis, that'll do it almost certainly, Gram Prime, or a normal Gram. I did it with a Destraza Prime with some decent modding, but they'll all let you one hit these jokers for one go. The issue is NOISE level a lot of the time.

If you're having a #*!%TON of trouble, then also try getting the knife weapon from Red Veil.


https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank#Rank 9


might have more you can use 🙂


You can do it buddy, it's tough but it's not the hardest mission by far that I had to do.

Abilities aren't allowed. I have alot of frames Mods and weapons honestly.

80-100 sorties solo are a breeze so my weapons are fine.

I've tried to nuke them all with a heavy slam and I get caught climbing up every time. I'm getting caught alot of ways that were unheard of when I completed this test before. And when I completed it in 2013/2014 it was HARD like INSANELY hard until I found out their pattern.

Btw their pattern changes now. This is something I forgot to mention. After first fail I'll get some wacko RNG for their pathing. Is there a way I can show you clips? Some of these things happening are actual uninstall material.

My point here is that the only way I've found to beat it is the skiajati which I think is totally UNFAIR!

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Banshee + Sarpa. Mod the Sarpa for heavy attacks (wind up and damage).

Whenever you go to the next section of the test, once the enemies spawn in, go back to the previous area and abuse the fact that hit-scan calculates trajectory based on your reticle and your camera, not the location of your frame. Find a good corner to shoot around and sweep from one side to the other.

I have done this several times since they changed stealth mechanics, just to make sure it still works.

If this still fails for you, get a Wisp. Her passive makes her invisible while airborne/jumping, and for a very brief duration after landing. If you get good at bunny-hopping her she can be functionally invisible.

Also, if you can, complete The Sacrifice and get the Skijati. It gives you a few seconds of invisibility on finisher, and is broken only by attacking. Chain your finishers in the right spot, and you shouldn't be spotted.

If all else fails, build a zaw and buy an Exodia Contagion set off of another player. do the same trick as with above with Banshee, but with short double jumps (low enough you don't get spotted) and arc the projectile into the next area. Spam it until everything is dead.

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Abilities are disabled in this test so Ivara might not be the best frame to do it.

I started playing Warframe back in October so I understand your frustration, all the feedback I got can be boiled down to.

1. Get Wisp

2. Banshee with Redeemer/other gunblade

3. Play it really carefully with Glaives

4. Slap a lot of mobility mods and Skiajati and then start murdering


I managed to complete the test after many failed attempts due to wonky geographics, bullS#&$ enemy detections and other stuff, I'm really reaaaallly dreading the 19 test

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2 minutes ago, BonesythePander said:

I managed to complete the test after many failed attempts due to wonky geographics, bullS#&$ enemy detections and other stuff, I'm really reaaaallly dreading the 19 test

19 is a lot easier with the Banshee + Gunblade technique, since the enemies start from farther away. Just learn the order to kill them in via practice and you should be fine.

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Not exactly. The test itself is difficult, especially with their increased awareness.


... It kind of took me over 7 hours to complete all stages without being detected, without using cheesing methods. It can be cleared faster though, but I tend to overextend my stuff to extreme for no reason.

Edited by Uhkretor
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I did managed to clear out the test in practices using glaives several time.

But when the real test happens, either something differs a bit and caused me to get spotted

Like that time I hid on previous zone and the guy on the top of the stairs managed to spot me somehow.

Or when the physics borked and bumped me out of the cover a second, causing them to approach me.

It's aggravating really.

10 minutes ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

19 is a lot easier with the Banshee + Gunblade technique, since the enemies start from farther away. Just learn the order to kill them in via practice and you should be fine.

This is good to know, I already farmed for Wisp because I got paranoid enough so I hope it'll be not much of a problem.

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There have been a few threads about this test since an update a while back that changed/broke stealth. Enemies will spot you from much farther away now, so this test's difficult is pretty out of whack at the moment.

