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The Grand Thread For Animation Improvements And Fixes. [Constantly Being Updated And Tweaked!]


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  One thing that always bugged me is the death animation for enemies.

Let's take an example:

>Tenno running, gets killed. He falls to the direction he was running.

>Grineer running, gets killed. He INSTANTLY STOPS and triggers the death animation, which is absurd. For real dude, I JUST BLASTED YOU WITH A SHOTGUN, HOW DO YOU STOP AND FAINT.

Seriously, why? It just messes entirely the game immersion.


  Another matter: dismemberment. I am using a Miter (YES, I LIKE THAT GUN, DON'T JUDGE ME). I shoot the guy in the waist with a puch through saw. Neil deGrasse Tyson says that he should be split in two and blood should be everywhere. Then please explain WHY DID HIS LEFT ARM RIP OFF. I don't know how that works. Oh, it also triggered the "I feel like stopping and fainting" death animation mentioned before. Nope, just nope. If I aim for the guy's waist with a saw, I mean to tear the bastard in pieces and push him back with a pressurized round. I don't want to make his left arm fall off and that he faints.

  One thing I noticed about death animations, tough, is that Kestrel, a weapon with knockback, does not trigger the death animations, because the knockback (which is amazing, by the way) nullifies the death animation. Same with Fragor's jump attack and other knockdown things or blast rounds.


  My sugestion is:

1- Take off death animations and make bullets actually impact the body, making it look like he actually died. I.e.: snipe a running guy, he will have the speed that he was running plus the impact of the bullet, making him not fall forward or to the side, but in a diagonal way.

2- Fix the dismemberment for slash weapons, as the impact with impact weapons. Make enemies get knocked back when they are killed with a Fragor or any other impact weapon, similar to a Kestrel (just make it less intense, will ya? I don't want enemies pretending they are airplanes).

3- Read numbers 1 and 2 again.



Death animations should = Ragdoll


Enemy death animations are bad, and I get tired of seeing grineer and corpus stop and faint once i kill them. As soon as I kill a Grineer or Corpus they should instantly ragdoll.


Sad part about this: When I die in conclave or in a mission, my warframe instantly ragdolls, which adds to the embarasement. I once got blown up in a mission and it sent my Loki limp and flying. This is what should happen to corpus, grineer, and any other in the game. When I hit a group enemies with an Ogris, it should instantly send them flying in ragdoll, instead of them fainting.


They used to be different some time ago, but to be honest I like them more now when there are animations matched with ragdolls afterwards. I never really was that bothered by them. But I agree with both of you, but maybe with not so much negativity to the current animations. I think they should totally stay, but highly powerful blast weapons and abilities should indeed instantly ragdoll enemies sending them away. High impact weapons should have more noticeable results on their animations, maybe with some variations like sometimes insta ragdolls, sometimes knockback animations on heavier enemies.


Limb dismemberment is a different story. It is a lot harder to create necessary assets, scripts to allow for a lot of variations. A guy not splitting in half is probably a bug, haven't seen much of this or this is so rare I don't notice myself. Btw Miter is indeed fun.


I'll add something up in da OP. But that only works if devs read this thread repeatedly from time to time.

