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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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the spider frame

1) Web Bomb
throw a large (~15m) area of effect web that stuns instantly for ~1.5 seconds
then has a ~3 second slow after the enemy gets free of the stun
with 450 toxin damage over the abilities duration

2) Poison Fangs
gain ~10% melee lifesteal
any heals that would take you over you max health is instead done to the enemy as toxic damage over a ~5 seconds

3) hide and seek
very fast leap to enemy and do a melee heavy attack for 4x damage
or if you don't aim at an enemy go invisible for as long as you don't move and build up extra damage up to ~8x on first melee out of invisible  

4) Brood Mother
use exalted spider claws

enemies hit spawn 1 spider per ability they are affected by and enemies killed spawn 3 spiders

spiders do 5% of enemy health as damage and ~500 damage also enemies hit by spiders get a stack of brood

when an enemy with a stack of brood dies it spawns another spider and brood stacks to 3

(you could make the spiders her passive so then all of her abilities have different ways of making them)



1 web weaving spiders 
2 venomus spiders
3 jumping/trapdoor spiders
4 brood mother spiders


visual ideas

i see her having some spider webs in gaps in her heels legs and arms, some mini arms coming off her back and a spider badonkadonk like spiders have to make web, maybe also 2 long things of not hair going down her back towards it, and maybe some fangs
and what if the back arms grew out for the 4 and were part of the attacks
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I was just thinking about shapeshifting in Warframe, and I came up with this concept, I hope one day DE might design something similar.

First Ability:
Transform into a vicious hound for a limited time, you gain extra time and damage with each enemy you slay, and you shred armor with each attack.
Note: This ability can use Kubrow animation.

Second Ability:
Shifting health points to shields and vice versa.
Note: The health can not be lowered than 100 points, while the shield can reach 0, and you can't shift the bonus shield (purple shield).

Third Ability:
Transform a targeted enemy into your original shape, forcing the enemies to attack it.

Forth Ability:
Transform into a targeted enemy with buffed health and damage, you drain energy while the ability is active. You can fool your enemies to make them think you're on their side, and walk among them without alerting them, as long as they don't see you transform in front of them.
Note: You can't shape shift into big massive enemies and bosses.
You can also transform into another Warframe in your team, you can use the first 3 abilities that Warframe has, your 4th ability will deactivate the transformation along with the active abilities you possessed from that frame. 

Passive Ability:
During shapeshifting you can see enemies through walls and obstacles.

Duration mods affect 1st, 3rd and 4th abilities.
Strength mods affect 1st and 4th abilities.
Range mods affect 3rd ability.

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My idea would be for a space or "force" based warframe.

Someone capable of creating and manipulating fields to multiple effects such as enclosing enemies, creating platforms, creating walls, which would allow us to create our own Sniper vantage points, maximize the effect of launchers and area of effect status procs.

In my original Idea an ability to make a force hammer(or punch) was also a thing, and it would offer the ability to shatter the created space construct dealing slash damage by the shards of it, and drop our platforms squashing enemies beneath. Anyway I think there are a few more ways to use this theme including a Green Lantern-like version which is why I think it's a good Idea.

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A Cephalon can parasitism in a landing craft or a railjack just like Ordis and CY. So I think maybe a Cephalon can live in the warframe. He or She can use the ability just like Simaris and Suda does.He(She) has unparalleled computing power to hack into enemy systems. Maybe He(She) can also create a special space like sanctuary.

A tenno went to save a cephalon but failed and the tenno sacrifice himself to provided his warframe to let the cephalon in.



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Theme: Chimeric 

Summary: Focused around "Trait Replication". The potency of this warframe relies heavily on the variability of the allies around it, without taking over any of the roles held by other frames. The Chimera Warframe adapts to the ever-changing fight by temporarily replicating its fellow frames abilities (up to two), it does this by mutating itself from the available in-mission "trait pool". Once the preferred combination of traits have been acquired, likely after multiple attempts, it is able to to expend energy to prolong the mutation before genetically reverting back into the original version. The ability to conform and adjust to those around it is Its greatest strength, but it can also be its largest downfall. It is the epitome variability, of what makes Warframe so alluring to so many players, being able to combine different elements to make new, different, efficient, and/or FUN ways to accomplish the goals of killing the enemy and surviving everything they throw at you.

