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How do we defend ourselves ...



In the past three years I've never reported anyone nor felt the need to do so. I also am very glad that I only met a toxic player once.

In the last two weeks, since Empyrean launch, I met five highly toxic players. One of them was toxic and flaming from the start, then kept me and two others hostage after mission success for 40 min til we decided to just abort and accept all our loss. Two of them were highly toxic to each other and flaming throughout mission instead of focusing on objectives. And finally two of them today, were making false accusations of someone being AFK, while the person's actions clearly prove the opposite, confirmed by the score board, these two toxic players also happened to be from the same clan.

I've always known this community as the best and friendly community in the gaming world and often use it as an example of everything good.

How can we defend ourselves from the invasion of toxic players? How can friendly people deal with false accusations, with hosts going AFK due to whatever reason they feel to justify it? Other than ignoring/muting them ingame?

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12 answers to this question

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14 minutes ago, Ambiroa said:

Other than ignoring/muting them ingame?

Do just that. They're probably just 9 year olds anyway. At least mentally.

If it goes to some other stage where you are actively harassed by a user / their friends/clanmates, then report them all to Support staff (but be sure to include evidence).

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5 minutes ago, Cicasajt said:

the more teamwork is required the more toxic ppl can get

I want to agree with this, but I also remember back in earlier warframe,
that cooperation was usually inviting and forgiving of mistakes.

...Though, I'd say on the average, you'd be right that there will be an
increase in the trend. Ambition makes people reaaaaaal prickly. It being
a new and more challenging game mode, that's a siren's call for this to occur.

I suspect the changes to Warframe's reward systems is what chokes that
cooperative spirit. ...hitting everybody up with new shinies constantly,
and encouraging the, "keeping up with the joneses" for profit, is bound
to cause otherwise sensible people, to be... well.. black friday shoppers.

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PVP games are famous for their toxic community, I learned first hand by playing LoL, CSGO, OW, and HOTS. But WF isn't a PVP game, plus, before Empyrean it was all friendly and good, regardless the requirement of teamwork. So I can't imagine that teamwork is the reason of this change in behavior in this game. Not to spit on Empyrean, but for me it's literally since that came out, not before, and it's not just toxicity, it's a general shift in people's mind:

- more selfish as they don't refine and imediately head back to dock (vs before where players would ask in chat if everyone got what they needed/wanted)
- more selfish as pilots staying on the bridge and barking to others to take care of everything else, from objectives to fighters to crewships to boarders to fires to ruptures
- more selfish (as before the hotfix), players going for the commander and pennant, refuse to share info or simply wait til everyone was inside the gallion, of course, after the hotfix everyone receives it, but just that selfish mind is making that mission experience horrible

To be fair, I really didn't expect this kind of shift in behavior in this game and bit shocked to find out the way we are potentially going.

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Hunting the anomalies in Veil Proxima, I've run into more toxic players in the past two days than ever before. I've had people join and instantly leave the ship, fly for the anomaly, and refuse to return to help with the rest of the mission. I've had people watch as boarders kill me so they could basically steal my own ship from me. I've had an entire party refuse to engage with the ship at all, leaving it up to me to either pilot + engineer or fail the mission (I let it fail just to escape them sooner, none of them even tried to return via Omni Recall to avert it).

I agree that Empyrean seems to have brought out the worst in people instead of the best. I've stopped running those missions with random players; I just can't take people's entitled attitudes all of a sudden. Not that it isn't present in regular star chart missions (I like to take my time, sometimes I have other objectives than just "kill everything, finish objective, leave"), but that's limited to the last minute or so with people yelling at me to hurry up and extract after they've been standing in the zone for three seconds.

If you want to "defend yourself" I'd suggest just trying to find a decent group and sticking with them. Public matchmaking is dying on this game like it died on PSO2 a few years ago. I haven't made new friends on either game since around 2016......