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TL;DR: Every second of our gameplay we're staring into our characters, we keep seeing same animations over and over again which sadly are often rather jerky. This thread encourages developers to work on various animations and programming of animations as much as possible. We DO notice it and it's important. I think I've became obsessed with good animations by now.
The game is already known for it's impressive graphics and controls. I'd love if the game would also be known as having one of the best animations for a high paced and quick shooter. I mean those impressive systems and scripts that create perfectly blending animations on your character whatever you do. Just watch gta 4 or 5 and you'll know.
Not talking about super complicated physics based animating seen here
and here
but If developers can pull of something like this, I applaud them.
Pretty much ALL of the co-op player animations do not match what the person is actually seeing on his client. Other players sometimes have their legs sliding in wrong direction. Stuck in super fast jiggly mode after slashdash or something else, stuck in place after a jump when player has already started walking and so on...
In other words it's simply issues with how network games are handled. It probably does not reflect the exact same motion the player does, and that leads to even worse animation smoothness.
1) Ability animations have no blending with anything else, except for vauban. Fixed for most basic abilities
Could still use some work for other abilities so it would blend in and out, like for example Excalibur's powers because most of them can be used while in mid air.
2) No momentum on wallrun melee attack and you can only aim horizontally. Fixed so now you fly in a proper trajectory, but still unable to aim vertically
3) Mid air shooting animation does not trigger while jumping from a sprint, and on some other cases too.
So you're just holding a weapon as if you were not shooting at all. I don't think we necessarily need matrix style jumps, just holding the weapon in the general direction would be fine.
4) Improvements to leg behavior? Like when you run or slide, legs bend according to the terrain and not float or clip into it.
It's especially visible while sliding down a hill or ramp.
5) Continuing with the legs. There are no animations while aiming and shooting.
You can't make this one look perfect, but can we have something like current sprinting turning which I've mentioned in the beginning?
6) Turning animations when quickly changing directions on sprint?
from this7sd.gifto something like this zke7.gif
Now this one looks Ok when you don't mind these things, but it's still worth mentioning. You can see in slow-mo that she simply turns around on her leg with no other animation whatsoever, while these days it's very usual to see some sort of animation that would show you quickly kicking of into the opposite direction. (just like in the second GIF)
8) If devs prefer a slow recovery from knockback, It would be nice if Constitution would share the animation with Handspring mod. (and stack the effect)
Currently it's the regular animation with quicker speed.
Also handspring animation looks a little weird sometimes because of how long character lays on the ground compared to how quickly he jumps back up.
9) More advanced idles (not very vital) and a slightly better blending in and out of the idle animations if possible.
10) Better blending for wallruns (mostly discussed on part 2 thread)
This is wallrun from new tutorial, why is this not default?
Wallrunning is very sticky. The character simply flies to a wall and sticks like a magnet after a short delay, from then it's very directional. (check out this great example of a glitch in dueling hall where you can see it in slow mo http://youtu.be/bW7UXTNOXig?t=38s) When flying off a wall it sticks to something else like a ledge which feels weird ingame and most of the time unintended. It needs it's own button (also discussed on part 2)
There's also an unnecessary delay between flying towards the wall and sticking into the another wallrun.
11) Tweaks to thrown weapon animations because it twists warframes too much on their torso. Is this simply a bug for some people?
12) Better blocking animations. Current one is a little too smooth for something like bullets and too predictable and repetitive. Doesn't match some weapons like lasers firing at you. As seen in https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/128983-blocking-animation-improvement-suggestion/