There weren't any recent videos up last time I checked, so try to keep these things in mind:

  1. You're not timed for this test, so take as long as you need to observe the enemy patrol patterns and make a plan. Don't needlessly stress yourself out by trying to do things as quickly as possible.
  2. Enemies die in 1 hit in this test, so get in, get out, and stay behind cover as much as possible. Make use of bullet jumps and slides to move back into cover.
  3. If you hear an enemy yell, then they found a body or caught a glimpse of you. Hide and wait until the aggro resets (they'll stop aiming their gun). Enemies can go into a cautious state and you won't fail, you just can't let them see you. Just keep in mind that patrol patterns are likely to change if this happens, so wait and adjust.
  4. You can try using a ranged melee weapon like a glaive or gunblade, but I personally found that the throwing/shooting animation tended to mess up my movement.
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Sage Outlaws said:

Go do the test now.

As this test has been coming up in chat/forums recently I did just that. It took a few attempts but I found a route and timing that I can duplicate consistently in the practice version. I don't know if this will work for other people or in the real version of the test - and I'm not trying to be cheeky when I say this as for all I know the routes/timings may vary due to the hardware it's running on.



You want to find something you can consistently repeat. I know people say don't rush, but I find it's easier to keep it predictable if you're reasonably swift, so that enemys are in a familiar part of their route and haven't had a chance to diverge.

I personally don't want to have to rely on making decisions on the fly, scanning and then guessing/predicting whether a particular course of action will work. Especially when it comes to Warframe's stealth mechanics. So the method I used (i.e. all the runs not shown before this video) is really to brute force test a route and timing through the level, so I know whether something works or not because I've been to that point before and tested it. If it didn't work, get back to the same point in the same way with the same timing and try something different. Of course, each attempt is not going to be exactly the same, there may be routes that require such precision that minor variations will throw off repeated attempts. This way I also iron those out as well. Something worked once but can't be repeated, then back to that same point and try something else.

Edited by schilds
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10 hours ago, (XB1)Sage Outlaws said:

TLDR; mr 9 test is gamebreaking. It should be able to be completed without cheese or cheating it.

Hey, I'm not a youtuber or anything, but I just uploaded a video showing how I was able to do it. I hope it can help you. There's no commentary or anything like that, just the practice run. Good luck!


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Another veteran here ,another founder,another disabled player ...that cannot complete this test.Due to injuries i've developed early onset of arthritis in my left arm and there is no way for me to execute b.s manoeuvres that are needed.....slide..jump..jump..kill..roll...jump..kill...crouch,look up,roll forward crouch..wait..kill...jump kill crouch... that is just first four guards in less than 10 seconds..i remember this test before they changed it...

Given up on tests ,also gave up on spending ,why spend on a game where i'm excluded from a lot of content due to very bad game mechanic

Not sure why they changed this test ..was it because of controllers..something else ..don't really care

Those that keep posting how easy it is ...to healthy person everything is easy.

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52 minutes ago, RodrigoMoretto said:

Hey, I'm not a youtuber or anything, but I just uploaded a video showing how I was able to do it. I hope it can help you. There's no commentary or anything like that, just the practice run. Good luck!


I appreciate you for this video! I attempted it using the EXACT loadout you have excal broken war.

In the 3rd section I didnt get detected as much as I did before when I was using khora (I'm assuming she has a larger hitbox? Shes wearing kuva hunter armor as well so shes a blob of visibility)

On the practice if I dont replicate this exactly it doesnt work.

What I mean is... if I get detected 1 time. Everything goes out of whack. I start getting detected mid air and some nonsense as if they are omniscient and all knowing. Which they basically are.

I will attempt this on the real test tonight...

One thing I do know is that on the practice I had to attempt what you did a few times. So I successfully completed it after 4 attempts which is much better odds.


Let's just pray the game doesnt start giving me some funny / obnoxious bugs like falling thru the floor cause why not? on the real test.

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21 minutes ago, pecanin said:

Another veteran here ,another founder,another disabled player ...that cannot complete this test.Due to injuries i've developed early onset of arthritis in my left arm and there is no way for me to execute b.s manoeuvres that are needed.....slide..jump..jump..kill..roll...jump..kill...crouch,look up,roll forward crouch..wait..kill...jump kill crouch... that is just first four guards in less than 10 seconds..i remember this test before they changed it...

