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Warframe Prime Time: Episode 1


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Regarding Galatine: I found that focusing on charged attacks worked well to get it going fast.  Rending Strike and Focus Energy give both faster charge attack and more charge damage (with charge damage doing armor ignored damage) and adding AP for Grineer and Electrical damage for Corpus.  After that, my next mod was Reach to extend the already large range of attacks, then Fury to increase the speed of the actual swing (and also allow regular attacks to swing at something of an acceptable level) and finally Pressure point for increased normal attack damage (for lower level missions where I don't need to worry about armor so much).  Sundering strike, Molten Impact, North Wind or Shocking touch depending on enemy type (I prefer cold vs corpus, especially because on this build you already have electrical damage and having the anti-shield cold damage and speed reduction is very helpful).


As usual, no reason to worry about critical attacks right now because the crit chance is too low rather than focusing on maximizing charged attack damage.


With this I can one-shot ancients on xini up until about wave 15.  Running around in a Rhino with Iron Skin active, using charged attacks to slaughter everyone and here the lamentation of their women (Conan the Barbarian movie reference, please don't be upset) is awesome.  It doesn't feel very ninja like but whatever.

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You DEFINITELY need split screen or someone changing the focus. Every single time one of the two of you would say "Oh, look at <blah>", the screen would swap(if it hadn't already) to the OTHER person. So we never, ever saw anything you were pointing out. At all.


Kind of defeats the purpose if everything you're showing off (or, trying to) is on the screen of the person we cannot see.


As for suggestions of things to try, it'd be interesting to see challenges--melee only, powers only, FIRST powers only(ember... running out of ammo... with no fireball equipped??? Embarrassing!).


Also, when applicable, content debuts--ie, use the newest frame/weapon/map when it's released. Would be interesting to see how you guys handle the newest stuff, and based on the update schedule, time prime will be the first time many players ever get to see it in action. Should inspire a lot of sales(although, technically, it could be accused of being an hour-long ad for the new stuff on sale--but hey, WHY NOT?)


Overall, was interesting. Look forward to seeing it again. Shame I have to catch it on youtube.


Only other thing is, I think I'm having Sheldon withdrawal.

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