it's just too smooth to create the illusion that your blocking bullets. A better approach would be having EACH bullet blocked trigger it's own lightning fast blocking animation. Give each weapon 6 or so quick poses to jump to (you could probably take half of them from the current animation set) and have a random pose trigger for each bullet blocked.
13) Animations for Zephyr tilting, turning in midair.
You can control the flight in air, but she remains in a fixed orientation even when you're actively pushing buttons and flying other directions. This also ties to some movement problems. Roll after such flight can feel weird, it should follow a direction in which you were flying just before touching the ground.
14) Valkyr ripline could be better. Pulling enemies could result in valkyr taking few steps back, and grabbing to ceilings and floors seems weird since valkyr is flying in a horizontal position as if she pulled herself horizontally. Would be nice if body naturally flowed along the direction you're pulling to.
I also talked a little about the ripline behavior and trajectories on the part 2 thread.
15) Ash bladestorm needs polishing. There are still occasions when ash plays awkward old animations where he often stabs or hits empty air somewhere in the general area. Phobose made a full list of enemies with no animations assigned to them https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/250301-ashs-bladestorm-not-performing-animation-on-certain-targets/
Some enemies should probably be removed from the targeting (like rollers) and common types like moa should get some animations.
Fixes for weapons:
1) Staff ground finisher is weird, looks like it's not in sync with the damage. I think it's fixed.
2) Some melee weapon animations seem to be forced in place (with the animation itself containing steps forward). That leads to sliding legs which sometimes are weird.
The gif is outdated but it shows how much legs slide as you swing your melee weapon, which happens with some melee animations in melee 2.0
3) Stealth and finisher melee animations are very often out of sync with ragdolls and enemy locations.
Dagger seems to the best one, while others like scythe are quite horrible. It snaps you and your target into fixed position that is off where both of you originally been, then proceeds with animation which often ends with target standing straight up. Then it turns into ragdoll and falls right back again even though the final hit has been struck on the animation itself and it should have collapsed earlier.
4) Some tweaks to bow animations. Especially the painful looking twist when you aim and walk left. As seen in https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/161189-animations-regarding-bows/
If you have an arrow ready and pulled, and start sprinting (while still holding it) the string is pulled back but your warframe is holding it with only one hand.
if you're aiming down, the arrow and the bow will become very offset.  http://puu.sh/6eph5.jpg
AI and other animations
1) Enemy jump animations are terrible to say the least. Needs more immersive animations for infested crawling over walls, jumping. Corpus and grineer sliding down walls or something among these lines. In general the speed at which their move when jumping feels too linear and fast, the sudden speed comes out of nowhere and they jump distances larger than tenno.
Noticed a lot of improvements on all factions, better AI should improve it even more. (sometimes enemies climb/jump on strange locations or for no reason)
they run in a very generic way, not looking terrified at all. Need something like corpus capture target fleeing animation.
3) AI needs varied jogging animations. They often point their weapons at random spot while running to a destination, or sprint in unexpected directions while continuously shooting (or aiming) at a player and twisting on their torso unnaturally.
4) Bad web connection and probably many other things causes AI to have weird and twitchy animations. (mostly due to programming)
I've seen enemies slide their legs around when standing in place, rapidly switching in and out of various animations while not actually doing something meaningful (again AI issues). Animation programmers, can you pleas go into few regular public matches and take a look at AI animations? They are never good when not hosting, legs are always shaking, sliding, downed enemies are spinning, enemies jumping and rolling over obstacles are twitchy and teleporting all over their animation path.
Do you agree with these? Do you think this is worth their time? Do you also want to see a perfect game animation wise?




