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Some advice on burn out please



I've got a problem I could use some opinions on. With over a year of grinding and farming under my belt which is far more than I've given other games of the type, I've finally hit a burn out that doesn't seem to go away, haven't played much since Gauss released, only reason I got him or Grendel was because I didn't have anything to do with the 75% coupons I get (have another one wasting away right now), haven't even gotten that melee weapon from the Thumpers in POE let alone anything that came after it, haven't farmed Atlas prime or Ivara prime yet either, which brings me to my problem.

I'm tired of the same old RNG heavy grind this game has but I've put too much of my life into this game to just walk away.  MR27 with so many frames, weapons, cosmetics and mods that I put so much time and effort into getting, all the fun I've had and friends I've made, all of that can't just be forgotten right?  To be honest I don't WANT to leave either, but right now all I do is log in, wander aimlessly around the orbiter for a bit and go play something else, tried to get myself hyped for Railjack by after building the first part of the ship I lost interest in that as well.

Should I just let it go, or keep trying to play even though I no longer enjoy it? I know there are players here who've been around for much longer than me, how do you guys keep playing after so long? Is there something I missed or are you just hanging around because you invested money into it? Thanks for any advice

Edited by Haldos
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This is the issue with games that have no end. The ending ends up being people getting burnt out and board of the game. 

Pushed hard to catch up with some mates and now surpassed them since they play other games. Also MR27 but hardly touched half the weapons/frames (just leveled them up) so you could forma the hell out of things and work on builds (that is what I still need to do). 

I have lately just been logging in for daily reward (since I'm missing login weapon rewards) and doing daily missions (sorties, NW and any missed syndicate rep).

DE needs to establish more achievements and even player set achievements to help push each other and gives more meaning to end game play. I hope DE do improve end game play otherwise there will be a constant rise and dip in player base after each update. 

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19 hours ago, (PS4)OriginalEquinox said:

@(PS4)AbBaNdOn_  I missed the initial farm waves because of irl stuff, then tried to solo farm but barely got past the first few minutes in a survival or whatever before leaving the mission.

Oh you dont wanna even farm the reics?  That is pretty depressing to do.  But....

- You can use your syn standing to buy relic packs and a few of he new relics (and then you have something else to do every day as you grind your syn standing back)

-Disruptions are awesome for relics meso -> axi (lith is hard because disuption rewards upgrade past Lith).   Disruptions are buggy and you sometimes dont get relics but still its worth it because you can get alot of relics in about the same time as other missions where you only get 1.   Do you like disruption mode?  I think they are pretty fun.  

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