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How about a frame based off a dark knight or demon knight. 

It would be a tank frame with some form of self aggro or taunt and receive buffs based on the number of enemies attacking self. The frame would have an ability that heals itself when allies do damage and heals allies when it takes damage. It would have multiple small scale minions that assist it. The minions would also interact with its healing abilities but would be less effective than players. For example, 1 player would equal 4 minions in effectiveness when measuring healing ability.

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Maybe a dragon summoner warframe, which is based around summoning and directing a chinese dragon as the abilities.

While I know you aren't considering abilities at this time, being able to direct the dragon to blind in an aoe, having the dragon have changeable auras that buff allies or debuff enemies, and maybe even an ultimate that rides the dragon may all add to the theme. 

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Angelic Frame  

Support type with damage abilities

Ability 1 -  Angelic bolt, Shoots a bolt of light that bounces between enemies to deal damage,  or use on allies to heal them with angelic bolt bouncing between allies

Ability 2 - Rising Wings, Dash forwards with Wings dealing Slash damage to enemies or to provide allies with power strength buff

Ability 3 - Blinding Light, Mass Radial Blind that opens enemies to finishers and grants allies extra shields

Ability 4 - Angels Wrath, Summons Wings of pure light and sends for to inflict slash damage to all caught in its path

Passive - Guardians Wings, can float in air for short period of time and grants damage XX% reduction on landing for 10 seconds

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A 'Luck' frame. Since it's 7th anniversary, seven, lucky seven. it's ability should be based on luck all the time. Once, there was this guy who loves to gamble then eventually his gamble life was distorted by all these wars going on, so he decided take a gamble and make a frame which based around the theme luck. Lastly, i think we as a community could still going on was also somehow a kind of 'luck'

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On 2020-03-06 at 7:53 AM, [DE]Helen said:


We’re calling upon the Warframe community to create the next Warframe! You can stay up-to-date on the design phases in the official Community-Designed Warframe thread.

The theme is the foundation of every Warframe’s design. Over the years, we have seen countless fantastic ideas in the Fan Concepts subforum and across the Internet. That creativity is what we’ll need to breathe life into this Warframe! Share with us a Warframe theme you’d like to see inspire the next design.

How to submit:

In this thread, share a description of a Warframe theme that you would like to see in-game!

We aren’t considering Abilities during this design phase. First, it’s all about a strong theme! Expound your idea and make it the best it can be.


  • One submission per player.
  • Theme can’t be changed after it is submitted. You may edit your post to make small changes like fixing typos. "Reason for edit" will be reviewed.
  • If there are duplicate theme submissions, only the one that was first posted will be considered - we’ll be watching!
  • Theme idea must be original. Your submission can be from a post you made elsewhere as long as it’s your own!
  • Details like back stories might be altered by the Dev Team as needed to ensure consistency with Warframe’s overall design.
  • Concept art can be included in submissions but will not be considered in the final design or when selecting the final theme.
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread.
  • Only post submissions in this thread.
  • Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
  • Chosen submission becomes property of Digital Extremes.

We understand that we can’t avoid duplicate Warframe theme submissions, so please do your best to submit a theme that has yet to be presented, and we’ll do our best when sorting through to ensure there is a fair opportunity for all!

Selecting the Final Theme:

Call for submissions will close on Thursday, March 19 at 1:00pm ET.

After reviewing all theme submissions, the Warframe Team will choose a Top 10 to present to the Design Council!

The Design Council will then vote to determine the winning Warframe theme. Design Council voting will begin on Friday, March 20 at 1:00PM ET and run until Thursday, March 26 at 1:00PM ET.