TL;DR: Every second of our gameplay we're staring into our characters, we keep seeing same animations over and over again which sadly are often rather jerky. This thread encourages developers to work on various animations and programming of animations as much as possible. We DO notice it and it's important. I think I've became obsessed with good animations by now.
The game is already known for it's impressive graphics and controls. I'd love if the game would also be known as having one of the best animations for a high paced and quick shooter. I mean those impressive systems and scripts that create perfectly blending animations on your character whatever you do. Just watch gta 4 or 5 and you'll know.
Not talking about super complicated physics based animating seen here
and here
but If developers can pull of something like this, I applaud them.
Pretty much ALL of the co-op player animations do not match what the person is actually seeing on his client. Other players sometimes have their legs sliding in wrong direction. Stuck in super fast jiggly mode after slashdash or something else, stuck in place after a jump when player has already started walking and so on...
In other words it's simply issues with how network games are handled. It probably does not reflect the exact same motion the player does, and that leads to even worse animation smoothness.
1) Ability animations have no blending with anything else, except for vauban. Fixed for most basic abilities
Could still use some work for other abilities so it would blend in and out, like for example Excalibur's powers because most of them can be used while in mid air.
2) No momentum on wallrun melee attack and you can only aim horizontally. Fixed so now you fly in a proper trajectory, but still unable to aim vertically
3) Mid air shooting animation does not trigger while jumping from a sprint, and on some other cases too.
So you're just holding a weapon as if you were not shooting at all. I don't think we necessarily need matrix style jumps, just holding the weapon in the general direction would be fine.
4) Improvements to leg behavior? Like when you run or slide, legs bend according to the terrain and not float or clip into it.
It's especially visible while sliding down a hill or ramp.
5) Continuing with the legs. There are no animations while aiming and shooting.
You can't make this one look perfect, but can we have something like current sprinting turning which I've mentioned in the beginning?
6) Turning animations when quickly changing directions on sprint?
from this7sd.gifto something like this zke7.gif
Now this one looks Ok when you don't mind these things, but it's still worth mentioning. You can see in slow-mo that she simply turns around on her leg with no other animation whatsoever, while these days it's very usual to see some sort of animation that would show you quickly kicking of into the opposite direction. (just like in the second GIF)
8) If devs prefer a slow recovery from knockback, It would be nice if Constitution would share the animation with Handspring mod. (and stack the effect)
Currently it's the regular animation with quicker speed.
Also handspring animation looks a little weird sometimes because of how long character lays on the ground compared to how quickly he jumps back up.
9) More advanced idles (not very vital) and a slightly better blending in and out of the idle animations if possible.
10) Better blending for wallruns (mostly discussed on part 2 thread)
This is wallrun from new tutorial, why is this not default?
Wallrunning is very sticky. The character simply flies to a wall and sticks like a magnet after a short delay, from then it's very directional. (check out this great example of a glitch in dueling hall where you can see it in slow mo http://youtu.be/bW7UXTNOXig?t=38s) When flying off a wall it sticks to something else like a ledge which feels weird ingame and most of the time unintended. It needs it's own button (also discussed on part 2)
There's also an unnecessary delay between flying towards the wall and sticking into the another wallrun.
11) Tweaks to thrown weapon animations because it twists warframes too much on their torso. Is this simply a bug for some people?
12) Better blocking animations. Current one is a little too smooth for something like bullets and too predictable and repetitive. Doesn't match some weapons like lasers firing at you. As seen in https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/128983-blocking-animation-improvement-suggestion/
it's just too smooth to create the illusion that your blocking bullets. A better approach would be having EACH bullet blocked trigger it's own lightning fast blocking animation. Give each weapon 6 or so quick poses to jump to (you could probably take half of them from the current animation set) and have a random pose trigger for each bullet blocked.
13) Animations for Zephyr tilting, turning in midair.
You can control the flight in air, but she remains in a fixed orientation even when you're actively pushing buttons and flying other directions. This also ties to some movement problems. Roll after such flight can feel weird, it should follow a direction in which you were flying just before touching the ground.
14) Valkyr ripline could be better. Pulling enemies could result in valkyr taking few steps back, and grabbing to ceilings and floors seems weird since valkyr is flying in a horizontal position as if she pulled herself horizontally. Would be nice if body naturally flowed along the direction you're pulling to.
I also talked a little about the ripline behavior and trajectories on the part 2 thread.
15) Ash bladestorm needs polishing. There are still occasions when ash plays awkward old animations where he often stabs or hits empty air somewhere in the general area. Phobose made a full list of enemies with no animations assigned to them https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/250301-ashs-bladestorm-not-performing-animation-on-certain-targets/
Some enemies should probably be removed from the targeting (like rollers) and common types like moa should get some animations.
Fixes for weapons:
1) Staff ground finisher is weird, looks like it's not in sync with the damage. I think it's fixed.
2) Some melee weapon animations seem to be forced in place (with the animation itself containing steps forward). That leads to sliding legs which sometimes are weird.
The gif is outdated but it shows how much legs slide as you swing your melee weapon, which happens with some melee animations in melee 2.0
3) Stealth and finisher melee animations are very often out of sync with ragdolls and enemy locations.
Dagger seems to the best one, while others like scythe are quite horrible. It snaps you and your target into fixed position that is off where both of you originally been, then proceeds with animation which often ends with target standing straight up. Then it turns into ragdoll and falls right back again even though the final hit has been struck on the animation itself and it should have collapsed earlier.
4) Some tweaks to bow animations. Especially the painful looking twist when you aim and walk left. As seen in https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/161189-animations-regarding-bows/
If you have an arrow ready and pulled, and start sprinting (while still holding it) the string is pulled back but your warframe is holding it with only one hand.
if you're aiming down, the arrow and the bow will become very offset.  http://puu.sh/6eph5.jpg
AI and other animations
1) Enemy jump animations are terrible to say the least. Needs more immersive animations for infested crawling over walls, jumping. Corpus and grineer sliding down walls or something among these lines. In general the speed at which their move when jumping feels too linear and fast, the sudden speed comes out of nowhere and they jump distances larger than tenno.
Noticed a lot of improvements on all factions, better AI should improve it even more. (sometimes enemies climb/jump on strange locations or for no reason)
they run in a very generic way, not looking terrified at all. Need something like corpus capture target fleeing animation.
3) AI needs varied jogging animations. They often point their weapons at random spot while running to a destination, or sprint in unexpected directions while continuously shooting (or aiming) at a player and twisting on their torso unnaturally.
4) Bad web connection and probably many other things causes AI to have weird and twitchy animations. (mostly due to programming)
I've seen enemies slide their legs around when standing in place, rapidly switching in and out of various animations while not actually doing something meaningful (again AI issues). Animation programmers, can you pleas go into few regular public matches and take a look at AI animations? They are never good when not hosting, legs are always shaking, sliding, downed enemies are spinning, enemies jumping and rolling over obstacles are twitchy and teleporting all over their animation path.
Do you agree with these? Do you think this is worth their time? Do you also want to see a perfect game animation wise?