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I'd give them the benefit of the doubt. Considering the buggy launch and hours on end lost due to said bugs on progress, endless grinding etc. etc. maybe a bad day at work, all these can pile up having an "attitude" adding salt to the wound might not be a good idea in those cases and the best action would be keeping conversation to a bare minimum, or mute/ignore if you can't be bothered dealing with someone. Ofcourse those little trolls will be there but hey, if you love the rose u have to deal with the thornes. 

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Best we may have for the time being, is be the change you wish to see if matches, and hope it makes an impact.
Ignore and/or Report the players who unquestionably rub you the wrong way, while doing you best to see their reason.

5 hours ago, HoboKnoght said:

I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.

You're very right there.
Some factors present as an attitude that was not a willful sabotage or pattern of disregard for the team.
I try to put this out there when people blow their top on, "afk/leech" players..
If you've ever had a day where the cat barfed on the new carpet, or the doorbell rang, or there was a phone call from a hospital..
you'll know things happen without being an intentional slight or plot to undermine the party.

Some behavior is a bit more obvious.. though our perception of what counts varies wildly from person to person.
I've met and heard from players with baseline expectations that I've thought nothing short of ghastly and ludicrous, but that's how they roll.
There are at times where relatively innocent but irreconcilable differences just lead to undue tension.
Adding someone to our ignore list might be the only thing for it, outside of a protracted peer mediation session or who-knows-what if anything.

Like the parallel to Black Friday shopping I made early.. best chance is to let the crowds die down a while.
The people trampling and rampaging around those stores also think they're the reasonable ones.

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I'm a casual for life, have been slowly working at Rising Tide, and only just completed the quest two days ago. I ran one training mission and one live mission. No one communicated in training and my crewmate died in the live mission then aborted. I eventually died as well, but in my incredibly limited scope I didn't encounter any toxicity.

This might make me go kill my Lich (been ignoring her) instead and wait for clan members/friends to play Railjack with.

Also, as for the increase in toxicity, my co-clan leader pointed out that, as we've seen in other games, it isn't just PVP that brings out the toxicity in gaming communities. It's also when role-specific missions or games are played as public matches.

Most of Warframe doesn't actually require us to work as teams (mentioned above by others in this thread) or, more specifically, to play specific roles as my co-leader pointed out. The various 'frames, weapons, and gear items generally allow us to play whatever role we want. (I remember Raids, but being wary about rage from teammates about me being new to a role is one of the reasons I never played Raids when we had them.)

For anyone who remembers when Raids were first introduced in Warframe, did they likewise cause an uptick in toxicity in players? How long did it take for that to level off/for us to get groups willing to teach others how to play Raids in friendly squads?

Edited by Rhekemi
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This is ridiculous!! Again I'm in a squad with a typical pilot-host, who seem to think that he/she only has to fly the ship and that everyone else has to do all other stuff. So now the host is keeping us hostage, because he had to put out one fire, and only because the other two of us were killing fighters, crewships, and boarders. He literally said "... well you guys were AFK the whole time so ... enjoy space!".

I stopped playing RJ for a week because of this S#&$, now I come back and it's the same S#&$! 😠

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Pilot here.  We don't have a minimap and generally I prefer not to have the command menu on-screen unless things are getting out of hand.  So as much as you'd like me to help with repairs, any second I'm spending rushing back and forth is another second that I'm not spending helping you guys down fighters or lining up the Archwing Cannon so someone can take down the Crewship.  I don't know where everyone else is on my own ship.  On top of that, I'm also trying to evade Ram Sleds so we're not also dealing with boarding parties ruining our day.  I'd like to at least know if I have others aboard my ship to help me deal with problems, or, failing that, where the problems are.  Because if there's a fire close to me, sure I'll move us to cover, hop out, and deal with it, but for all I also know it's on the literal other side of the ship.

TL;DR:  DE, give Pilots a minimap for their ship.


EDIT:  On top of that, any second I'm out of the chair is another second where some over-zealous guy can get a hold of it and prevent me from flying my own ship.  It's the feeling of 'I made this, I'm the only one driving it' at work here.

Edited by Sintag
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