After the Theme is Chosen:


Community artist, Eornheit will create the Warframe’s official design based on the chosen theme! Once the design is complete, we will make an open call to the community once again to design the Warframe’s Abilities. Follow each phase here!

The community-created Warframe’s name and final design will be revealed on Saturday, July 11th during the TennoCon 2020 Live Stream!


Let us hear your Warframe ideas, Tenno!

I think a smoky, spectral "symbiote" Warframe, (Think Carnage/Noob Saibot), gains power in shadowy areas of the map and can lifesteal with tendrils, enter and manually control NPCs while absorbing a certain amount of energy, and/or "infect" an NPCs with toxic "smoke" that makes that enemy seek out and infect other NPCs that pulse, swell and explode dealing (variable type and amount) damage after viciously melee attacking the last NPC (or group, based on mods?) that scored hits on the Frame. The color selected of the smoke can affect level/damage of "possession" attacks based on enemy type? 

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A friend and I were talking in game and we came up with the idea for a Sorceress frame, based on our mutual love of the idea of a warframe in a proper dress

Our idea didn't go much further than that, but I came up with the idea of a sorceress in a beautiful dress whose powers would all be based on the idea of a battle wizard or sorceress. Maybe changing the abilities on the fly like you can change wisp motes to change between fire/cold/lightning damage? I just think it'd be a really cool idea for a frame

Probably a lot of work though, but still I'd love to see a warframe in a proper full length dress, and if you go with a dress you gotta go with a mage theme 😛

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Also personally i want a warframe of the shadows, magic, and stealth (Have her be quick or something like that, maybe extra seconds to hacking, have an ability similar to volts haste, have an ability where he/she goes unnoticed and undetected but can only use silent weapons during this abilities use or have him/her self revealed, have no sway or anything when aiming and moving and longer bullet jump and glide times, have starting stats be 100 health, 150 shield, 15 armor, and 100 energy if we are getting specific).



P.S.- sorry for being specific those can be cast out, they don't really matter I really want do design an entire warframe idea/character now..... the suspense is killing me

P.S.S. Is there a platform where i can design my own warframe Ideas for fun or for events like this???


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Organic Defiler Kali
Orokin Era Warframe

Concept In-short: Close/Mid-Range Melee frame with high single target burst down and Support CC Focus

Passive - Kali draws the aggro of all enemies within 10 meters of allies whose total health & shields are lower than 50%

Ultimate - Focus on using her Arms to autonomously attack enemies in close range in her field of view. (Possibly stacking damage on a focused enemy when used with 1 ability?)


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Firstly, sorry if the idea is inappropriate / is posted before

Child Warframe (no name yet)

Theme: Mental Disorder(s), Childlike 
Role: Support

A child sized Warframe with split personality disorder, each split personality holds different mental disorders which have different strengths and effect when channeled by the Operator.


Simple Lore:


A child with various mental disorders but the child does not know as the disorders managed to somehow cancel each other out. He/She saw the Warframes battle the Sentients and in his/her naivety, begged Ballas to make him/her into a Warframe to fight the Sentients. Without saying anything, Ballas happily complies without telling him/her the truth behind the Warframes.




Passive: Curiosity
The closer you are to the damage source, the lesser damage you take up to (percentage)% reduction.


Ability 1: Mental Link
Dashes to target ally and establish a link that shares (this warframe)’s passive with the linked ally. Also grants overshield to allies in an AOE upon contact. Link breaks once over a certain distance.


Ability 2: Split
Press to cycle between the 4 types of mental disorders and hold to deploy to ally closest to cursor (last unused will be on yourself and has an AOE effect). Each type has a different effect. Only one of each type can be present on the field. If none is cast on allies, only the current selected type on the cycle will be in effect.

Depression: Slows nearby enemies.
Anxiety: Panics nearby enemy (with an individual CD for each enemy)
Hyperactive (ADHD): Increases movement speed, reload speed and melee speed.
Stress (PTSD): Impact DOT to nearby enemies.