dayum, nice post

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--a. knockdowns

my absolute most hated animation in the game. this isnt because i hate getting knocked down, thats something that i believe is key to this game, as it is in Monster Hunter. you WILL get knocked down if youre hit hard enough. the problem i have with it is this: theres only 2 knockdown animations. this is my big "wtf, seriously?" strike with DEs animation department over anything else. either its flat on your back, or flat on your face. as much as i hate to say it, if this isnt improved, it will be seen as half-baked coding.

Just noticed something about knockdowns. My Excalibur is shooting, he gets knocked down, his rifle somehow ends up on his back, when he gets up he has to reach on his back and equip it again. A new animation could include the player's weapon falling on the ground next to them and having them pick it up on their way back in standing position.


Or not. Shouldn't frames have a better grip on their weapon or something?

Edited by Kethus
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just noticed something about knockdowns. My Excalibur is shooting, he gets knocked down, his rifle somehow ends up on his back, when he gets up he has to reach on his back and equip it again. A new animation could include the player's weapon falling on the ground next to them and having them pick it up on their way back in standing position.


Or not. Shouldn't frames have a better grip on their weapon or something?

i think when you get knocked down, you should have the option to stay on the ground and keep shooting. Understandable if we get knocked down from behind, we can't do that, but if we get knocked down from the front and land on our &#!, I don't wanna take five days to get up, I wanna keep shooting. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It's really, really pathetic that almost nothing from this topic has found its way into the game, fixes or otherwise.


I look at a game like Loadout and I see animations that outclass Warframe's by a country mile, which makes me very sad, very frustrated, and very annoyed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i  believe different warframes should have different animations

they already talked about having few different animation sets for different weigh groups. No words about that lately. Animations for EACH warframe would be too much work though and probably unnecessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

they already talked about having few different animation sets for different weigh groups. No words about that lately. Animations for EACH warframe would be too much work though and probably unnecessary.

It'd also make the game huuuuge, and could potentially be more trouble than it's worth because of all the errors that could occur with each individual one. Then imagine if they started selling those separately like the idle animations... "This animation with this specific situation with this one Warframe doesn't quite work perfectly" x10000000.