Given up on tests ,also gave up on spending ,why spend on a game where i'm excluded from a lot of content due to very bad game mechanic

Not sure why they changed this test ..was it because of controllers..something else ..don't really care

Those that keep posting how easy it is ...to healthy person everything is easy.

I understand your pain. My right wrist is mostly man made along with several fingers on both hands. If you'd seen me play it looks quite odd since I have to play claw style like you'd do in fighting games. But more than anything this game keeps my mind occupied from when I wake to when I sleep. Always something to do and I just wished certain things were more lenient in wf. After all it is a video game. I feel like I'm trying to do a speed run with pixel perfect movements lol. But that's just because I'm a bot irl essentially.

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1 hour ago, pecanin said:

Those that keep posting how easy it is ...to healthy person everything is easy.

I can't speak for someone disabled, but I didn't feel like I did anything too crazy/agile in my attempt. I felt like there were quite a few pauses as I did it, which is why I even wrote on the description it's not supposed to be a speed run or anything like that.


I have no idea if frames and attachments change your hitbox to make it easier for them to spot you, but after a few attempts I did it like that in the video. Give it a try, study their pathing, see if waiting a bit more and taking advantage of the pillars gives you better cover.


Also, I didnt use that loadout for any specific reason. I just wanted to use Excalibur because most probably would have it and the Broken War is just because I like its looks.

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15 hours ago, (XB1)Sage Outlaws said:

Is this mastery test only expected to be completed by those with 300+ hours?

No, it's unfair even to those with 300+ hours.

The story:
In August, 2019, DE decided to boost enemies sight so they could spot players more easily in mission and on the open maps. But they forgot about MR9 and 19 test.  So any tutorial made before August 2019 is outdated.

Legit stealth play:
requires you to rmb all the patterns, no mistake could be made

Cheese (workaround):
- Item is allowed, so as archgun deployer (tested as of 2019/12/22)
- Gunblades and Glaives are allowed, try Redeemer (prime)
- wisp passive is very useful

Edited by SHArK-FiN
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1 hour ago, SHArK-FiN said:

No, it's unfair even to those with 300+ hours.

The story:
In August, 2019, DE decided to boost enemies sight so they could spot players more easily in mission and on the open maps. But they forgot about MR9 and 19 test.  So any tutorial made before August 2019 is outdated.

Legit stealth play:
requires you to rmb all the patterns, no mistake could be made

Cheese (workaround):
- Item is allowed, so as archgun deployer (tested as of 2019/12/22)
- Gunblades and Glaives are allowed, try Redeemer (prime)
- wisp passive is very useful

Certain things are mr locked. I'm going for skiajati rn

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17 hours ago, (XB1)Sage Outlaws said:

Abilities aren't allowed. I have alot of frames Mods and weapons honestly.

80-100 sorties solo are a breeze so my weapons are fine.

I've tried to nuke them all with a heavy slam and I get caught climbing up every time. I'm getting caught alot of ways that were unheard of when I completed this test before. And when I completed it in 2013/2014 it was HARD like INSANELY hard until I found out their pattern.

Btw their pattern changes now. This is something I forgot to mention. After first fail I'll get some wacko RNG for their pathing. Is there a way I can show you clips? Some of these things happening are actual uninstall material.

My point here is that the only way I've found to beat it is the skiajati which I think is totally UNFAIR!

Your issue is you, not the test.

Your lack of patience is the problem, some enemies require up to three passes but each has at least two different blind zones to make a clean kill in. I did the test with rhino and a fragor, and I waited to pass until I knew the patrols of every enemy, and killing the obvious choice and failing is distinct possibility, especially on the upper deck where you can leave enemies with winding patrols past buildings for the guys that turn in mid patrol and you're obviously supposed to deal with first.

Literally that cut and dried. learn the patrols, pick a weapon with a quick stealth kill like a heavy blade or hammer, and only attack from directly behind to deal with the enlarged sight cone.


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1 minute ago, -Kittens- said:

Your issue is you, not the test.