Ability 3: Watch and Learn (Toggle)
The split disorder types copies the host’s actions (shooting & skill cast) but with % decreased of the effect. Energy drain dependant on each time an action is carried out.


Ability 4: (not decided yet)



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My Warframe Idea

*Know that I wouldn't mind too much if most of what I asked for was modified. I mostly really want a horrifying warframe followed with a horrifying codex mission, but then the creative writer in me took over and I wrote so much. Sorry.

I really hope both players and DE alike love my ideas!


Name of warframe:

*Undecided as of now (Maybe I should intrust this dicision with DE or other tennos)

Description of warframe:

Even though DE has made Harrow their Halloween themed warframe, all his abilities revolve around buffing his allies and de-buffing his enemies. My warframe is all about fear, terror and the supernatural. He/she will have a negative energy bar (or fear bar). It will works similarly to Gauss’s battery power, but instead of being fuel for abilities, it will be used to buff your abilities (can be stacked with mods like intensify). Just like how ghosts feed of fear and negative energy to get more powerful. Whenever the warframe gets downed, the fear bar would empty because the enemies would no longer fear something they defeated. The warframe's design should be related to the supernatural, but I trust that Eornheit can think of something really good. I just really want the warframe to be the scariest looking one to ever be in the game.

Backstory of warframe:

This was one of the first warframes ever made. But due to the fact that it was too good, it was tossed away and forgotten in a far corner of the void as trash. A very long time later, a space rift opened up in the void and sucked up the warframe, transporting it to a galaxy far away containing a bunch of supernatural beings. A really powerful supernatural being possessed the warframe and absorbed many other supernatural beings which altered the look and function of the warframe (the absorbed supernatural beings allow it to use it's abilities).

*Since are operator needs to control the warframe, are operator can either befriend the powerful supernatural being, like with excalibur umbra, or take control of the powerful supernatural being after it's weakened somehow.

Acquisition of warframe:

The blueprint should be obtained after a new codex mission. As for the parts and ressources for the parts, I fully leave it up to DE, maybe there could be a new "supernatural essence" ressource. The codex mission should start with are warframe getting sucked in another space rift, while you are investingating something unrelated to it, but the rift only brings are operator to the new galaxy. The operator would have to use void mode to dodge incoming supernatural attack and void beam for offense for a short period of time before another space rift opens and brings are operator back to the orokin galaxy. Upon returning, are operator explains what happened to Ordis and wants to investigate further. The rest of the codex mission is up to DE, but I would like it to be pretty lenghty and scary.

Ability theme of warframe:

His passive could be to slowly increase his fear bar overtime since the warframe itself looks so terrifying.

The abilities should have very creepy animations and sounds when casted.

 Since this is not the time to talk about abilities, I won't mention any specific abilities I would want, but one or two of the first three abilities should fill the fear bar and the fourth ability would be a large area clearer, like banshee's and ember's fourth ability, but with summoning supernatural beings to attack enemies. Also the fourth ability will drain the fear bar, getting stronger the more the fear bar was full prior to using the ability.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

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I personally would like a frame that is like Guts berserker armor from berserk. the more you sacrifice the more powerful you become and an arm cannon for funzies. abilities wise his one could be  megaman like charge a arm cannon that dose an explosive shot (would be cooler if the cannon was a exalted secondary basically a built in Kulstar). His 2 could be a max health drain the more you give the more power strength or damage you gain (say you have 1000hp you drain your max down to 500hp you gain 500% damage Vex armor like but more controllable)Maybe with a passive that you heal and gain a amor stack every thing you kill so as you go in a mission you can sacrifice more and more Hp as you get tanker and enemies get stranger to kill them quicker.  

It boils down to I want a frame that the more you sacrifice the more you gain with the Berseker armor look with a armor cannon cause explosions are fun and I am loving the blast backs instead of self harm...

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