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First of all, Hello and thanx for such a nice game :)

I am new to the Warframe franchise (just started to play 2 days ago) and while I believe the game looks gorgeous, I think I have found something I really don't like. Forgive me for not having a Gif :( and forgive me if this has been mentioned somewhere else It is not my intention to be lazy... ok ok, it was my inteintion but It is not my intention to be annoying.


The jump animation (and the attack related to it when you press B button)

I feel as if I wasn't really jumping but instead as if I were floating. Maybe the animation is too slow ot the speed decreases too slowly as you reach the topmost part of your jump, but in my humble opinion it does not feel like a jump... or it feels like a jump in a low gravity scenario.


Related to this (as I mentioned) is the B attack. the fact that the attack triggers when you reach the topmost part of your jump is, what I consider, a huge disadvantage for the player and I believe it is also a bit weird too. It is a disadvantage because you want to hit the enemy right away, but you can't because you are in the air! I've experienced (in other games) that the landing attack triggers as soon as you tap the button, interrupting the jump animation and making you landing with the corresponding attack animation. That being said, maybe I feel it weird just because I'm used to other games (Darksiders and the dive attack in Sunset Overdrive comes to my mind)


I wonder if there is a development reason behind this, like "if we do it like that, nothing will stop you from spaming the attack through a level" but again, in my experience, others solve this with an approach that goes like this: The longer you press the jump button, the higher the jump AND the higher the jump, the stronger the attack. This way, if you want a strong atack, you have to jump all the way up! but if you just want to daze a little the enemies, you tap A+B in a quick succession.


... Damn, I think I am not talking about animations anymore. Sorry if this went offtopic.

I hope my opinion proves to be helpful and if something I wrote is confusing just let me know. English is not my primary language so more often than not, I write things the wrong way.






Yesterday I was playing one of the first missions where you activate a panel and have to deffend an area with a small lake and a device above the small lake, the enemy is trying to capture the same spot so they go touchy touchy with the same panel. Whenever I touched the panel again, my character held a weird position: His right arm was positioned as if he was holding a gun pointing up in rest position, but there was no gun... then, as soon as the animation for the panel stopped, the gun appeared out of the blue in my hand.

During this glitch, the gun was in my back and then it disappeared from my back and appeared in my hand. *snaps fingers* like that 

Edited by (XB1)Compiux
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How about throwing spells ( like shock and fireball) not only with hands? I mean when I carry a datamass and a gun...Its pretty impractical to Shock with a datamass in my hand . Im talking about head casting and kick casting (yeah yeah, like in "The Avatar" cartoon).  Just 3 more animations.  Same animation can be used on all frames.

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First of all, Hello and thanx for such a nice game :)

I am new to the Warframe franchise (just started to play 2 days ago) and while I believe the game looks gorgeous, I think I have found something I really don't like. Forgive me for not having a Gif :( and forgive me if this has been mentioned somewhere else It is not my intention to be lazy... ok ok, it was my inteintion but It is not my intention to be annoying.


The jump animation (and the attack related to it when you press B button)

I feel as if I wasn't really jumping but instead as if I were floating. Maybe the animation is too slow ot the speed decreases too slowly as you reach the topmost part of your jump, but in my humble opinion it does not feel like a jump... or it feels like a jump in a low gravity scenario.


Related to this (as I mentioned) is the B attack. the fact that the attack triggers when you reach the topmost part of your jump is, what I consider, a huge disadvantage for the player and I believe it is also a bit weird too. It is a disadvantage because you want to hit the enemy right away, but you can't because you are in the air! I've experienced (in other games) that the landing attack triggers as soon as you tap the button, interrupting the jump animation and making you landing with the corresponding attack animation. That being said, maybe I feel it weird just because I'm used to other games (Darksiders and the dive attack in Sunset Overdrive comes to my mind)


I wonder if there is a development reason behind this, like "if we do it like that, nothing will stop you from spaming the attack through a level" but again, in my experience, others solve this with an approach that goes like this: The longer you press the jump button, the higher the jump AND the higher the jump, the stronger the attack. This way, if you want a strong atack, you have to jump all the way up! but if you just want to daze a little the enemies, you tap A+B in a quick succession.