Your lack of patience is the problem, some enemies require up to three passes but each has at least two different blind zones to make a clean kill in. I did the test with rhino and a fragor, and I waited to pass until I knew the patrols of every enemy, and killing the obvious choice and failing is distinct possibility, especially on the upper deck where you can leave enemies with winding patrols past buildings for the guys that turn in mid patrol and you're obviously supposed to deal with first.

Literally that cut and dried. learn the patrols.


How can I send you clips? My MR QUALIFIER. Was failed without moving 1 inch from spawn. 3 in a row defections without even doing anything. Stand and sit immediately.

Aside from the bugs it is just way harder than it needs to be. Nobody can say otherwise.

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1 hour ago, SHArK-FiN said:

No, it's unfair even to those with 300+ hours.

The story:
In August, 2019, DE decided to boost enemies sight so they could spot players more easily in mission and on the open maps. But they forgot about MR9 and 19 test.  So any tutorial made before August 2019 is outdated.

Legit stealth play:
requires you to rmb all the patterns, no mistake could be made

Cheese (workaround):
- Item is allowed, so as archgun deployer (tested as of 2019/12/22)
- Gunblades and Glaives are allowed, try Redeemer (prime)
- wisp passive is very useful

That is all nice and dandy ...but...

MR 9 won't be taken by players that have access to stealth frames 

Those players will have access to Excalibur/Mag/Ember ,maybe trinity and so on 

Test is flawed ,i killed three guards was about to kill fourth when he spoted second one i killed ...fail


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18 minutes ago, (XB1)Sage Outlaws said:

How can I send you clips? My MR QUALIFIER. Was failed without moving 1 inch from spawn. 3 in a row defections without even doing anything. Stand and sit immediately.

Aside from the bugs it is just way harder than it needs to be. Nobody can say otherwise.

You don't have to send me clips:

1. You replied literally before my post was done posting in finality which tells me you're about as objective on the subject as a dog that just got bathed, shaved and bathed again.

2. The test is still doable. The enemy cannot see you, cannot see you kill anyone, and cannot see a dead body of their patrol-mates. Period, end of, which means the kills need to occur either at the beginning of a patrol route or where occlusion overlap will occur.

yes the test is bullS#&$ relative to the MR it unlocks, it's also still quite achievable.... with patience.

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Based on how the missions scale... you have to be hydron taxid and acquire mods to even make your way to the sacrifice. I just did mot so I can open chains of harrow....

I did 94% dmg and the rest were mr6.

They couldnt do anything and needless to say afterwards I gave them all mods and tips for their frames / weapon builds.

2 were limbo and 1 rhino. None of them had a grasp of the game yet and told me they struggled for months to get to MOT. Whereas it took me 10 days.

There was no way they would've gone through Sedna if I didnt go with them or someone who is modded and completely cracked out to help.

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9 minutes ago, -Kittens- said:

You don't have to send me clips:

1. You replied literally before my post was done posting in finality which tells me you're about as objective on the subject as a dog that just got bathed, shaved and bathed again.

2. The test is still doable. The enemy cannot see you, cannot see you kill anyone, and cannot see a dead body of their patrol-mates. Period, end of, which means the kills need to occur either at the beginning of a patrol route or where occlusion overlap will occur.

yes the test is bullS#&$ relative to the MR it unlocks, it's also still quite achievable.... with patience.

You are absolutely correct.

It is very doable. But in the heat of the moment on the real qual...  it's very very very hard.

One tiny error and they get thrown into a cautious state and that's an easy fail.

After said fail it's even harder based on where it spawns you since on the real qual they can detect you immediately or go into a cautious state.

It's very difficult and I've finished the dark souls trilogy on NG6 which is the hardest difficulty you'd ever see in a video game ever lol.

I am very patient. I just feel that I'm at a huge disadvantage here with multiple variables causing easy fails.

I mainly made this post not to rant because I will get it done idc. I'm persistent. And skilled in stealth in the real world. But when it comes to the game..  I want dev's or someone to see this and I will keep roaring about it until someone decides to fix it for the new people and the future of the game. If I was new and encountered this I would call the game garbage, too hard, glitchy and uninstall.

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