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Kuva Siphon/Flood does not register cloud destruction [Fixed]


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5 hours ago, Dr_Someone said:

I don't think host migration has anything to do with this. I play solo and I have these bugs too.

I've had games where even after a host migration the siphon is still bugged out.

Sometimes it spawns in without any braids at all, capturing the clouds does nothing.
Sometimes we can break a couple braidsthen for no reason it just stops counting progress and destroying braids on a cloud collection.

The game sometimes gives a visual cue too, a braid up in search of clouds coming close and staying up after you catch the cloud.

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In the past week I attempted two kuva siphon missions, one exterminate on Ceres the other on Mars Capture.  The Ceres Exterminate siphon loaded in without any braids, making it undefeatible, while the Kuva siphon on Mars loaded braids, but refused to lift to show the direction of where the said kuva was coming from.

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That's what it always looked like for me once it was in the bugged state. The braids stopped doing anything, but if the kuva reached the siphon, it'd still register against me. Destroying the kuva cloud would do nothing and the next would appear normally, but with the same bugged behavior from the siphon and the same results. 

It hasn't happened to me in my last few runs, though.

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I am also having this issue and wanted to add what info I have. It has happened 3 times to me:

>Infested Capture on Eris (Infested Corpus tileset) - kuva flood. 

>Corpus exterminate on Pluto (Corpus tileset obv.) - kuva siphon.

>Corpus Sabotage on Pluto (Corpus tileset again) - kuva siphon.


Something I'm noticing is it seems most screen shots I've seen are on Corpus tilesets or the infested version, is this a relevant link? Or coincidence? Or just not really true?

Edited by CruorBlossom
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Just experienced this issue on Naeglar (Eris) in Friends Only mission.
There had been 3 captured kuvas by the siphon - has anyone noticed if kuva clouds getting past you to actually be siphoned is a trigger for the bug?


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Aside from the currently known bug (The 4th Kuva cloud destroyed not registering), I just discovered another bug. Just started a Kuva Siphon spy mission, and the Kuva Siphon machine that spawned very close to my mission starting point had no braids by default. It didn't make any sounds when it spawned, had no UI, and had no waypoint indicating its location. Additionally, neither the Lotus nor the Grineer queen spoke when it spawned. It was just sitting there doing nothing, as if it didn't exist. I proceeded to do the mission (hoping it will work at some point) and finished the A vault. However, on my way to the B vault, the machine was activated. I was a bit more than 400m away from it when the Lotus announced its presence. Here is a screenshot of the braidless Kuva Siphon machine before it was activated.

Edit: After activation, it had its braids, showed UI, Grineer queen was blabbering as usual, but it did not attract any clouds. I waited for about 2 minutes but still nothing. I decided something might happen if I continue the mission. I headed to the B vault again and when I reached the point where the Kuva Siphon machine was activated, the text "Press 5 to use Transference" appeared on my screen (I missed the chance to take another screenshot). It was as if the game thought the machine was located there. I waited for a minute but no cloud sound was heard (probably because I'm too far away from the machine's actual location). I went to back to the machine, and clouds were still not spawning. However, I did notice something. All Kuva units went to the location where the machine was activated (400m away from the machine). This is a bit too complicated, but don't shoot the messenger.

Edited by Hai-chan
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I too have this issue. if you dash, it seems more likely to break from my experience. Still happens with shooting, but rarely. in a mission right now where its stuck at 4/4....


If the kuva clouds basically take like 5min to spawn in, just leave the match, the siphon will break. that seems consistent.

edit: If host leaves, then it gets fixed for everyone else. I didn't get kuva though, only a requiem relic???

Edited by CriticalOrange
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