... Damn, I think I am not talking about animations anymore. Sorry if this went offtopic.

I hope my opinion proves to be helpful and if something I wrote is confusing just let me know. English is not my primary language so more often than not, I write things the wrong way.






Yesterday I was playing one of the first missions where you activate a panel and have to deffend an area with a small lake and a device above the small lake, the enemy is trying to capture the same spot so they go touchy touchy with the same panel. Whenever I touched the panel again, my character held a weird position: His right arm was positioned as if he was holding a gun pointing up in rest position, but there was no gun... then, as soon as the animation for the panel stopped, the gun appeared out of the blue in my hand.

During this glitch, the gun was in my back and then it disappeared from my back and appeared in my hand. *snaps fingers* like that 


Hmm I never had too much problems with jump animations. Slamming ground seems fast enough. Although I do have suggestions for it over on the parkour thread, you can go read that. I assume if they did a parkour update they would definitively make sure responsiveness is good.


How about throwing spells ( like shock and fireball) not only with hands? I mean when I carry a datamass and a gun...Its pretty impractical to Shock with a datamass in my hand . Im talking about head casting and kick casting (yeah yeah, like in "The Avatar" cartoon).  Just 3 more animations.  Same animation can be used on all frames.


.....uuuhhh no? That's a bit dumb for existing frames to start casting things with their head or feet. Way worse that just casting it with something in your hand. Also that's additional work for devs which are busy anyway.

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.....uuuhhh no? That's a bit dumb for existing frames to start casting things with their head or feet. Way worse that just casting it with something in your hand. Also that's additional work for devs which are busy anyway.


I actually support this.  Adds a lot of flavor to the game if Volt (for example) did a really fast roundhouse kick that fired a lightning bolt at an enemy when holding a datamass.


But yes.  I think DE should hold back on releasing more content and focus on fixing the current issues in the game first.  I know that the games massive popularity is generating immense momentum for them and their dev teams, but that can be as much of a bane as a boon.


Quality >>>>> Quantity.  DE needs to polish up their core mechanics and existing animations before releasing new stuff.

Edited by Kokurokoki
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  • 2 weeks later...

hey im back...Noticed one thing now that you havent "gif'd" . When crouched try pressing ADADAD. Seems like turning axis doesnt follow "center of mass".

I remember that but that's such a rare occasion that I can't imagine it being that important. Also it doesn't look that bad as some other animations.

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Any info if DE is actually implementing these ideas?

Cause its been more than a year and there is still no hard evidence that they indeed been working on this...

The more time it takes, the more harder it will be for them..


And they still constantly adding stuffs...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Having watched the video Aure mentioned in this thread (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/245184-indie-approach-to-procedural-animation-clever-ways-to-animate-and-how-this-relates-to-wf/) I was inspired to just fiddle around within warframe to test some of the animations and did run into many of the issues mentioned in the original post.


For example #3 sprung up whenever I tried to shoot from the hip whilst in midair, regardless of whether or not I was running. I would get the jarring animation shown in the GIF, but if I aimed down the sight I realized that there actually are a really nicely done set of animations for midair shooting. The issues is that they require you to be zooming in to trigger them, which makes aiming very awkward for the short  jumps typical of most indoor spaces in the game (Not to mention weapons that lack the zoom functionality). I also found that some of the mantling/vaulting animations can lead to you getting stuck on terrain with some of the odder bits of geometry than teleporting THROUGH the obstacles into a standing position, it's very awkward/jarring to say the least.

Edited by Basilisk1991
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